Going Down a Dangerous Road
"That's my girl." Father smiles and hugs me. I hug him back, thinking about how my future with Riki is going to be like.
Tatashi's POV
A few days after we got kidnapped, I tried to go back to a normal life but those criminals forced me into picking someone to babysit me
'Hell no. I don't need anyone to look after me. I can manage myself.' I thought
"Fine.. I pick Boss." I exclaim without a second thought. After hearing my answer, Gabby smirks and says, "Going after the old men. Okay I see how it is."
"Oh, and you take a special liking to people way younger than you? I'll take note of that. Besides if I were to like Boss like that, it would mean the apocalypse and Sam, Dean, and Cas would have to show up." I make it clear.
"Though, you wouldn't mind it, would you?" Gabby asks, expecting an answer from me, and I reply by saying, "No, because they're sexy."
"What are you guys talking about?" Boss speaks up to both and me and Gabby. We then both answer at the same time, "Supernatural." Then Shara and Riki both walk into LRN.
Riki was walking side-by-side with Shara, who appears to have an annoyed look on her face, while she taps away on her phone.
"Well, someone's just in a cheerful mood, what's got you mad Shara?" I asked a bit sarcastically.
Third POV
Shara looked up from her phone.
"We just got back from our first meeting together and he kept calling me 'prude' or something along those lines."
"Oh, so you can't take teasing, you two are gonna have so much fun when you two are married; mostly Riki." Tatashi says as she looks at both of them smiling mischievously.
"Out with it Gabby." Tatashi said as she looked at her friend expecting her to say something about either Tatashi's comment or about what's going on.
"Out with what, Tatashi? I have no idea what you mean." Gabby figned her innocence.
"You've been very quiet, it's not like you say something." Shara persuaded her, which Gabby only smiled and continued reading her book 'Warriors'.
"So, what's been happening while I was away?" Shara asks, putting her phone back into her purse.
"Oh, nothing... Right Tatashi?" Gabby answers Shara, then looks at Tatashi for an answer, to which Tatashi replies by saying, "Yeah."
"Urgh... You guys are like... so lucky... I have the worst life... like... ever." Shara complains to both her friends.
"Why are we so lucky?" Gabby asks, expecting an answer.
"Well... Urgh... I'm already engaged to this idiot... I'm gonna be married soon... Hell, I'm still 19! I wanna get married when I'm 25 or something! Not 19..." Shara sighs, putting her hand up to her forehead.
"Well, life's hard. Isn't it sweetheart?" Riki says with a smirk on his face.
"Then why are you still alive?" Shara mutters under her breath, not wanting her fiance to hear her, or she'd have to deal with her angry dad.
"Hey, you guys aren't married yet, no calling her 'sweetheart' just yet. Alright, playboy?" Both Tatashi and Gabby say at the same time. They both looked at each other and laugh.
"While you two are having such a good time, Tatashi why don't you help out around the bar?" Boss asked as he held out a broom. Tatashi took the broom out of his hands and started sweeping grumbling to herself
"I may have picked you but I'm sure not your maid around here."
"Aww come on Shi-" Boss playfully smiled, only to get an annoyed expression from Tatashi's face.
"Don't call me that. It's Tatashi, not 'shi' Beardy." Tatashi growled in a mad tone, not liking her nickname.
"Only close friends of mine call me 'shi' got it?" Tatashi glares at Boss, who sighs then nod. He then goes to the back room of the bar.
"Oh, can I see your rings?" Gabby asks both Riki and Shara. Riki nods and Shara sighs, putting theirs hands out for Gabby to see.
"Wow..." Gabby starts, "It's really beautiful!"
"Uh... Thanks...?" Shara scratches the back of her neck, then she stretches her arms, before saying, "Okay... Uh... So what do we do now?"
"Well you guys just got back from a date to talk about the stuff, you tell us." Tatashi said sighing as kept she sweeping.
"Don't keep that face on Tatashi, it'll ruin your beauty." Hiro says as he looked at Tatashi, his eyes filled with desire.
"You should be a comedian Hiro. I'm anything but America's Next Top Model." Tatashi said; her voice practically dripping with sarcasm.
"He didn't say that Tatashi, and you really are pretty. I honestly think out of the three of us. Shara is Miss America." Gabby said with a nice smile on her face. Everyone stopped in their tracks at what Gabby had to say, even Takuto.
Gabby just gave them a face as if to say 'I can be nice to.' and went reading her book again.
"Miss America? Me? Oh, shucks! You're making me blush, Gabster~!" Shara covers her shame in her arms, not wanting anyone to see her blush.
"Is my wife blushing? C'mere, I'll hide your shame in my arms." Riki smirks, looking at Shara. Who then has a frown on her face, but still blushing.
"I'm not your wife!"
"We're just practicing for the future. The guys can call you Mrs. Yanase." Riki looks at the girls, smirking 'Who says I couldn't call my fiance my wife?' He thought.
"What a jerk..." Shara mutters, inwardly glaring at Riki.
"Miss America? Riki's fiance? The only thing she'd be the Miss of are the pigs. Miss Pig." Takuto rolls his eyes, making Shara rage in anger, "Urgh, what is wrong with you?! I didn't do anything to make you mad! Why do you always have to be so rude?!"
"Don't you know I'm human too~!" Tatashi continues the song to 'Rude' and starts dancing as if the song were playing.
Gabby heard Tatashi's comment and looked blankly at her. She then tells her, "No Tatashi, just no. That song is old."
"No it's still young, very popular last year around school."
"Get back to work." Boss ordered Tatashi and she snapped, she threw the broom down and raised her voice.
"Okay old man, I will not hit you because I have more respect than that. But you won't just be throwing out orders to me like I was some kind of servant. I think a bit more courtesy is supposed to be there." Tatashi stormed out of LRN and started sprinting to anywhere but LRN.
"OMG, seriously, Old Man? Tatashi isn't gonna come back here until you apologize. Go on. Find her and apologize." Shara orders, not taking 'no' for an answer.
"I can't. I have to clean the bar." Boss answers, but Shara then adds, "We'll do it. Just go ahead and get Tatashi."
"Okay then..." Boss walks out of the bar, leaving the guys, Gabby, and Shara alone. Shara looks at the people she's with and says, "Okay everyone, clean this bar. I'm just gonna sit there, listening to Revance's music. Bye."
"What? No fair! You said you'd help us!" Gabby complains, but Shara says, "When I said 'we', I didn't include myself. Now you guys go ahead and do the work. Go on...!"
"I'm not doing it." Riki walks closer to Shara, putting his arm around her waist, then saying, "I'm her fiance. I don't have to listen to every little thing she says."
"That doesn't mean you can't do anything I say! PLUS, KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF ME!!!" Shara yells and glares at Riki, who just ignores the last sentence.
"Shut up, you stupid couple!" Takuto yells at the engaged couple, but once again, Shara walks up to Takuto and yells at him, "Why are you so rude?! And... WE ARE NOT A COUPLE. HE'S JUST SOME IDIOT MY PARENTS WANTED ME TO MARRY. I DON'T LIKE HIM, AT ALL!"
"Okay, enough you two lovebirds." Gabby says, while giggling. This causes both Takuto and Shara to blush a dark shad of red and yell, "We're not in love!"
This causes the rest to laugh out loud.
Tatashi's POV
I ended up running to a park where I saw very little people and sat there on a bench, trying not to cry my tears out.
'I shouldn't have yelled at him it was dumb. I'm a dumbass for yelling at him. I wouldn't ever talk to my parents like that, so why did I do it to him? Stop belittling yourself like that Shi.'
A lot of thoughts processed through my head as I failed to keep my tears in. Some people gave me sad looks until I saw a shadow cast above me, I looked up to see that it was Boss.
"I don't really want to see you right now, and you shouldn't either... So why are you here?" I asked with tears in my eyes. Boss sat down next to me and hugged me.
"Tatashi, I'm sorry for doing that to you. Yes, I should've been a bit more courteous towards you and I wasn't. I'm very sorry, can you please forgive me?" Boss asked and I looked up with tear stained cheeks and nodded.
"And I'm sorry as well I don't treat others this way, especially my elders. I shouldn't have acted like that so carelessly. I'm sorry can you forgive as well?" I said in a soft tone, looking down at the grass that was growing.
"Let's go back to back to LRN, okay?" Boss asked and I nodded and stood up before I realized something.
"Wait a second Boss, you're here. Who's looking after LRN?" I asked hoping that he wouldn't say that Shara was watching it, only to have her hopes crushed by him saying:
"Shara said that she and the others will clean the bar."
I looked down in disappointment.
"Boss you trust too easily, Shara isn't too fond of the thought of dirt or working on something other than what she likes to do. The others are doing the work; not her."
"Well, then we should head back to LRN and have a small chat with Shara. That girl needs to work." Boss says as he stands up and I follow suit and they both start walking back to LRN.
Third Person POV
"Shara, you have got to be kidding me. Making the rest do the cleaning? You should've done the cleaning. Also, you were lying when you said 'we will do the cleaning'. Who's 'we' here?" Boss questions Shara.
"Well, 'we' includes everyone except me." Shara answers, tapping away on her phone. Then she adds, "I made everything look good!"
Gabby then walks up to Shara and says, "Shara, the only thing you wanted to look good was your face, not the bar. You spent the whole time listening to Revance's music, ordering us around, and putting on your make-up."
Gabby pauses then continues, "And how did you get obsessed with make-up? I remember you being a BIG tomboy when we were in both middle school and high school."
"Well... Whatever." Shara rolls her eyes and looks away.
"Hey Boss, don't you think that Shara and whoever else didn't help with the cleaning should do chores for one hour?" Tatashi suggests, with a not- so- innocent smile on her face.
"I think we should." Boss agreed.
"No, please don't make me do that! I'll do anything except that!" Shara begged, until Tatashi took a breath and told Boss that they should save that torture for next time.
"Okay, next time. You'll get off easy this time okay, Shara?" Boss asked with a sigh.
"So, you guys are letting her off the hook. Wow, you guys really are getting soft." Gabby says with a smirk on her face. "Well I'm going to get some fresh air. See ya'."
"I wanna go to the mall... Riki, you're paying. Make sure you have enough money. I want new dresses, a new phone because this one isn't working, new handbag, new hair accessories, new make-up accessories, and... yeah." Shara tells Riki.
"You're gonna have to deal with that grumpy cow, right Riki?" Takuto rolls in eyes in annoyance.
'Did he just call me grumpy cow?!' Shara thought, 'I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind!'
"Shara, chill out. Sure, I'll agree with you that he's a maldito chico, but that shouldn't be a reason to get mad." Tatashi tells Shara, trying to make her less mad.
"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!" Takuto yelled at Tatashi, who looked very calm as she responded:
"I called you a 'damn kid.' Why is there a problem with me calling you that Porky?"
"Tatashi, I wouldn't go that far as to be throwing out insults." Gabby said trying to set the air straight, without having World War 3.
"Well he deserves it, and he should've seen it coming". Tatashi told Gabby while still looking at Takuto.
Gabby whispers to Shara, "Other than Riki, who else do you think is cute?"
"Cute?" Shara whispers back, "I don't think Riki's cute at all! I don't think anyone's cute, too!"
"C'mon! I know you're hiding something..." Gabby tries persuading Shara to let out what she thinks. Shara sighs and whispers, "Fine... I think... Takuto's cute. I may not like him, but... I gotta admit that he's cute. But... not as cute as my Kota, dahling~!"
"I never knew you thought he was cute... What do you not like about him?" Gabby whispers back at Shara, who whispers back, "Well... he's rude, mean, mean, mean, mean, mean, and mean."
Tatashi then says out loud, "Guys, I have hearing like Superman. That's a lot of 'mean'. Are you sure you don't sweet, kind, and sweet again, Shara?" Tatashi asks, with a smile on her face as she looks at the two of her friends.
"I kinda agree with Tatashi, but..." Gabby then whispers to Shara and Tatashi. "Don't tell anyone this, but I like Kenshi."
"Kenshi? The guy who helped me get the duct tape off my mouth?" Shara questions, making sure what she heard was correct. Her friend then whispers back, saying, "Yes, Kenshi."
"Really? What'd you like about him?" Shara whispers back, smirking.
"Well, he's handsome, kind, muscular... and all those positive things about him." Gabby blushes as she says her list.
"Hey, what're you girls whispering about?" Riki asks from the corner. "Nothing." The three girls say at the same time.
"All we're talking about Riki is how annoyingly hideous you are. Nothing else." Tatashi looks at Riki and then turned back to her friends "Hey, wanna go to the skate park guys?" Tatashi asked to get Gabby looking at her with a face that says 'How do you plan to skate there?'
As if reading her face Tatashi says "It's this something called a store or we could go home and get a skateboard, Gabby."
"Oh, I didn't know there was something called a store." Gabby rolled her eyes with a smile.
"I'll come! It's been years since I've been skateboarding. I loved skateboarding back then and I still do! C'mon, let's go! Wait... can we go to a big store?"
"Why?" Tatashi asks, expecting an answer from Shara.
Shara answers by saying, "They have better skateboards. Dad says It's bad to skate on a bad skateboard. Usually, CEO dads would be like 'You're a lady, you can't skate.' But my dad was like 'okay',"
"I'll be coming. I'd love to see how my wife can skate." Riki smirks, causing Shara to say in annoyance, "I'm not your wife."
"We all can skate pretty good, but when get to the park I'm handing you the board. That's 'cause I'm gonna see how well you can skate. So sure you can follow us, just be prepared for that Yanase." Tatashi challenged him.
"Accepted Kitsune," Riki smirked.
"Urgh... Why does he have to come along? Wait... does that mean ALL of the guys are coming?" Shara asks Tatashi.
"That's up to the guys Shara. You guys wanna come and see Riki epicly fail at the skateboard?" Tatashi indirectly invite the rest of the guys while answering her friend's question.
'Please say no.. Say no...' Shara prays in her head. But the outcome was terrible:
"Sure." The guys accept Tatashi's invitation.
'No!' Shara screams inwardly
"Oh, here we are! I miss skateboarding!" Shara exclaims loudly once the guys and her friends reach the skateboarding park.
Gabby slightly whispers to Tatashi. "Um, I can't skateboard so, I'll be going to rollerblade somewhere, bye and have fun!"
Gabby leaves both the guys and her friends off to another side of the park. The guys watch her go and Kenshi asks no one in particular, "Where's Gabby going?"
"No where. She's just gonna be rollerblading." Tatash answers Kenshi's question, who then replies, "I'm going with her. I would love to see her rollerblading. I bet she's good."
"Yeah, she's super good a rollerblading, I tell you." Shara included.
"Thanks for telling me. Bye!" Kenshi runs off to see Gabby rollerblading while the rest look back at Tatashi.
Gabby's POV
I do a few twirls, trying not to lose my balance. Just then I notice Kenshi, looking at me. I immediately stop twirling and started to blush.
'OMG... He saw me doing that..! I wonder how he thinks of me doing that...?' I wonder, but still blushing a bright red.
Kenshi's POV
I finally caught up to Gabby to see her doing a few spins on her roller blades.
'Wow.. she's amazing at the roller blades.' I think to myself as I watch her gaze suddenly turn to me and it feels like my whole world is stopping.
I see her blushing and I quickly turn my head, slightly blushing as well.
'Maybe... I like her. No. I love her...' I thought to myself as I slowly brought my eyes to Gabby who is now as bright as a tomato, if not brighter.
I started walking to her and told her shyly "You... You did a good job on your rollerblades, Gabby."
Third POV
"It's game-on!" Shara announces as she pushes off very gently, as she places her feet on her skateboard. She gives the board another push and she began skating away like a pro.
She started to flex her ankles, shifting her weight to turn, this causes her other foot to help skate faster. She pops her board up in the air and jumps.
The rest of the guys watch her in amazement. She then drags her front foot forward, catching the board. She started a pop shove-it, and then a kick-flip.
"She's good..." Hiro mutters, looking at Shara.
Shara then started to grind on a very high rail. She starts with her tail on the coping and her foot just behind the bolts, but far enough back to balance.
Shara puts her front foot over the bolts, and slams the board down. She doesn't hesitate, or she will fall. It takes confidence and power.
She leans forward in this motion, her shoulders parallel to the board. There, she just hops off of her board. She then does a few lift-tricks. It's awesome, like pro!
"I know, I'm boss at this~!" Shara announces proudly.
~Mean Time Where Gabby And Kenshi Are~
"Th-thank you Kenshi. D-Did you need me for something?" Gabby questions Kenshi.
"Uh... No... I just... I just wanted to see y-you rollerblading..." Kenshi tries to not blush, but fails. Gabby notices this and thinks, 'H-He's cute...'
"Wanna get ice cream? It's pretty hot here, agreed." Gabby suggests, making Kenshi nod in agreement.
Tatashi gets on her skateboard and pushes off roughly because that's how she usually starts skating and starts doing a few tricks before falling down on her side causing her to bleed a bit from falling so hard. Gabby and Kenshi return in time to see Tatashi fall.
"Tatashi! Are you okay?!" Gabby panics as if it's the end of the world
"Gabby the world won't be ending tomorrow stop panicking. Just chill." Tatashi says as she looks at her friend with a small smile on her face secretly happy that she's acting like that over a small scrape on her.
"Here! I have a bandage!" Shara get out a bandage from her hand-bag and hands it to Tatashi, who takes the bandage from Shara's hand and peeling off the paper.
Then, she puts it on. She then gets up, saying, "Okay, I'm just gonna sit there for a while. Riki's turn. Can't wait to watch his epic failure."
"I know I can do it well." Riki rolls his eyes and grabs a skateboard, after getting on it, he began to skate away.
Shara also got on her skateboard, skating to where Riki was heading. Everything was going well, until...
"Look out!" Shara yells when she spotted Takuto walking in her direction. He stopped and stared widely at Shara, who didn't stop skating and crashed into Takuto.
Takuto began rolling on the ground, with Shara in his arms. Shara doesn't let go of Takuto, afraid to get herself and him hurt.
'Why am I worried about him..?!' She wondered, but that wasn't important!
She need both herself and Takuto not bruised up or anything. They finally stopped rolling down the ground.
But the position they were in was very uncomfortable for both of them. Takuto was on top of Shara, holding her tightly and with Shara under Takuto, holding him tightly back.
Both of them had their eyes closed tightly, not wanting to let go of each other. Not wanting each other to get hurt.
"Hm....are you two love birds ever going to let go." Gabby says with a smile that says I ship them.
"This looks like this is going to get interesting." Tatashi took out her phone to take a picture of Shara and Takuto.
"You guys look so cute together, don't you think so Riki?" At the mention of his name he turned his head around and ran into a railing sending him rolling off of the skateboard.
Tatashi dropped what was in her hand and started running to Riki.
'Shit! He could be hurt.. badly.' Tatashi thought when she finally got to him she picked up his upper half of his body and started touching his sides, arms, and legs to see if he was hurt.
Riki opened his eyes and saw Tatashi doing this and mentally smiled to himself as he picked his body up and held out a hand to Tatashi to help her up.
Tatashi accepted and asked him, "Are you okay, Riki? You still hurt?" He shook his head no and started off towards a bench to sit down a moment.
"Hey Tatashi thank you for helping me. I appreciate it."
"What are friends for, right. No problem. Why don't you just stay here and take a moment, alright?" Tatashi told him with a look of worry on her face.
"Urgh..." Shara groans, "Where am I...? Hey! Takuto! What are you doing, hugging me?!"
"What?! You're the one who crashed into me idiot!" Takuto yells at Shara, who wastes no time and yells back, "I told you to 'watch out'! You were to busy in your Lalaland!"
"Shut up you idio-Ah!" Takuto was interrupted when a skateboarder accidently crashed into them, making Takuto and Shara roll on the ground, again.
"Help!" Shara yells, but she felt something warm on her mouth. Takuto's lips were on hers.
'WHAT THE FUCK?!' Shara shouted inwardly.
They stopped rolling down an the position they are in now was much worse than it was just now.
Takuto was once again on top of Shara, with his lips still on hers. But worst part about it was that both the guys and girls were watching them.
Meanwhile back with Tatashi and Riki...
They kept talking a while when Tatashi turned her head a for a moment to see the position Takuto and Shara were in.
That just made her laugh a bit, making Riki also turn his head around to see the same sight Tatashi was seeing and he snickered.
"I... We should solve this before things get worse." Tatashi suggests as she starts to walk away.
'She's / He's really fun to talk to. I just wish that we could be more than friends, but I've / he's got a fiance.' both of them had the same thought.
Tatashi got over to Takuto and her friend Shara.
"Hey if you love birds are done with your make out session, the rest of us have better things to get to. Not that we mind a free show, but that would just be embarrassing for all of us." Tatashi says as she looks down on them.
Gabby giggled as she took Takuto off Shara and says, "You two must really have a thing for each other."
"W-What?! I-I don't have a thing for him...! I don't like him! He stole my kiss! My first kiss! I wanted to save it for the man I loved... But I couldn't... 'cause I have to marry Mr. Yanase. Urgh... that bubble-headed bimbo!" Shara frowns.
"I didn't steal your first kiss. It just... happened." Takuto throws a comeback at Shara, who then says, "Urgh! I hate you!! Oh, yes... Tatashi what time is it?"
"Um... 4:30PM." Tatashi gives Shara the time and Shara says, "4:30? Okay. Riki, 15 more minutes." Riki nods as he helps Shara up.
"Hey Riki, do you think I can talk to you a moment?" Tatashi asks blushing.
"Sure, let's go over somewhere more private, alright?"
They went over to a nearby tree and Tatashi looked around before taking a deep breath and saying:
"Riki, I know you have a fiance that obviously doesn't like you and I'm sure you've heard better than this but.. I like you, a lot. You probably don't feel the same about me, but that's alright with me. I just wanted to get how I feel about you out of the way." Tatashi says. looking him in the face before looking down.
She thinks that he won't accept her feelings, but she was wrong.
"Tatashi, your confession was perfect. I know that. I like you a lot too. Hey, don't look down I want to see that beautiful face you have, Tatashi." Riki said with a compassionate smile on his face as he takes his hand and lifts her face up,
Riki leans down, softly kisses Tatashi and she blushed a darker shade of red.
Shara's POV
I still can't believe Takuto kissed me. Oh, that freak! And I still can't believe I have to get married to Riki. I don't like him, at all.
After Riki helps me up, Tatashi wanted to talk to him privately, and so they went somewhere to talk. I wonder what they're talkin' about...
Meh, that's not important. But when Takuto kissed me... I felt butterflies I couldn't control... I felt like I was being lifted up into the sky...
It's like... this incredible feeling... It felt so... comfortable, warm-feeling... and perfect... Do.. Do I like him? No way! I hate that guy!
I look over at Hiro's watch and say, "Oh shit! It's 4:30PM!!! Riki. come out, come out, wherever you are! We have to get going!"
After a few seconds, I hear Riki yelling back, "Yeah, I'm coming!" Riki immediately started running towards me with Tatashi following suit. Riki then tells everyone, "We have to get going somewhere. C'mon Shara!"
Riki grabs me by my hand and we began running towards a phone booth. I picked up the telephone and typed in a number.
"Dad? Can you get the vehicle? We have another meeting, correct?"
"Ah, yes, Shara. Where are you?"
"Uh... Tokyo's Skateboarding Park."
"I'll send the car over in a few minutes."
"Thanks, Dad."
I put down the phone and look at Riki. He looks at me back and says, "What did he say?"
"He said he'll send the car over in a few minutes."
"Oh, okay."
"Miss, we're heading to Mr. Hollister's Yacht." The driver tells me once I got in the limo with Riki. Both Riki and I nod as the wheels sped away.
"Sorry we're late, father." I apologize immediately once I reached the meeting room in the yacht. The meeting room was filled with man business men.
Father sighs and says, "It's okay. Now, I want to make a few changes and a few announcements."
Both me and Riki sat on a sofa because all the chairs were taken and Father continued to speak, "As you all know my daughter, Shara, is currently engaged to Riki Yanase, son of the high class politician, Mr. Yanase. But..."
Then Father continues, "Shara, my diamond, I want you to break your engagement with Riki. I know you will be surprised, but it is for business purposes. I would like you to meet new suitors. Riki's father, now, has agreed to this decision. Understand, Shara? Riki?"
"Yes, Father."
"Yes, Mr. Hollister."
"But... Both me and Riki's father agreed to have you both married if Shara here couldn't find a suitable groom. That still means both of you are engaged. Do you understand, flower?"
"Yes, Father."
"Guys. I feel this bad energy floating around... Anyone else feel that way?" Tatashi sat on her skateboard after Shara and Riki left.
"No, I don't feel that way and you don't usually act like this Tatashi, what did you and Riki talk about when you guys were alone?" Gabby asks and Tatashi looks down.
"I told him that I liked him and he felt the same way... Gabby, that moment to me was perfection wrapped with a bow and sparkles..." Tatashi explained. Gabby laughed because she never describes things like that, that way.
"Well, we shouldn't sit around and talk about our feelings. This is a skate park. Let's skate~!" Tatashi gets a new form of energy and grabs her skateboard.
"Hiro, why don't you give it a shot?" Tatashi hands her skateboard to Hiro.
Gabby's POV
While they were talking I asked Kenshi, "Can we still get that ice cream?" Kenshi then nodded his head 'yes' then we left without telling the others.
They got to an ice cream stand and both asked for Vanilla Ice Cream.
"I... I think it's funny how we both like the same flavor Ice Cream, right Kenshi?" Gabby asked, Kenshi nodded with a smile.
"Hey Gabby, can I tell you something?" Kenshi asked blushing.
"S- sure." I answered, stuttering anticipating about what he was going to say, the next sentence then had me blushing.
"Gabby, I... like you" Kenshi confessed as he turns his head squeezing his eyes shut as if predicting a bad response but it never came.
"I feel the same way about you Kenshi." Gabby kissed him on the cheek , still blushing.
Shara and Riki got back to see that Hiro was on the skateboard; Tatashi and the others except Gabby and Kenshi cheering him on.
"YAY! Good job, Hiro!" Tatashi cheered. Hiro, after riding on the skateboard for a few minutes, got off the skateboard and handed Tatashi her skateboard back.
"Well today was eventful, you guys wanna.. Just head back?" Tatashi asked as she was looking around to see that both Gabby and Kenshi were missing and that Shara and Riki finally got back.
"Hey welcome back, you guys. Anyone else see where Gabby and Kenshi ran off to?" Still looking around Tatashi questioned before getting up to search them out.
Tatashi finally found them on a bench eating Ice Cream in silence.
"Okay, I don't exactly know what went on here, and I most likely don't wanna know. Anyway we're about to head off." Tatashi looked at them before walking off.
"Okay." Gabby Kenshi said in unison.
"Worst life in the world..." Shara mutters, looking down at the grass, making Gabby ask, "Pardon? You said something, Shara?"
"Nothing." Was all Shara said until she started getting dizzy. She puts her hands on Riki's shoulders to support her feet but...
"Shara!" Riki holds Shara, preventing her from falling to the ground. The rest of the guys and girls surround Shara, with a worried looks on their faces...
There, her eyes closed... bringing Shara into a world of darkness.
"No... Hospital... can... doctors.... Dizzy..." Was all Shara heard before going off into a deep, deep, sleep.
Once we get Shara to a doctor, all of us end up waiting outside the room, waiting for the news.
"Hey Kenshi, do you think she will be okay?" Gabby asked with a worried expression.
Kenshi shook his head and told her "I don't know, Gabby. Hopefully though."
Tatashi just sat there, very quiet, all you could hear from her was her quiet breaths.
"This shouldn't have happened, Gabby. Please tell me I'll wake up from this." Tatashi started to cry knowing that her best friend was now in the hospital.
The beads of water started falling down one after another, without a sign of stopping. Tatashi hits the wall and tried to scream, but her voice was melted.
The muffled sobs wracked against her chest. The world turned into a blur, and so did all the sounds. Everything felt... gone...
"Shi, don't cry..." Gabby hugs her crying friend, who hugs back, "Gabby... *sniff, sniff* I can't stop! Our friend *sniff, sniff* is here, at the hospital! I can't *sniff, sniff* stop crying Gabby! She's like... a family to us!"
"Excuse me... Are you family members of Ms. Hollister?" A man in a doctor's coat asked Riki, who replies by saying, "No... But I'm her fiance. Can I know what's happening to her?"
"Ah, yes, sir. Ms. Hollister has been drinking a lot of alcohol lately. This has caused her blood pressure to increase extremely high. We've never seen blood pressure increase this high..."
"What..." Riki mutters, the looks at the doctor. "She is now in Room 234. You may visit her, but please do not wake her up."
"Okay. Gang, let's go and see Shara." Riki announces as he got in the elevator.
Tatashi followed Riki into the hospital room, slowly getting over crying. When she saw her friend on the hospital bed, she walked a little closer.
"Shara.. It shouldn't have happened. I'm sorry." Tatashi looked down on her friend who she considers a sister.
Tatashi looked at the others and looked away, "I'm going into the hallway. . I don't want to cry again, and if she wakes up it's the last thing I want her to see."
"Ok, I'll get you when she wakes up." Gabby says to Tatashi.
"Alright." Tatashi walked out and into the hallway.
Nowhere is the chronic underfunding more evident than in the hallways. They are for the most part crammed with patients on trolleys, some tended by strained relatives and some alone.
Each of them lies on their back, strapped in- eyes toward the naked fluorescent tubes that flicker as though they are on their last legs.
In the brief gaps between these unfortunates who cannot afford the exorbitant private fees, the pale blue walls are deeply scored by the metal framed trolleys, the drywall showing though like white scars.
The cheap prints on the walls are insipid, so lacking in vibrancy that they appear sun-bleached in this windowless strip.
The confined space magnifies the groans and wails to no avail, the nurses have seen it all before and are immune, hardened by repeat exposure and overwork.
~~Back in the hospital room with the Black Foxes, Shara, and Gabby~~
'I hope she wakes up soon we are all getting worried about her, was that a twitch? She's probably going to wake soon...' Gabby thought to herself as she noticed Shara move a little bit.
She looked at the others to see if they had seen her move as well.
They had all seen her move, but did nothing of it thinking that she was having a dream. In return they just looked at Gabby with a smile.
After calming down a bit Tatashi walked into the hospital room to join everyone else. There hadn't been any talk, at least from what she knew.
"Gabby," Tatashi spoke quietly, trying to not wake Shara up, "You're unusually quiet... Too quiet. Say something..." Tatashi looked to her friend for her to talk."
"Something." Gabby spoke in a sarcastic manner, she may be super quiet, but even she still has a sense of humor.
Tatashi laughed a little bit at her joke and then looked at Gabby with an attempted funny face.
"Daddy..." Shara mumbles in her sleep. The rest have their eyes widened and they get closer to Shara.
She then continues to mumble, "Daddy... Tatashi... Gabby... Tatashi... Gabster... Tatashi..."
"What is she saying?" Kenshi asks his lover, Gabby, and she replies, "She's mumbling about our names; Tatashi's, Shara's dad, and me..."
"Why?" He asks and Gabby answers him, "I don't know..."
"Gabby... TATASHI!" Shara wakes up from her deep sleep, sweat pouring from her face, and her fast panting.
"Shara, calm down..!" Gabby pushes Shara back onto the hospital bed, and Shara asks, "W-Where am I...?"
"Shara, you just got dizzy all of a sudden, you wouldn't wake up, and so we brought you to the hospital."
"Well, I woke up. Now let's get outta here!" Shra tries getting up from the bed, but Gabby pushes her back down and says, "Calm down... We just need the nes from the doctor- Oh! There he is!"
"Oh Ms. Hollister, you're awake! Good... If you don't mind, we'll have to extend your time here to one more day just to see how you're holding up. Alright?" The doctor asked
Shara shook her head and refused to stay any longer which surprised the others.
Once the doctor left, Tatashi looked at her friend with a look of surprise confusion.
"Shara when you were asleep, did you have a premonition... About us?" Tatashi asked, when she was younger she used to have the same thing.
Tatashi looked at Gabby because out of the three friends, Gabby could relate in a way.
Gabby did the same thing, only with a look of fear in her eyes.
"Tatashi... I saw... b-blood." Shara answers Tatashi's question. Tatashi then says, "W-What...?"
"As the life fluid drained out of me... in it's garish red, m-my skin took on the pallor of a corpse. My stomach... felt sick and then one by one I lost control of my limbs until finally my head slumped..."
Shara takes a deep breath and continues:
"I could still hear, but I couldn't control my body. Then, like a ghost, I slipped into a coma with death not far away... With that... I saw you... Gabby.... I saw you two leaving me..."
Shara starts crying, but continues:
"That's when I saw blood... people destroying you... I try to save you... but I couldn't move... I saw my friends... no- my family... die in front of my eyes... Tatashi... It felt real. It felt SO real... I felt... tears running down my cheeks... I felt you no more... I felt you no more..."
Shara says finally, "This strong feeling told my heart that something's about to happen... I don't know what it was... But I don't want it to happen... Tatashi... Gabby... It was somehow linked with my father... I don't know why... What is this? Gabby... Tatashi...?"
"Shara it's a premonition.. I guess you could say a look into the future. Shara I'd never do that to you and trust me. This young body isn't dying anytime soon. As to why you couldn't move.. Could be a multiple of different things so I can't tell you that part. Seriously Shara, I'd never even dream of abandoning family. I need to know this though, were we here at the hospital?" Tatashi asked with growing concern.
Shara nodded her head.
"That's why we need you to get out of here. Like... Now." Shara started standing up.
"Okay, I've got nothing on it." Tatashi suddenly picked Shara up bridal-style.
"Let's go guys.. You all heard her and what's to be isn't exactly picture perfect. I'm taking her to LRN... Riki, I'm using your room. It reeks of men and tsunderes in the other rooms upstairs."
Tatashi started walking off towards the front of the hospital.
"Who do you think you are going around telling people this and while carrying her?" Takuto demanded, Tatashi only turned around and plainly answered him:
"I think I'm Tatashi Kitsune and what I'm doing is carrying her. She's super light and can barely stand by herself so I'm taking her to LRN."
Tatashi turned back around started walking away, again. She looked at her now deemed out loud friend and said.
"I'm sorry about that. Would you rather Riki's room or the bunk beds where the others sometimes sleep?" Tatashi asked.
"Uh.. Well... Which room is.. Uh... y'know... cleaner? Doesn't reek? Y'know... somewhere with air conditioning...? All that...?"
"Well that would be Riki's room. I'd actually thought that you'd have a problem with me carrying you like this. I guess not."
"No... I don't have a problem with you carrying me... but... Riki's room? Urgh... Well... but... I don't like him... at all... But... He has the clean room! I'll take the clean room!" Shara announces.
WIth that, the gang get out of the hospital, taking Shara to LRN. Everything seemed okay until...BOOM!
"W-What was that?!" Shara hold on tightly to Tatashi. "A... bomb..." Hiro answers her question and says, "Why would there be a... Shara's premonition..."
"How does..."
"Oh, my gosh..."
"What the-"
The gang started muttering about the bomb. They were about 10 miles away from the hospital, but they could hear the booming explosion from a far.
A rising ball of blackened orange-red flame baking the startled air. The windows shook so violently that many people started screaming. Car alarms wailed chaotically...
"Oh, Lord..." Shara mutters. They could also hear gun firing, people screaming, and also those chaotic things...
'Shara's premonition...' Tatashi thought as she looked at her friend, who had her eyes filled with fright.
"Shara I'm gonna have to run fast, if the wind bothers you, hide your face anyway possible." Tatashi starts running with Shara in her arms.
"Boss, I need to know is there a bomb shelter in Tokyo?!" Tatashi yelled loud enough for him to hear but quiet enough so she wouldn't hurt Shara's ears.
"There's a basement to LRN in the case of this. We can use that!" Boss yelled back.
"Too dangerous out here let's go!" Riki yelled.
The gang started running faster to LRN, with no sign of stopping. They have to get there... quick!
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