"Hey Mom." I spoke, eyes dropping doewn to her sleeping figure before I toned down my voice. "I'm good, how are you?" My free hand began threading through her hair, stilling when she first stirred and let out a little groan. I swiped the pad of my thumb to the back of her neck, chuckling to myself when her shoulders shivered. "No, yeah, I'm here sorry," I replied, snapping back into the conversation. "No way, he did? And what happened next? How long does he have the cast on for?" I grinned, shaking my head when my mom easily changes from one subject to the next. "Yeah she's good, she's asleep now actually. S'funny." I murmured in response, a happy little sigh leaving my lips. "She's really good. Like I dunno. It's just different, ya know? I was talking with Luke the other day, like. Dunno it's just nice. All the time. She makes me feel nice. Happy, I mean. Like, compared to before, I should be over the butterflies- er I think Sawyer called it the honeymoon stage. Yeah that, but I'm not." The ends of my mouth outstretched into a smile, my head bobbing with a nod as I murmured, "yeah mom, I'll be sure to bring her 'round. Next time. Gotta go though, don't wanna wake her up. Ill call you tomorrow, yeah? Okay love you too bye." Sliding my phone back onto my dresser, I continued running my fingers through y/n s hair. I slumped my shoulders down in a sigh and crawled into bed next to her. "I should so be over the butterflies." I breathed.

"Hmm?" She stirs, her eyes fluttering open. I adjust the covers and pull y/n closer to me her head on my chest. "What did you say?"

"I was on the phone with my mom. Sorry to wake you."

"Don't be." She murmurs nuzzling closer.


"I can hear your heart beating." I mumble, closing my eyes to concentrate on the sound.

"What's it sound like?" Joey asked.

"It's kinda...fast."

He chuckles,"Yeah you tend to do that to me." I giggled and inhaled the wonderful sent of Joey before I fell asleep.


Laying curled peacefully in bed, on the cusp of a dream, I groaned when a rough nudge on my shoulder jostled me awake. "Y/n wake up."

With impatient eyes, I turn to look at te offending blonde. "What Joey?"

"Where do you want to live?" Confusion must have been spread over my face because he quickly elaborated; "I mean, when were older do you think we'll stay in LA, or will you move back to Boston with me?"

"We can talk about this later, now is a good time to sleep." He nodded and we both closed our eyes for the last time that night.


I woke up and Joey was gone. I invited Adam over and went to get breakfast. Kalel and I played the end of The Last of Us.

"What?!" I screamed at the tv.

"No no no no no! I REFUSE to believe this!" Kalel threw her controller down as the credits played.

"I feel so empty." I moaned.

"There better fucking a second one."

"This is not acceptable."

"UGHH!" I screamed into the pillow. The doorbell rang. Adam!

I ran and opened the door and jumped into Adams arms.

"Hi!" My muffled voice rang out.

"Adam!" Kalel yelled and gave him a hug as soon as I jumped off him. Anthony heard the commotion and gave Adam a hug. Kalel and Anthony were going out to lunch so it would be just Adam and I. We talked for a bit about where our lives were and what we planned to do.

"So are you single?" I asked him. It was a bit of a touchy subject because I broke up with him.

"Yes....you're dating that Joey guy right?"

"Yeah...about a month now. Uhm...where are you staying?"

"With my friend Tommy. On Eastern Avenue."

"How long, about a week right?"


"So how serious are you and Joey?" He asked scooching closer.

"Pretty serious. I-I love him."


"Look nothing had to be weird right? We're just friends talking about each others love life."


"Hey I gotta show you this video game." I turned on the last of us and Adam and I replayed the beginning. He kept scooching closer.

"Here if you position your hands like this," Adam put his hands on mine showing me how to old the controller. We looked into each others eyes. Those were the same blue eyes I fell for in the first place.

"T-then when your hand a-are like this you can shoot and stealth at the same t-time." Adam said.

"T-thanks." I said. I bit my lip and looked down at the remote. Just then Joey opened the door. I jumped up and ran over there planting a huge kiss on his lips. He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"Good yours?"

"Fine. Adam is here."

"Oh." He looked over at Adam.



"I'm going to record in my room." Joey said pushing past me and walking away. I sat down next to Adam and we talked for a while before he had to get going. I gave him a small hug and ran into Joeys room as the door closed behind Adam. He was sitting at his computer playing hungercraft with Stacy. I sat on his bed and he didn't even look at me. I waited till he was done with the episode and said bye to Stacy.

"Hey...." I said quietly, "Is everything...ok?"

"Yep. Why would you think something's the matter?" He said in a sarcastic tone.


"What y/n?! What do you need?!"

"Nothing I just wanna know what's the matter with you."

"With me?! What about you?!"

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I screamed at him.

"I don't like that you're hanging out with you're ex."

"Joey I broke up with him. We're just friends. Ok I love you. "

"I don't want you to see him."

"You cant possibly be serious."

"I am. Don't invite him over dont go out with him."

"You're not in charge of me!" I stood up and grabbed my phone of his desk.

"If you go see him this relationship is over."

"Stop being such an ass!" I screamed storming out of his room. I grabbed my keys and ran out to my car. I sat in the drivers seat and cried for a while. I finally turned the key and drove to where Adam was staying. I knocked on the door and Adam opened it.

"Y/n? What happened?!" He pulled me into a hug and sat me down on the couch. I cried for a while before I sucked it up and told him what happened.

"And then he told me I couldn't see you and If I did, the relationship was over."

"Y/n I'm so sorry. If you told him nothing was going on and he didn't believe you...." He trailed off.

"I don't know what to do. I can't go back home."

"You could stay the night here."


"If you want."

"Okay..." I blubbered the tears coming back. "What do you think will happen?" I asked.

"I don't know....do you still love him?"

I began to cry harder. Do I? We talked about different things and he made me laugh a few times. We were sitting pretty close and Adam leaned in to kiss me. I stood up.

"What?" He asked. I grabbed my coat and keys.

"I still love Joey."


"I'm sorry Adam. I broke up with you I though we could be friends but obviously you still have feelings for me."



"I can't let you walk away again."


"No!" He threw his phone across the room and started to punch the wall. I turned around but he grabbed my wrist and jerked me around so I was facing him. I cried out in pain.

"Please stay" he whispered.

"Adam I don't wanna be with you."

"You don't know what you're saying" he let go of me and started to throw a tantrum. Throwing things and screaming. I ran out and started crying all over again. I drove back home and saw Kalel and Anthony weren't home yet. I looked at my phone and saw I had a text from her.

Kalel: Going shopping then Anthony has to film a little bit. Be back late.

I walked inside into Joeys room. I could tell he had been crying.


"What do you want?"

"I wanna say I'm sorry."

"Where did you go?"

I sighed, "Does it matter?"

"Where did you go?"

"To Adams ok!"


"What. Don't tell me-"

"I ment what I said y/n."

"You can't control who I hang out with."

"No you're right! I can't. But at least I'm not seeing my ex while I'm dating someone else!"

"It's not like we hooked up! We're just friends! What don't you understand about that?!"

"Just leave."

"I live here!"

"Get out of my room!" I ran outside into my car and realized I forgot my keys inside. I was not going back in there. I cried for about 20 minutes when Joey started to call my phone. I kept deleting the messages. I don't want to see him ever again. We were done. I finally answered when he called for the 50th time.

"Don't ever call me again. We're done." I said before hanging up. I cried before he called one last time. I pushed ignore and he left a message.

"Hey um, it's me, um Joey?" He's nervous, palms sweaty, "I know you said to never call you again but I had to. Before you delete this hear me out okay?" My finger eases off the "delete" button and curiosity sunk in. "I'm going to convince you to get back together with me so here goes: reason number one, I love you. You already know how much so I don't have to explain. Reason number two, I'm sorry. I could never apologize enough, but is do it for the rest of eternity if it means another chance with you. Reason number three, I am the only person on earth who knows your intense obsession with Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Despite my iron resolve a smile breaks through. "Reason number four, I'd bring you cupcakes from you're favorite bakery forever. Reason number five, if you gave me a second chance, I wouldn't fuck up. Reason number six, I know you still love me too. Please come home." I opened the car door and ran inside. Joey was pacing around.

"What took you so long?" He asked pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Me too,"

"Don't apologize, I over reacted." I nodded.

"I'm sorry for calling you a ass though."

He laughed. "It's ok." I kissed his lips softly and sweetly.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too. Wanna make some dinner?"

"Yeah. And um...don't worry about me seeing Adam....I really don't want to...anymore."

"Stop. You can see him if you want too."

"I don't though." I told him what happened and how I left.

"Did he hurt you?" Joey asked. I shook my head and put my arms behind my back. "Let me see your arm."

"Joey it's fine." He grabbed my forearm and brought it out from behind my back. He saw my swollen and bruised wrist.

"No you aren't fine. Where does he live?"

"Please don't do this."

"Tell me where he lives. This isn't okay."

"Joey I'm ok."

"Please baby no one should hurt you."

"He's leaving in a few days ok? Just don't hurt him."

"Why? What has he ever don't to you?"

"Please just let's make dinner?"

"Fine." He grumbles turning on the stove.

Kalel and Anthony came home just in time for dinner. After I told Kalel what happened with Adam and we swore to never see him again. Then Joey got in the shower and I was left alone in his room. I put on one of his striped shirts and turned on his camera.

"Oh look at me I'm Joey Graceffa and I like to have butt sex with Shane Dawson every weekend when my beautiful, amazing, flawless girlfriend y/n don't know about it. And I ship us so damn hard Shoey forvera baby. MMM Shane I luff you so much. Anya bitch! Chickeeeeen! And I always go on a hike cuz I'm cool like that yo! Hashtag 90s kid 4evez! Oh and I got an amazing ass and I like to twerk all day and night! All day son all day! And I look so fucking hot when I'm jealous and I don't even KNOW what it does to my girlfriend. And I like anime cuz I'm secretly a Japanese teen. KAWII BITCH!" Just then I realized Joey was standing in the doorway of his bathroom.

"How much did you see?" I asked blushing.

"All." He was laughing so hard he was crying. I covered my face with my hands and turned off the camera. "That was really adorable." He gushed, kissing me. I lazily draped my arms around his neck and he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I lightly scratched the back of his neck because I knew it drove him wild. "Don't tease me," he growled, wrapping his arms around my back incasing me tighter. I giggled and and leaned into Joey pecking his lips before settling down on his bed. I turned on a rerun of Friends as Joey put on a pair of shorts and settled down next to me.

"I'm bored." I whined

"Whadaya wanna do?"

"I...want...you." I whispered

"You have me." He said and kissed me gently. I loved his lips, so soft and sweet and they were mine. I slowly put my hands under his t-shirt and he stopped kissing me and he took it off. I ran my hand up and down his back he let out a small moan and ran his tongue across my bottom lip. He started tugging on the hem of my pants.

"You sure?" I breathed.

"Yes y/n. I love you, I'm ready."

"Positive?" I asked sweeping the pad of my thumb across his cheek.

"Stop teasing and lets fuck already." Joey grumbled.

I bit my lip trying to stifle a giggle. "If you're not ready..."

"I'm ready."

"Joey we can wait if you want. I don't want to do this of you're not ready." I lightly traced my fingers on his abs.

"I'm ready. I love you."

"I love you too."

Joey fumbled with my pants before I helped him slip them off. "Is the door locked?" I asked. Joey rolled off of me and locked the door. "Get protection while you're up." Joey stumbled into the bathroom and a moment later he practically jumped back into me and straddled me, kissing and sucking in the sensitive skin on my neck with a condom on. I let out a soft moan and I felt him smirk against my neck. I tugged at the hem of his shorts and he kicked them off. "Is this like make-up sex?" I whispered into his ear.

"I guess so." I slipped off Joeys striped shirt that I was wearing and I was in my bra and undies. Joey was only in his boxers. Our lips moved perfectly in sync and our bodies pressed closer together. He hooked his thumbs on the inside of my panties and pulled them down. I used my legs to get them off the rest of the way. He runs his tongue over my bottom lip asking for me to open my mouth. I do and our tongues fight for dominance and I took ontop of Joey.


She manages to pull off my boxers even though my back is pressed firmly on the bed. Her hands run up and down my body making me moan quietly.

------------haha sorry pervs----------

"That was amazing." I breath.

"I'm glad."

Her breathing gracefully slowed and her eyes drooped shut.

"You tired?" I asked.

"You're not."

"Not really..."

"What do you wanna do?"

"Round 2?" She just giggled and kissed me.

"Ok but if I can't walk tomorrow that's your fault." Y/n straddled me and we didn't sleep for a while after that.



"Good morning." Joeys morning voice purred in my ear as he peppered my face with kisses. I blinked my eyes a few times, adjusting to the light and smiled.

"Well hi" I giggled, grabbing his face and pulling him down for a gentle kiss.

"Last night was..." Joey smiled, trailing off and biting his lip.

"Yeah," I blushed, "it was."

"Breakfast?" Joey asked, kissing my nose and jogging towards the kitchen. I stood up and pain shot through my legs, causing me to fall to the floor with a yelp.

"Y/n?!" Joey came rushing in from the other room.

"Sore," I winced lifting my arms up, "Carry me?" Joey tried to contain his laughter, coming over and picking me up. "Well don't act so damn proud of yourself."

In the kitchen, we made pancakes and eggs. Kalel and Anthony were gone, probably filming or shopping or something. I sat down at the table with my plate and dug in. I started stuffing my face with food and Joey gave me a look. I immediately stopped and started to take smaller bites. I felt the color rise to my cheeks.

"You're beautiful, you really are. You may not see it, but I do, in every little thing you do. Whether it be embarrassing or funny or extraordinary or ordinary. Everything you do, every outfit you wear, everything you do is just so beautiful." I blushed, leaned over and kissed him.

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