Chapter 01
He loves pancakes.
But then again, he loves pretty much every food his mother makes.
He loves food, especially sweet or spicy ones. Except for anything that has celery in it. He hates celery with a burning passion. Good thing he has never encountered of celery-flavored pancakes.
"Don't put too much chocolate spread on it, young man."
He pretends not to hear his mother but does what he is told, putting down the spreader and picking up a fork to slice the pancake on his plate. One. Two. Three. As he stuffs his mouth with three bite-sized slices of his hot, fluffy food, Poll hums in satisfaction. Nothing can set him in a good mood as a sweet breakfast does.
"Seriously, I have never seen anyone who loves sweets as much as you do, Apollo."
"Mom," he whines in his naturally raspy voice, chocolate-covered pancake still in his mouth. Despite being twenty years old and five feet eight inches tall, he often behaves like a little child to his mother. That is only because he knows the older woman doesn't usually mind him acting like a baby boy. "Don't call me by my real name. Even that jerk Eujae calls me that. Who told him to call me Apollo?"
Those are the other two things he dislikes.
Next to celery, he doesn't like being called by his full name. He honestly can never understand what was running through his parents' minds when they decided to name him Apollo Helios. While he does like the meaning behind the name, it doesn't make it sound any less strange to him. As much as he hates it though, there are times he can be forgiving about it, particularly to people he's newly acquainted with and those who don't know that certain pet peeve of him.
On the other hand, he doesn't have the same tolerance for the ones who call him Apollo to deliberately piss him off. For example, that guy.
Eujae Nigel Castillo. Even hearing his name is enough to ruin Poll's day. He adores people, don't get him wrong. He prides himself on being known as the friendly kid in their neighborhood. He loves making friends as much as he loves eating, but Eujae Castillo is a different story. Somehow, the guy has managed to become an exception. For Poll, that person is like the celery to his food.
"That's your name, isn't it?" a feminine voice, which certainly isn't his mother's, chimes in, bringing Poll back to the conversation.
Across him, a young woman his age is peering at him through her wire-rimmed glasses, her eyebrow raised inquisitively. Normally, people would find that look intimidating but all Poll can see every time he stares at her is a slightly altered reflection of him. The same dark brown eyes and black hair, only hers is longer and a bit wavier. She also has a softer feature, but other than that, they look almost the same. Given they are twins, Tem is like a female version of Poll, and vice versa.
Not a bit unnerved, Poll stares back at his twin sister. "I hate it," he deadpans, referring to his real name. Without noticing the glower that his mother has thrown in his direction, he continues eating his breakfast.
"Apollo Helios Torres!"
Poll winces, not because his mother sounds mad as he is pretty sure the older woman is feigning upset. It is just that he is not happy with the mention of his full name.
"You, ungrateful child." Mrs. Torres mocks glare as she brushes off the fact that her son is starting to sulk. "I gave you that name."
At his mother's last statement, Poll rolls his eyes. As if he doesn't know that. And as if the knowledge will make him feel better about having a bizarre name. "I love you, Mom," he says matter-of-factly. "But I still hate it. Who names their son Apollo Helios anyway? What? Do you think you and Dad were Hera and Zeus?"
A giggle stops the mother and son from arguing. Simultaneously, they turn their attention to Tem who seems to be having a good time watching them. She takes a sip of her black coffee before putting down her cup with a grace that her brother will never have. If there is one trait that separates them as twins, it is that Poll lacks the finesse that Tem has. Though, the male twin would often argue that it is only because he is more free-spirited than his sister.
"I'm pretty sure Artemis and Apollo's mother was Leto, not Hera," Tem points out, "Also Selene and Helios have different parents."
Poll frowns upon hearing the random Greek mythology trivia that an average person would honestly not care to know. Who gives a damn about some old deity and his many children with his multiple wives? Certainly, not Poll. He only became curious about it once because he wanted to know the origin of his name. And whether the original Apollo's mother was Hera or Leto or whomever woman Zeus had fornicated with is not the point. The point is neither of his parents was named after some gods or goddesses—his parents' names are August and Amelia, thank you very much—so Poll wonders why they thought it was a good idea to give their children rather unique names.
Before Poll can let out some snide remarks about his sister being a smart ass, their mother beats him to saying something and steers the conversation back to him. "Tem has no complaint about her name, so why do you?" she asks, sounding genuinely curious.
Oh, so now they're talking. Come to think of it, in his twenty years, this may be the first time his mother asked why he is not satisfied with his name.
Poll takes the last bite of his pancake, and then drinks his hot chocolate before answering his mother, "At least Artemis Selene is acceptable because it sounds like a real name."
"Apollo Helios sounds fine too." It is his twin sister who gives him the assurance.
Unconvinced, he reasons out, "You're only saying that because you're not the one suffering for having that name."
At this point, the older woman has silently excused herself, slipping out of the dining area and into the kitchen. Too busy with their little argument, the twins fail to notice their mother leaving the room.
"Oh c'mon, Poll." There is a hint of frustration in Tem's voice. "Perhaps you're the only one who thinks that way. Perhaps, those people who call you Apollo think it's a nice name."
Poll gives his sister a strange look. "Like whom?" he asks, dubious. "Like that jerk Eujae?" As an afterthought, he glances to his side to check if his mother notices that one insult word he used to describe a certain person, as Poll knows the older woman doesn't like it when her children are calling other people names. Lucky for him, his mother is not there anymore.
The behavior doesn't escape the female twin. "In case you don't notice, you've been calling Eujae jerk since earlier, and Mom's probably too used to it by now to call you out even if she heard it. Maybe she thought it was hopeless to tell you to stop your obsession with Eujae."
"What the hell? I am not obsessed with him!"
"Oh, you're not?" Tem challenges. "I don't know, Poll. You've been bringing him up at every little chance you have. What gives? Do you miss him?"
Thankfully, Poll is not drinking his hot chocolate at the moment, or else he would have sputtered it out. He would not have minded spewing it on his sister's pretty face though if that would get her to shut up.
"Why would I?" He is starting to get really irritated. He does not even want to see that guy's face and here is his sister suggesting he misses him. Sometimes he wonders whose side she's on.
Tem said before that she is not on either's side. She is just acting as their peacemaker. After all, Poll is her beloved twin brother and Eujae is a close friend of hers.
Tem and Eujae have been classmates in Business Administration for almost three years. They have known each other since their first day at University. Poll has also known that guy since then. Of course, he can never forget as it was the same day he started hating that jerk because of an incident that involved paints, a broken tablet, and arguing in the hallway. It was a hate-at-first-sight.
Ironically, it was because of that very incident that Tem and Eujae started talking to each other in class, and eventually brought them closer. They are so close that, if not for the fact that Tem is already dating her high school sweetheart, people could have mistaken Tem and Eujae as a couple.
Or maybe they are close because they have the same stuck-up attitude, Poll thinks while glaring at his sister. He loves Tem alright. He doesn't really think she's as terrible as Eujae, but there are times when her acting like an older sister and scolding Poll can annoy the hell out of the latter.
Before their bickering gets serious, their mother enters the dining room again. Oblivious to her children having a heated conversation, she announces, "I am going to the grocery store today, do you want me to drop you off at school?"
Tem stands up first. "It's fine, Mom. Cloud will be picking us up today," she answers as she walks to the living room to get her stuff.
Poll empties his cup before following Tem. As soon as he picks up his bag from the couch, he rummages through it and pulls out his phone. Unlocking it, he can't help but grin when he sees there is a message in one of his game applications. He knows only one person who will message him through that app.
From: Gaele
Good morning, sleepyhead. It's Monday.
The simple greeting and teasing is enough to make Poll's morning better. Still grinning, he types his reply.
To: Gaele
I know sherlock, i hve been awake for a while and ready for school
Poll shoves the phone in the pocket of his black jeans when he doesn't immediately get a reply. His friend is probably busy getting ready for school too so he has not read his message yet.
He flings his backpack over one shoulder and turns for the door, gasping in surprise when he is met by his sister staring very closely at him. "What the hell are you doing, Tem?"
"Did you get yourself a girlfriend, Poll?" Tem asks back.
Poll looks at his twin like she has gone crazy. "What?"
"Or a boyfriend?"
Now he understands why his sister assumes he swings both ways since he has gushed over Ash Lynx and Vanitas before, saying how pretty they are. But those are 2D anime characters. He loves pretty anime characters or just anime in general, especially those with pretty visuals. For an art student and anime lover like him, admiring beautifully designed characters is normal.
But it seems like his sister thinks his admiration for 2D characters is the same as his admiration for real people. To be honest, he has not seen anyone in real life who is as beautiful as those fictional characters. As far as physical appearance is concerned, Poll has never been truly attracted to any girl, let alone a guy.
"Who is that person you were texting while you were grinning like an idiot this early in the morning then?"
"It's just a friend," Poll answers, hoping Tem will buy it.
It is not like he is lying. Gaele is really a friend. To be more exact, an online friend.
He doesn't really know Gaele in person. They only met in an RPG game over four months ago. They got closer during one of the quests wherein they learned how compatible they are as teammates. From then on, they started talking with each other online.
Unfortunately, Poll learned that Gaele is not that much of a gamer. Unlike him who plays on his phone or computer almost every day, Gaele games only once in a while. When Poll expressed that he was sad about it because he liked talking to Gaele, the latter promised he could keep going online if it's only for chatting. He said he also enjoyed having some conversations with Ten-Ten.
Ten2 is Poll's username in the game and he is pretty sure "Gaele" is a pseudonym too. Aside from the information they revealed when they were asking for each other's age, like their birthdays and the fact they are both in their third year of college, they know squat about each other's personal data. They never really talked about it. It is like they have a silent agreement to not cross the line of their online friendship.
Poll doesn't mind though. Even if he doesn't know anything about Gaele, he still feels comfortable talking to him. When it comes to Gaele, Poll can open up about stuff that he usually doesn't have the guts to tell even to his friends. He can also rant to his online friend about the things that put him in a bad mood or about that particular person whom he finds annoying.
Although they have not met personally, Poll can tell that he and Gaele have the potential to become best friends in real life. Well, Poll has the potential to become best friends with anyone. Except if it is someone like that asshole Eujae. Thankfully, Gaele doesn't sound anywhere near like that jackass.
It sometimes makes Poll wish that Gaele is his schoolmate instead of Eujae. His college life would have been a lot better that way.
"Just a friend, huh?"
Poll breaks out of his reverie and turns to his sister who is now looking at him suspiciously. He can't blame her for not believing that he was texting a friend since Tem knows almost every single one he's close with. Not to mention, they are in the same circle of friends.
Nonetheless, he can't admit that it's an online friend because he has this feeling his sister would just assume he is involved in some shady dating sites.
Luckily, the sound of a car saves Poll from answering Tem.
"Your darling is here. Shouldn't we get going?"
Tem scowls, obviously dissatisfied, and then walks out of their house to meet her boyfriend.
Poll starts to follow her but stops when he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulls it out to read the new message.
From: Gaele
Oh? Good luck with your studies then, li'l Ten-Ten.
With a smile, he replies, 'back at ya casanova,' before running to catch up to his sister.
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