Ch. 6 part 2
Kalel took Anthony to the bathroom to se if he was hurt. I went and sat by joey.
"You ok?" I asked
"The while left side of my body hurts!" He said
I inspected his leg and shoulder it was beet red but he could move everything. I gave him some aspirin and a ice pack. I gave him a hug and settled down next to him
"Thanks" he said before turning back to the tv.
"Umm why is it still on sponge bob?" I asked
"Why was it on in the 1st place?" He said
"You were sleeping on the remote. "
"Oh. " he felt around and underneath him for the remote. He pulled it out and turned it.
"It was on sponge bob because I was watching "hey Arnold" on Nickelodeon around one am. They play 90's shows really late."
"Mmm. Ok" I said before scooting closer.
Anthony came walking out of the bathroom. His arm was all red and so was his leg
"I'm gonna go lie down" he said before walking off.
"I can't believe he did that." Joey said chuckling
Kalel came out of the bathroom. With band aids, gauze, and even some Neosporin on her. "I didn't know what to use" she said wide eyed
"Ice" I said pointing at joey.
"O-ok. I'm getting in the shower." She walked away pulling band aids of her skin.
Joey and I sat watching tv for a while. Kalel got out of the shower and packed for NY. She and Anthony were leaving tonight. "I'm going to call my mom and grandma." I said skipping up to my room.
JOEYS P.O.V (point of view)
Y/n walked off to go call her grandma. I hope everything's ok. I wouldn't want something to happen. It would crush y/n. I'm getting cold now her body heat was comforting. I wish she could come under the blanket with me...that would be nice.
my grandma was doing great. Other than the cancer. She was going to have a bone marrow transplant tomorrow. I ran back to the couch to watch tv with Joey. He was a great..... Person.
Kalel was running around the whole day. She was cleaning and packing and telling us "rules". "Don't do this" "watch out for that" "don't eat all the cookies"
I love her but come on joey and I aren't kids.
Anthony apologized to Joey and they both laughed even though they were both still sore.
"Anthony when do we leave?" Kalel asked
"About 2:30am" he said sighing "we have to pass security and I wanna get there early. The flight leaves about 5am but you never know."
"Ugh ok. I'm going to bed at like...8:30 ill have to get up at at least 1." Kalel said walking into the kitchen.
"I'm going to film some hungercraft," Joey said getting up. "Y/n wanna come?"
"I'll come on the second game, tell me when you're ready."
"Ok gurl"
I walked into the kitchen. "Ate you done packing?" I asked Kalel
"Yes finally." She said relived
"I'm so sorry you have to leave so early!"
"Haha thanks me too. Wanna go rent a movie?"
"Ugh girl, I wish I could I promised joey I'd record a video. Ill check to see how much time I have." I said before running to his room. I peaked my head in the door
".....No! No! Bitches,Skanks and whores!" (He says this when he does or something bad happens ;) ).
"Haha hey how much time to I have, Kalel and I wanna go pick out some movies. Any requests?"
He was concentrated on the game. He didn t look at me at all.
"Uh, 25 mins, if they have Anime"
"K, bye"
I waked back to the kitchen. "Let's go! Ci váminòs! Kalel and y/n THE EXPLORERS! Super cool explora Dora! I have 25 mins!" We ran to the car laughing and singing "lets go!"
"Jump in!" She finished
"I don't know the re-ehst!" I said singing the tune.
We drove to the video store.
"Joey wants Anime, I want Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2. I love that one!"
"Alright Anthony wants Final Destination. I do t really know what I want"
We want in grabbed our movies and I grabbed a box of nerds and sour patch kids.
We sang to the radio the whole way home.
I grabbed the bag of movies and ran inside. I flung the movies at Anthony and ran into Joeys room. I ruling open the door and jumped into his lap.
"IM READY!" I yelled.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" He asked laughing so hard. I bursted out laughing too. His laugh was so cute! We both started crying we were laughing so hard!
I ran to the bathroom and he fell on the floor. I almost peed myself!
I came back to see him still giggling which made me giggle. I gave him a hug and grabbed my laptop. I pulled up minecraft and asked him which server to pick
"Umm....server.... Oh US 9"
I nodded and clicked server 9.
We played a couple games we made it to dethmatch. We got killed both times.
It was almost 8pm I was going to say goodnight to Kalel and watch my movie.
"I'll be right back joey" I said going to find Kalel.
I walked into her room Anthony and her were lying down watching tv. I gave her a hug.
"I'll see you Thursday. I hope you have fun!"
"Thanks y/n make sure to take the trash out tomorrow. And I hope you have fun."
I smiled and gave Anthony a hug
"Bye Padilla have fun."
He smiled," bye (enter embarrassing nick name here (: )
I grabbed my movie out of the bag on the counter. I walked back to joeys room.
"K, night I'm going to watch my movie. "
"You can watch it in here if u want."
"Ok thanks boi!" I put Breaking Dawn part 2 in his DVD player and got comfy in his bed. He was still going to record.
"Hello there everyone and welcome to another hunger craft episode. Ill probably edit out the back ground noise but if I forget its the tv. Y/n is watching twilight. Ugh"
"Hey it's Breakind Dawn Part 2!"
"Same difference!" He said half joking.
After a while I went over to watch him play. It was about 8:30.
A lot of comments were about joey and/or talking to him.
"Why don't you answer people in the comments?" I asked him
"Oh I usually don't pay attention"
"Mhm is that so" I started typing into the comments box.
"Hey what are you-" I typed in "I like to take pictures of my poop" and hit enter (or whatever button you push to enter a comment)
"HEY!!" He screamed at me "WHAT DID U DO THAT FOR?!" I started laughing again. He picked me up
"Noo put me down!!"
He threw me on his bed. "Stay over there!" He said smiling
I crawled to the end of the bed at watched him play "I won't type anything again" I said sighing.
"Good" and he started to type that I wrote that and he doesn't take pictures of his poop.
Some comments said "you guys would make a cute couple!" And "they should toataly date!" He either saw them and didn't say anything or didn't notice. I crawled up to the head of the bed and watched the movie. About an half hour later Joey was done filming for today. It was 9:07.
He pushed me over and sat on his bed. I was closest to the wall. We watched the rest of the movie. Well I did. He made fun of it the whole time.
After the movie he said "wow that was terrible"
"Shut up!" I said giggling I hit him with a pillow. "We'll in going to my room. Ill probably go to bed soon. Night" I started walking out of his room.
"Wait!" He yelled
"What?" I turned around.
"I want a huuuuug!"
"Haha ok" I turned around and gave him a hug. He squeezed me really tight obviously joking.
"Hehe goodnight y/n"
"Goodnight" I said out of breath.
I went up to my room and watched tv for a while and fell asleep watching it.
I woke up to a quiet house. Kalel and Anthony already left. I walked downstairs into the living room. Joey wasn't down here. He must be sleeping.
I watched tv for a while I wasn't hungry. I thought about going to the gym. I grabbed a banana and left a note for joey.
Goin to the gym
I ran upstairs and put on some yoga pants and grabbed my running shoes. I pulled my hair up and walked to my car. I ate my banana on the way to the gym. I walked on the treadmill then turned it up to jog. I worked on a bicycle machine and then took a yoga class for about 30 minutes. I was smelly and sweaty and soar and ready to go home. It was a little before noon.
When I arrived home joey was on the couch eating toast.
"Hey y/n anya." He said with a mouth full of food.
"Have a good time at the gym?"
"Yeah thanks I did. I'm going to make a smoothie."
"No no no no no no. I will make the smoothie you go take a shower."
"Thank you!" I said running to the bathroom.
Joeys POV
I could hear y/'s beautiful voice. She was singing in the shower. She was singing "Kiss you" by One Direction.
It was so nice I actualy started humming along. I made her smoothie and set it on the counter. Then hopped back on the couch. She came out of the bathroom in a shirt and sweat pants she grabbed her smoothie and say down next to me she took a drink.
"Yum! Thanks joey!"
"No problamo"
We watched tv for a while y/n washed her glass and then she fell asleep in the couch it was around 1:39
She looks so peaceful when she's asleep. I brushed the hair out of her face and got my labtop to edit videos. Y/n woke up around 3.
Your POV
I woke up on the couch joey was next to me.
"Hi" I said sleepily
"Hey (insert nickname here)"
"How long was I out?"
"About a hour and a half"
"Mmm ok. What did you do?"
"I edited the videos from yesterday."
"Oh did u upload them yet?"
"Yeah I'm about to"
"Ok. I'm going to call my mom" I walked into my room and called my mom
Mom: hello?
She sounded weak and tired
Me: hey how's gran?
Mom: I-I don't know sweetie she's getting her bone marrow transplant right now. Uncle Charlie is the downer.
Me: ok can you call me when it's done?
Mom: yes honey love you.
I ran downstairs and told joey.
"Oh I know she will be alright." He reassured me.
"Thanks joey" I sad giving him a hug.
He answered with a cheeky smile. He turned on the amazing race.
"You sure you want to watch this?"
"Yeah I'm ok"
I was on my period so I had been tired and irritated lately and I was feeling tired. We watched the amazing race and it was 5pm.
"I'm going to make us dinner" joey said.
"Really? That's sweet! What are you making?"
"I don't know what do you want?"
"Umm I don't know, chicken?"
"Ok sounds good! Ill call you when it's done."
"Are you sure you don't want any help Joey?"
"I'm sure! Now go away let me cook!" He said only half joking.
I went upstairs and painted my nails a pretty pale pink. I put my hair into a side braid and stretched out on my floor.
*BEEB BEEBBEEBBEEB BEEB* the smoke alarm was going off!!
I ran down stairs to see joey fanning smoke away from the stove.
At first I was scared and frightened but then I saw everything was ok I couldn't help but laugh.
"EVERYTHING'S FINE!!!" Joey yelled over the smoke alarm.
He got a step stool and took the batteries out of the smoke alarm. We both opened some windows and tried to get the smoke out.
"I think the chicken is ok. Just a little...crispy" he said
"Umm yeah...ok" I said unsure
It was just a little crunchy not burnt.
We sat down with our chicken and broccoli.
"What do you want to drink?" He asked me
"Wine please if we have any"
He got 2 wine glasses. And poured us each some.
"A toast," I said "to burnt chicken"
"Hey it's not THAT burnt!"
"Haha you're too cute." I said emeditly regretting it. We both blushed. "Anyways thank you so much for dinner!"
"Anytime y/n" he said with a charming smile
It was about 7:30 I was about to take a drink when my phone rang. I set my wine glass infront of me.
Me: hello
?: hello Miss.y/l/n
Me: yes who is this?
?: I'm Dr.Dahr. From St.Marys hospital. I believe your grandmother is a patient here?
Me: yes is everything ok?
Dr: umm well I'm afraid I have some bad news.
Oh no I couldn't breath
Dr: I regret to inform you Bertha Jones has passed away during her transplant.
No this could not be happening. I was so shocked I dropped my phone right in my wine glass.
(Said very frightened but also calm)
"Y/n what...happened..."
"G-gramahhhhhhh!" I burst out crying.
"Oh no" he came over and wrapped his arms around me. He picked me up and put me on the couch. He stroked my hair and let me cry. He didn't bother telling me it was going to be ok. We both knew it wasn't. I eventually started hyperventilating.
I couldn't breath.
"Y/n take a breath"
"I-i-ii c-ccanntt!" I stammered.
"Come here" he picked me up and carried me upstairs to my room. He put me in my bed and covered me up. He sat by me still stroking my head. I eventually fell asleep.
I woke up in a cold sweat. What happened. I don't really remember anything. I do remember what happened to my grandma. I had a terrible dream about her. I sat up and got out of bed. I walked downstairs wiping the tears from my face. The kitchen clock said 2:43. I walked into joeys room.
I'm sorry it dosent capitalize joey ill try and capitalize it if I forget I'm sorry.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"J-joey?" He was snoring. I went to the end of the bed and crawled up and laid down closest to the wall. He has already done so much for me I didnt really want to wake him. I tried not to cry. I really did. I curled up in a ball and turned towards the wall. And let it out. Quietly.
"Y/n?" Joey asked "are you alright?"
I turned towards him.
"Oh no you're not. Come here"
He pulled me close to him my head in his chest. "It's alright we can figure things out in the morning. You need to sleep or you'll be a wreck tomorrow."
I nodded trying to fall asleep. I could hear his heart beat. It was comforting. I started shaking. He grabbed my hand and pulled it close.
I woke up. Joey was still asleep. My head was still on his chest our hands intertwined. I didn't want to move. His clock said 9:47. Everything was so peaceful.
Joey snorted and then woke up. His eyes were beautiful green orbs. "Hey" he said softly.
"Are you alright?"
"I think so thanks"
"You're welcome"
"No I mean thank you. For everything"
He smiled ad pulled me in for a hug.
"You should call your mom. Ill just be back when you're done" he started to walk out.
"No don't-," I grabbed his hand. "Please stay."
"Of course." He held on to my hand and set down next to me.
"My phone. It's broken it fell in the wine glass"
He reached onto his nightstand and gave me his phone.
I dialed her number. I put the phone up to my ear and grabbed his hand again.
Mom: hello
She sounded lifeless
Me:mom it's me the doctor called
We both started crying again and Joey held me close. The funeral would be on Tuesday. In Minnesota. The doctors thought we should plan ahead. After about a half hour we settled some things. I would get on a plane tonight an leave back to L.A on Wednesday night.
I gave joeys phone back to him.
I told him what I was planning to do.
"I'm coming with you" he said
"What? No I could never-"
"Yes I want to. I'm not letting you travel to a FUNERAL across the county by yourself."
"Thank you" I said in almost a whisper then I gave him a hug
"Now lets get packing"
We both packed a suitcase enough for 4 days.
We got breakfast and then went online and bought 2 tickets for Minnesota.
"I'm going to cal Kalel can I have your phone please?"
He handed me his phone and I called Kalel.
Joeys POV
Y/n went to call Kalel. I feel so terrible. I'm just glad I was herefor her. Who knows what she would've done if she were alone.
About 20 minutes later y/n came downstairs red faced. Teary eyed.
"I'm alright." She said in a whisper.
I pulled her into a hug.
"Our flight leaves at 10:30 tonight." Joey said. "We'll probably want to be there a little before nine."
"Hey why don't we go out. You should get out of the house"
"Ok. Where to?"
"I don't know. The mall? Lush?"
"Sure lets go!" I grabbed his hand and led him out.
We went to the mall and shopped around. Then went to Minchi's for fro-yo. We went to the apple store. I took in my phone I had a warranty. I got a new iPhone and they restored all my data for $30.
"Now what do you want to do?"
"We'll I just want to go home and play some hungercraft-"
He cut me off "that would be lovely"
Then joey started walking towards the exit.
We went home and played hungercraft and then gestated in his room to edit. I went and got leftovers for dinner. Then I made sure I packed everything.
"Joey it's 7:30 we need to leave soon!"
"COMMING!" He walked out of his room and put our luggage in the car.
We got to the airport at 8:07 and got by security at 8:55
We were in the line to board the plane when someone started a fight because they bought a ticket for a later flight and wanted to get on ours. Security finally got rid if them around 9:30 and then the line moved quickly after that.
I put our luggage in the top compartment. And sat down in the middle seat. Joey was closest to the window.
A old lady and a middle aged man sat behind us. So far no one was on the outside. Just then A little boy came out of the bathroom. And sat next to us.
"This should be fun" I said sarcastically.
"Haha yep"
A while after the plane took off that boy fell asleep.
"Attention passengers we will be turning off the main lights. Have a good night"
"Joey should we go to sleep?" I asked
"Nah I'm not tired"
"I am!"
"Then sleep"
"But you will be all alone."
"I'll be fine"
I put my head on his shoulder. "You sure?"
"Hah yeah go ahead and sleep"
"You have had a hard time." He put the arm rest in between us up and scooted me closer. "You need sleep"
"Sshh sleep"
"Ok. But only because your my best friend"
He smiled and laid his head on top of mine.
And then I fell asleep.
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