During the first few weeks, a variety of incidents occurred which slowed down the pace of rehearsals. Some days rehearsals were just a mess of low energy. It was during times like this that Darius decided to rejuvenate the rehearsal times.
Darius crawled into the Theatre room, keeping his groaning to a minimum thanks to the amount of time he spent crawling around. Once he was in his position, he reached for his walkie talkie. "This is Boy Dude. I'm in position. Over to you Shakin' Shakespeare."
"Ok, first of all, that's an incredibly long but fitting code name. Second of all, my Dad will kíll me if we break his walkie talkie's so be careful", said Eli.
Darius scoffed. "Dude, you're ruining the cool vibes! Just do the thing."
Eli exhaled softly, dragging the sigh out for a few seconds. "This prank will besmirch my good name at this school but oh well."
A couple minutes later, Push It by Salt-N-Pepa started playing. Darius grinned triumphantly. "Nice one, Shakin' Shakespeare! Turn it off now."
A few seconds later, the music stopped playing. Miss Laine walked into the room, or atleast, Darius assumed she did. The sound of high heels could either be from Miss Laine or Amethyst.
Everyone started to enter the room. Maxon walked in, discretely nodding to Darius, who nodded back and approached him. They continued to walk the rest of the way together.
"Hi, Maxon!", exclaimed Kennedy, a big grin on her face. "Your hair looks great today!"
Maxon blushed and brushed his hand on her elbow. "Cheers, Kennedy."
Kennedy's eyes glistened as Maxon smiled at her, and they continued to look at him as he and Darius sat down.
Leonie grinned, nudging the tomato red Kennedy. "Hi Maxon! You look great! I can't stop thinking about you", she playfully teased, laughing when Kennedy gently pushed her.
"Ok, listen up everyone!", exclaimed Miss Laine. "Today we'll be working on a-"
"-Wait, hold up!", interrupted Stanley. "I'm sorry, Miss Laine... I don't think we should do rehearsal right now."
"Why is that?", questioned a stunned Miss Laine.
Stanley sighed. "I heard this story that there's a ghost that haunts these rooms."
"Oh, give me strength", muttered Amethyst.
"Stanley, we don't have time for these jokes", said Miss Laine.
"He's right, Miss Laine", said Darius. "I heard it too."
"You know that doesn't add any credibility right?", questioned Amethyst.
"They're right", said Eli. "Mrs Edge told us yesterday."
"Well Eli knows about it too. I'd say that it's credible", said Camryn.
Amethyst squinted her eyes. "I'm not buying it."
"Look, it's serious! Miss Edge said that a teacher died in this room. They're destined to roam the halls, playing the song Push It until people join in. Only then can their souls be free", said Stanley.
He was met with silence.
"Stanley, honey, shall I take you to the nurse?", asked Miss Laine.
"Surely Miss Laine would've heard the song already?", questioned Kennedy.
"Miss Edge only just told us. I think the teacher's soul is tormented now", said Stanley.
All details about this should seem ridiculous, yet Miss Laine had no proof of this. She didn't know Miss Edge that well but knew she had been teaching at this school since Miss Laine was in nappies. And who was she to tell her students what to believe in?
"You're not seriously believing this, are you Miss?", questioned Camryn.
"It kind of makes sense", said Meredith. "This school's been around for ages."
Leonie nodded in agreement. "A teacher's death wouldn't surprise me, sadly."
Amethyst rolled her eyes. "What a load of bull-"
"-Amethyst", interrupted Miss Laine. "Let's just continue with the lesson."
Kennedy raised her hand. "Miss Laine, I had some suggestions about-"
Suddenly, the faint sound of a song played. Miss Laine smiled. "Very funny guys. Turn that off now please."
The boys except for Isaac raised their hands innocently. "It's not us!", exclaimed Stanley.
"Come on, guys", said Kennedy.
"Yeah it's all just a tad convenient", said Leonie.
"Hey, sorry I'm late!", exclaimed Weronika, making everyone scream. Weronika screamed back, startled.
Without warning, the music got louder and the lights flickered on and off.
Weronika screamed and jumped into Isaac's arms, only for him to drop her and himself in the process. "Guys, this isn't funny!", said Camryn, helping Isaac up.
"What's going on?", asked Weronika.
"The boy's reckon the ghost of a teacher's haunting us", replied Leonie.
Weronika's eyes widened. "Oh verdammt nein! Nope, I don't mess with all that."
Weronika turned around and walked away.
"Weronika, come back here please!", called out Miss Laine.
The music became annoyingly loud. Camryn clutched her head. "Make it stop!"
"We need to sing!", yelled Darius.
"What?", asked Amethyst.
"Sing the song!", yelled Stanley.
The boy's started chanting 'sing the song', increasing the volume each time.
Isaac, the usually smart boy, gave in and started singing. After all, there might be some truth in supernatural encounters, right?
Soon, everyone joined in, except Amethyst. "Amie, you gotta sing or it won't work!"
"Don't call me that! And I'm not- ah!"
A large bucket of water poured down on Amethyst, just as the music stopped and the lights stopped flickering.
"The sacrifice has been made", said Darius. "Her soul can rest now, I guess", added Stanley.
Amethyst glared at the pair. After seeing the smiles on Eli and Maxon's faces, everyone came to the same conclusion.
"Maxon, you were in on this?", asked Kennedy.
He nodded. "Damage control."
"Well control this!", yelled Amethyst, before running after the boys.
"Oh we are so getting them back!", exclaimed Camryn. "They just started a prank war."
Miss Laine stood back and watched. Sure, this wasted precious rehearsal time, but no one had the energy for that anyway. Seeing the teens laugh and not take things too seriously reminded her of her time in the Theatre Club.
Bad things happen in our world. What's so wrong about being young whilst you still can?
This takes place quite early on! I hope you enjoy this! This was a lot of fun to write!
How will the others get their revenge?
Oh verdammt nein! : Oh hell no!
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