Chapter 3: My Name is Goku

You were just beginning to regain consciousness, your eyes felt absurdly heavy. You could feel the roughness of the beach sand against your skin as you laid on the ground.

At this point it was completely dark outside and you had no idea what had happened. Sitting up, you held your head as a throbbing pain rushed through your skull.

Y/N: Ugh...what in the world happened...?

???: Oh! You're finally awake!

Y/N: Yeah I'll be there soon just give me a...few......wait...who are you...?!

Standing before you was a full grown man, his hair was spiky like yours, and his eyes while looking pure, gave a serious kind of gaze. His attire was like nothing you had ever seen outside of a manga, and you noticed that he had a tail just like you.

Y/N: Are you...a Hero...?

???: Me? A Hero...? Well, if you wanna get technical about it...I have saved lives before, but enough about that. My name is Goku, Son Goku! I've actually been looking for you for a little while, pal.

Y/N: Looking? For me? What? I don't even know who you are...

Goku: Well I already told you my name...

Y/N: Yeah, but I still don't know a thing about you!

You then for up and attempted to wipe off the sand from your body and clothes, however like always, there were still remnants of the stuff in certain places.

Goku: I was starting to think that I wouldn't find you, but after that big explosion, I was able to find you!

Y/N: What explosion...?

Goku: Uh...the one you made...? Y'Know, with Cell?

Y/N: Who's Cell?!

Goku: You really don't remember...?


Goku was currently standing before the creature that was attacking you, the same creature that he called "Cell." Goku had completely caught him by surprise.

Goku: That's enough!

Cell: Who do you think you are, getting in the way between me and my prey...?

Goku: Sorry, Cell, but I can't let you kill this one.


Goku suddenly heard something hit the ground, causing him to turn around to see you on the ground, looking up at him, and then passing out seconds later.

Goku: Hm...

Cell: Hm..."Cell"...such a fitting name. I think I'll keep it.

With that Cell then leaped over the many piles of garbage surrounding the area and took his leave. Goku not taking his eyes off of him for when a moment until he was sure that he was gone.

Flashback End

Goku: You passed out after I arrived. You sure know how to keep a guy waiting.

Y/N: I remember now! That weird bug thing! It stabbed me and I thought I was going to die...wait, my wound! What happened to it?!

Looking at your stomach, you saw that the gaping hole in your midriff was completely healed up, it was like it wasn't ever there in the first place.

Goku: Oh yeah! I gave you a little something while you were out! You probably would've bled out if not for that!

Y/N: ...Okay you're throwing a lot at me here...

Goku: Well I can't explain the whole thing quickly, but  I was basically sent to find you by a certain someone. Don't ask who, because I can't tell you. It's a secret, for now anyway.

Y/N: Okay...?

Goku: I also wanted to show you that you have a lot more in you than you thought you did! Compared to everybody else in this world, you have a super special power! Isn't that great!

Y/N: Oh...goodie.

Goku: What's the matter...? You don't look very happy...

After Goku's words, you took a deep sigh and reflected on the fact that you weren't normal, regardless on how much you wanted to be. However during that little fight with Cell, you felt as though something had awakened you. A feeling that you didn't even know you had.

Y/N: It's just...I've been trying so hard to live a normal life, but the world just keeps throwing all of these special things my way even though I don't want them!

Goku: Man, that sucks...I was looking forward to training you too.

Y/N: "Training?"

Goku: Yup! I was gonna teach you the ins and outs of your Powers, they could really help you in the future. But if you don't want me to, that's fine.

Y/N: Well, during that fight with..."Cell?" Was it? I felt something new...the sudden movements and the rush of fighting made me feel a certain as if I could lift any weight, take down any wall, crush any villain...I felt like I was unstoppable...I felt like I was...Super...

Goku: You're saying that you enjoyed the fight?!

Y/N: I-I think...? I'm not really sure right now...but I wanna fight more...I wanna compete against more people...I can't believe I'm saying this...but I wanna get stronger!

Hearing these things, Goku couldn't help but grin, thinking to himself as you clenched your fists with a smile.

Goku: He really is one of us! I can't believe it! And all the way out here, too! This is crazy! I've gotta tell The Supreme Kai of Time!

Y/N: I-I'm a complete mess right now...all of my motives are being turned upside down! I want to fight, I want to grow stronger! I want to feel all of the thrill that life has to offer!

Goku: I've been told that there's a Hero system in this place, is that true?

Y/N: Well...Yeah. People use their Quirks to become Pro Heroes, you didn't know this?

Goku: Crap...!! U-Uhhh...Heroes aren't really a thing where I come from...

Y/N: Huh...Weird...

Goku: Alright, listen...I've gotta go for now...but I'll see you again really soon! If you change your mind about my training offer, meet me here tomorrow night. I hope you make the right choice. See ya around!

With that Goku placed two of his fingers on his forehead, and in the blink of an eye, he vanished into thin air.

You were completely flabbergasted by this. Looking around in every direction possible before thinking to yourself.

Y/N: He...Vanished?! Who is this guy?! WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!?!?!

At that moment however, something else had crossed your mind. Your eyes widened as you realized this.

Y/N: Crap! I'm late for work!!

The Next Day: Your School

After a long, confusing, and stressful night, you were now back at School, sitting in class as your second period was about to wrap up.

During your time at your workspace, you thought a lot about what to do, and you had barely decided by the time you went to class.

The Teacher rambled on for a few more minutes before the bell rang, indicating lunch break. However, while all of the other students marched out of class, you stayed behind to speak with your teacher.

Y/N: Hey, Teach...can I talk with you for a second...?

Teacher: Of course, L/N! What's on your mind?

Y/N: I've done a lot of thinking...and I've made a decision.

Teacher: Ohh...?

Y/N: After careful consideration...I've decided...That I want to sign up for The Hero Program...the offer still stands, right...?

Teacher: What?! This is unexpected! Of course! After U.A saw your Quirk registration, they actually wanted you to take the Entrance Exam for the Recommended Students!

Y/N: I was placed in Student Recommendations...?! Seriously...?! They actually WANT me in their School...?!

Teacher: Of course! You're all over the news! Most people here didn't recognize you since you were all bulky and glowing, but I knew it was you!

Y/N: They caught me on the news?! When did that happen?! I didn't even realize!

Teacher: Well how could they not? Your Quirk is amazing! Anyway, I'll be sure to give them a call! The Recommendation Exam is actually a few weeks earlier than the Main Entrance Exam, so you have roughly nine months to get it done.

Y/N: Got it. Thanks, Teach.

With that you walked out of class along with the rest of the students and went to eat lunch, you still weren't entirely sure about for whole U.A thing, but you were now enrolling.

Your POV

And that was how my journey as a Hero began. Something about that fight at the beach changed me in a way. Going to U.A, while at first felt like the last thing I wanted to do, now simply feels...right. I dunno, it's hard to explain. But I'm gonna be enrolled, wether I like it or not.

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