"My head is currently a
horrible place to be...."
Jin: keep your guns with you
They all nodded taking out their guns and running towards the kitchen.
Their eyes widen seeing the scene in the kitchen
Jungkook: what the-
He said seeing Yeonjun treating y/n's wound as she sat on the ground.
Namjoon: w-what happened here!?
Taehyun: we wanted to scare y/n but looks like she thought we are some strangers and all this happened
Jin: are you ok, princess?
He said as he crouched down to her level.
She nodded.
Y/n: just hurts a little
Jin: you should be careful
TXT: we are sry
Y/n: it's ok guys.
Jimin: guys, you shouldn't have done this. Mochi, was already scared after what all happened yesterday
Kai: that are you-*cut off*
Hobi: wait- were you the ones who did that yesterday?
Soobin: what do you mean, hyung?
Yoongi: he means were you the ones outside y/n's window yesterday. Was it one of your stupid pranks again?
Beomgyu: what are you- *cut off*
Namjoon: don't tell me you did that
Yeonjun: ya! Let us speek
Jungkook: oh sry. You may speak.
Taehyun: we don't even know what you guys are talking about? What happened here?
Jin: are you sure you don't know anything
All five of them shook their heads.
Namjoon sighed and told them the incident that happened yesterday. They were beyond shock hearing that.
Kai: you mean someone was outside y/n's window at night?
They nodded.
Soobin: even in such a big security mansion?
Jimin: unfortunately, yes.
Beomgyu: we are sry y/n. We didn't knew all this or we wouldn't have done this kind of prank
Y/n: it's ok, oppa. Things happen
She said as she tried to get up.
Yeonjun : let me help..
He helped her get up.
Tae: can you walk, bear?
Y/n: i don't know..
She said as she tried to walk.
Y/n: it hurts a little but I'll manage
Hobi: you sure?
She nodded.
Jin: I'll tell the maids to clean this up
He said and walked out.
Jimin: you want one of us to help you walk up to your room?
Y/n: Aniyo, oppa it's fine. I said I am ok. I'll go
She also walked away.
Time skip
After Dinner.....
Y/n was in her room scrolling through her phone.
That's when she heard a knock
Y/n: come in..
Kai: hey sis
He walked inside with Taehyun
Y/n: oh, Kai, Taehyun you both here?
She said while keeping her phone away and sitting up straight.
Taehyun: how's your leg?
He asked sitting on the bed with Kai
Y/n: i already told you. It doesn't hurt much
Kai: still we are sry for what we did
Y/n: it's fine Kai.
Kai: btw noona- *cut off*
Y/n: nonna again~
She whined
Y/n: you were calling me y/n just some time ago
Taehyun: it's fun to call you noona
Y/n: it makes me feel old
Kai: you are
Y/n: ya!
Kai: then us..
He added and both the boys bursted out laughing.
Y/n: i won't talk to you guys
She posted looking away. They both chuckled.
Taehyun: ok ok sry. We won't
He gave her a small side hug.
Yeonjun: Kai, Taehyun let's go. It's time..
Kai: right we forgot. We came to say bye to you
Y/n: bye? Where are you guys going?
She asked confused.
Beomgyu: home
Y/n: what do you mean home?
Soobin: we are going to our house
Y/n: Aniya~
She whined.
Y/n: you guys can stay here
Kai: we would love to stay here but we got so e important things to be taken care off
She pouted.
Y/n: you'll come to meet me?
Yeonjun: is that even a question. Ofc we'll come, sisy
She smiled.
Y/n: bye guys
TXT: bye
They all went away.
Y/n was in the living room watching TV with Jungkook
Jungkook yawned.
Jungkook: i am going to sleep, bunny. What about you?
Y/n: I'll go in sometime
Jungkook nodded
Jungkook: good night then
He got up.
Y/n: good night kook..
He went away. Y/n yawned as she saw him go upstairs. Her eyes became heavy and she drifted off to sleep.
After sometime..
"Angel, wake up!"
Someone shook her.
She slowly opened her eyes to see Namjoon.
Y/n: oppa?
She sat up on the sofa rubbing her eyes.
Y/n: you need smth, oppa?
Namjoon: why are you sleeping here huh? Go in your room and sleep
Y/n: oppa you go and sleep I'll sleep here only
She said in a sleepy voice.
Namjoon: why?
Y/n: just because...
She hesitated. Namjoon sat beside her.
Namjoon: what's wrong, Angel hmm?
He asked her softly.
Y/n: i..i..
Namjoon: are you scared to sleep in your room hmm?
She nodded.
Y/n: after whatever happened yesterday i-i don't feel safe sleeping in my room
Namjoon: you should have told us, Angel..
Y/n: oppa, you can go and sleep. I'll sleep here only
Namjoon: no you aren't sleeping here
He said as he got up.
Namjoon: come on get up
Y/n: wae? I don't want to sleep in my room
Namjoon: you don't have to. Come sleep with me in my room
Y/n: your room?
He nodded.
Namjoon: I'll be with you over there so you won't be scared. Come..
Y/n: are you ok with that? You won't feel uncomfortable?
Namjoon: what are you talking, Angel. You are my dear little sister why would I feel uncomfortable with you huh!? Come now let's go
He held her hand taking her upstairs to his room.
Namjoon: now sleep..
He said as he closed the curtains of the room. She layed down and he layed down beside her.
Y/n: good night, oppa
Namjoon: good night, Angel
He kissed her forehead as she closed her eyes.
Soon she drifted off to sleep again.
Namjoon (in mind): she's feeling unsafe in her own room. This should stop. We need to do smth quick..
Next day..
Namjoon: Angel, wake up
Y/n: oppa~ just five minutes more pls~
She said in a sleepy voice snuggling her face in the blanket.
Namjoon: I am going to take a bath. Get up before I come ok
Y/n: hmm..
She said again went off to sleep.
After 10 mins..
Namjoon sighed coming out of the bathroom.
Namjoon: Angel, i told you to get up right?
She didn't move. He went and took off the blanket for her.
Y/n: oppa~
She whined.
Namjoon: come on get up or you gonna be late for university and-
He stopped when he saw the bandaid on her leg.
Namjoon: i forgot your are hurt. You can stay home if you want and rest hmm?
Y/n: Aniya I'll get bored anyways
She said sitting up straight on the bed and rubbing her eyes.
Namjoon: you sure you can go?
Y/n: hmm I can. Moreover Jimin oppa, tae oppa and jungkook will be there so I'll tell them if i need smth
Namjoon nodded.
Namjoon: get ready then
He kissed her forehead. She smiled with her eyes still half open.
Namjoon: I'll be downstairs for breakfast be there soon
Y/n: nee
He smiled and went out. Y/n went to her room and got ready to go to the university.
After she was done she went downstairs. She went in the dining room.
Y/n: good morning everyone
BTS: good morning, sis
Y/n: good morning, Yeontan
She patted his head who was busy eating his food.
He barked looking at her.
Tae: he said good morning to you
She smiled and sat down.
Hobi: why are you wearing a skirt today?
Y/n: what do you mean, oppa?
Hobi: i mean you usually wear hoodies and jeans so it's a bit different this time
Y/n: actually i wore hoodies to cover all the marks on my body but now most of the marks are gone so i tried changing my style a little. Is it not good?
Jin: you look beautiful, princess
She smiled
Jin: but not more handsome than me ok?
She chuckled.
Y/n: ofc, oppa
Yoongi: let's eat now shall we?
They all nodded and started eating.
2 boys walked into the University looking handsome af. All girls were drooling over them but they had a cold face caring less about what people think about them.
Girl 1: they are so handsome..
She said as she continued staring at them.
Girl 2: i can't agree more. Are they new?
Girl 1: looks like that. That bitch y/n took our oppas so now God gave us two more
She drooled.
Girl 2: but wait- aren't they going towards y/n only?
She said when she saw the boys walking towards the maknae line.
Girl 1: don't tell me she knows them too
Girl 2: she's always stealing boys from us.
(Just say that you have ugly faces bitches)
??1: guess who?
One of the boy said covering y/n's eyes. The three maknae boys looked back and smiled.
Y/n: i don't know
??2: come on you need to guess
Y/n: hint?
??1: umm.....you know us very well
Y/n: really?
She started thinking who it might be.
Y/n: i give up
She said as she held the boy's hand removing it from her eyes she turned around and saw Kai and Taehyun.
Y/n: you guys!? How!?
Taehyun: we'll be attending your university from now on
Y/n: really!?
Kai: yes. Namjoon hyung said that we need to increase your security after whatever happened so inorder to protect you we are here!
Tae: and we'll also get time to spend together
(Let me make this clear that when i write 'tae' it's for Taehyung and when I wrote Taehyun it's Taehyun ok?)
Y/n: yaasssss!!!!!!!!!!
She jumped in excitement. They chuckled.
Jimin: now let's go to our class.
They all started walking towards their lockers.
Y/n: you know what..
They all looked at her
Y/n: you guys stay away from me
Jungkook: why? What did we do?
Y/n: can't you see all the girl lookin- no glaring at me
All five of them looked around to see all the girls looking at y/n.
Kai: they are looking at you because you are beautiful that's all
Y/n: thank you for the compliment but they are looking at me because- *cut off*
Tae: because you are walking with 5 good looking bad boys of the university
Y/n: bingo! Exactly!
They chuckled.
Taehyun: don't worry, sis. We are here to protect you
He said as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
Y/n: yeah yeah whatever. Let's go now.
They all walked towards their respective classes. Y/n had a class with Jimin and Kai so she was with them.
They went to their class and sat down.
T: looks like we have a new student here. Pls introduce yourself
Kai got up and went to the teacher.
Kai: myself Kai and yeah don't you dare talk to me
He said and went back to his seat.
Y/n: that was rude
Kai: i know but it's a better way to make people stay away from me
Y/n: i guess i should also learn then. Then people won't trouble me
Jimin: do whatever you want, Mochi but being rude to someone is not smth you can do
Y/n: you mean i can't be rude to anyone?
Jimin: exactly
She pouted.
Kai: you are too cute to be rude, sis
Y/n: i guess you are right
She said agreeing with them.
Lunch break...
Jimin, Taehyun, Jungkook, Kai and Taehyun were in the cafeteria waiting for y/n to come.
In the last class before the break she had class with Jungkook. She told him to go ahead she had to go to the washroom.
That's when the door of the cafeteria opened harshly revealing a boy from the university.
Everyone looked at him as he was sweating badly and panting as if he ran around the whole university.
Boy: the..the university
He took a breath and shouted.
Everyone: WHAT!!!?
That's when someone came from behind wearing a full back outfit and mask. He pointed his gun on the boy.
Man: if anyone moves even and inch. I'll shoot
Everyone stood there frozen. Jungkook was about to remove his gun but jimin stopped him.
Jimin: there are students here they might get hurt. Don't
Jungkook nodded keeping his gun back.
That's when another man came dragging a girl with him. Their eyes widen.
Tae: y/n?
To be continued............... ◉‿◉
Suspense heheh 😉😏
So i will want to say smth. Do read.
Comments guys? You guys don't comment. That's smth that motivates me to write. So pls comment as much as you can.
Luv you all..
And one more thing...
Happy Holi ! 🎊
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