Enter Son Gohan, A Whole New Level Of Power!
Y/N: Im coming, Son Gohan...
You reached where the sheet said he would be located, there was nothing but mountains and plains.
???: Hey! Who are you!
You looked to see a man standing on one of the mountains.
Y/N: I-I'm Y/N L/N...whis told me to meet someone named Son Gohan, is he here?
You looked as he stepped forward revealing a guy with an orange Gi with a blue shirt under it
He had black hair that spiked up so he kinda looked like a super saiyan.
Gohan: Yes I'm son Gohan, but just call me Gohan for short.
Y/N: Alright, Gohan.
Gohan: So whis told me you have a lot of potential, is this true?
Y/N: I like to believe so...
Gohan then jumped down from the mountain and landed in front of you.
Gohan: good, because I'm gonna train you!
Y/N: in only a week?
Gohan smirked in confidence.
Gohan: you'll see, come with me.
He flew off as you followed him into a bright green light that was shining,
Y/N: (What's that?!)
Entering the light blinded your sight for a bit, once you opened your eyes you saw that you were on some sort of structure...In the sky?!?!
Y/N: Woah, what is this place?
Gohan: this is the lookout, you see that structure? That's were you'll be training.
But before we get to that...
An old man with purple skin and pointy ears with weird earrings Walked out of the shadows.
Gohan: Elder kai, can you unlock this one's hidden potential like you did me?
Elder kai: Of course young one.
Gohan backed away while telling you to sit down, you did as you were told and sat on the floor, elder kai then sat down and put his hands in front of you.
Gohan: now we wait...
Y/N: for how long?
Gohan: about 24 hours.
Y/N: 24 HOURS?!, you expect me to just sit here for 24 hours?!
Gohan: Yep.
You let out a sigh as you excepted your fate...
24 hour timeskip
Elder kai put his hands down as you were trying super hard not to fall asleep,
Elder kai: Now for the final step!
You shot up like a rocket standing straight up.
Elder kai: now just turn super saiyan, and believe...
Y/N: ok!
You began to power up into super saiyan with a look of blazing determination in your eyes.
Y/N: (I can do this! I need to get stronger, to protect my friends, to protect my family!)
Your hair turned back to black as your aura went from golden to white. A bang grew over your face as well.
Gohan: he did it! Now I can train you!
You looked at your hands in confusion as lightning began to surge from your body.
Y/N: I don't feel very different...
Gohan: Wait, can you not sense energy?
Y/N: No...
Gohan: then that will be your first lesson from me.
Y/N: Ok.
Gohan then gestured you to follow him as something suddenly appeared in your mind.
Gohan: here it is! The hyperbolic time chamber!
Y/N: Time chamber?
He then explained that basically the Hyperbolic time chamber is a different dimension from our own, the time of one day in our dimension is the time of one year in the time chamber.
Gohan: did you get all that?
Y/N: yes Gohan.
Gohan: good, we'll be training in here for one year, are you ready?
Y/N: Yes, Let's do this.
???: hold on a moment.
You both turned to see whis standing there.
Y/N: oh! Master whis! Can we help you?
Whis: I just came to do something real quick.
He pointed his staff at you as you glowed blue for a moment.
Y/N: what did you do this time?
Whis: I paused your aging so you don't have to worry about coming out a year older in just a day.
Y/N: thanks whis.
You both entered as you began training for one year. He started by teaching you about sensing the life force of other life forms. You then began strength and speed training. You took a short break as you sat on a chair and looked down at the floor with a blush on his face.
Gohan: what's wrong Y/N?
You then snapped back to reality as you looked at Gohan, you were thinking about what happened with the girls a few days earlier.
A few days earlier
The sports festival had ended as you headed to the waiting room to get some stuff as you saw momo waiting for you,
Momo: Y/N...I need to tell you something.
She told you what it was, you headed back to school as Tsuyu was waiting for you there,
Tsuyu: Hi Y/N...Can I say something real fast.
She told you what she needed as you went to class afterwards. Once class was over you were about to head out as you felt someone grab your hand, you turn to see Jirou and she was blushing mad as she asked.
Jirou: Y/N...Can I talk to you about something? Just for a second?
You talked about something important as you headed home afterwards
You were thinking to yourself of what they told you.
J/M/T: I Love You.
Present Day
Gohan: so that's what it's all about huh?
Y/N: yeah...
Gohan: well, let's continue training!
Y/N: R-Right!
Time skip to next day (One year for Y/N and Gohan)
The two of you emerged from the time chamber as whis confronted you and examined you, he then pointed his staff at you starting your aging again.
Whis: Gohan, you taught him about the other transformations did you ?
Gohan: Yes...He actually managed to master super saiyan 2 and reach super saiyan 3, but he hasn't mastered it yet. His mystic form is also insanely powerful.
Whis: I see, at this rate we'll be able to teach him about god and blue.
Gohan: we could try to make him into a super saiyan god now...
Whis: Well...Why not,
Whis then called the other Saiyans and told them about the situation, then 4 more Saiyans appeared, you were familiar with two of them, but the other two you weren't.
Goku: Oh hey Y/N! How've you been?
Y/N: pretty good, thanks for asking.
Vegeta: I can see your a lot stronger than the last time we encountered.
Y/N: yeah I've grown.
Goku: You don't know these two so let me introduce you, These two are our sons, Goten and trunks.
Y/N: Neat.
Whis: Lets hurry and begin the ritual, lord beerus is getting impatient...
The five Saiyans then gathered in a circle behind you as they all held hands, Goku and Vegeta then placed their hands upon your back. You all turned super saiyan as the five Saiyans gave you their energy.
You began to glow blue as you floated into the air, a bright blue light engulfed you as the other watched, you came out of the light with red hair and eyes and had lost a little weight.
Y/N: what's this?
Goku: it's super saiyan god! With training you'll be able to transform into it at will.
Gohan: our training is complete, you'll be heading to Endeavor's agency for the rest of the week.
The bright green light opened up again
???: wait.
You turned around to see the elder kai as he handed you two earrings that looked just like his.
Elder kai: these earring will come in handy in the future, you'll need two people to use them however. One person will put the earring on their left ear as the second person will put the other on their right ear, once you've done this the two will merge bodies and become a more powerful being.
Y/N: wow...Thanks elder kai, see you everyone! I'll see you all again sometime!
You entered the green light as you were suddenly in front of the building that was Endeavor's agency.
Y/N: alright let's do this.
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