
"You can't fool your own heart,
no matter how many lies you tell....."


Y/n: oppa come on~ just two bites are left

She whined to her brother who wasn't finishing his food.

Yoongi: doll, I am already full. I can't eat more.

Y/n: oppa i won't talk to you if you don't eat this

She glared.

Yoongi: you won't be able to do that

Y/n: try me.

Soobin: hyung she's Jungkook's twin she can be super stubborn like him. Decide wisely

He shrugged.

Yoongi: ok ok fine I'll finish

She smiled and Fred him the last two bites.

Yoongi: yucks this thing sucks

He said as he quickly drank a sip of water.

Y/n: the who told you to faint and hurt yourself huh!?

Yoongi: stop acting like my elder sister. I am the elder here

He tried to change the topic.

Y/n: don't use the elder card on me it won't work

She said as she walked out of him room. Soobin chuckled who was sitting in the room with them.

Soobin: your sister suits you

Yoongi: didn't knew she could be so dangerous

Soobin agreed.

Soobin: btw I hope you both aren't having any problem living in our Mansion

Yoongi: no but there is one problem

Soobin: and that is?

Yoongi: you guys

Soobin: ya! Hyung why do you hate is so much huh!?

Yoongi chuckled.

Yoongi: btw I hope you guys are taking care of doll's security as she strictly told me not to do any work

Soobin nodded.

Soobin: Yeonjun hyung himself is taking care of it as he denies to trust the other four of us

Yoongi: i agree with Yeonjun.

Soobin: yeah yeah.

He rolled his eyes. That's when y/n came in the room.

Y/n: your medicine

She gave him a glass of water and his medicines. Yoongi took it and gulped them down.

Soobin: I'll go out I have some work

Y/n: ok, oppa

He went out.

Yoongi: how many days do i have to stay indoors. I am tired, doll

He complained.

Y/n: let's go out for sometime, shall we?

Yoongi: ye- *cut off*

He was cut off when his phone rang.

Yoongi: your tae oppa

He showed her his home screen. She took the phone and picked up the call and put in on speaker.


Tae: hyung-

Y/n: Tae oppaaa!!!

Tae: bear? How are you sisy?

Y/n: good. What about you all?

Tae: we are good too. How's Yoongi hyung? Is he feeling better?

Yoongi: I am fine, tae

Tae: oh the phone's on speaker. Anyways, when are you guys coming back?

Yoongi: tom- *cut off*

Y/n: day after tomorrow, oppa

Tae: oh I'll tell Jin hyung about it then

Yoongi: what are you- *cut off*

Y/n: oppa we'll talk to you later. Yoongi oppa needs to have his medicine

Tae: yeah sure bye

Y/n: bye oppa

Call ended

Yoongi: why did you lie? We are going back tomorrow then why did you say day after tomorrow

Y/n: because i want to surprise them. That's why

Yoongi: then you should have told me earlier

Y/n: leave it shall we go out for sometime as it's our last day here.

Yoongi: ok let's go

Y/n: I'll go get ready. You also get changed

Yoongi nodded. Y/n smiled and went out.


Yoongi: are they coming too?

He asked y/n coming downstairs as he saw TXT all ready to go

Kai: hence proved, Yoongi hyung hates us

Yoongi: i don't hate you guys. You all are just to noisy and irritating nothing else

Y/n: ya, oppa that's rude

Taehyun: don't worry, nonna. We have a habit of his rude replies

Y/n: ya don't call me nonna. It sounds like i am too old

Kai: but you are elder than us so nonna

Y/n: only by few months

Yoongi: don't worry doll they are just doing it to tease you

Yeonjun: yes they love teasing everyone. Ignore them

He whispered the last past to y/n. She giggled.

Y/n: so shall we go

Everyone nodded.

(Their clothes 👇)





Beomgyu: so where are we going?

Yeonjun: I don't know. Y/n planed everything so I have no idea

Everyone looked at y/n.

Y/n: just somewhere

She shrugged

Taehyun: oh come on. Tell us

Y/n: nope

The sighed.

She stubborn...

They know it.

TXT: woah!! Amazing!!!!!!!

Yoongi: where did you find this place, doll?

Y/n: i found it on Google so i thought why no visit as it's nearby.

Kai: let's chill for sometime the

Everyone agreed


Everyone was chilling near the waterfall when y/n's phone rang. She smiled and picked it up.


Y/n: how have you been, Hana unnie?

Hana: i am fine. What about you? Its been a while since we last talked

Y/n: i thought you forgot about me

Hana: how can I y/n? So where are you?

Y/n: US

Hana: US? Why?

Y/n: you know a bomb blast happened in our university-

Hana: what!!!? Are you-*cut off*

Y/n: i am fine, unnie don't worry

Hana: so why are you in US? Vaccination?

Y/n: no i lost my hearing ability so came here for the treatment

Hana: so are you ok now?

Y/n: yeah I am. I'll come to meet you tomorrow ok?

Hana: yeah sure.

Y/n: bye unnie. Talk to you later

Hana: bye

Call ended

Yeonjun: who was it?

Y/n: Hana unnie

Yoongi: the owner of that cafe?

She nodded.

Kai: what cafe?

Y/n: I used to work at a cafe before so she is the owner.

TXT nodded.

Yoongi: btw you guys are coming with us, right?

Yeonjun shook his head.

Beomgyu: maybe not

Y/n: why, oppa?

Soobin: we got some left over works to do. We'll came maybe after completing them.

Yoongi and y/n nodded.

Taehyun: nonna get up.

Y/n: why?

Taehyun: i want a pic with you

He held her shoulder to make her get up but she hissed.

Taehyun: i-i am sry. Did i hurt you?

Yoongi: does it still pain?

He asked knowing the reason

She nodded.

Y/n: a little bit

Yoongi clenched his fist.

Taehyun: i am- *cut off*

Y/n: it's not because of you Taehyun

Beomgyu: then?

Yoongi: her adoptive parents used to abuse her so she still has those scars

TXT: what!?!!!?

She nodded.

Y/n: but don't worry. It's better now

They all nodded, nevertheless


The next day.

In Korea....

Y/n: shhh don't let them i am here

She told the bodyguard outside the Kim mansion who just bowed to her and Yoongi.

The bodyguard nodded. Yoongi chuckled at her childish side and walked behind her as with her sack on his shoulder.

She creeped inside the living room and saw all six of them. It's a Sunday so they don't have work. All were watching TV.

Y/n: oppa!!!!!!

Y/n went to them and jumped on Hobi form behind. He got startled by the sudden bag hug.

Hobi: sunshine?

He looked back.

Y/n: yep it's me!

Jungkook: bunny!!!!!!!!!!!

He ran to her hugging her tight as he lifted her up into the air.

Y/n: I'll fall kook. Put me down.!!

He kept her down and again hugged her.

She hugged him back.

Tae: ya! Let us also hug our sister Jungkook

Jungkook: no~

Y/n: ya! That's not fair

She pushed him away. She went and hugged each one of them.

Jimin: Yoongi hyung!

He ran to him to hug him. Yoongi back off

Yoongi: no hugs!

He warned.

Y/n: oppa don't be stubborn. Let them also hug you. After all we met after 46 days

Namjoon: you counted it?

Y/n: yeah cuz I missed all of you

Jin: how are you feeling, Yoongi?

Yoongi: better

Y/n: cuz I took care of him.

Hobi: you did a great job

He ruffled her hair. She chuckled.

Tae: but didn't you say you'll come tomorrow?

Yoongi: that was a small lie. Doll wanted to surprise you so she told you that we'll come tomorrow

Y/n nodded

Y/n: btw Namjoon oppa you are the leader of your mafia group right?

Namjoon nodded with confusion on his face

Y/n: Then can i request you smth?

Namjoon: hope you don't want me to kill someone

He joked

Namjoon: but  i don't mind doing that either

He laughed followed by others.

Namjoon: so what do you want me to do?

Y/n: wait

She walked towards him and told him to bent down a little as he is  for her. He did as she told. She whispered smth in his ears

Namjoon: nice idea but you should tell Jin hyung about it cuz i don't think i can do anything here. He has a upper hand in this

Y/n: you can't do it?

Namjoon: nope you can ask Jin hyung he surely won't deny you

Jungkook: what are you both talking about?

Y/n: nothing.

She turned towards Jin

Y/n: Jin oppa...

She went towards him, He raised an eyebrow. She told him to bend down and he did. She whispered smth into his ears as well

Jin nodded.

Jin: nice idea princess i agree with you

Hobi: what are you both talking about?? Tell us too

Jin: so Y/n has a request and it is mandatory for all of us to follow ok?

Everyone nodded still being confused of what he means

Jin: so princess wants that Yoongi won't do any mafia work for the next two weeks

Yoongi: WHAT!??

Jungkook: why is that hyung?

Y/n: because oppa doesn't take care of his health when he works so as a punishment i have decided that He won't do any mafia work

Jimin: nice idea, mochi

Yoongi: Ya!! Doll, why are you doing this to me huh!?

Y/n: i just told you oppa it's your punishment

Yoongi: but- *cut off*

Jin: no buts that's final and if we caught you doing any mafia work then your punishment will be increased

Yoongi sighed

Yoongi: fine but what am i going to do all day? It might be boring

Y/n: who said that you can't work

Yoongi: what do you mean?

Y/n: i said you are restricted from doing mafia work but can work in the company right?

Yoongi: really?

She nodded

Y/n: but i have a few conditions?

Hobi: what conditions, sunshine?

Y/n: you'll be home before 9 at night and if i get to know you skipped a meal then...

She  glared making him gulp

Yoongi; ok ok I'll follow your conditions as long as i don't get bored

Jungkook: woah!! Hard to believe that Yoongi hyung is actually scared of someone

He teased

Yoongi: shut up, dumbass!

Y/n: and yeah this rule is applicable to all of you ok? If you guys get hurt or overwork yourselves due to your works then I won't spare you guys. Is that clear?

BTS: yes ma'am!!!

They gave her a dramatic salute, making her chuckle at their behaviour.

Y/n: now Jin oppa give me food made by your hands. I am hungry~

She whined

Tae: she got some insane duality

He whispered to Jimin and Jungkook as they nodded

Namjoon: our sister after all 

He whispered to them as he heard them. 

Jin: then you both should go and get freshen up, you must be tired

He said to Yoongi and Y/n as they nodded. They both went to their rooms and others got back to their respective works


Y/n walked downstairs after she took a bath cuz she was tired after the long flight.

She went to the dining room and sat down with everyone.

Y/n: oppa, did you all miss me?

Hobi: is that a question. Like ofc we missed you, sunshine

Y/n: just asking

She shrugged.

Jungkook: btw you met your cousins right?

She nodded.

Y/n: they are fun but irritating at some point but i like it

Tae: true

Y/n: and you know Kai and Taehyun call me noona

Namjoon: what? Really!?

He laughed a little as he ended his sentence. Y/n nodded.

Y/n: we just have a two month difference and they call me nonna. Yeonjun oppa said they just do it to tease me but it feels like i am an elderly person cuz no one ever called me nonna

BTS chuckled.

Yoongi: don't worry they won't call you nonna for a long time.

The other's nodded in agreement.

Y/n: btw did the university reopen?

Jin: it didn't but we purchased another building near it and converted it into your university cuz we have to rebuild the previous one so it'll take time. We can't risk students education right

Y/n: true so are you guys going to university?

She asked the three maknae boys.

They nodded. They looked at eachother with a side eye.

Y/n: what are you guys hiding?

Jimin: n-nothing, mochi

He stuttered.


Y/n: tell me. Tell me. You have to

Taehyung sighed.

Tae: fine so the thing is that the whole university knows that you are our sister

Y/n: What!? How!?

Jungkook: we didn't tell anyone they got to know it on their own but as we didn't say anything they started to talk shit about you so we made it official that you're our sister

Y/n sighed.

Y/n: can't help it now. Hope there isn't anything else I need to know

Jimin: u-umm... actually there is

She looked at him.

Tae: so we don't know we should tell this to you or not

Y/n: tell me

Jungkook: so our second semester starts tomorrow

Her eyes widen.


To be continued...........,,., ◉⁠‿⁠◉

Long chapter..uff
Anyways, i had my result day yesterday i scored 83.17%!! Let's go. Ok it's not that good but I am happy about.
Isk why I told you this but I wished to.
Luv u all 💜💜


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