
"Pain is not always in tears
but it is present in a smile too..."


Jin: ready guys?

He asked his brothers.

They nodded.

Jimin: yes hyung

Namjoon: put on your masks then

They all nodded and wore their masks.

Yoongi: let's take two cars while coming doll will also be there with us so we need to be extra careful

They all nodded.

Tae: so we maknae will go in one car and you four can come in the other

The hyung line nodded. They all went out of the mansion and sat in their respective cars.

They reached her house. One car after the other. They all got out of the car. Standing in line they looked at each other.

They looked at the house and their eyes turned cold.

They heard weird noises from inside.

Jungkook: not again..

He closed his ears with his palm.

Tae: what voice is this kook? Do you know it?

He nodded.

Jungkook: last time when I came here I heard the same noises.

Jin: and?

Jungkook: when i peeped through the window i saw..

He shook his head noti being able to tell what he was.

He gulped and continued

Jungkook: they..they were just beating her mercilessly.

Their eyes widen.

Hobi: you mean-

He pointed towards the door

Jungkook nodded.

Jimin: they are so dead!

He walked towards the main door but stopped when Yoongi held his hand.

Jimin looked behind and Yoongi shook his head.

Yoongi: i know you are angry, Jimin. We are too, but stick to the plan. Things might not go as planed and smth awful might happen so control yourself ok

Jimin sighed calming his angry beast down. He nodded and Yoongi left his hand.

Namjoon: let's go in and make sure not to show your angry side ok?

They all nodded.

Namjoon rang the doorbell waiting for the door to open.

The door opened.

Their eyes filled with rage seeing y/n's step dad at the door.

They didn't react much but had a cold face plastered on their faces.

S/dad: yes how may I help you?

Tae: Mr.Lee? *cold*

He nodded.

S/dad: yes it's me but do i know you?

Namjoon: we are Bangtan *cold*

He forwarded his hand for a handshake. Mr.Lee gulped and shook hands with him.

Namjoon smirked when he felt Mr.Lee's hand tremble with fear.

S/dad: b-bangtan..the first r-rank mafia g-group?

Hobi: looks like you know us *cold*

S/dad: h-how may I-i help y-you, s-sir?

Yoongi: can we come in first? *cold*

S/dad: a-ah yes..yes i-its my p-pleasure to i-invite y-you

He moved aside and welcomed them inside the house.

S/dad: p-pls have a s-seat..

They all sat down. Their eyes scanned the place to find y/n but they didn't see her there.

S/mom: yobo (honey) who is it,?

She said as she came in the living room.

S/dad: b-bangtan..

Mrs.Lee's eyes widen. She quickly bowed to them.

S/mom: I'll b-bring s-some water

Jimin: no thanks *cold*

S/dad: w-what brings y-you here, sir?

Jungkook: our money *cold*

S/mom: huh!?

Namjoon: remember you took money from us telling us that you need it for your wife's treatment *cold*

S/dad: a-ah right i remember

Jin: we need our money back *cold*

S/mom: b-but s-sir we don't have any

S/dad: i-if y-you could give u-us more tim- *cut off*

Yoongi banged his hand on the table.

They flinched.

Yoongi: we gave you enough time but you never considered it. We want it now by hook or by crook *cold*

S/dad: but sir- *cut off*

S/mom: you can take our daughter

BTS (in mind): bullseye!

S/mom: she is anyway of no use why don't we give her to them. A big amount of debt will be of our shoulders and we can live peacefully.

She whispered to Mr.Lee. BTS heard everything. Their fist tightened.

BTS(in mind): we'll see how peacefully you live *smirk*

Mr.Lee nodded.

S/dad: y-yes sir y-you can take our daughter w-with you

Jimin: your daughter? *Cold*

S/mom: she's.... she's our adopted daughter so we don't need her a-anymore you can take her with you. She can work as a good maid for you

Jungkook: i so bad wish to take out my gun and shoot both of them right here and now

He whispered to Taehyung glaring at the Lee couple.

Taehyung: I wish your wish to come true, Jungkook. How dare they talk so low about a Kim. Especially our sister.

He whispered back.

Hobi: don't worry both of you. They'll have the worst death

He whispered to Jungkook and Taehyung after hearing their conversation.

They both nodded. The hyung line looked at each other before nodding their heads.

They looked at Mr and Mrs Lee. 

Namjoon: we accept your offer *cold*

S/dad: Means we don't have to pay any debt after you take her with you?

Jin nodded

Jin: no you don't have to

S/mom: I'll go bring her

She said as she ran upstairs

Jin(in mind): except you'll pay a hundred times more than what you did to my princess

He smirked.


Y/n was sitting in her room treating her wounds. That's when suddenly the door of her room burst open. She quickly pulled her sleeve down and hid her injuries.

She saw her step mom at the door

S/mom: pack all your stuff

Y/n: w-why?

S/mom: we sold you

She gave her a confused look.

S/mom: we were in debt and couldn't  repay it so we sold you to the mafia group from whom we took the money. 

Y/n: w-what!?

S/mom: so now don't ask to many questions and pack your stuff. QUICK!!

She nodded and started packing her stuff.

Y/n(in mind): how can someone be so cruel?? can't i ask for a better life?

S/mom: be quick they are waiting!!

She quickly wiped off her tear and continued packing

S/mom: are u done?

She nodded

S/mom: let's go then. I'll finally be free from a burden like you

She said as she walked out follow by Y/n who was looking down.

As she reached down she looked up a little just to see who the mafias were. Her eyes met with Hobi as she quickly looked down not wanting to face him

Namjoon: take the bags out *cold*

He said to the bodyguard who was with them. 

Bodyguard: yes boss

He took the bags from Y/n and took them out to the car

Yoongi: it's a fair deal you won't have her back ok? *cold*

S/dad: yes sir we know. We don't need her in our lives anyways

Yoongi (in mind): how dare they talk about my doll like that 

His eyes filled with rage

 Namjoon: Let's goo


Y/n was sitting in the car with Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin. Hobi went with the maknaes

Jin was driving and Yoongi was sitting beside him. Namjoon was at the back with y/n.

They didn't yet reveal themselves to her as they thought they should do it when they reach home. They still had their masks on.

If was all quite between them.

Y/n was sitting while looking down at her lap as she kept fidgeting with her fingers.

Smth which she does when she nervous or uncomfortable.

Namjoon noticed her being uncomfortable. He was sitting near her so he moved a little away from her.

Namjoon: sit comfortably no need to be nervous ok?

He spoke softly to her.

She nodded and looked outside the window.

That's when Namjoon received a message. He looked at his phone to see that it was from Yoongi.

"Make sure she's not much uncomfortable ok?"

Namjoon looked at Yoongi through the mirror and then looked back at his phone.

"Don't worry about that, hyung"

He saw Yoongi nod his head.

Jin: here we are...

He said as he got down. Namjoon opened the car door for y/n. She looked at Namjoon and then got off.

She didn't look at the hou- ops sry mansion cuz she was looking down being a bit nervous and afraid.

The bodyguard carried y/n's bags.

Jin: let's go inside hmm?

She nodded. They all walked into the mansion. Y/n didn't look up the whole time.

Yoongi: you can sit there..

He said referring to the sofa in the living room.

She did as he said tho it wasn't a order.

Namjoon: let's wait for other's to come.

They all sat on the sofa. Y/n was sitting on a single sofa as she looked down to her lap.

Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon looked at eachother knowing she's afraid.  Anyone would be.

Jin: you can ask us anything if you want..

He said to her as he wanted her to feel comfortable.

She shook her head telling no.

Yoongi: it's fine you don't have to be afraid.

Y/n: umm...

She played with her fingers.

Y/n: what will you...you do to me.

All three of them felt as if someone stabbed their hearts with hundreds of arrows.

Jin regretted asking her that question.

Tae: we are home!!!

He said as he walked inside with others.

Y/n somewhat found his voice familiar. 

They sat on the sofa.

They all removed their masks but y/n was looking down.

Jungkook: can you look up for a second?

He asked softly.

She moved her eyes as they met with familiar  faces. Her eyes widen in shock as they smiled softly towards her.

Y/n: you..you all?

They nodded.

Jimin: remember you said you had brothers..

She nodded.

Namjoon: we all doubted that you are our lost sister whom we thought isn't is this world anymore.

Y/n: m-me?

Hobi nodded.

Hobi: you had many similarities so we decided to do an DNA test

Y/n: results?

Yoongi: look for yourself

He said as he passed her the file. She took the file and opened it.

Her eyes scanned the file as she spotted the word..


Y/n: means you all- *cut off*

Jin: means we all are your brothers, princess..

He smiled.

Y/n: really?

They nodded.

She again looked down at the file.

Jungkook: what? You don't believe it?

Y/n: Ani i...i am just to shocked. I need some time to process all this. Can I?

Namjoon: take as much as time you want, Angel.

She nodded. She found the nicknames familiar.

Jin: can i request you smth?

She nodded looking at him.

Jin: the maid will show you your room go in your room and there is a pair of clothes kept on the bed can you wear those clothes and come downstairs?

Y/n: why?

Tae: you have injuries all over your arms and legs, bear. Jin hyung will treat them for you

She looked at them shocked not knowing how they got to know about that.

Yoongi: we know everything about you, doll.

She nodded.

Y/n: mafias right?

They chuckled.

Hobi: you know it now go and get changed, sunshine.

She nodded. The maid led her to her room.

Y/n(in mind): those nicknames...

Maid: here's your room, Ma'am

Y/n: thank you..

The maid bowed and left. 

Y/n went inside her room and was shocked seeing the beautiful room.

Y/n: omo.. it's so beautiful

She said to herself as she looked around the room. She spotted the pair of clothes kept on the bed. She looked at them and took them to the washroom.

It was a crop top and shorts.

She wore them. She knew she wasn't much uncomfortable around BTS and now she even knows the reason. They were her brothers all along.

She thought that she lost them but indeed fate made them come back together.

She smiled at little as she remembered the small moments which came in her dreams the faces in the dreams were blur but now she known who were those faces.

She changed her clothes. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her whole body was filled with scars.

She sighed. Jin told her not to apply any makeup so she did as he said.

Y/n: can't belive my brothers are mafias

She said as she got out of her room and closed the door.

Jimin: why? Do we scare you, mochi?

She asked as he suddenly jumped infront of her when she turned around.

She flinched.

Y/n: you scared me

Jimin: hehe sry btw you didn't answer my question

Y/n: um..i am not scared just shocked.

That's when Jimin noticed the scars on her arms and legs.

His blood boiled.

Jimin: let's go down

He said as he softly held her hand and took her downstairs.

All of them were there.

They saw her body filled with scars

The atmosphere of the room was calm but the demon inside all seven of them was in rage to kill Mr and Mrs Lee.

Jin: come sit ..

He said to her as he patted the seat beside him.

She smiled at little and went to him. She sat beside him. Jin opened the first aid kit and started treating her wounds.

She hissed a little.

Tae: ya Jin hyung do it slowly!!

Jin: sry princess

She chuckled.

Y/n: it's fine Taehyung-shii it doesn't pain much

Jungkook: Taehyung-shii!?

Tae: why are you calling me that huh!?

Y/n: then what should I call you?

Namjoon: what does a younger sister call her elder brother?

Y/n: oppa?

Yoongi: that's right so call us oppa then.

Y/n: but Jungkook is my twin then why should I call him oppa?

Jungkook: you remember!? I thought you forgot.

Y/n: i do remember somethings.

Hobi: so call us oppa from now on ok?

Y/n: ok oppa!

She smiled and they smiled to.



??: did you find anything!?

"N-no boss"

??: the fuck how much time will you take huh!?

"S-sry boss but it's taking longer than expected"

??: by hook or by crook find any weakness of Bangtan!! I want them under my command.

"Y-yes boss"

The man left.

??: just wait till I find your weakness Bangtan. You'll be under my foot in no time *evil laugh*

To be continued............ ◉⁠‿⁠◉

Uff! A really long chapter. 2k plus words.
Anyways, hope you all like it
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Luv u all 💜💜💜.........,


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