Chapter 17

Rae's POV

My brother led Smee and I below deck. I followed behind my brother with Mr. Smee behind me still carrying those maps. I smiled slightly as we entered through a door and into a small hallway. There were many rooms on the left side and the right side.

My curiosity brought me to a random room as I followed out of line with Mr. Smee and my brother and opened one of the doors to see a guest bedroom. I smiled slightly seeing how cozy and warm it welcomed me.

" You may pick any room to sleep in. " , Killian said kindly.

" Thanks, slug. " , I said.

Without any distractions, I followed Killian deeper into the small hallway as he opened a large wooden door. When I walked in, I gasped in awe. The dark brown wood covered most of the room with furniture and flooring. There was a large desk on the side with a black chair and next to it was a large table. There were multiple shelves stacked with map after map and contained little figures and chest.

Two small windows gave the room some lightning. Melted candles scattered everywhere. There were feathers and ink on the desk and other little things. It was a beautiful and elegant room.

I squealed in excitement before I sat on the black chair and started to spin myself around. I pushed myself and laughed as the chair wheeled its way wherever I wanted it to go. I kept moving everywhere until a boot stepped on one the legs of the chairs preventing me from moving.

I looked up to see familiar blue eyes.

" You need to calm down, pig. " , Killian said sternly.

" Yes captain. " , I chuckled nervously.

He nodded before lightly pushing my chair back in place behind his desk.

" Smee, put out the maps. " , Killian ordered while ruffling my hair.

Mr. Smee immediately laid out the maps on the large table by slowly unrolling them carefully. He used some blocks to keep the map from rolling back on its own and grabbed a feather and ink pad before pulling out magnifying glasses. Once he was finished, he closed the door.

Killian walked towards the large table and used his hook to scratch his beard as he glanced at the maps. I slowly scooted my chair towards the table and propped my eblows on the table.

" Tell me. " , Killian demanded.

" Well Captain Hook, Ireland is quite far from where we are. The country is placed in the real world next to the United Kingdom. We would have to sail through the Atlantic Ocean to reach Ireland. " , Smee informed him.

" Ireland is next to England? " , I asked in disbelief.

" Yes it is. " , Mr. Smee confirmed.

" That's cool. " , I whispered to myself.

Killian patted my head.

" I believe that we need to get out of this dimension and head towards the real world. " , Killian stated.

" Agreed, but how would we do that? " , Mr. Smee asked. " We already left Neverland. "

" All we need is pixie dust. " , my brother shrugged.

" Oh. Of course, I knew that. " , Mr. Smee chuckled.

" Pig. Can you get me pixie dust? It's on the bottom shelf. " , Killin asked of me.

I nodded and got out of my chair before going towards the shelf. I bent my knees and examined through the shelf, before grabbing a jar that labeled pixie dust. I skipped happily and gave it to my brother.

" Thank you pig. " , Killian smiled

I nodded my head before sitting back down in the chair.

" I must say captain, you are a genius. " , Mr. Smee nodded.

" I know. That's why I'm captain. " , Killian retorted before placing the pixie dust jar on his desk.

I nudged his shoulder and shook my head at him. Killian sighed before dismissing Mr. Smee with a wave of his hook. The short man bowed his head before leaving the room as he locked the door.

" Why are you so mean to your pirate crew? " , I asked with crossed arms.

" I call it discipline. " , Killian patted my head.

" At least you and Peter have something in common. " , I muttered.

" Don't say his name. " , Killian said sternly.

" Peter? " , I questioned.

" Don't. " , Killian spat out.

" Why do you hate Peter so much? " , I asked before rolling my eyes.

" Because that bloody demon is nothing but trouble. " , Killin retorted. " A bloody teenager who thinks the world is wrapped around his finger. He is psych. "

" He isn't a bloody demon once you get to know him. " , I sighed.

" Rae, he lied to you. He had a plan to get rid of me me. I mean despite you giving him a chance of love, he still finds a way to go behind your back to his evil ways. " , Killian said.

" He is a villian. " , I murmured.

" So am I but I have mortals. Pan isn't human. " , he pointed out.

" He is human. " , I mumbled.

" Just leave it at that, Rae. You are free from that bloody demon and that bloody island. It's time to move on. " , Killian said firmly.

I frowned before slowly nodding my head.

Then I felt two arms wrap around my waist and I buried my face into my brother's chest. The scent of leather hitting my nose.

" It will take time to heal. " , Killian whispered. " Until then, you have me who loves you and a crew who adores you. And when we go back to Ireland, everything will fall into place. "

" Okay. " , I mumbled.

" Just stick around and at least enjoy the journey on your first pirate adventure. " , Killian ruffled my hair.

" I will. " , I smiled slightly at him.

" Now would you like to help me sprinkle some of this pixie dust over the ship? " , Killian asked.

" Wait...we are flying? " , I asked in disbelief.

" Duh. We need to cross another dimension. " , Killian chuckled.

My eyes widened and I started to play with my hands nervously.

" Pig, what's wrong? " , Killian asked concerned.

" I-I'm afraid of h-heights. " , I slightly shuttered.

" Oh. " , Killian murmured before scratching his beard. " Well you can stay in a room until we land. "

" I don't want to be alone. " , I frowned.

" I don't know what else to tell you. " , Killian sighed before ruffling my hair again.

Oh how I wish Peter was here.

A/N: Awe poor Rae 😕 Hopefully things get better 💕
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