Chapter 7: Combat Training
You had just taken the biggest throw out of all of your students. You had to admit, as powerful as it was, you out everything you had into it, and it took a lot out of you.
Y/N: *Pant*...*Pant*...How's that...?
Aizawa: Very Impressive, L/N, and unlike Midoriya, your body can actually handle your power. That settles it for the Ball Throw. Onto the next test.
With that, the hard part of our assessment test was pretty much over. There were a few other things, like the seated toe-touch, another running test, and some simple sit-ups. Poor Midoriya had to go through it all with a broken finger.
But eventually, we reached the end of our Quirk assessment test.
Aizawa had gathered everybody outside once more to reveal the scores of everybody's tests. Seeing what most of your classmates could do, you were confident you earned a high ranking.
Aizawa: Alright, time to give you your results. I ranked you from best to worst, so you should probably have a good idea of your standing already. I'll just pull up the whole list, it's not worth going over every individual's score...
You watched as your teacher pulled out his little handheld device that he had been using throughout the day. You noticed that Midoriya didn't look very confident in himself.
With the push of a button, a holographic screen popped up showing the results of everybody's scores. Everybody was incredibly nervous looking at their rankings.
1. Momo Yaoyorozu.
2. Shoto Todoroki.
3. Y/N L/N.
4. Inasa Yoarashi.
5. Katsuki Bakugo.
6. Tenya Iida.
7. Fumikage Tokoyami.
8. Mezo Shoji.
9. Mashirao Ojiro.
10. Eijiro Kirishima.
11. Mina Ashido.
12. Ochako Uraraka.
13. Rikido Sato.
14. Tsuyu Asui.
15. Yuga Aoyama.
16. Hanta Sero.
17. Denki Kaminari.
18. Kyoka Jiro.
19. Toru Hagakure.
20. Izuku Midoriya.
Y/N: I made 3rd place! Alright! But...
Midoriya: I'm in last place...I failed...
Aizawa: And I was lying. No one's going home.
Everybody was dumbfounded upon hearing the Teacher's words. Everybody with the exception Momo at least.
Aizawa: That was just a rational deception to make sure that you gave it your all in the tests!
Y/N: HA!
Everybody: WHAAAAT?!?
Momo: I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure that out. I'm sorry, I guess I probably should've said something.
Everybody: ...Yeah...You should have...
Inasa: WE'RE SAFE!
Sero: That was pretty nerve racking, huh...?
Kirishima: Nah, I'm always down for a challenge!
Y/N: Same here!
Aizawa: That's it. We're done for today. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom. Read it over before tomorrow morning.
Midoriya let out a long sigh of relief, however it was once again out on edge when Aizawa approached him and spoke.
Aizawa: Midoriya, take this and have the old lady fix you up. Things are gonna be tougher tomorrow when your actual training begins. Make sure you're prepared.
With that the Teacher walked off, and you along with the rest of your class were relieved for the day.
Y/N: Oh Boy...
Kaminari: So what do you plan on doing now, Y/N?
Y/N: Me? Oh, I'm probably just gonna go home. Today's been a busy one!
Kaminari: Sweet! Mind if I keep you company on the way?
Y/N: Sure thing—
Inasa: Y/N!!!!
Y/N: H-Huh?!
Inasa: I was too focused on getting the task done earlier, but I'm so happy that you're here!! I was hoping we'd be in the same class!! Let's show our passionate spirit and become Heroes together!!
Y/N: Oh Yeah! It's good to see you here, man! Me and Kaminari were gonna walk home after we grab that thing. You wanna tag along?
Inasa: Sure!!
???: Would you kind if I came along too?
The three of you all looked to see Momo standing behind you. You and Kaminari were shocked, but Inasa greeted her like he would any other person.
Inasa: That would be great!!
Kaminari: Wait hold on, you're Yaoyorozu, right...? We haven't really talked much...
Y/N: Well we're not gonna become friends if we stay that way. I'm okay with her tagging along. Yoarashi already gave the thumbs up too. So why are you so concerned?
Kaminari then suddenly grabbed you and wrapped his arm around your neck, hiding your faces in a secretive manner, despite the fact that she was right there. He then proceeded to whisper to you what was on his mind.
Kaminari: Have you looked at that girl...?! She's seriously gorgeous...!! Plus I heard she got in on recommendations!! Are you sure we're even qualified to be speaking to her...?!
Y/N: Well if it helps, I also got in on's not that big of a deal...
Kaminari: Are you kidding me...?! Are you from a family of heroes or something...?!
Y/N: No. I'm
Momo: Is everything alright?
Y/N: Yeah, Kaminari's just a bit shy here. That's all.
Momo: I see. Are we taking the station? Or are we simply walking?
Kaminari: We were just gonna walk. My place isn't too far from here.
Momo: That works for me. I had a few questions for you, Y/N. We can all get to know each other more on the way.
Y/N: Fine by me.
Inasa: Yup!
Kaminari: Alright, then...
Time Skip
The School day was over, and it was a little bit stressful, I can't lie. I was hoping Midoriya wouldn't get expelled since this was his dream. Bakugo's having a bit of a panic attack over Midoriya's apparently "new" Quirk, so it wasn't all bad.
I'm also making some new friends. I already knew Inasa and Momo, but not Kaminari. He's cool and funny, so I knew we'd get along.
Kaminari: REALLY...?!? You were attacked by a villain?! specifically?!?
Y/N: Yeah...I don't like thinking about it too much...
Momo: I question was, do you remember what the Villain looked like...?
Y/N: How could I not...?
Upon hearing Momo's question, you started having some serious Vietnam flashbacks. The image of Cell was spot-welded into your memory. How could it not be? If it weren't for Goku, Cell would've been the last thing you had ever seen before your life came to a gruesome and painful end.
Y/N: The Base shape of his body was like a person, but that's about it. He shared practically no other similarities in comparison to me or you. He wore no clothes. His skin was a gross, dark green, and most of it was rock solid, like amour...wings that he could use to help him fly, and soulless eyes that pierce right into you like daggers...
Kaminari: Wait, did you say..."No Clothes?" he was naked?! Ugh, that's both gross and creepy...
Y/N: Yeah...but above all else...his tail...that damned may not look it, but it's the most dangerous thing he stabbed right into me and started draining me dry from the inside out...if Goku hadn't helped me out back there...I would've died for sure...
Momo: Who's "Goku"...?
Y/N: U-Uh, he's a Pro Hero...Crap! I almost completely gave away Goku's identity...!! He told me not to tell anybody about him...!!
Inasa: So how did you get away...?!
Y/N: Well...the Hero kept him busy, he told me to leave immediately, so I did just that...that was ten months ago, and I haven't seen any trace of the Villain since...
Kaminari: That's crazy...I can't imagine how hard that was for you...
Y/N: It's nothing really...I'm still alive, right?
Momo: That's odd...You said ten months ago...during that time, there have been reports...sightings of a tall, gangly creature roaming around the city, there have also been reports of civilians going missing...none of them were found.
Y/N: I'd imagine...if that guy's attacking other people, I'd imagine some of them aren't so lucky...but none?! That's crazy...!!
Eventually I got home, and my new friends went their own way, but the things Momo told me sent chills down my spine...hundreds...possibly thousands of people, missing, and none of them found...not a single one...I have a feeling that something nightmarish is well on it's way...
The Next Day: U.A High
It was now the next day. After Aizawa's crazy intense first impression, you finally got to do the things you would expect to do on the first day of school.
You were currently doing some regular courses, starting with English class. It was almost exactly like middle school, except you had a Pro Hero doing the teaching.
Present Mic had four sentences on the chalk board. He went through all of them as you along with your entire class sat through the whole sixty minutes of boredom.
Present Mic: Now, which one of these sentences contains a mistake?
Everybody: Soo Boring...
Bakugo: This really sucks...
Y/N: Zzzzz...
Present Mic: Hey now, c'mon everyone! Grammar rules!!
Several Boring Classes Later
It was now the afternoon, The Lunch Period. Not only was the cafeteria massive, but they had one of the best chefs in Japan working for the School.
Lunch Rush: I hope you enjoy your food!
Y/N: Thank You!!
A bunch of other students watched with widened eyes as you strutted past them with a tray holding six bowls of rice, as well as some other stuff.
Walking over to the table where Kaminari and Inasa were sitting, you placed down your tray as they both gasped with shock as to how much food you had.
Y/N: I'm so hungry!!
Kaminari: W-Well...Surely you're not gonna eat all of that on your own right...?
You were in fact going to eat it all on your own.
Like some sort of rabid beast, you started chomping your way through your meal. The other students around you started to stare as you did so, but you didn't care.
While you did work a part time job, it wasn't easy paying for food, seeing as you needed to pay rent for the apartment. However with this New Hero Course, you had to quit your job and focus on the big picture. The food at U.A was incredibly cheap despite how high quality it was.
You weren't quite sure on how you were gonna be able to keep living in your apartment without your job, but you figured you'll cross that line when you come to it.
Time Skip
After a painful morning and a great lunch, it was time for more Hero Training. You were sitting in class waiting for Aizawa to show up, but you were met with a pleasant surprise.
???: I AM...HERE!
Midoriya's face lit up drastically as none other than the Number one Hero, All Might, suddenly entered the classroom in a bizarre position.
Kaminari: Woah! I can't believe it's really All Might!!
Kirishima: So he is a teacher! This year's gonna be totally awesome!
Tsuyu: Hey, Look! Is he wearing his Silver Age Costume...?!
As All Might confidently strutted into the room, you could hear your classmates getting all ramped up. Obviously when the Number One Hero in the entire world enters the same room as you, people are gonna be a bit excited. You were no exception.
Ojiro: I'm getting Goosebumps! It's so retro!!
Y/N: I've never seen him in person! He looks so much cooler up close!
All Might: Welcome to the most important class at U.A High! Think of it as Heroing 101! Here you will learn the basics of being a Pro, and what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get into it! Today's lesson...WILL PULL NO PUNCHES!!
Midoriya: A-Actual Combat...?!
Y/N: This should be good!
All Might: But one of the keys of being a Hero is...LOOKING GOOD!
All Might then pulled out a remote device which caused pieces of the wall to suddenly slide out of place, revealing a lot of numbered cases that weren't actually in order.
All Might: These designed for you based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before School started!
With that being said, your class grew even more excited than before, some of the students even jumping out of their seats.
Y/N: Our Costumes!
All Might: Get yourselves suited up, and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!
Everybody: YES, SIR!
Time Skip
All Might was now waiting in a complex, yet fake city made for the soul purpose of whipping Heroes in training into shape.
The Number One Hero patiently waited until his students eventually started to emerge from the entrance. All of them being suited up into their Hero Outfits.
All Might: They say that the Clothes make the Pros, ladies and gentlemen, and behold! You are the proof! Take this to heart! From now on you are all...HEROES IN TRAINING!
All Might: This is getting me all ramped up! You look so cool!! But we seem to be missing two of our students...Young Midoriya and Young L/N haven't showed yet?
Sero: Nope! Here they come now!
And You along with Midoriya did just that. The both of you showed up, wearing your Hero Outfits with confidence.
Midoriya's Hero Outfit wasn't anything special to be frank. Just a green track suit with a few little extra details.
Midoriya: It's a gift from my Mom, so of course it's what I'm gonna wear!
Uraraka: Huh? Hi, Deku! Love the costume! Not to flashy—Woah...
Everybody turned and at first gazed at Midoriya's outfit. They weren't too impressed. However they then looked at you, and each of them all had the same reaction.
Y/N: Hold on, this seriously my Hero Outfit...?! Seems like a bit much...don't you think...?!
Goku: Whaat? No way! It's a Perfect fit! Plus it suits you! I don't wear it anymore anyway!
Y/N: is really cool...thanks, Goku!
Goku: Don't mention it! Go get em, Buddy!
Flashback End
Y/N: This outfit was a gift from my I'll wear it with Honor and Pride!
Your outfit consisted of a dark brown jacket, as well as a special martial arts Gi underneath. You were also given a tool that Goku called a "Scouter." He said that until you get a better grip on your Ki control, this is what you can use to detect nearby entities, wether they be friend or foe.
All Might: Holy Crap, Young L/N! You look so cool!!
Kaminari: Yeah! That outfit is KILLER, dude!!
Y/N: Thanks!
What you didn't know as that your outfit was customized by the clothing company owned by U.A at the very last second. They didn't change anything in regards to the look, but they made the material more adaptive to certain temperatures. This way, even on a hot day, you could still wear your whole outfit.
All Might: Now...shall we get started, you bunch of newbies...?
Y/N: Let's do this!!
All Might: Now that you're ready, it's time for Combat Training!
Iida: Sir! This is the fake city from our Entrance Exam. Does that mean we'll be conducting urban battles again?
All Might: Not quite! I'm going to be moving you two steps ahead! Most of the villain fights you see take place outside, however the battles with the most dastardly evildoers take place indoors!
Y/N: Really...?
All Might: Think about it! Backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs...truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows...for this exercise you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys, and fight two on two indoor battles!
Tsuyu: Isn't this a little advanced...?
All Might: The Best training is what you get on the battlefield! But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time, you'll be up against actual people now!
Momo: Sir, will you be the one deciding who wins?
Bakugo: How much can we hurt the other team?
Uraraka: Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled like last time...?
Iida: Will you be splitting us up based on chance of comparative skill?
Y/N: We're allowed to go all out with our Quirks, right?
Aoyama: Isn't this cape très chic?
All Might: Grr...I wasn't finished talking...!!
Everybody: ...
All Might: Listen up! The Situation is this, The Villains have hidden a nuclear weapon in their secret hideout! The Heroes must try to foil their plans! To do that, the heroes must either capture the evildoers or recover the weapon! Likewise, The Villains succeed if they either protect their payload or capture the heroes!
Y/N: This sounds like some sort of video game trope...
All Might: Time's limit and we'll be choosing teams by drawing lots!
Iida: Isn't there a better way...?
Midoriya: Think about it, Pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot! So maybe that's the reason we're seeing that here!
Y/N: That's...actually a really good point.
Iida: Yes...of course...excuse my rudeness, Sir!
All Might: Don't sweat it! LET'S DRAW!
Team A: Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka
Team B: Mezo Shoji and Shoto Todoroki
Team C: Y/N L/N and Momo Yaoyorozu
Team D: Katsuki Bakugo and Tenya Iida
Team E: Mina Ashido and Yuga Aoyama
Team F: Inasa Yoarashi and Rikodo Sato
Team G: Denki Kaminari and Kyoka Jiro
Team H: Fumikage Tokoyami and Tsuyu Asui
Team I: Mashirao Ojiro and Toru Hagakure
Team J: Hanta Sero and Eijiro Kirishima
Momo: We're on the same team. A pleasant surprise. It's best to work with people you've made connections with.
Y/N: You're right! Let's do our best!
All Might: I declare the first teams to fight to be...THESE GUYS!!
Suddenly All Might pulled out two lettered balls. One with the letter C, and the other with the letter H. Your team was up first, which was a bit of a shock.
All Might: Team H will be the Heroes, Team C will be the Villains! Everyone else can head to the monitory room to watch!
With that you all walked to the building where you would be having your battle. All Might let you and Momo walk in first to gain your position.
All Might: Young L/N, Young Yaoyorozu, the key to winning this challenge is to embody villainy, think from the perspective of an evildoer.
Y/N: Of course.
Momo: Yes, sir.
All Might: If things go too far, I'll step in.
Momo: Understood.
Time Skip
You and Momo had now taken your position on the fifth floor. The building mostly consisted of maze like hallways, but your weapon was located in a large ad open room. In the Center of the room was a large replica of a nuclear bomb, that was what you had to protect.
Momo: I suggest giving a quick rundown of our quirks while we're still in the preparation phase.
Y/N: Good idea.
Momo: I'll go first. My Quirk allows me to create any non-living object from my body. So long as it's roughly the same size as me or smaller, I can make it. I also need to know the materials used of create the object in order to make it.
Y/N: Sounds like you've got an amazing power, Yaoyorozu. Here's mine. With my Power I can physically enhance my Body's Strength, Speed, and Durability using my life essence, or Ki to shorten it. However using my quirk takes lots of stamina if I use it recklessly, so I need to be careful and fight wisely. I've also recently learned to shoot projectiles out of my hands, and I can also fly for up to ten seconds. But flying drains my stamina even faster, if I go for longer than ten seconds, I straight up collapse, and I'm still yet to get the hang of using blasts, so we won't really be able to rely on them for this fight...
Momo: Wow, and you were saying I had a great power...I saw what you did during the assessment test, but I didn't know you could do so much more!
Y/N:'s not much right now if you really think about it, but hopefully U.A's Hero Course can help me get stronger!
Momo: Yes, that would certainly be useful towards being a Pro, but back to the task at hand, we're up against Team H, Tokoyami and Asui are on that team.
Y/N: That Asui girl, I know she has frog like abilities, but I don't really remember what Tokoyami can do...
Momo: To be honest, I haven't really seen him in action yet either, we'll need to be prepared for anything.
Y/N: So do you have a plan—
All Might suddenly shouted through the speakers, not giving you enough time to plan out a strategy, and catching you off guard.
All Might: Alright! Let's begin the indoor Combat Training! Team C, and Team H, your time starts now!!
Y/N: Crap, they're already on their way! Momo, you said you can create stuff, can you create some reinforcements to block off the entrance to the room?
Momo: Yes, good thinking. I'll work on that now.
Y/N: Good!
With that you suddenly ran off, surprising your teammate to say the least. Calling out to you as you gave her a thumbs up.
Momo: What are you doing?!
Y/N: I'm gonna engage with the enemy. Don't worry, I'm not gonna try to full on beat them on my own, but I'm gonna gauge out that Tokoyami's power, then we'll be able to come up with a full on strategy!
Momo: But—
Y/N: Don't worry, we can still talk to each other through these little devices that All Might gave us at the start!
Momo, knowing she couldn't stop you at this point, simply nodded as you ran off on your own. She sighed, but complied with your plan as she started creating some steel bars to block off the entrance.
Momo: Be careful please...
Meanwhile: The Second Floor
After a little bit of looking, you heard the sound of talking. You didn't even know what floor you were on, but all that mattered was that your opponents were nearby.
Tokoyami and Tsuyu were making their way through with a careful approach. Tokoyami constantly on high alert with his Quirk, whereas Tsuyu climbed all over the walls and such for a potential sneak attack.
Y/N: There they are...that frog girl shouldn't be too much of an issue...but the other one...I have no idea what he can do...
Tsuyu: There!
Y/N: Shit!
Tsuyu suddenly stretched her tongue out towards you in the style of a whip attack. You were able to see it coming and avoided it with a big leap forward, but not without a close call.
However, right as you landed two massive hands stretched out towards you. Both of them going for a claw attack. You had to act fast, block or dodge? You had to decide now.
Y/N: Dodge!
You decided that it wasn't worth the risk, so you weaved the two giant hands and slid towards Tokoyami, preparing to hit him with a slide kick attack.
But before you could do so, Tsuyu's tongue suddenly wrapped around you out of nowhere and tightened over your body like some sort of rope.
Y/N: What the...?!
Tsuyu: That's one captured!
Tokoyami: Time to finish it. Dark Shadow!
You then watched as a dark creature emerged from Tokoyami's body. A black shadow that was mostly in the shape of a bird, though it could extend pretty far, it was always attached to it's user's body.
Dark Shadow: I'm all over it!!
The creature Tokoyami dubbed "Dark Shadow" then reeled both of it's arms back and hit you with a heavy double punch to the face.
The attack really hurt, but it wasn't enough to bring you down. You gritted your teeth in pain before you started to growl.
Letting out a powerful scream, your aura suddenly bursted out of your body and emitted a bright white light. Pushing away Tokoyami while straight up blowing away Tsuyu, thus releasing you from her grip.
Dark Shadow immediately retreated after your little power up for a short moment before you got back on your feet and got into a battle stance.
Y/N: Don't count me out just yet! You're gonna regret underestimating me!!
Tsuyu: He broke through my grip just like that! L/N is definitely no joke...!
Tokoyami: I'd expect nothing less from the one who placed third in the assessment test, but we're not going down so easily either...
Y/N: don't have to beat them in a head to head fight, I just need to outlast them...or capture them!
You then charged towards Tokoyami with a balled up fist as he summoned his Dark Shadow once again in a panic.
Tokoyami: Keep him away from us, Dark Shadow!
Dark Shadow: T-This is pointless...
Y/N: His Shadow's too scared to fight?! Now's my chance! Gotta do this quickly!!
Pulling out the capture tape you had received before the match started, you flew around Tokoyami at least 20 times, wrapping him up completely in the tape, which rendered him captured, and out of the match.
All Might: Tokoyami has been captured! He's out of the match!
Tsuyu: Ribbit!!
Having very few options, Tsuyu had tried to make a last ditch effort by slinging her tongue out at you once again, however this time you saw it coming.
Y/N: Not this time!
Grabbing the edge of her tongue, you pulled the exact same maneuver as you did with Tokoyami, flying around the frog girl constantly and tying her up with her own tongue.
Y/N: Hero number two has been captured!!
Tsuyu: I-I got careless...!!
All Might: Both Heroes have been captured and immobilized! THE VILLAIN TEAM WINS!!!!!
And just like that, I had finished my first session of Hero Basic Training. That may have looked easy, but it actually took all of my energy to wrap it up as fast as I did. Plus that hit to the face from Tokoyami really stung.
Y/N: *Pant*...*Pant*...ugh...
All of a sudden you lost your balance, fell down and hit the floor. Everything went dark in an instant.
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