Chapter 13: Prepare for the U.A Sports Festival
U.A High. The prestigious Hero Academy that forges nothing but the Greatest Heroes that the world has ever known.
My name is Y/N L/N. I'm a U.A Student who now strives to be the best Hero I can be. Recently, my Class was attacked by a group of dangerous Villains.
I fought against a Powerful man named Cumber. His strength seemed to be unmatched, but like everything else in the world, he too had a limit. Eventually he hit that limit, and I was able to drive him away from my Class.
However, after that Battle, my Quirk took a few changes. During the Battle against Cumber, a new power that I had previously used in the past had awakened within me and was even more powerful than before.
But now, I don't feel a thing. Like a raging flame, it was only temporary, no matter how hot. So now I'm practically back to square one. I don't see this as a downside though.
The other change my body went through was that it grew to new heights. My Ki was greater, my body was stronger and I was more durable, plus, my flight limit was increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds. It might not seem like much in the long run, but it's a major improvement.
Now...we just keep moving forward. Everyone was impacted by the attack at the U.S.J, but what's done is done.
U.A High: Homeroom Class
After the U.S.J attack, School was closed down for a day to give everyone some time to cool off, but now School was back on.
You were sitting at your desk while staring into space, thinking about what might have happened at the U.S.J if All Might hadn't shown up.
Tokoyami: Hello...? L/N...? Are you okay?
Y/N: H-Huh?! Oh...Yeah I'm good...
Tokoyami: There's something I wanted to ask you. At the U.S.J, your power increased exponentially, I didn't see it for myself, but I overheard our classmates talking about it once we left. Why didn't you use that power in the Fitness test? Or during Combat Training?
Y/N: be honest, most of that stuff is new to me...I only tapped into that rage once before, and that was nearly a year ago. As for that Giant Avatar thing...not even I have an answer for that...
Tokoyami: I're still adapting to your power?
Y/N: Yeah...for years I tried my best to live a normal life, so I never bothered with developing my Quirk. Now that I'm constantly using it, I'm discovering new things about myself almost every day...
Tokoyami: It would seem that you have lots of room to improve. I can imagine that you'll be an outstanding Pro one day.
Y/N: Maybe...but I need to get a better hold of my power before I try to make it stronger...
Tokoyami: I'm the same way. Dark Shadow is a useful ally, but he's harder to control when I'm in a Darker environment. He gives me attitude, and in very rare occasions, he'll even lash out. Similar to what you did at the U.S.J.
All of a sudden your conversation was interrupted by Iida storming into the Classroom, shouting as he commanded everyone to take their seats.
Iida: Attention, everyone! Homeroom Class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats!
Much to his surprise, everyone was already seated.
Kirishima: Uh...we're all sitting.
Sero: Yeah, you're the only one standing...
Shaking with frustration and probably embarrassment, Iida silently took his seat as well. His hands balling up into fists as Uraraka nonchalantly comforted him.
Iida: D-Dang it...!!
Uraraka: Don't sweat it.
Y/N: That guy really is something else...anyway, do you guys think Mr. Aizawa will be teaching today? He took some bad injuries against that hand guy.
Momo: Very unlikely. His arm was broken to a dangerous degree, plus a few minor injuries from the other Villains.
Midoriya: If you hadn't stepped in when you did, Mr. Aizawa would've probably taken a lot more damage.
Y/N: Yeah...
Right after Midoriya said that, the door slid open to reveal Aizawa, wearing a cast around his arm, and a few small bandages on his face.
Everyone: Mr. Aizawa?! What are you doing here?!
Kaminari: Are you really gonna be able to teach with a broken arm...?!
Iida: Mr. Aizawa! I'm glad you're okay!
Y/N: Define "Okay"...
Aizawa: My well being is irrelevant. What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet.
Bakugo: Our fight...?
Midoriya: Don't tell me...
Y/N: More Villains...?!
Aizawa: ...The U.A Sports Festival is about to start.
Kirishima: Yes!!
Everyone: Ah!! Why would you scare us like that?!
The U.A Sports Festival. One of the most watched events in the entire world. While I wasn't very interested in Hero work growing up, I loved watching The Sports Festival every year.
It was on my bucket list to one day watch it live, in person, but never did I imagine that I would be competing in it.
Kirishima: Let's go kick some ass—
Kaminari: Uh...wait a second...
Jiro: Is it really such a good idea to hold the Sports Festival so soon after the Villains snuck inside...?
Ojiro: They could attack us while we're all in the same place!
Aizawa: Apparently the administration thinks that this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and our school is safer than ever. Plus, they're beefing up security compared to past years. This event is a huge opportunity for all Students at U.A. It's not something we can cancel because of a few Villains.
Y/N: I guess I can see where you're coming from, but like Jiro said, holding it only a few days after a huge Villain attack probably isn't the best move on our part...couldn't we just delay it...?
Midoriya: L/N, don't you know how important this competition is...?
Y/N: Of course I do! I just don't want people to be put in danger if they don't have to be...
Aizawa: Our Sports Festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world. In the past, everyone obsessed over the Olympic Games, but then Quirks started appearing. Now the Olympics have been reduced in terms of scale and viewership.
Y/N: Yeah...I'm pretty sure the Olympics were cancelled last time because of how little people actually showed up for it, both in terms of viewers and competitors.
Aizawa: For anyone who cares about competition, there's only one Tournament that matters...The U.A Sports Festival.
Momo: He's right, Top Heroes everywhere will be watching. This is where you get scouted!
Y/N: I guess you're it does sound exciting!
Kaminari: She's right! After graduating, a lot of people join Pro Hero agencies as a Sidekick!
Jiro: Yeah but that's as far as some people go. They miss their chance to go indie and stay eternal side kicks. Actually...that's probably where you're headed. You're kinda dumb.
Kaminari: Tch...!!
Momo: L/N, Please don't instigate...
Y/N: Oh c'mon, you gotta admit that was funny...
Aizawa: It's true that joining a famous Hero Agency can garner greater experience and popularity. That's why the Festival matters. If you wanna go Pro one day, this event can open up a path for you. One chance a year, three chances in a lifetime, no aspiring Hero can afford to miss this Festival. That means you better not slack off on your Training.
Everyone: Yessir!
Aizawa: Class is dismissed.
With that Aizawa left the Classroom. Eventually lunch time came, allowing you and your classmates to ponder about the upcoming Sports Festival.
Kirishima: That Villain stuff sucked, sure...BUT I'M PUMPED FOR THESE GAMES!
Sero: We put on a good show, and we're basically on the road to bein' Pros!
Sato: Yeah, this is why I'm even here in the first place!
Tokoyami: We get so few chances, we have to make the most of this.
Y/N: Yeah! I'm looking forward to this! I love the Sports Festival!!
As you and Inasa continued to pump each other up for the competition, you felt someone tap on your shoulder. Looking behind you, you saw Midoriya with his notebook in his hand.
Midoriya: Hey, L/N, there was something I wanted to ask you.
Y/N: Oh yeah? What's up?
Midoriya: Remember what Mr. Aizawa told us after Combat Training?
Y/N: Oh Right, he said that we should try to find better ways to control our powers.
Midoriya: Right, so I wanted to ask, would you be interested in training with me? I feel like we can really help each other.
Y/N: Sure! That sounds good!
Midoriya: Great! Do you wanna meet up at the Beach after School?
Y/N: That works for me.
Midoriya: Perfect! I'll see you then!
With that, Midoriya took off the eat Lunch with Uraraka and Iida. You were about to go eat as well when Kaminari approached you.
Kaminari: Yo, L/N! You pumped for the Sports Fest?
Y/N: Yup! I was just telling Yoarashi how excited I am!
Kaminari: We're all pumped up, dude! But it means that we'll all be against each other at the competition, so I won't hold anything back!
Y/N: Oh yeah? I wouldn't have it any other way!
Time Skip: After Lunch
After an absolute beast of a lunch, everyone headed back to their classes, things went as normally as they could be, however the crazy stuff didn't start happening until the end of said class.
Uraraka: E-Eh......??
When Uraraka tried to leave the classroom, she was surprised to see that hundreds of students from other courses were crowing the door, so much so to the point where your classmates couldn't get out.
Iida: Do you students have some sort of business with our class?
Y/N: Hey, we've got places to be! We can't get out with all of you blocking the exit—
Bakugo: They're scouting the competition, you idiots...we're the class that survived a real villain attack...they wanna see us with their own eyes.
Y/N (Whispering): How can you constantly put up with this guy, Midoriya...?!
Midoriya: I-I've gotten used to it by now...
Bakugo: At least now you know what a future pro looks like. Now move it, extras!
In the midst of all the Chaos, a voice could be heard in the crowd. Students began looking to the right to see someone slowly pushing their way through the crowd.
???: So this is Class 1-A. I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass. Is everyone in the Hero Course delusional, or just you?
Y/N: 100% Just him.
Your classmates shook their heads and waved their hands out in unison as Bakugo began to grow angry with this random student who just called him out.
???: I'm sad to come here just to find a bunch of egomaniacs...I wanted to be in the Hero Course, but like many others here I was forced to choose a different track. Such is life.
The guy had messy blue hair, and dark bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept for days. He somewhat reminded you of Mr. Aizawa.
Bakugo: Tch!
???: I didn't cut it the first time around, but I have another chance. If any of us do well in the Sports Festival, the teachers can decide to transfer us to the Hero Course, and they'll have to transfer people out to make room.
Y/N: Woah...
???: Scouting the competition...maybe some of my peers are, but I'm here to let you know that if you don't bring your very best, I'll steal your spot right from under you. Consider this a declaration of war.
There was a bit of a silence after that, everyone looking at this dude who seemingly declared war against your entire class.
However that silence was eventually broken by another guy, practically the opposite of the one who had been speaking up until now.
???: HEY YOU!
Y/N: Eh?
Everyone: Crap! Everyone hates our class now...!!
Bakugo paid no attention to the guy. He simply turned and started walking away from the conversation entirely.
Kirishima: Dude, where're you going?! You've gotta say something! It's your fault that they're all hating on us, Bakugo!
Y/N: He's right! If any personal beef breaks out between us and other classes then it's gonna be your fault!!
Bakugo: These people don't matter...
Kirishima: Huh...?!
Bakugo: The only thing that's important is that I beat them.
With that, Bakugo left the room and went off to do his own thing. But not without the loud guy yelling at him some more of course.
Kirishima: Grr...I hate how that was such a manly exit...!!
Sato: You said it.
Kaminari: Huh?!
Y/N: Yeah I'm with Kaminari on this one, HUH?!
Tokoyami: We have to beat them. He wasn't wrong.
Kaminari: Yeah but this sucks!! He made us everyone's enemy!!
Y/N: He's right! He basically just put targets on our backs!!
As much as I hate to admit it now, Bakugo was right. Regardless of personal squabbles, everyone was our competition in this Festival. We had to fight to keep our place in the Hero Course and prove that we deserved to be here.
And thus began our training, two weeks to prepare ourselves for the U.A Sports Festival. The Tournament that impacts people on a global scale.
I felt nervous in those moments, but deep down, somewhere within me, I was just so excited!!
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