Chapter 6: Taking the First Step
It was a bright, sunny day. The perfect weather to go for a nice run. You were currently on your way to U.A High, not for an exam this time, but as an actual student of the academy.
You couldn't help but feel nervous. You looked back on when you told Goku that you passed the recommendation tests.
Goku: You made it! Good job, buddy! I knew you had it in you!
Y/N: Y-Yeah...
Goku: What's the matter...? Aren't you pumped...?
Y/N: Of course I am! It's just...there's still a part of me that refuses to accept that this is the path I'm taking...I spent my entire life trying to be as normal as I could be, and now I'm doing the exact opposite. It contradicts everything I wanted to be...but here I am anyway, now confirmed to be a U.A Student...
Goku: Hey, Hey! Don't beat yourself up so much! Hey, Remember that promise I made to you?
Y/N: Huh...?
Goku: I said I'd treat you to some yummy food if you passed! I don't know many places around here'll have to get us there, but I'll pay for everything!
Y/N: You don't have to do that, Goku...
Goku: C'mon! I want to do this for you! Plus I could go for a bite myself, hehehe!
You sighed in defeat, but smiled at his remark. Looking up at your mentor and leading the way to the best food place you knew.
Y/N: Well then...let's go! I need some grub in this gut!
Flashback End
Y/N: I've come this far. I can't back out now. The most promising students in all of Japan, as well as the most promising Hero school in the entire world are waiting for me.
With that you started to speed walk your way to U.A. You were uncertain what kind of people you'd meet. The possibilities in this world were next to endless.
Time Skip: U.A High
Upon arriving to U.A, walking in and making your way around was simpler than expected. You had seemed to remember the halls from when you came and took the recommendation test.
It was still rather early, so there weren't that many students in school just yet, so that gave you some time to socially prepare you for what you'd have to do once you reached class.
You were also still adjusting to the new school uniform. It wasn't all that much different from your previous one, but it was made from a different material, and of course had a different colour palette.
Eventually, you made it to your homeroom class. You haven't even entered yet, and you were already getting surprised.
The door was absolutely massive.
This was it. I was about to enter my homeroom class at Hero School, and meet the students who I'd be working with for the next three years. Probably even more of most of them do well. It's ironic don't you think? I used to think that all I needed was to live a normal life, but in a single night, my motives and goals were flipped over in an instant.
Taking a very deep breath, you grabbed the doorknob and entered the classroom, ready to see whatever awaited you inside.
To your surprise, there were only 4 students in the room at the moment. You recognized 2 of them from the recommendation tests. Shoto Todoroki, Aka the gloomy kid, and Momo Yaoyorozu, you actually didn't know much about her.
The other two however, you didn't recognize. One of them was a guy with the head of a bird. The fur on his bird like head was as black as the night sky. He looked like a crow.
Y/N: That guy looks unusual but I can't really talk with this tail...
The other one, another guy. He was tall, had short blue hair and wore glasses. He looked like the boss type of person. The kind of person who would lead a group, or at least guide them.
???: Hm? Good Morning!
Y/N: Erm...Hi.
???: My name is Tenya Iida from The Somei Private Academy. It's a pleasure to meet you!
Y/N: O-Oh, my name's Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you too, Iida.
Iida: L/N...I recognize that name, you were all over the news last year...
Todoroki: That guy was on the news...? I didn't even know who he was at the exams...
Y/N: Oh, here we go...
Iida: There were rumours of you getting into U.A. It appears that they were true. Allow me to be the first to welcome you to Class 1-a! I look forward to working with you!
Y/N: Likewise.
???: Hey...What the hell do you think you're doing here...?!
Hearing a familiar voice, you turned around and looked to see none other than Bakugo in the flesh. He looked to be annoyed, maybe even angry to see you here.
Bakugo: I thought I told you, I was supposed to be the only one from that crappy junior high school to get into U.A! But you went and screwed it all up!
Y/N: Well if you have a problem with me, you can leave right now. It's that simple, Bakugo.
Iida: You two know each other?
Y/N: It's a long story...I think I'd like to take my seat, now.
Iida: Of course! If you read your acceptance letter, it should have said where your assigned seat is!
Y/N: Oh yeah, I remember now. My assigned seat was seat 19 I'm pretty sure.
Iida: That's right in front of Yaoyorozu over there. Make yourself comfortable.
Y/N: Thanks.
Bakugo: Tch...
With that you walked to your assigned seat. Momo Yaoyorozu was sitting in her seat as well. She was simply minding her own business.
The two of you exchanged looks which felt a little awkward on your part. You had no idea how to talk to new people for the most part so this whole thing was gonna be really difficult for you.
After taking your seat, you noticed how several more students started to fill up the room. Most of them looked fairly normal, whereas a select few didn't even look like humans.
Momo: Excuse me, L/N?
Y/N: Y-Yeah...?
Momo: You're quite famous for what you did on the news, yet I myself haven't actually seen you in action. Is it true? Have you really faced against a villain on your own?
Y/N: Yeah, it kinda just happened. The guy was really strong. A close friend saved me at the last second, but if it weren't for him, I probably would've died...
Momo: Well it's nice to meet you. My name is Momo Yaoyorozu. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is your Quirk?
Y/N: Well I can—
Iida: Take your feet off of that desk now!
Bakugo: Huh...?
Being interrupted, you looked to see Bakugo and Iida arguing in the front of the class. Iida seemed to be incredibly serious about School.
Iida: It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this Academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!
You let out a little snicker upon hearing Iida call Bakugo a cretin. It wasn't often you got to see somebody stand up to Bakugo, so this was a rare treat for you.
Bakugo: You're kidding me, right? You're old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?
Momo: You and Bakugo seem to be...acquaintances...
Y/N: Yeah, we went to the same middle school. He's a real hothead. I suggest you avoid talking to him.
Iida: ...Let's start over, I'm Tenya Iida from The Somei Private Academy.
Bakugo: SOMEI, HUH? So you must think you're better than me! I'm gonna have fun tearin' you a new one!
Iida: *Gasp*...You would threaten me?! Your own Classmate?! Are you sure you're in the right place?!
Bakugo: Tch!
The two of them both stopped arguing when somebody else opened up the door, and you were surprised to say the least when you saw who it was that walked in.
Iida: It's him.
Everybody's eyes then turned to the door, and you saw Izuku Midoriya at the door. He got flustered at all of the eyes in the room on him as he panicked.
Midoriya: U-Um, Hii!!
Midoriya: Huh...?! Y/N, you're here too?! So you decided to take the program after all!
Y/N: Yo.
It surprised you that Midoriya managed to get in. But you were more surprised to see him here than the other way around.
Y/N: Midoriya got in...? But he doesn't have a Quirk, right...? I don't know if I should be impressed or concerned...
Iida: Good morning! My name is Tenya Iida from the-
Midoriya: Yeah I know!
Iida: ...
Midoriya: I-I'm Izuku's super nice to meet you...
They kept talking as somebody else came in behind Midoriya, another familiar face, and this one you were actually happy to see.
Y/N: Yoarashi! We're actually classmates! I'm glad!
Momo: It's him. I remember seeing him at the recommendation tests as well. Our Class is looking quite promising this year.
???; If you're just here to make friends, you can pack up your stuff now.
Midoriya, Iida, and another girl who had wandered in all looked in horror as a man in what looked to be a sleeping bag was laying on the floor right outside the Classroom's entrance.
???: Welcome to U.A's Hero Course.
Midoriya: What is that thing...?!
The man slowly started to crawl out of his little sleeping bag as everybody could now see the guy. He had Long black hair, eyes that looked like they hadn't gotten a wink of sleep in days, and his outfit mostly consisted of black and grey.
???: It took eight seconds before you all shut up, that's not gonna work. Time is precious. Rational students would understand that.
Y/N: Uhhh...
???: Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your Teacher.
Y/N: God, the guy looks like he needs to sleep and not teach a class...
Aizawa: Alright, let's get to it. Put these on and head outside.
While saying this, Aizawa pulled out the gym uniform that U.A students got to wear, you recognized them from seeing previous students in the sports festival in previous years.
Time Skip
Everyone: What?! A Quirk Assessment Test?!
You were now outside along with everybody else. All of your classmates had the same gym uniform on, and Aizawa had been waiting out in the field.
Brown Haired Girl: But orientation, we're gonna miss it!
Aizawa: If you want to become a Hero then you can't waste your time with pointless ceremonies. Here in U.A, we're not tethered to traditions. That means that I get to run my class however I see fit.
Y/N: This guy's not playing around...
Aizawa: You've been taking standardized tests for most of your lives. But you never got to use your quirks in physics exams before. The country is still pretending that we're all created equal by not letting the ones with the most power excel. It's not rational. One day the ministry of education will learn.
You were taken aback by how upfront your teacher was. What he spoke was the hard truth of this world. Some people simply rise above others in a world of random powers.
Aizawa: Bakugo, you managed to get the most points in the entrance exam. What was your farthest distance throw with a softball in junior high?
Bakugo: 67 meters, I think...
Aizawa: Right. Try doing it with your Quirk.
Doing what his teacher had told him, Bakugo walked over to the circle with the distance marks, and was given a soft ball to throw. You knew that with a Quirk like his, he was bound to excel this test.
Aizawa: Anything goes, just stay in the circle. Go're wasting our time.
Bakugo: Alright, man. You asked for it.
Y/N: Please don't overdo it, Bakugo...
Bakugo: I'll add a little heat into my pitch and drop their jaws...
With that, Bakugo did a little bit of stretching before reeling his arm back and preparing for his throw. His look on his face went from calm to murderous in an instant as he launched the ball into the sky with a spectacular explosion.
Bakugo: DIE!!!
Everyone: Die.....?
You all watched as the ball soared high into the sky. Eventually falling back down and reaching a distance mark as Aizawa spoke once again.
Aizawa: All of you need to know your maximum capabilities. It's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a Pro Hero.
Aizawa then showed everybody the distance reading on his phone which read "705.2 meters." Everybody was impressed to say the least.
Electric Guy: Woah, 705 meters, are you kidding me...?!
Pink skinned girl: I wanna go! That looks fun!
Elbow Guy: This is what I'm talking about! Using our quirks as much as we want!!
Aizawa: So you think this is fun, huh? You have three years here to become a Hero. You think it's gonna be games and playtime...? you'll compete in eight physical tests to gauge your potential, and the one who places last will be seen as having no potential, and will be expelled immediately...
Everyone: HUH?!?
Y/N: This guy's crazy! Expelling students on the first day?! Is this guy really a Hero...?!
Aizawa: Like I said, I get to decide how this class runs. Understand? If that's a problem, you can go ahead and leave right now.
Y/N: Okay...stay calm...with Goku's training, and my knowledge on some of these quirks, I can do this!
Brown Haired Girl: You can't send one of us home! Even if it wasn't the first day, that isn't fair!
Aizawa: Oh, and Natrual Disasters are...? The Power Hungry Villains...? No, the world is full of unfairness. It's a Hero's Duty to combat that unfairness. If you wanna be a pro, you're gonna have to push yourself to the brink. For the next three years, U.A will throw one terrible hardship at you after another. So go Beyond...Plus Ultra me it's no mistake that you're here!
Test #1: 50 Meter Dash
The first quirk test was a test of speed. 50 meters to be exact. Two students would go at a time, probably to make it more competitive. You were paired with the guy with the weird looking elbows, who you found out whose name was Hanta Sero. You would go on to learn the names of nearly all of your classmates during these tests.
The two of you got into position. Markings were placed on the ground, the two of you would basically run as fast as you could, there was a machine to the side that would monitor the student's run time, so nobody could go and lie about their time.
Machine: Runners, on your mark...ready...
You then dashed straight ahead at high speeds with your white aura coating your entire body in the process, getting WAY ahead of Sero, and finishing first by a long shot.
Machine: 4.48 seconds! 7.04 seconds!
Sero: Jeez, you're really fast! Almost as fast as Iida over there!
Y/N: Thanks! You're not bad yourself!
Test #2: Grip Strength
The second test would be held inside, and in this one you first have a specific opponent to face. All you had to do was take the gripping device and squeeze it's handle as hard as you could.
Y/N: I go!
You then practically crushed the handle with your strength that you had been honing during your training with Goku. You looked at the device and it read 361 kilograms worth of force.
Y/N: Yes!
Your classmate, Denki Kaminari, watched as you showed a great demonstration of strength. He was pretty impressed by your performance.
Kaminari: Dude! 361?! You're crazy fast AND strong! I'm super jealous!
Y/N: Eh, I'm only doing my best!
Sero: WOW!
Y/N: Huh?
You then looked over to see Sero, gawking at another one of your classmates, Mezo Shoji, for his crazy performance.
Sero: You hit 540 kilograms?! You're such a beast!!
Y/N: It looks like I can still grow stronger though, and that's what U.A is all about, right?
Kaminari: Totally!!
Test #3: Standing Long Jump
The third test was a long jump. In front of you was a pit of sand, and you had to jump as far as you could, maybe over it if possible.
Y/N: I go!
With that you gave yourself a running start and jumped right over the pit without even touching a grain of sand.
A few other students managed to do the same thing, Tsuyu Asui, she had a frog quirk, so her jumping capabilities were obviously impressive. Bakugo could practically fly with his explosions. Yuga Aoyama, probably the "shiniest" of your classmates used his laser to propel himself forward. Etc.
Y/N: A lot of these tests require physical strength and speed, luckily that's what my Quirk specializes in!
Test #4: Repeated Side Steps
You now found yourself standing in another marked spot on the ground. 3 lines, you had to repeatedly jump between them as fast as you could. It was that simple.
You had never done this kind of exercise before, and by the looks of it, all of your classmates were on the same boat, so you weren't too concerned about this one. Nevertheless you still gave it your all.
Stepping from side to side, you started off slowly, but once you managed to get a decent flow on it, you started getting faster and faster.
Y/N: Physical tests are my specialty. No problem!
Test #5: Ball Throw
Like what Bakugo had done at the start, the next test was the Ball Throw that Aizawa had demonstrated. Most of them weren't anything worth noting. However, The brown haired girl who you learned whose name was Ochako Uraraka, made the highest score out of all of the tests which was...
Everyone: INFINITY?!?
Y/N: Holy Hannah...
Kaminari: That's insane! How's that possible?!
Next was Midoriya's turn. He had been doing rather poorly on most of the other tests, so you were hoping he'd at least get a decent score here. After all, you knew how much he wanted to be a Hero, so you rooted for him all the way.
Iida: If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon, he's the one going home.
Bakugo: Huh?! Of course he is! He's a Quirkless Loser!!
Iida: Wha—He has a Quirk! Did you not hear about what he did in the Entrance Exam?!
Bakugo: Huh?!
Aizawa: Here it comes...
Y/N: You got this, Midoriya. Don't overthink it. Just take your shot!
Midoriya: He's right! If I use my Quirk here, I'll definitely get a good score! I can't let everyone down!
You could've sworn you saw Midoriya's arm flow for a split second before he took the throw, which was...pretty normal. Nothing special.
Machine: 36 meters!
Midoriya: What...? What just happened...? I could've sworn I used my Quirk just now...!!
Aizawa: I erased your Quirk...The judges for this Exam were not rational enough...someone like you should never be allowed to enroll at this school...
You noticed that Aizawa's scarf was obviously floating around his neck now, however, that wasn't what concerned you. Aizawa's eyes had started glowing completely red.
Y/N: What...? His eyes...!!
Midoriya: Wait you did what to my...wait, those goggles! I know you! You can look at someone and cancel out their powers! The Erasure Hero: Eraser Head!!
Sero: Uh...Eraser...? Who's that...?
Tsuyu: Oh! I've heard of him! I think he works on the down low...
Y/N: I see...he must've cancelled his power at the last possible second...
Aizawa kept glaring at Midoriya, seeming a tad bit frustrated with him. Although you didn't quite know why.
Aizawa: You're not don't have any control over your power...were you planning to break your bones again? Counting on someone else to save your useless body...?
Midoriya: H-Hold on! That's not—
Before he could even finish his sentence, Midoriya was suddenly grabbed and pulled in by Aizawa's scarf, getting right in his face as he spoke once more.
Aizawa: No matter what your intentions are, you would be nothing but a Liability in Battle! I'm sorry, Midoriya. With your power, there's no way you can become a Hero...
Y/N: Jesus...a bit harsh...despite what you've been on about all day...
Aizawa's scarf suddenly stopped floating, as well as his eyes going back to normal as he realized Midoriya from his grasp.
Aizawa: I've returned your impractical Quirk...take your final throw...hurry, get it over with.
With that the teacher then walked away and regrouped with the other students, taking some eye drops as Midoriya stood still, and remained silent for awhile.
Iida: I wonder if our teacher gave him some advice...
Bakugo: He probably told him to start packing...
You were standing by yourself, thinking of what Aizawa had said to Midoriya as Momo suddenly approached you.
Momo: Are you doing alright? You're standing all the way over here by yourself...
Y/N: Oh...Yeah. Just thinking...
Momo: Thinking about what?
Y/N: Mr. Aizawa told Midoriya that he couldn't become a Hero with his power...but...he hasn't sent him home yet...don't you think that's weird...? Anybody with common sense would've just booted them out then and there...unless...
Momo: So you've figured it out, too. Not bad.
Y/N: Huh...Neat.
Meanwhile, Midoriya was preparing to take his throw, hopefully uninterrupted this time.
Midoriya: Mr. Aizawa was right about what he said...if I can't control my quirk, then there's no way I can become a Hero!!
The green haired boy reeled his arm back, and swung forward, although you didn't see his arm glow this time.
Midoriya: SMAAAAAASH!!!
Out of nowhere, Midoriya launched the ball into the sky, just like Bakugo had done. This shocked everybody, including you, since you haven't actually seen his power in action before.
Y/N: That wind pressure, it's incredible...!!
As the ball eventually hit the ground, Midoriya held his wrist tightly and turned towards Aizawa with a determined look on his face, although he also looked to be in incredible amounts of pain.
Midoriya: You see, Mr. Aizawa...? I'm still standing!!
Aizawa: ...This Kid...
Iida: He did it!
Uraraka: Yeah! He's finally showing off his true power!
Bakugo was more surprised then even you. The look on his face said it all. Bakugo had known him since they were little kids, so he had known him as a Quirkless kid all his life.
Y/N: That's the way, Midoriya!!
Bakugo: I'm getting to the bottom of this...!! HEY!!!
All of a sudden Bakugo charged towards Midoriya out of nowhere, putting his palm out forward as if he was ready to blast Midoriya with his Quirk at full force.
Midoriya started to instantly panic as Bakugo only got closer, his palm smoking and even emitting small explosions. Aizawa was about to step in when he noticed something.
All of a sudden you stood in Bakugo's path. Stopping him in his tracks as you pierced his eyes with a mighty glare.
Y/N: Calm down, Bakugo...I don't wanna get my hands dirty today, but I will if I have to!
Bakugo: You weird haired loser!! Get out of my way!!
Y/N: Go on and make me, tough guy! You remember what I said to you in middle school right?
Bakugo then remembered exactly what you told him when he first confronted you about not going to U.A. It played through his head like a movie clip.
I may not be interested in Hero Work, but I can still kick your ass any way of the week!
Bakugo grew even more angry as he looked as if he was about to literally explode. However this is when Aizawa finally decided to step in.
Aizawa: That's enough. All of you. L/N, Bakugo, if either of you attack, you're expelled. Stand down.
Bakugo: Tch...
With that Bakugo decided to back off. Walking away as Midoriya felt an unbelievable relief. Aizawa spoke to you once again as you watched Midoriya walk past you.
Aizawa: It's your turn to throw anyway, Y/N. Hurry up and make it quick. I'm over this...
Y/N: So be it...
With that you took your stance and stepped to the circle. You grabbed a ball and looked into the distance. Wondering how far you could actually throw the ball.
Y/N: Goku trained me for nearly a year for this...I have to see how much stronger I've become!
Getting in position, you took a deep breath and focused. Clenching your free hand into a fist as you began to let out a shout, starting off silent, but eventually lead to straight up screaming.
The debris from Midoriya's throw started to rise around you, reeling your arm back, and throwing it forward for you to end up launching the ball into the sky as well.
Everybody gasped as the ball went further than any other of the students' throws. Aizawa looked at his handheld device once the ball had landed, and it read "869.2 meters."
Kaminari: What is up with these guys?! They're freaking crazy!!
Aizawa: Impressive. You've scored the farthest throw out of anybody.
It was then that I decided that I wouldn't hold back. If what I thought was true, Aizawa wouldn't actually be sending anybody home, only using that as a way to get everybody to go all out. But even so, I won't hold back! I'll stand my ground!
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