Chapter 8: Class Rep
Your vision was just beginning to return to you. You had been awake for a few minutes, but you were only now starting to muster the energy to even open your eyes.
You groaned in exhaustion as a bright light blinded your field of vision, forcing you to clench them shut again.
Y/N: Where am I...?
???: Ah, you're up! Took you long enough!
Y/N: Huh...?
Across the room from you was an old lady. She was tiny compared to you. It was here when you realized that you were lying in a bed that wasn't yours.
???: You didn't suffer from any injuries, so I didn't have to treat you at all.
Y/N: W-Who are you...?
The old lady then turned around and looked at you. Judging by her somewhat flashy outfit, she had to be some kind of hero.
Old Lady: I'm assuming that you've never been in a nurse's office before. I'm Recovery Girl. Basically the School Nurse.
Y/N: "Recovery Girl"...that sounds kinda familiar, I think I heard Midoriya mention that name once or twice...wait, why am I here anyway...?
Recovery Girl: You don't remember? I was told that you fainted right after your Combat Training.
Her mentioning the Training Class reminded you of what happened. You teamed up with Yaoyorozu and took on Tsuyu and Tokoyami. After that, your memory went blank.
Y/N: I remember now...I must've used up too much energy. I'm so reckless...
After that battle, I learned that my Power came with a great cost. Using it too much makes me black out. It's confirmed at this point.
Recovery Girl: Now that you're up and about, you're free to go. Go on, I'm sure you have somewhere to be.
Y/N: R-Right! Thank You, Recovery Girl!
With that you sprung out of bed and ran out of the room, causing Recovery Girl to sigh, then she smiled.
Recovery Girl: To be young and strong...
Time Skip:
You were quickly making your way through the hallways of the school. Judging on how the sun was going down, classes had already ended while you were out.
Regardless, you still had to grab your stuff from the Classroom, and you were surprised to see that most of your Classmates were still there.
Kirishima: Hey, it's L/N! Glad to see that you're awake!
In an instant, you found yourself surrounded by your Classmates. You hadn't actually talked to a lot of them yet, so this was a good chance to know them better.
Kirishima: Man, I know we don't know each other to well yet but you went crazy during your match!
Sato: You and Midoriya went all out, so we all decided to give it our A-Game as well!
Ashido: You were so fast!!
Kirishima: My name's Eijiro Kirishima! We were all doing our matches while you and Midoriya were in Recovery!
Sero: I'm Hanta Sero!
Aoyama: I'm sure you're dying to know, I'm Yuga Aoyama—
Ashido: I'm Mina Ashido! You've gotta teach me some of those moves!
Sato: Hey, Sato!
Y/N: Wow! It's nice to meet all of you—
Inasa: L/N! YOU'RE BACK!!
Kirishima: When did you get there...?
The several mentions of Midoriya made you notice that he wasn't here with everyone else. You looked around but he wasn't at his seat.
Y/N: Wait a second, you said Midoriya was in recovery...?
Sero: Yeah, You should've seen him, he was Super Strong! He even managed to beat Bakugo and Iida!
Y/N: Aw man...I was hoping to see his Quirk in action...anyway, I've gotta go, I'll see you guys later!
Kirishima: For sure, man! Later!
With that, you ran back out of the room, not without grabbing your stuff of course. Leaving your classmates to talk about the history between You, Midoriya and Bakugo.
Kirishima: Man, Y/N's known Midoriya even before we enrolled here, that's obvious.
Sero: From what I saw at the Quirk Assessment test, I think he knows Bakugo too. All three of them know each other.
Meanwhile: The Front of U.A
After grabbing your things, you rushed to catch Midoriya on the way out. However, you were surprised to see that him and Bakugo were both standing right outside, talking.
Bakugo: You made a fool out of me! So...? Did you come to rub it in?! Just get it over with!
Bakugo was quick to notice you, giving you a dirty glare as Midoriya looked back in confusion.
Midoriya: L/N! You're awake!
Bakugo: Not you too...why did you both follow me?! Is it to get under my skin?! Because it's working!!
Y/N: I came to see Midoriya, not you, Bakugo. If you're just gonna yell at us then you can just leave!
Bakugo: Shut up, freaky hair! I don't wanna hear it! And you, Deku..."borrowed power"...don't talk to me like I'm an idiot! You already made a fool out of me in that damn training exercise! I lost, and to make matters worse it was to you! I came in first in the exam...but that's not enough...!!
As Bakugo went on, he grew more and more angry with not only the two of you, but himself as well. A combination of sweat and tears began to run down his face as he continued to talk.
With that he turned around and stormed off. You signed and shrugged at Midoriya who simply sighed in relief.
Y/N: A Reality Check is exactly what people like him need the most...I didn't get to see what happened during the other fights, but it's clear that some of them pulled ahead of him.
Seemingly out of nowhere, All Might appeared and zoomed right past you and Midoriya, rushing to Bakugo's side.
All Might: BAKU-GO! I found you!!
As All Might proceeded to banter with Bakugo, you looked at Midoriya and spoke to him, catching his attention.
Y/N: So Midoriya...Bakugo mentioned a borrowed power...what's that all about...?
Midoriya: A-AH! W-Well...You see, I-I...U-Uhh...
Y/N: It's fine...if you don't wanna tell me, I won't make you. I'm going home.
Midoriya: Wait a second, L/N...there's something I wanted to ask you too...
You then stopped and looked at Midoriya in confusion. Twinkling his fingers nervously, he looked at you with a serious look on his face.
Midoriya: While I was training for the Entrance Exam, I saw you, jogging with someone. You always tell me that you live alone, and that you never knew your was that...? Do you have some kind of brother that I've never heard about...?
Y/N: Huh?! That's Goku he's talking about! But when did he...right...there was a day where I saw him on the Beach with that old man...he must've spotted me too...I'm sorry, Midoriya, like how you need to keep your secrets, I have to keep mine. I hope you understand.
Midoriya: O-Of course...
With that you waved him off and walked away. Bakugo had already ditched All Might, leaving him to stand alone and think to himself for a while before he walked back to Midoriya.
Meanwhile, Ashido, Uraraka, and Tsuyu were all watching the whole thing go down from the windows above.
Ashido: What was that all about...?!
Uraraka: The fated battle between Rivals...
Tsuyu: Whatever it was, Bakugo really looked like he wanted to punch them. L/N's always teasing him like that.
Ashido: I guess...
Time Skip: The Next Day
It was now next day, and new Classes were underway. Nothing too crazy in terms of classes today. You were currently sitting in class. Mr. Aizawa was currently talking to the class about the results of the Training Exercises.
Aizawa: Decent Work on yesterday's combat training, you guys. I saw each of the video feeds and went over each of your team's results. Bakugo, you're talented so don't sulk like a child over your loss, okay?
Y/N: Pfft...!!
Bakugo: Yeah, whatever...
Aizawa: L/N, You also show much potential, but you can't rely on lasting a few minutes before passing out. Find a way to control your Quirk. Your power will get you into some serious trouble someday if not handled properly.
Y/N: H-Huh...?! Y-Yessir!
Aizawa: Midoriya, you're on the same boat. I see the only way you won the match was messing up your arm again. Work harder, and don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk. That line's already getting old.
Midoriya grew nervous and seemingly embarrassed. Fair enough on his behalf. Bakugo simply scoffed at him.
Aizawa: You can't keep breaking your body while training here, but your quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it. I suggest working with L/N, the two of you have similar problems. You can find a solution together. Show a little urgency, you two, alright?
The two of you looked at each other for a second before exchanging smiles. You gave him a thumbs up and he gave a light nod in return. Seeing this made Bakugo even angrier.
L/N/Midoriya: Yes!
Aizawa: ...Let's get down to business...our first task will decide your future.
Everyone: I-Is it another Quirk Test...?!
Aizawa: You all need to pick a class representative.
Everyone: Oh good, just normal school stuff...
In just a matter of seconds, you watched as the entire class rushed to claim the spot of Class Representative. It was clear they all wanted it.
Kirishima: Pick me, guys! I wanna be Class Rep!
Kaminari: I'll take it!
Jiro: Yeah, you're gonna need me.
Aoyama: Someone with style would be best—
Ashido: I'm like, totally the right pick!!
Y/N: Jeez...nobody seemed to make this big of a deal over something like being Class Rep in previous School Years...but I guess it's fair. This is U.A after all...
You noticed that Midoriya was about to raise his hand and make a suggestion as well, but before he could, Iida raised his hand and shouted, catching everyone's attention.
Iida: Silence! Everyone! Please!
Y/N: Huh?
Iida: The Class Representative's duty is to lead others. That's not something just anyone can do! You must have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore the most logical way to fill this position is democratically. We will hold an election to choose our leader!
Everyone: It's pretty obvious that you want us to vote for you...
Kaminari: Are you sure this is the best idea...?
Tsuyu: We've only known each other for a few days, how do we know who we can trust...?
Y/N: That's a good point. Plus wouldn't everyone just vote themselves...?
Iida: Yes, most people will, but that means whoever does get multiple votes will be the most suitable person for the job! It's the best way, right, Sir?
You then looked over to Mr. Aizawa who was all bundled up in the same sleeping bag that he had when you first met him.
Aizawa: Do what you want, just decide when my nap's over...
Iida: Thank You for your trust!
Y/N: I-Is he really gonna sleep in the middle of class...?!
He was indeed going to sleep in the middle of class.
After a little while, everyone had made their votes. You personally didn't actually vote for anyone. Mostly because you didn't know anyone that well yet. Voting for Midoriya simply because you were already friends with him would seem a bit biased, so you simply didn't vote.
The results had been put on the board. And said results actually surprised you.
Izuku Midoriya - 3
Momo Yaoyorozu - 2
Y/N L/N - 2
Midoriya: How did I get three votes?!
Bakugo: Okay, you idiots, who voted for him?!
Sero: What, did you honestly think anyone was gonna vote for you...?
You noticed Uraraka whistling and looking around. It was clear that she was one of his votes. They did seem to get along a lot.
Right in front of her however, Iida was shuttering in his seat, seeing as he didn't get any votes whatsoever.
Iida: Z-Zero votes...I feared this would happen...but I can't argue with the system I chose...!!
Momo: So you voted for someone else, huh?
Sato: You know it was best to just vote for yourself. What were you trying to prove here, Iida...?
Y/N: I was about to ask the same thing.
Momo: On the other hand, we tied in votes, L/N. What do you suggest we do?
You simply shrugged. You didn't care that much about the role of class representative.
Y/N: I mean it doesn't really matter, right? Midoriya has us both beat anyway.
A little bit after that, You, Midoriya, and Momo were all standing at the front of the class room. Midoriya practically shaking in his shoes.
Aizawa: Alright, our Class Rep is Midoriya, and our deputies are L/N and Yaoyorozu. I didn't feel like coming up with a tie breaker, so both of you can just share the role together.
Midoriya: R-Really...?! this not a mistake...?
Y/N: Works for me I guess.
Momo: *Sighs* How did this happen...?
Tsuyu: This might not be so bad!
Kirishima: Yeah, I can get behind Midoriya, I guess!
Kaminari: Yaoyorozu was totally on top of it when it came to our training results!
Sero: And Y/N's always level headed! I think he can do it!
Time Skip: Lunch Time
It was now time to eat lunch. You had eight bowls of rice as well as 4 bowls of ramen, and 5 biscuits. And 3 different types of sauce. You can never forget the sauce.
Inasa who was sitting next to you, was still bamboozled by the amount of food you ate. Kaminari who was sitting across from you was at a loss for words.
As you dug in, Inasa and Kaminari did the same. The food was good. Really good. Better than what you're used to.
Inasa: So you're one of the class deputies! That's amazing!
Kaminari: I'm totally jealous, dude...
Y/N: *Muffled* I's only the class deputy...
Kaminari: Don't talk with your mouth full!!
Y/N: *Gulp*...Sorry...the food's really good...anyway, it's only the class deputy. Midoriya gets to be our Class Rep, that's what's really amazing.
Inasa: the Entrance Exam, I didn't think I was going to enroll here. Not after that Todoroki treated me so be honest, I thought that most other students would be like him...but then I met you. You inspired me to keep going, and I won that race! If it weren't for you, I probably would've just went to some other Hero School...that's why I voted for you. You inspired me, and I know you can inspire others too.
Y/N: Heh...that's nice and all, but you might be thinking a little too much of be honest, I thought the same thing about you. You motivated me to keep going in that race, and while I didn't win the race, I still passed, right?
Kaminari: You guys are so cool, getting in from makes me even more jealous!!
Inasa: That reminds me...what drives you, L/N? Why do you want to become a hero?
After taking another bite of your food, you looked at him and thought back when you fought against Cell. Sure it was a dangerous situation, but the thrill of that battle, the rush you gained from that situation, it's indescribable. You wanted to feel it again.
Y/N: ...It's because—
All of a sudden you were cut off by an alarm going off in the building. Everyone looking around in what started off as confusion, but it quickly turned into a panic.
Kaminari: What in the...?!
Y/N: What's going on?!
Random Student: Somebody's broken through the school barrier! We've gotta go!!
Y/N: What?!
Panic very quickly turned into Chaos in a matter of minutes. The Hallways were insanely cramped with students who were desperately trying to get through.
You found yourself being pushed around by the massive crowd, quickly being separated from Inasa and Kaminari.
Random Student: Stop shoving so hard!!
Random Student: I'm getting trampled!!
Y/N: Yoarashi?! Kaminari?! Anybody?!
You noticed in the back that Kaminari was now with Kirishima. Both of them trying to calm down the panicking crowd, but it was no good. They were quickly swept away.
Y/N: Damn it! I have to do something! But what?! These people won't listen to me through this panic!
???: L/N!! Uraraka!!
You looked over to see Iida who was being pushed against a window by the crowd. Looking past Iida, it was merely a mob of news reporters outside who had somehow gotten past the School's security system.
Iida: Uraraka, touch my hand! Make me float above everyone else!!
She was confused at first, but Uraraka quickly complied with Iida's request, they struggled, but they barely managed to touch finger tips. Thankfully that was all she needed.
Iida: Now, L/N! You can fly, right?! Fly above the crowd and throw me forward!
Y/N: You want me to throw you...?!
Iida: Trust me! I have an idea!!
Y/N: I-I...Alright!
Powering up with a white aura, you struggled to reach him, but eventually you managed to grab Iida's hand. You then flew into the air and began to spin around like a windmill.
Y/N: Grr...GOOO!!!
With one mighty shout, you sent Iida hurling towards the exit. He spun around a few times before hitting the wall. With his lack of weight due to Uraraka's Quirk, there was very little impact.
You watched as Iida grabbed the bar by the ceiling and took a pose before shouting to everyone in the hallways.
Y/N: That's the way!
The crowd quickly calmed down after Iida's speech. You then heard the noise of sirens outside. The Police had arrived to escort the Media out of U.A Property.
Y/N: Well that was definitely something...
Time Skip
After Lunch break had ended, everyone had gone back to class. You were no exception of course. You, Momo, and Midoriya were once again standing in front of the class.
Momo: Alright, Class Rep. It's time to begin.
Y/N: Yup.
Midoriya: O...O-Okay! First we need to decide who the class officers will be! But first, there's something that I wanna say...I've thought a lot about this...and I think that Tenya Iida should be our class rep!
Y/N: Oh...?
Midoriya: He was able to capture everyone's attention and get us in line. So I believe...that he should be the one leading our class from now on!
Kirishima: Yeah, Y'Know what? If Midoriya vouches for him, I'm good. Plus he was a big help, he totally manned up and took charge, right?
Kaminari: Yeah, and did you notice that he looked like the dude on the emergency exit signs when he was on the wall earlier?
Iida was in awe at what he was hearing. It was clear that he wanted to be class rep the most out of everybody, and for Midoriya to give up his role for Iida, it made you proud of him.
Aizawa: This is a waste of time...I don't care who the rep is, just hurry up...
Mr. Aizawa then flopped back onto the floor with his sleeping bag as Iida stood up from his seat. You couldn't help but look at your teacher hold back a laugh.
Iida: If Midoriya is nominating me for this job...then I humbly accept! I pledge to carry out the duties of class rep to the best of my abilities!
Kirishima: Yeah! We're counting on you, Emergency Exit!!
Kaminari: Emergency Exit Iida!
Momo: Hello...? we got 2 more votes than him...
Midoriya then felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking next to him, he laid eyes upon you looking at him with a genuine smile. Something he doesn't see very often.
Y/N: Good Job, Midoriya.
Midoriya couldn't help but smile back. Giving a nod with a light chuckle.
Midoriya: Thanks!
And just like that, our Class Rep was decided. However this couldn't prepare us for what came next.
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