29.) Truth or Dare

(This could've been a lot better...)

It's a Saturday night late after school, and all of class 1A is gathered in the common room. Aizawa is currently out on patrol for tonight. Eri and Aki have already been put to bed and are fast asleep. Mina, Kaminari, and Kirishima all decided to have some fun and gathered the others since Aizawa won't be back till like 3am.

Kivi comes down the stairs in a sports bra and some shorts, her usual attire, but the rest of the class don't know that. This grants the class of 1A to see her well defined body, abs and all.

"K-Kivi-san, aren't you cold?" Ochaco asks her once she sees her. "It's December."

Everyone in the common room turns to look at her in curiosity. Many classmates turn back around flushed.

"Nah, I constantly have energy running through me which keeps me pretty warm most of the time," Kivi answers.

"Kivi-san, it is not appropriate to wander around in your underwear!" Iida shouts, chopping his arm while facing the other way with flushed cheeks. "Have some modesty for yourself!"

Kivi laughs. "I'm comfortable with my body. Plus..." she glances at all the boys ogling her. "It's fun to tease. Besides, I'm more covered than I would be wearing a bikini."

And that was the death of Mineta as he falls off the couch, nose bleeding.

"Looking good, Kivi-san!" Kaminari comments with a wink.

"I'm bored!" Mina complains.

"It's currently 11. I'm surprised you're all up," Kivi says. "Well, since Aizawa is out, how about we play truth or dare?"

"I'm on board with that!" Mineta shouts not even hiding the nose bleed.

"Sounds like fun!" Kaminari agrees.

"Then gather around everyone," Kivi says.

"Rules! No sexual intercourse dares!" Iida exclaims.

"Boo, no fun," Kivi laughs. "Alright, and if you don't answer your truth or do your dare, you have to kiss the person the asker tells you."

Everyone nods in agreement, even Iida after much encouragement.

"Kivi-san! You should invite your boyfriend over!" Mina exclaims.


"Yeah, Shinso-kun," Tsu croaks.

Kivi blinks. "Hitochan and I aren't dating. Why'd you think that?"

"Well, you came off as a couple the way the two of you interacted together during the joint training," Kaminari says. "He didn't actually wanna be around anyone but you."

"Yeah, the two of you were flirting big time!" Toru squeals.

"You think?"

"You were hanging all over him for Pete's sake!" Mineta shouts.

"You even call him a cute nickname!" Mina says.

"Oh, I call him Hitochan to annoy him. Same goes for the rest of it. It's all to annoy him," Kivi shrugs.

"Lucky bastard!" Mineta complains. "He totally enjoys it..."

Kivi shoots Shinso a text to come over to their dorm. He responds that he'll come but doesn't mean he wants to.

"He's coming," Kivi reports.

Mina claps. "Yay!"

He enters, gaze landing on Kivi, and moves over beside her, not wanting to be around anyone he doesn't know. He's used to her attire as that's how she dresses when they train.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"Truth or dare. You in?" Kivi asks.

He sadistically grins, the same grin that made everyone be reminded of Aizawa. "Why not?"

And that's how class 1A, and Shinso, started playing truth or dare.

"Alright, Kivi-san, truth or dare?" Mina asks, getting right into it.

Kivi rolls her eyes. "Truth."

"Boo, so boring!" Mina huffs.

"Really? This is your chance to ask me anything you want about me, and I'm obligated to answer," Kivi smirks. "So ask away. I'll do dare next time."

Mina grins. "Okay... Who do you have a crush on?"

Kivi gives her a blank gaze. "Seriously out of all the juicy questions you could ask, you do that one? So lame. As for your answer, I don't have a crush on anyone at the moment."

A few boys along with Mina deflate sadly for different reasons.

Mina whines. "Ughh..."

"Alright, Katsuki, truth or dare?" Kivi asks.

"I'm not a little bitch so dare," he huffs.

Kivi grins. "Alright, lick Kaminari from the neck down to the brim of his underwear."

"What?!" Kaminari shouts.

"Fuck no!" Bakugo shouts, letting off little explosions.

Kivi shrugs. "It's your dare ya gotta do it."

"If I don't?"

"You gotta kiss Mineta."

"No!" Mineta cries.

"Fuck that, dunce face come here."

"Wha?! Seriously?! No!" Denki fusses, scooting back.

Kivi uses her quirk to hold him in place and strip off his shirt. "Gotta, we all agreed to the terms of the game."

"Kaminari?" Shinso calls out.


"Got ya." Shinso has him lie on the ground as Bakugo shuffles over to him and does the dare.

Kivi lets out a wolf whistle.

Bakugo wipes his mouth in disgust, glaring at Kivi. "Fuck you, blueberry. I'm gonna get you back for that. Shitty hair, truth or dare?"

"EW!" Kaminari quickly snaps out of it and rushes off to wipe his body off. "Ew! Ew! Ewwwwww!"

"It's only manly to do a dare," Kirishima answers.

Bakugo grins and looks at Kivi. "I dare you to do what I just did but to Kivi."

Kivi shrugs. "Alright, fair enough."

Kirishima is completely flushed. "I-I can't do that!"

"Alright, then ya gotta kiss big lips over there," Bakugo smirks, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb.

"Don't get a hard on now, Eijiro,~" Kivi teases. She cackles as his nose starts to bleed. "This would be much more fun with drinks."

"F-Fine, I'll do it..." Kirishima shuffles over to Kivi. He moves so quickly, if you blinked you wouldn't have caught it. "Done!" He moves far away from Kivi.

"That was too fast! I didn't see it!" Mina complains.

"Uh, Tsuchan, truth o-or dare?" Kirishima stutters out.

"Truth," she answers.

"Uh, who do you find the most attractive in the class?"

"Ribbit... Hmm... Well, the most attractive boy of the class was already decided to be Todoroki," Tsu says.

"Really?" Shoto asks. "Even when my scar was noticeable?"

"Yep," Momo answers. "All the girls agreed on that."

Shoto looks to be in thought but doesn't respond.

"Iida, truth or dare?" Tsu asks.


"Who do you find attractive in the class?"

"I'll have to say Yaoyorozu-san. Not just because she's beautiful either. Her personality and the way she's always helping others is admirable, and she is also very smart," Iida confirms and turns to Izuku. "Midoriya, truth or dare?"

Momo has a light blush from the compliment. "Thank you, Iida-kun."

"You're welcome, Yaoyorozu-san. Midoriya. So? Truth or dare?"

Izuku flinches under everyone's gaze. "Uh, um, truth?"

"Todoroki brought up something the other day that got me thinking. Are you secretly All Might's child?"

Izuku sputters. "Todoroki, you still think that?"

"It makes sense. You are obviously his favorite. Why does he favor you? It's an accurate guess," Todoroki claims. "You even have the same curly fluffy hair and your quirks are similar."

"No! He's not my dad! He's... my mentor..." Izuku mumbles.

It goes around everyone and comes back to Kivi.

Mina decides to do it again. "Alright, Kivi-san, truth or dare?"

Kivi sighs. "Dare."

"Make out with Bakugo," she immediately says. "Like full on french kiss."

"Don't you fucking dare, blueberry."

Kivi gets off the chair she's sitting on with a smirk and makes her way to Bakugo who's sitting on the couch. She uses her quirk to prevent him from moving. He gives her a glare as she straddles him.

"It's a dare, pommi. Get over yourself," Kivi says, watching his cheeks begin to flush. "Aww, you're so adorable when you get all flustered."

She decides to tease him a bit, running her hands up his chest, to his shoulders, then moves them up to cup his cheeks. She cackles before pulling his head to her own and crashing her lips with his. She realizes that he has never done this before as he's not very good at it. She releases her quirk's hold on him and he brings his arms around her back, getting into it. The Baku Squad begin to make whoops, catcalls, and cheers. Kivi smirks as she pulls away, resting her arms on his shoulders.

"Fuck..." Bakugo breathes with a light pant.

"You're not too bad for that being your first," Kivi grins. "Hope I taught you something." She gets off him and plops back onto her chair. "Alright, Mina, truth or dare?"

She gulps. "D-Dare..."

"Alright, full on make out... with Eijiro."

The two flush but does, copying what she and Bakugo did.


It once again moves back to Kivi.

"Alright, Kivi-san, truth or dare?" Kaminari asks.


"Rank the boys in our class from most to least attractive."

"Alright. So obviously, Shoto is first. Katsuki second. Kaminari–"

"Me third?! Seriously?!"

"Don't interrupt me," Kivi glares. "Fourth is... Izuku. Hmm... Eijiro, Mashi, Iida, Fumikage, ...Yuga, Hanta, ...Mezo, Koda, Sato, and Mineta. There's my list."

"Never knew you thought so highly of me, Kivi-san," Kaminari teases.

"Don't make me redo the list by personality," Kivi growls. "Alright, Hitochan, truth or dare?"

He sighs. "Dare."

"Choose someone at random and kiss them in 20 different spots, finishing on the lips."

"The only person I know, besides tail boy and Midoriya, is you, and I'm certainly not doing it to another male."

Mina squeals.

Kivi rolls her eyes. "Someone other than me."

"You said random, and I'd rather not do it with someone else."

Kivi gets an odd feeling. "Random meaning someone you don't know."

"Fine then I choose truth."

"Admit who you like."

He flushes. "No one."

"Lies!!!" Mina shouts gleefully.

Hitoshi groans. "Fine, I'll do the dare, but I still choose you."

"Ugh, fine! You're so boring," Kivi complains.

He shuffles closer to her, taking her hand. He kisses her palm, then the back of her hand.

Mina counts in the background.

He pulls her closer by the arm, kissing her shoulder then her neck. He moves to her jawline, pecking that then each cheek.

"7!" Mina squeaks.

He moves to her other arm, kissing her other shoulder, the back of the hand, and her palm again.

"10!" Kaminari says.

He moves to kiss her chest, stomach, and both thighs.

"14!" Mina counts.

Hitoshi moves back up landing a kiss on her collarbone. He moves to her ear, blowing into it lightly and making her lightly shiver. He grins. "I'm actually enjoying this dare..." He gives her ear a quick kiss.

"Douche," Kivi replies back, face a pinch pink.

"Oh? Are... you blushing?" Shinso teases.

She pouts, crossing her arms.

He chuckles, kissing her nose, both temples, and forehead. He leans back with a smirk, leaning in for the last kiss on the lips.

"20!" Mina cheers. "21 being the lips!"

"Guess I went over. Oops." Hitoshi leans back with a grin, enjoying the blush of Kivi. She turns away with an embarrassed pout.

"Holy crap! Are you actually blushing!" Sero shouts.

Kaminari begins to laugh. "The Great Kivi is blushing! You're so cute!"

"Shut up!" Kivi huffs, crossing her arms.

"Aww! You like him!" Mina squeals.

"Hitochan, truth or dare someone next," Kivi says, quickly regaining her composure as if nothing happened.

"Aww, no more blush," he shrugs. "It was cute while it lasted. Midoriya, truth or dare?"



"Kivi, truth or dare?" Tsu asks.


"Kiss every guy in the room," Tsu says.

"I didn't expect this from you, Tsuchan. Alright, grape boy. You're up first cause I wanna get through that quickly." She surrounds the boy in a bubble, levitating him over to herself.

"Kivi-san, you don't have to kiss Mineta," Tsu quickly speaks up.

"You said all, Tsuchan. I'm not a pussy bitch." Kivi gives the grape boy a peck on the lips. Her eyes slightly widen a bit and pecks his lips again, much to the shock of everyone. She flings him back to where he was sat before none so gently. The boy crumbles to the ground in happiness. She smacks her lips together in thought.

"Whoa, why'd you give the perv two kisses?!" Mina asks the question everyone wanted.

"He tasted like grape," Kivi admits. "Had to make sure I wasn't imagining it."

"Seriously?" Kaminari sighs. "Dude, why do you taste like grapes?"

"My... dad's quirk... is called grape juice. He can... make... grape juice flow from his... fingers," Mineta answers hazily. "So, I got a combination... of his and my mother's sticky balls. My sweat.., and any other part... of me tastes like grape."

"I can confirm," Tsu says. "Whenever I slap him with my tongue."

"Does that mean down below too?" Kaminari questions.

"I would think so," Mineta mumbles still completely out of it.

"Gross, why'd you ask?" Mina huffs, grossed out.

"Just curious," he shrugs. "It's a valid question."

Kivi moves to Koda, kissing his cheek already knowing he'd be way too flustered for liplocking. She kisses where she imagines Shoji's mouth is through his mask. She gives Sato, Sero, Ojiro, and Iida simple pecks. She does the French cheek kiss with Yuga before pecking his lips.

"Well, I already made out with you, pommi, so you get a pass," Kivi says, moving to Kirishima. With Kirishima, Shoto, and Kaminari she does the same thing she previously did with Bakugo. Shoto was more skilled than she thought he would be. Kirishima was embarrassed the whole time. Kaminari totally turned into dunce Kaminari.

"What? Why did they get a full make out session?" Sero complains.

"My top five get more attention," Kivi laughs, looking to Izuku. The boy is completely red as she gazes at him. "Alright, before I finish with Izu... Ochaco, truth or dare?"

Ochaco gulps as she sees the look in Kivi's eyes. "T–"

"If you chose truth, you have admit to who you like," Kivi grins.


"You have to make out with Izuku here before I do. You can claim his first kiss."

"Eep!" the two squeal.

Steam begins to flow from both of their ears and mouth. They both nervously and horribly make out unsure of exactly how. Wolf whistles and catcalls are released from just about everyone. Kivi moves in right after Ochaco finishes.

Kivi turns her gaze onto Hitoshi with a grin. "Payback is a bitch, Hitochan." She straddles him, using her hands to slide up the sides of his neck to hold his cheeks, all while staring into his eyes. She watches as his cheeks lightly flush and chuckles. She leans down and does a makeout session slightly longer than she did with Bakugo. They separate as he dazily looks up at her in her eyes. "That's how you do a real kiss."

"I hate you," he says.

"No you don't."


It's now 2 am.

"Kivi, truth or dare?"


"Alright this time rank the teachers from most attractive to least," Toru says.

"Well considering we have no idea what most of them look like that narrows it down to Present Mic, Aizawa, and All Might. So, last is Present Mic then All Might then Aizawa."

"Aizawa, seriously?" Sero questions.

"Have you seen the man?" Kivi questions. "He's flawless attractive. You all saw him cleaned up when pommi was taken."

"Dude, you have the hots for our teacher, that's so weird," Kaminari says.

"I don't," Kivi sighs. "Just making my point. Fumikage, truth or dare?"

"I shouldn't chose dare with you as the asker but... dare."

She smirks. "Alright, twerk in only your underwear."

Tokoyami looks at her horrified. "I'm not doing that."

"Well, either that or kiss... or lick since you can't really kiss... Iida," Kivi decides.

Tokoyami crosses his arms and tilts his head towards the ground, closing his eyes in thought. "I will do neither and head to sleep." He stands up.

Kivi puts a flat shield in front of him to prevent him from going any further. "It's a dare Tokoyami, you can leave after you accomplish it."

Tokoyami sighs and walks over to Iida, licking his cheek before heading off. He grins. "Never said where." He leaves to his room.

"Loser!" Kivi shouts.

"I'm gonna head to bed as well," Mezo says, standing up and following behind him.

Kota, Sato, Iida, Shoto, Mashi, Jiro, Tsu, Momo, and Yuga also make that their exit. Everyone else stays, wanting to watch the drama.

"Alright then..." Kivi looks at the remaining 10 people in the room. "Mineta, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to go outside butt naked and make 5 snow angels," Kivi says.

"No! It's too cold outside!"

"No shit, that's kind of the point," Shinso says with an eye roll.

"And if I don't?"

"Then you have to kiss Bakugo."

Mineta mentally cries. "Fine!"

Mina gets the whole thing on video. Mineta races to the baths to warm up after.

"Alright, guess I'll do another person," Kivi says, looking to Toru. "Truth or dare?"


"Are you completely naked during training?"

No one can tell but she makes a completely flustered face. "Y-yes..."

"Seriously!?" Kaminari shouts.

Aizawa makes that his moment to enter the front doors of the dorms. He blinks seeing the 10 children still in the common room. "What the hell are all of you still doing up?"

"Uhh..." they all mutter, looking at each other and trying to figure out what to say.

"We're performing a séance," Kivi says.

"Without Tokoyami? I doubt it."

"Yeah, you've got a point there," Kivi nods, glancing at Esprit beside her. "Ghosts wouldn't be interested in any of these idiots anyway."

"Hey!" Mina and Kaminari huff.

Aizawa sees Hitoshi. "What are you doing here?"

"Kivi invited me," Hitoshi answers with a shrug.

"Get to bed. None of you should be awake this late," Aizawa groans.

Everyone groans but complies, heading up to their rooms. Kivi sneaks away, pulling Hitoshi with her before Aizawa noticed.

"What are you doing?" Hitoshi asks.

"May as well sleep over. It's cold outside," Kivi answers him.

I wanted to add a lot more truth or dares, but I got bored and didn't wanna add any more. Sorry.

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