Chapter 10: Y/N vs Cumber (Part 1)

You now found yourself in a dire situation. What was supposed to be a great learning experience turned into a life or death situation in a matter of seconds.

Your Teacher, Mr. Aizawa placed his yellow Goggles over his eyes and leered over the giant staircase that led to the Villains below.

Aizawa: So you scumbags used the press as a cover and snuck your way into Campus...

???: Where is he...? And here I brought so many friends who were so eager to meet him...they want All Might. The Great Symbol of Peace...I can't believe he's not here...maybe if I kill a few kids, he'll come out to play.

Y/N: An actual Villain attack...

Kirishima: Real could so many of them get into a facility this secure...?!

Momo: Yeah, Thirteen. Why aren't the alarms going off?

Thirteen: Good question, I'm not sure.

Todoroki: Is the entire Campus under attack? Or is this their only target? Either way, if the Alarm Sensors aren't being triggered, then that means one of the Villains must have a Quirk that's masking their presence here...

Y/N: I think you're right...what kind of Villain would just break in here knowing that it's ran by one of the biggest Hero industries in the entire world without a plan...?

Todoroki: They carefully chose this Isolated Area as an entry point at a time a class was being taught. They're fools for trespassing here, but they've thought this through...whatever their plan, they must have a concrete objective in mind. But what is it?

Before Todoroki could explain any further, Aizawa then began to make his way towards the top of the stairs, facing the Villains by his lonesome.

Aizawa: Thirteen, make sure that the Students are safe. And alert the main Campus! Actually if they're jamming up our sensors, they must be blocking out our regular communicators too...Kaminari, try using your Quirk to get in contact with the school.

Kaminari: Yes, Sir!

Y/N: Mr. Aizawa, with all due respect, you can't seriously be thinking of taking all of those Villains on alone! There's dozens of them!

Midoriya: He's right! Your power works best in stealth and one on one fights, it's not gonna help with a group...

Aizawa: You can't be a Pro if you have one trick...I'll leave it to you, Thirteen.

With that, Aizawa took a hold of his scarf and leaped down the massive staircase, making his way towards a group of Villains that had gun based Quirks.

Villain 1: Shooting Squad, let's do this!

With one glare, Aizawa's Quirk activated and erased the Villains' powers in an instant, catching them all by surprise.

Villain 1: W-Wha...?! My Quirk!!

Villain 2: Where are my Bullets?!?

The three of them were all wrapped up by his Capture Scarf and thrown up into the air, Aizawa then slammed them against each other, rendering them already out of the battle as they all hit the ground with a hard landing.

Y/N: Wow! Our Teacher is amazing!!

Midoriya: Yeah, he's actually holding them off...I guess we shouldn't have underestimated him...

Iida: L/N! Midoriya! Come on, we're leaving!!

Midoriya: R-Right!!

Y/N: We're right behind you!

Before you could catch up to your Classmates, you noticed the same Dark Mist began to form in front of all of them in the distance. Not knowing what was going to happen, you rushed to their aid.

Y/N: It's that Darkness again! Watch out!!

Before you could reach your Class, another adversary came crashing down and making a crater in the floor, blowing you away in the process.

Y/N: GAH!!

???: Your fight is with me! ATTACK ME!!

Blocking the way was that same man you saw floating in the air a few minutes ago. Getting a closer look at him, he had scratches and scars all over his face. All you could see was pure Malice in his eyes.

Y/N: Who are you?! What do you want from us?!

???: Fight!! FIGHT ME!!!

Without warning, The man suddenly leaped towards you and delivered a powerful headbutt straight to your face, knocking you back even further.

You stumbled back, nearly losing balance, but recovering regardless. That attack hurt a lot. More so than the attacks you took from Cell. Blood began to slowly seep from your right nostril as you gritted your teeth in pain.

Y/N: My nose...!! It's not Broken, but it's still seriously damaged...!!

Holding your face in pain, Midoriya who was ahead of you, attempted to run back to your side, but was stopped by Iida who held him back.

Midoriya: L/N...!!

Iida: You can't go back!! That Villain is too dangerous!!

Midoriya: But he's in trouble!!

Seemingly out of nowhere, two of your classmates rushed right past them, Shoji and Sato both rushed towards the Man with their fists ready to punch.

???: I don't have time for you weaklings!! OUT OF MY WAY!!

As the man screamed, his body bursted with incredible Power. Red Energy rapidly pouring out of his body as he quickly broke out of his restrictions.

Shoji and Sato were caught off guard by this, and as a result, both of them were blown away with a swift spin around leading to a left hook attack that knocked both of them away.

Y/N: Guys...!!

???: I'm getting bored! ATTACK ME, ALREADY!!

The Man then charged towards you with a flight maneuver that was oddly similar to yours, he was too fast for you to predict, and thus he tackled you, sending both of you soaring through the air towards another Zone.

Midoriya: L/N!!!

Y/N: Dammit...!! He's strong enough to push me this far out into the Facility...!!

At this very second, there wasn't much you could do with him pushing you at this speed, but with your limited movement, you clenched your fist and punched the man in the side of his face.

???: That's almost Cute...

The Man then flipped over and delivered a strong double kick to your stomach which sent you crashing down into the Landslide Zone.

Inasa: I hope L/N is gonna be okay...!!

Kaminari: I-I think we need to worry about ourselves first!!

All of the Students looked in fear as the Dark Mist then manifested glowing yellow eyes once again, speaking to the group as it towered over them.

???: Greetings,'s an honor to finally meet you.

Meanwhile: The Landslide Zone

You were currently lying in a crater in the ground, your stomach area felt as if it was completely destroyed, coughing up some blood, you slowly pick yourself up from the dirt and looked around.

You saw that Villains had been scattered all over the place. You found yourself completely surrounded by them. On the bright side, most of them simply looked like low level thugs.

Y/N: Shit...!! There's so many of them...and to make things worse, I think that guy broke a few of my ribs...!! He's unnaturally All Might...!!

As the Man slowly descended down to Ground Level, all of the Villains around you began to grow worried at the sight of him.

Random Thug: C-Cumber...!!

Y/N: that his name...?

Cumber: You weaklings better scram! This is my fight! Get in the way and I'll kill every last one of you!!

With that all of the Villains in the area left the scene in an instant. Leaving you alone with the mad man. He slowly walked towards you as you could hardly stand.

Cumber: You're weak too...but I'll give you credit for still standing. But since you're still on your feet, I'll pound you back into the ground!!

With that, Cumber once again charged in for his next attack. Cocking his arm back and throwing a heavy punch, however your body began to emit your white aura, and you quickly reacted by crossing your forearms together and blocking the attack.

The sheer force of the attack was enough to push you back, and even though you successfully blocked an attack, it still caused extreme pain to your arms.

Gritting your teeth in pain, you then coughed up even more blood. 2 of your ribs were broken, your back was hurting from the hard landing on the way over here, and your arms were now practically numb from that punch.

In that moment, it was honestly a Miracle that I could still stand. My entire body was screaming at me, but I knew that I had to keep going. After all, a Pro Hero couldn't break after a few good hits.

But as I kept taking damage, one thing kept going through my mind. One word. The more I engaged in this deadly duel, the louder it became. I kept thinking it over and over again, and eventually, I spoke it out loud.

Y/N: FIGHT...!!

Cumber: Yes! That's it! Let your anger cut loose!! JUST TRY TO KILL ME!!!

Gritting your teeth and looking at Cumber with a glare, a new Aura began to seep through your body. This one was a lot more fierce, like a raging flame ready to burst at any moment.

Cumber: YES!! Your body is adapting!! I can feel it! You're growing stronger by the second!! COME AND FIGHT ME!!!


Letting out a loud scream, you charged towards Cumber at full speed with your arm reeled back. Slamming your fist into Cumber's chest and sending him sliding back a little bit.

Cumber: A Clean blow...looks like this wasn't a waste of time after all! I won't have to hold back!!

With that, Cumber's aura suddenly bursted out of his body once more before he proceeded to fly into the air. Gritting your teeth, you flew right after him.

Meanwhile: In the Distance

Somewhere away from the open area, Goku was watching the Battle. He sensed a new energy and yours clashing, and felt the need to investigate.

Goku: So he's fighting Cumber...he's a fierce one...he's different though. Yeah, I'm sure of it. This isn't the same Cumber I fought. This one is much weaker. But where did this one come from?

He continued to watch, and saw that you had gained a boost in power. You and Cumber were flying all over the Landslide Zone, it could be seen from everywhere else in the facility.

Goku: In the past, Y/N couldn't stay in the air for more than 10 seconds, otherwise he would run out of steam. It's clear that he's gone far beyond those limits, even if it's only a temporary boost...and even with this boost in power...

Back to You

While you were at least surviving against Cumber, it was clear that he was still the Stronger fighter. He was getting way more hits in and you found yourself being slowly overpowered by his might.

You flew towards him and went in for a punch, but Cumber dodged and held his hands together, attempting to crush you with a strong sledgehammer attack.

Fortunately, you were fast enough to jump away and avoid this attack, however Cumber merely smirked behind his mask as two large sized hands then manifested from his Crimson Aura and grabbed you.

Cumber: I've got you!!

Aiming both of his palms towards you, he began to charge up a large energy blast as you attempted to squirm your way out of his grip, but he was too strong.

Cumber: DIE!!

Firing a Crimson beam of energy from his hands, you screamed in terror as you were quickly overtaken by the beam, and swept away.

As the beam dispersed, Cumber saw your body flying through the entire facility. He had blasted you all the way to the other side of the USJ, and you were barely conscious.

Cumber: You're not dead yet? I'm impressed!! You're far stronger than I thought you were, but I can't let you live...DIE!!

As Cumber prepared another blast, you could barely even move your body. You were covered in cuts and burns, and over half of your body had gone numb.

Y/N: I-I can't win...even after Goku's training, after everything...I couldn't win...I couldn't protect them...

As Cumber raised his hands to launch his blast, he was suddenly overtaken by a massive slant of Ice that occupied a good portion of the Landslide Zone.

Todoroki: That's enough. I've got you, Villain.


Y/N: T...Todo...roki...?


Down by the Shipwreck Zone, Midoriya, Inasa, and Tsuyu were able apprehend the Villains that awaited them there, and were now on their way to the Central Plaza where Aizawa was fighting. Midoriya had broken his finger in the process.

Inasa: We blew those Villains away!!

Midoriya: Yeah...we did it...!!

Tsuyu: You're Amazing...both of you...

However, all of them went wide eyes when they saw you fly right past them, covered in wounds, and with your body smoking from the blast.

They watched as you fell into the water and went down. Midoriya tried to go down and help but Tsuyu wasn't willing to let him go.

Midoriya: L/N...!! He's hurt!!

Tsuyu: I'll go back and get him, but you need to land safely first!

Midoriya: L/N...Please don't die...!!

Under the Water

You were now sinking deeper and deeper into the dark waters of the Shipwreck Zone. You could see a large boat sinking along with you in the distance.

Y/N: Is this really it...? Drowning with a broken body...?

You attempted to move, but it was no good. At least...not at first.

You gritted your teeth and began to move around a little bit, growling as you began to glow as well. Tsuyu was now making her way over to you by swimming underwater, but she quickly realized that you were glowing, and something wasn't right.


Letting out a roar muffled by the water, all of the water began to swirl around you. The entire USJ beginning to shake violently as everyone could feel it.

Goku, still watching in the distance, knew exactly what this was. He began to grow worried, but at the same time, he couldn't just stay and watch the entire time.

Goku: It's that same power that awakened during his fight with Cell...after our training, I can imagine how much stronger he'll be...

As a giant whirlpool began to storm up in the Shipwreck Zone, Tsuyu was swept away by the water as you slowly rose up from the darkness.

Eventually, everyone could see you hovering over the water, green energy surging through your entire body as the USJ kept rumbling.

Aizawa: What is that...?!

Midoriya: Is that seriously L/N...?!

Inasa: What kind of Quirk...


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