
"Don't ask me why i changed,
ask yourself what you did to me..."


Sry for disturbance but this is important do read!!
NOTE: My exams are starting this week so I won't be able to give updates till i finish my exams that is 28th of Feb. You'll get regular updates from then but till then you gotta wait. However, I'll post an update on Hobi's birthday that is 18th of Feb. Hope you understand. Luv you 💜💜

So let's continue..


BTS walked into their main base as they completed their mission and went there to change cuz they don't want their sister to see covered in blood.

Jungkook: the mission wasn't that hard tho

He said as he walked in the room with others.

Hobi: true we should have let the maknae go with sunshine.

Maknae: no~

Jin: why? You don't want to go with princess?

Jimin: it's not like we don't want to go with her but..

Maknae: we hate university

The hyung line chuckled shaking their heads in disbelief. That's when a injured bodyguard came to them limping on his steps. He was supporting himself with another man who was helping him stand

BTS's eyes widen seeing the bodyguard. They all ran towards him

Jin: are you ok? What happened to you?

That's when Namjoon realised smth

Namjoon: aren't you the bodyguard we assigned for Angel?

The bodyguard nodded.

Hobi: what happened to you? Is sunshine ok? where is she?

He asked as concern dropped out of his sentence.

Bodyguard: m-miss y-y/n..

He coughed and continued

Bodyguard: someone planted a bomb in the university's library


The bodyguard nodded.  

Bodyguard: b-boss you should g-go and save miss y-y/n

Yoongi: take care of him

He told the other man and ran out of there with the other members.

Jimin was driving the car as the others were sitting at the backseat, restless.

Tae: h-hyung...

His voice stuttered as he pointed out of the window. All of them looked to the direction where he was pointing. Their eyes widen seeing the university burning in flames.

As soon as the car stopped they all ran towards the main gate where police and firefighters were.

There were some students as well.

Jungkook: y/n?...y/n?..y/n?

He ran towards all the students, checking their faces and finding his twin sister.

Jungkook: h-hyung she isn't h-here

Jimin: she's...still inside!?

He ran inside but the police caught him.

Police: sir we are sry you can't go inside

Jimin: but..but our sister is still inside you can't do this to us

Police: sir pls try to understand no one is there inside and if someone is still there our men are inside they'll handle it

Jin(in mind): no no no no this can't happen. The past is repeating itself. We can't lose her again  no! 

He thought as he held his head in frustration and fear. 

Yoongi: d-doll..

As soon as Jin heard Yoongi he looked towards where all of them were looking

He saw his sister coming out of the burning building. She was walking as she was taking support from the firefighter. His heart felt ease seeing her but she had many injuries on herself.

Hobi: sunshine...

All seven of them ran towards her.

Y/n: o-oppa..

She fainted before completing her sentence.

Tae: y/n..

He caught her before she fell

Police: sir you should take her to the hospital. She's injured

Jungkook: we can totally see that!

Jin: calm down kook. Taehyung pick her up we need to hurry 

Tho his voice was calm but only he knew how much he was fighting with his heart not to breakdown looking at her state.

Taehyung obeyed Jin and carried her to the car as the others followed. They all wen to the hospital.


Namjoon: doc, how's she?

He asked as he saw the doctor walk out of the room where y/n was.

Doctor: externally she's fine but we need to do some tests and check some things when she wakes up.

BTS nodded.

Doctor: one of you pls come and do the formalities.

Hobi: I'll go

Jin: hmm

He nodded.

Yoongi: doctor, can we meet her?

Doctor: yeah sure

Hobi went away with the doctor to complete the formalities and the others went into y/n's room.

Jimin: you scared me, mochi..

He said as he caressed her forehead. He sat on the chair beside her bed.

That's when Namjoon's phone rang. He picked it up.


Namjoon: hello?

Man: boss we found out who planted the bomb

Namjoon: name..

Man: ........


Man: and boss we also found out that the bomb was set especially for Miss Y/n

Call ended.

Namjoon ran his hand through his hair.

Namjoon: the black devils..

He said gaining all the other members attention.

Jungkook: hyung what are you- *cut off*

Namjoon: the leader of the black devils knows that y/n is our sister

Their eyes widen.

Tae: how?

Namjoon: no idea but they know it and they were the ones who planted a bomb in the university and as per our men's research the bomb was planted for Angel only.

Jin: this isn't good

Namjoon: i know we need to keep y/n safe

Yoongi: and destroy the black devils before anyone else in the underworld finds out about doll being our sister

Jimin: but how are we going to do that hyung?

Hobi: we'll see about that. For now, focus on y/n. She's more important.

He said as he entered the room.

Jungkook: you heard our conversation, hyung?

Hobi nodded.

Hobi: don't worry it was just me no one else.

The others nodded.

That's when they heard someone coughing. The looked there to see y/n.

Jin: princess...

He quickly filled a glass of water for her. Jimin helped her sit.

Jin: here have this

She took the glass from him and drank the water.

Jungkook: thank God you're ok, bunny

He said as he quickly hugged her.

She hugged him back.

Jungkook: it's not paining anywhere right?

Y/n: kookie why aren't you talking to me

Jungkook: what are you talking about, bunny. Why would I not talk to you huh!?

He broked the hug.

Y/n: oppa, did i do smth wrong? Kookie isn't talking to me

Jimin: he is talking to you, mochi. What are you saying

Y/n: o-oppa.. i-i can't hear you guys. I can't here a-anything oppa. Pls do smth

She held her ears.

Namjoon: you can't hear us, Angel?

Y/n: oppa do s-smth, i-i can't hear anything

She pressed her hands on her ears even more tightly.

Tae: I-I'll call the doctor

He ran outside the room.

Y/n: o-oppa p-pls do smth

Hobi: sh sh calm down, sunshine

He hugged her.

Doctor: what happened, sir?

Jin: she can't hear what we are saying. What's wrong with her doctor?

Doctor: can you all pls wait outside till I check her?

BTS nodded and went out.


The doctor came out of the room.

Jungkook: what's wrong doctor? Is she ok? What happened to her? Why isn't- *cut off*

Yoongi: kook let him speak

Doctor: yeah so the thing is that...

He sighed.

Doctor: due to the intense bomb blast i guess she lost her ability to hear things or voices....

To be continued............... ◉⁠‿⁠◉


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