Im back :)
I groaned at my alarm that went off way too early for my liking. I didn't pick my head up from my pillow. Instead, smacking my hand around my entable, trying to find snooze. I finally found it and the annoying beeping stopped. 7am ugh. I walked downstairs and made some toast. Shoveling it in my mouth then stumbling back upstairs. I undressed and put on a pair of skinny jeans and a Areopostale t-shirt. I ran a brush through my mangled mane. I brushed my teeth and slipped on my new, galaxy TOMS. Joey met me by the door and we walked out to my car. I ran through the drive-thru of Starbucks and got a coffee to wake me up. By the time we got to my dentist it was 8:00. Joey brought his camera to film me afterwards when I was drugged up. I filled out the paperwork and was called back into the room to start my procedure.
"Joey?" My words came out stretched and wobbly. I look around and see a dentist by my side. "Hi," I say smiling at them, "I don't suppose you can help me with this," I stop, feeling something dribbling down my chin. I wipe it away with the back of my hand, too occupied to feel embarrassed. "I've got these things on my hands, and I don't know what they are." I sound puzzled, wiggling my fingers around and staring at them in awe. "They're called fingers," she puts them down on my lap an looks at me, the cotton wool I'm my mouth making my cheeks look funny. Just then Joey walks in, "Hi y/n, how are you feeling?" He asks sitting in the chair next to me.
"I feel like..." I put my hand on my cheek, feeling it throbbing. "Like a...." I put my finger on my chin in a thinking position. "Come back to me."
I laughed as y/n's dentist told me that she should be very tired soon and that she needs lots of fluids. I helped her out to the car and buckled y/n into the passenger seat.
"Can we go swimming in the bath later?" Y/n slurred.
"In the bath?"
"Yeah. Maybe snorkel-diving too." I giggled and handed her my camera.
"Here, point this at yourself."
"Am I famous? Why are so many people recording me."
"You're recording yourself."
"No I'm not I'm famous." I turned up the radio. Mirrors by Justin Timberlake was playing. "I love thissss song!" Y/n belted out the lyrics.
"Oh my god!" Y/n yelled over the music. "The trees are moving!" She yelled again bobbing her head to the movements of the trees. "Is the world ending?" She asks looking at me.
"No, calm down." I laugh at her pathetic behavior.
"We'll okay, but if the world ends, I'm blaming you," she sighs resting we head against the window. "Even the window's moving," she mumbles probably feeling the vibrations on her forehead. "Feels funny," she laughs. And laughs again and again. After a good five minutes of laughing, y/n stops and her face goes all serious. "I think I wet myself."
"Hold on we're almost home. At least it's your car."
When the car stopped in the driveway I unbuckled her and helped her into the house. Kalel and Anthony were sitting on the couch.
"How'd it go?" Kalel asked grabbing y/n's other arm and helping her into the house.
"Fine but she is so drugged up. And she peed herself in the car." I smirked dragging y/n to the bathroom. I helped her pull down her pants and sat we on the toilet.
"Did you pee your pants, y/n?"
"My butt is warm and wet." She stated proudly. AI saw the dark spot on her jeans so I helped her upstairs and helped her get dressed into some sweats. We walked back downstairs and sat in the couch.
"I want a pet fish." Y/n says, mindlessly staring at the ceiling.
"Really? Why?" I ask tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
"We'll they had a fish tank at the dentist and they were all so funny! I was laughing at them." She says in a baby voice.
"Oh I know, when we and out you laughed at everything," I remind her.
She sighs and lightly touches her cheek, probably feeling the pain coming on. "I love you Joey....JoJo, JouJou. Can I call you that from now on? JouJou..." She says it over and over again laughing to herself.
"No and I love you too." I add, kissing her swollen cheek.
"Ouch Joey," she hit me in the in the arm. "Now were even."
"Ok well I'm going to do your laundry," I said getting up and poking y/n's nose.
"Don't touch me peasant!" She yelped scooting closer to Kalel. I walked downstairs and who would have guessed not long after y/n was down with me. I turned on the washer and began folding some of y/n's dry clothes.
"You killed him?" Y/n sobs into her hands.
"No I put him in the washing machine." She watches her odd sock float around in the machine, getting soaked with water.
"HES DROWNING!" She shouts, yanking open the door, getting soaked with the water inside.
"Y/N!" I shout and pull her away from the water. "What did you do that for?"
"I saved him!" She pulls herself out of my grasp and crawls over to the wet sock. "Please, please come back." She whispers, tears falling. "YOU killed him Joey!" She cries again. I feel sorry for her, and myself. Knowing this is what I'll have to deal with for the next couple days. I carried her upstairs and got her dressed in some new clothes. I tucked her into her bed and turned on the tv. Walking back to tend to the laundry.
After I cleaned up the mess downstairs I went to check on y/n. She wasn't in her room. Kalel and Anthony said she didn't come out of the hall. I opened my door.
"I didn't choose the thug life..." She shouts from behind the wall, "The thug life.. CHOSE ME!" She shouts again leaping out from behind the wall. I just burst out laughing at her. She's wearing (over her yoga pants) my underwear, the pairs of socks, two shirts, four necklaces and a pair of sunglasses.
"What are you wearing?!" I choke out, barely breathing from all the laughter.
"What you don't like it?" She cries, feeling emotional that she spent a while putting on three pairs of socks over her original.
"No, I love it." I say taking my sunglasses away from her.
"Joey, I'm careful." She whimpers now that she thinks I don't trust her. "I'm careful. I can prove It. Give me something and ill jump around with it and not-"
"Lets stop there shall we?" I offer leading we upstairs while she stops on every step and names each one. I took off the necklaces and set them on he side table.
"Just lay here okay? Do you want anything?"
"Alright ill get right on it." I said pressing my lips to her forehead and going back downstairs to the couch.
"Can't we take shifts or something?" I whine.
"Fine." Kalel says.
"We each get 8 hour shifts." Anthony says.
"Ill take 8pm to 4am." Kalel says quickly, "She'll sleep all through the night so I won't have to do much."
"I guess I'll have 4 to noon." Anthony groans.
"Wait you guys are making me take care of her when she's up for 8 hours?!"
Kalel shrugged, "Yes."
"Yes." Anthony gave me a apologetic look.
"Thanks guys," I said sarcastically.
"How bout we switch shifts tomorrow ok?" Kalel suggested, feeling guilty.
I blew out a sigh of relief, "Thank you." I got on Twitter and saw y/n was tweeting some....interesting things.
@y/t/n: wat happns wen the sun gos down and ur nat tired?
@y/t/n: my mouf hurts
@y/t/n: thers a fnny sqwirrel in my room he is lik wahhhhhhhh I luff you herreh stylz
@y/t/n: why ids my moulf bledin
@y/t/n: JOEH
@y/t/n: I haf 2 peeeh
@y/t/n: fat ami ur soh fnny
@y/t/n: buretoh
@y/t/n: some1 id talkn in mi hed
@y/t/n: watis the read stuf on my handz
@y/t/n: my mouf is tingilly
@y/t/n: I wanna hafe som poniez
@y/t/n: ys my fase wet
@y/t/n: herreh the squrel wab lien I relly lov u mor den him
There were a couple with pictures of her face attached. She obviously didnt know what she was doing. I walked upstairs and took her phone away from her and called her mom to let her know what was happening.
"Hello Mrs.(last name)?.......This is Joey, I came to Minnesota with y/n.......yes thanks umm well she got her wisdom teeth out today.....yeah she's good just woozy.....I can have her call you when the medication wearers off......yes we still live with Kalel and Anthony......yeah well maim were actually umm........yeah dating........thanks ill have her call you....ok no problem......ill make sure to come back soon....alright maim....bye."
"Who was that?" Y/n slurs.
"Your mother."
"That's a pretty name. Who is she."
"Just some lady I know."
"You're not cheating on me are you?" She whimpered.
"No no no! It's your mom! (Y/m/n?" (Your moms name) Then y/n began crying. I sat down on the bed and tried to explain that I wasn't cheating on her but she wouldn't listen.
"Go away I want Joey!" She blubbered.
"It is Joey,"
"Oh Joey!" She grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. "Thank goodness you're here! Some guy cheated on me!"
"It's alright." I comforted her trying to stifle a laugh. She stopped crying and I made her take a drink of water.
"Lets tell secrets," she whispered.
"Ok you go first."
"I'm pregnant but shhh don't tell Joey."
"Wha- what?!"
"You're turn. Wait what's that?!" She asked pointing to the tv. "I WANT IT DAD!" It was a commercial for IKEA.
"What do you mean you're pregnant?"
"What are you talking about?" She slurred turning over, facing away from me. Okay maybe she's just drugged up and doesn't know what she's saying. That's it. She is NOT pregnant. Just drugged up. Soon she was asleep and I went into my room and vlogged.
"Hello there everyone. So today y/n got her wisdom teeth and I got some of it on camera. I'm going to edit in in here." I edited in about 9 minutes of footage before I told them what was going on recently and talked about playlist. I edited a bit and fell asleep around 1am.
it was about 10:30 and I was on the couch watching a rerun of Friends. Y/n came skipping down the hall when she screamed and jumped.
"W-what I don't know!" I yell back.
"OH MY GOD ANTHONY YOU KILLED JOEY!" She begins to cry. I burst out laughing as Joey walks into the room.
"YOURE ALIVE!" Y/n screams, hugging a chuckling Joey.
"Yes I am. Do you want some eggs?"
"Yes pwease." Y/n says following me into the kitchen. I get out a carton of eggs and crack one into the pan. Y/n started to cry.
"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly.
"Babe it was already dead," I chuckle.
"YOU MURDERER!" She gasps running away.
I run after her dying of laughter.
"How about some cereal then?" I yell up the stairs, too tired to run all the way up to where she's hiding.
"Okay, but I want to attend the chickens funeral!" She yells skipping down the stairs. Then, y/n trips and falls forward before I catch her in my arms.
"My hero," she sighs planting a kiss in my cheek. I put her down and fix her a bowl of cereal. I set it down in front of her on the table. She picked up the spoon and scooped up some cereal with trouble. Her hand was shaking as she brought the spoon to her mouth. She closed her lips around the spoon and pulled it out of her mouth. Y/n parted her lips and the food spilled out, down her chin and into her lap.
"Why don't you let me help you," I said taking the spoon away. I fed her a bite and tons her to close her mouth while chewing.
"It hurts." She whined touching her cheek.
"I know baby, I know. It'll be over in a few days." I helped y/n eat the rest of her cereal and then dumped her on the couch next to Anthony. "She's your problem till' noon." I said walking back into my room. I sorta felt bad for leaving her with Anthony but its like taking care of a child. Worse than that. A grown child. Who needs you to do everything for them. I edited for a while before I heard Anthony calling my name. Sure enough, it was noon. I walked into the living room and led y/n back to my room. I put her in my bed and began to edit. After a while I looked over at y/n and she was sleeping. I covered her up a bit more and went into the kitchen and made her some Ramen noodles. I let them cool down before bringing them back to my room. I set the bowl on my desk and tried to wake y/n up.
"Y/n," I murmured softly as I shook her shoulder.
"I don't wanna get up!" The muffled sound was barely audible.
"I made you some soup!" I chirped in. Y/n reluctantly sat up and I placed the bowl in her lap. "Are you feeling any better?" I asked.
"I think the drugs wore off because I can remember what I'm doing, and hold a spoon correctly." She giggled, eating the soup.
"We'll I'm glad because girl, you were acting crazy. You should see some of the tweets you wrote."
"Oh god,"
"Yeah, why don't you finish your soup and just relax." She nodded and slurped up the soup and set the bowl on my nightstand.
"What's that?" I asked pointing to a sticky note on Joeys desk. I crawled to the end of the bed and looked at it.
A: 4am-12pm
J: 12pm-8pm
K: 8pm-4am
"Joey, what is this?"
"Well.....um.....it's actually quite funny..."
"Spit it out."
"I didn't want to take care of you all day while you were loopy so we did shifts for taking care of you...."
"Are you serious?! I asked YOU to take care of me when I needed you and YOU dumped me on my friends like some paperwork?! I thought you were better than this!"
"Y/n I-I-wait that came out wrong-"
"Save it." And with that I stormed up to my room, slammed the door and locked it. I couldn't believe this. Joey just couldn't take care of me for a day and a half?! He had better things to do right, like made fucking videos with Stacy and go out with all his other friends. I flopped face down on my bed and screamed into my pillow. I started kicking and pounding my fists on the mattress. I took a deep breath and rolled over. Trying to stop the tears. Am I really such a burden that he has to dump me on someone else?
"Y/n? Please let me in," Joey pleaded from the other side of the door.
"Go away!" I yelled throwing a pillow at the door. I wiped away the hot tears with the back of my hand and pulled the blanket over me.
"Please, open up," I just ignored him and put in me earbuds. I turned up the volume till' I couldn't hear anything but the bass.
I must've fallen asleep because I woke up at 8:57 according to my phone. I took out my earbuds and listened. No voices, no knocking. No one at my window. I locked it just to be sure and crawled over to my door. I laid on my stomach to look under the door. No shadows. No one was up here. I unlocked my door very quietly and slowly. I waited. I slowly opened my door and stood there, ready to slam it shut if Joey was anywhere around. I slowly made my way to the top of the stairs, I heard the tv and Kalel and Anthony talking. I walked across the hall into the upstairs bathroom and shut and locked the door behind me. I turned on the shower and undressed. Stepping in, letting the hot rays caress my body. I stood there, thinking about what had happened.
*knock knock*
I ignored it, rinsing my face off under the shower head.
"Y/n, it's me Kalel. Can I come in?"
"The door is locked, ill talk to you after okay?"
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