"That was....." I said standing up.
"Scary." Kalel finished.
"No it wasn't." Anthony gave us a weird look.
"You guys are such girls." Joey shook his head laughing.
"I better get going, it's already....11:30." Said Ian giving all of us a hug.
"Bye Ian!"
"Bye dude, were going to lunch tomorrow right?" Asked Anthony.
"I'm going to edit." Kalel said walking into her room. "Then I think I'm going to sketch downstairs!" She yelled down the hall. Kalel has a little studio down stairs.
"I'm going to make a video." Joey said walking into his room.
"What's should we do now?" I asked sitting down and throwing my legs over Anthony's lap.
"Wanna watch another movie?" He asked.
"Ok but nothing too scary."
"What about the Exorcist? The first one?"
"Kay." I said as Anthony went on Netflix and played the movie. "This is a good movie but it takes a while to get into it. The ending is crap too."
"The ending is not-" Anthony cut himself off and thought about it.
"Well, it's not the best...."
"That's what I thought." I said matter-o-factly.
We watched the movie for about an hour before Kalel came and gave me a hug and said she was going to bed.
"I'll be to bed after this, babe."
Kalel yawned and nodded, walking to her room. In the movie it was the part where the demon barfs all over the priest.
"Eew!" I squealed. Anthony laughed and rubbed my leg.
"That's so gross!" We watched the rest of the movie.
"See, what'd I tell you, crap!" I pointed at the screen for emphasis.
"Whatever. Goodnight." We both stood up and I gave Anthony a hug. He lifted me off my feet and twirled me around. I giggled and he put me down.
"Goodnight Pee-wee!"
"It's not my fault!" I yelled. When we Kalel and Anthony first started dating we were at our apartment drinking alcohol and Anthony made us laugh and I peed. He's called me pee-wee ever since. I walked into Joeys room to see him sitting on his bed, arms crossed, solemn expression on his face.
"What's wrong?" I asked sitting behind him, putting my head on his shoulder.
"Nothing." He said flatly turning up the tv. I started rubbing his back.
"Please tell me?" I pouted.
"I said I'm fine." He snapped.
"Pretty please." I whispered in his ear. I started to rub his shoulders. He sighed.
"It's just you and Anthony."
"Are you jealous?"
"You are aren't you?!" He didn't say anything. I sat in his lap and pressed my lips to his. "I don't like Anthony. We're just friends. Okay? Nothing to worry about. I'm all yours." He smiled and returned the kiss.
"Ok." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me deeper. He laid down and our noses were touching. I twirled the hair behind his ear around my finger. He placed a light kiss on my nose and I giggled.
"The party's tomorrow, we should go to bed early." He gave me a pouty face.
"Lets film a video."
"What kind?"
"I don't know....a tumblr question video?"
"Fine." His face lit up and he kissed my temple.
"Thanks." He set up the lights and camera and we sat up against his wall.
"Well hello there everyone, welcome to...." He looked at me.
"A tumblr quiz?"
"Yeah I tumblr quiz. I'm here with my lovely girlfriend, y/n."
"Hey guys." I waved at the camera.
"So this quiz is 21 questions. Here we goooo! Number 1: Do you fear anything now that you did as a child?"
"Umm.... thunder storms." I said. (I don't know what joey would say so these are based off of what I know.)
"Hmm....losing family. Question 2: Do you miss someone? Yeah I miss my family."
"I miss my mom and friends from Minnesota."
"Question 3: Are you wearing jeans?"
"Question 4: Do you have a best friend? Umm yeah alot."
"Question 5: Are you/have you been in a relationship?"
"Yes." I smiled and pecked Joey on the lips. We did a few more questions before I started to get really tired. I yawned.
"Question 18: What time is it where you live?"
"1:37 am." I said.
"Question 19: If you could be cuddling anyone right now who would it be?" Joey asked looking at me.
"Hmmm....probably.....Phil Lester."
Joey gave me a "how could you look" "Ugh! What's that supposed to mean?!"
"Nothing, just he looks so cuddly and British and its not like I love you any less!"
"Mmmhhmmm sure." He narrowed his eyes at me. "If I could cuddle anyone it would be.....Megan Fox."
"Right. I'm sure. What's the next question?"
"Question 20: Where do you want to travel?"
"The UK!" I blurted out instantly.
"Question 21: Are you/have you been in love?"
"Yes." I smiled and kissed Joey.
"It's still recording." He whispered.
"I can fix that." I reached over and turned off the camera. "Ok let's so to bed."
"Y/n?" Joey asked me, looking at my lips intently. My smile faded as I saw how focused he was on my lips.
"Joey..." I spoke softly as he placed a finger to my mouth. He smiled, still staring at my lips.
"Shh," he said, and soon leaned in after taking his finger away and placing a small peck in the corner of my lips. I shivered, and moved myself to him and placed a soft meaningful kiss on his own lips. He chuckled, his mouth vibrating causing me to smile. His hands cupped my face and I sat in his lap, wrapping my legs around his waist, pulling us closer together. "Joey....I need to sleep."
"But I want you."
"Joey..." I got off him and pecked him on the cheek. I shimmied out of my jeans and crawled into his bed. "The light." I moaned. He turned them off and crawled into bed next to me, pulling me closer. I smiled as fell asleep soon after.
The room was still dark when I woke up, a unwelcome jolt bringing me back to my senses. My eyes fluttered open, Joeys arms were encasing me tightly. He had thrown himself against me, clinging to my body without any indication of how it would affect me. He snuggled into my shoulder, his face hiding in the crook of my neck.
"Joey?" I asked wanting an explanation for this behavior.
"You're breathing," his voice had a smile in it.
"That's uh...pretty standard...." I replied confusion tinting my voice.
"You could say it's a habit."
"But just a minute ago you weren't!"
"In another minute I won't be able too!" I choked out, finally noticing how tight his grip had become. He released me instantly, apologizing though it was clear the thought hadn't crossed his mind. "Now what's this about me not breathing? Hurry I need my beauty sleep!"
"You died!" He stared at me with wide eyes, his hands flailed up in a exaggerated gesture. I was suppressed to see him so wide awake in the middle of the night. He must've really been terrified.
"You must have been dreaming." I informed him, voice almost bored.
"We'll yes I know that now." He rolled his eyes at me, as if it weren't obvious. To be blunt, I wasn't entirely sure if it was obvious to him thought. He was acting a little weird. "But I'm telling you now," he cleared his throat looking sternly at me, "you're not allowed to die unless you ask me first."
I stared at him an eyebrow automatically lifting, " I have to ask you permission before I kick the bucket?"
"That's right," he nodded, matter-of-factly. "And I'm always going to tell you it's not ok."
"I really don't think you're going to be able to stop death," I laughed falling on my back, pulling the sheets up to my neck. I wiggled myself into the mattress, trying to get comfortable. Suddenly, Joey was above me, his arms on either side of my head holding himself there.
"Sure I can! Haven't you heard true love conquers all?" He gave me a stupid grin and I couldn't keep the same look from spreading across my face. "Promise me?"
"Go to bed," I commanded a giggle in my voice as I lightly pushed him back. I turned over, my back facing Joey I heard a "humph" before he flipped around, his back facing me, copying me. He fluffed his pillow before situating himself into a comfortable position, taking a few minutes to settle in. I had nearly drifted off to sleep before I heard his voice again, barely audible.
"And you don't need anymore beauty sleep," he mumbled through tight lips, "if you get any prettier ill have to beat the boys away with a stick."
I couldn't help but grin, and flipped over leaning on his shoulder. I pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I promise." He rolled back over, laying on his stomach and draped his arm over me.
Sunlight steams through the window as the daylight cast shadows over my cheeks. "Ahh the light," Joey groans with a slight smile, shielding his eyes from the light. I laugh and roll over, turning to face him. "Goodmorning, gorgeous. You rock that bed head." He remarks, leaning in and giving me a quick peck on the lips.
I smooth out my hair, " Aw, hush." I laugh, nudging him and shaking my head.
"I'm kidding you look like a lingerie model or something."
"Well, what a lovely way to be woken up." I smirk. "What time is the party?" I ask stretching.
"7" Joey yawned. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time 10:17.
"I'm going to edit the video from last night." Joey sat at his desk.
"Ok, I'll bring you some breakfast."
I walked in the kitchen to see Kalel making a smoothie. I assumed Anthony was still sleeping.
"Good morning." I said putting some bread in the toaster.
"Good morning. Ready to partayyyy?"
"Not yet. Too early." Kalel and I both laughed and I grabbed a bowl out of the cupboard. I took some blueberries and raspberries out of the fridge and poured them into the bowl. My toast popped, I spread it with butter.
"About 6 we should start getting ready right?" I asked.
"Yeah. 6 should be enough time." I smiled and walked back into Joeys room. I set the bowl of fruit next to him and ate my toast.
"Thanks." He smiled.
"How's the editing going?"
"Pretty well, I'm almost done." I finished my toast and stood up.
"I'm getting in the shower."
"Can I join?" Joey asked cheekily.
"Just eat your berries!" I walked across the hall to the bathroom, undressed and got in. I shaved my legs.
"Screen fallin' of the door, door hangin off the hinges, my feet are still sore, my back's on the fringes. We tore up the walls, we slept on couches, we lifted this house, we lifted this house!" I belted out my favorite song of the moment (Anna Sun) while rubbing suds through my hair. "Firecrackers in the east, my car parked south, your hands on my cheeks, your shoulder in my mouth, I was up against the wall on the west-"
The door oped I immediately went silent. I peaked my head out to see Joey standing there.
"Jesus Joey! You scared the crap outa me! Don't you know you should knock before you walk in on someone singing?!"
"Well I heard you singing, and do you know you have an amazing voice? Why are you hiding it?" He sits on the floor and asks me to keep singing. I sigh and finish the song as he sings along to the end.
"Okay first of all, you have to sing more often. And second of all," he gestures to my shampoo covered head, "can I join you?"
"Fine." I sigh, rinsing my hair. He strips down, in record time may I add, and gets it. I wash my body rinse and get out and he's still standing in there.
"Heyyy..." He says in a pouty voice.
"Don't you know I have a phobia of taking showers alone?"
"Oh I'm sure you'll be fine. You've been doing it for like 12 years.
"Whatever. But when I hyperventilate and drown....."
"I'll give you CPR."
"Deal!" I walk out of the bathroom, up to my room and put on a pair of skinny jeans and a my "Soft Kitty" Big Bang theory shirt. I walk back down to the bathroom and begin to dry my hair, with Joey still in he shower.
"Y/n?" He asks softly.
"Hmm?" I turn off the hair dryer.
"Do you umm think.....m-maybe you wanna go to....Boston to uhh m-meet my family?"
"Of course! But probably not anytime soon. Playlist Live is coming up and my sister is getting married."
"And we just flew out to Minnesota."
He was silent.
"Hey...I do want to meet your family! I just won't go to Playlist."
"No! Ill buy your ticket."
"Awe come here." He peaked his head out of the shower curtain and I place a sweet, wet kiss on his lips. "I can't let you buy a $500 dollar ticket for me, Joey. Ill just stay home ok?"
"Please don't do this it would be way too much money for you."
"Okay...." I can hear his voice drop.
I turned on the hair dryer again and dried the rest of my hair. I walked into the living room. Kalel and Antony were on the couch.
"Hey, do you guys want to go out to lunch?" I asked.
"Yeah....noon ok?"
"Sure sounds great!" I take a seat next to Kalel. "Are you guys going to playlist?"
"Yeah aren't you?" Kalel asked concerned.
"No....I have to go to my older sister wedding. Joey and I are flying out to Boston too. I can't afford it."
"What?! But were going to the Bahamas after!" Kalel shrieked.
"I know...." She pulled me into a hug.
"I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you to y/n!" Anthony said,coming over to get in the hug.
"Can Ian come with us to lunch?"
"Yes tell him to bring Melanie so he's not lonely."
"Ok." Anthony went to call Ian and Kalel got dressed. I went into Joeys room to tell him about lunch. He was uploading a video. I put my chin on his shoulder and wrapped my arms loosely around his neck.
"We're all going to lunch with Ian and Melanie."
"Okay." I kissed his cheek and sat on his bed watching him type away.
"What?" He asked, noticing my stare.
"Nothing." I giggled.
"What are you staring at?!" He demanded.
"Just your cute self." He laughed and leaned over, one of his arms next to me on the bed. His lips pressed to mine, sweetly and softly. He pulled me up and wrapped his hands around my waist. He kissed my forehead, then moved down to my nose, then to my lips again. My lips moved in perfect sync with his. Joey pulls away and moves down to my neck, immediately finding my soft spot, he nibbles and sucks on it. I moan and he pulls away, resting his forehead agains mine.
" I love you."
"I love you more, Joseph."
"Not," he pecked my lips once more,"possible." I giggled and laid my head on his chest.
"You smell nice." I murmured. He kissed the top of my head.
"I love this.....but it's almost noon."
"Ok let's go.." I ran up to my room, grabbed my purse and walked downstairs. Kalel and Anthony were putting on their shoes and I grabbed my converse and put them on. We walked to the car and Joey followed soon after.
Once we were seated, Ian and Melanie walked in. We waved them over. The table had six seats. Joey, on one side farthest right. I was I'm the middle next to him, Kalel was on the left next to me, Anthony was across from her, Melanie was across from Joey, Ian was across from me. After the waitress took our order and everyone was talking, Melanie looked at me and nodded her head towards Joey. She made a heart with her hands. I nodded and she smiled and gave me the thumbs up. Ian and Anthony pulled out their camera to film "Lunchtime with Smosh" the pointed the camera at all of us. We said hi and then they filmed themselves. When the food came they messed around and then looked up twitter questions.
"What did you do last night?" Anthony read out loud. He looked at all of us with a cheeky grin on his face. "Ian's mom." Everyone snickered.
"Very original." Ian scoffed.
"What would you rate this meal, y/n?" Anthony asked, pointing the camera at me.
"Umm.... 38 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles out of 49." He smiled and nodded.
"Bitch!" Ian whispered. (If you haven't seen lunchtime with smosh, watch it)
We all paid for our meal and said our goodbyes and we'd see each other at the party tonight. It was 2:38. On the way home i made Anthony stop at Target. Kalel and i ran in to get a new video game called "The Last of Us" (pewdiepie played it and i really want you guys to watch it. Its sooo good and the ending is surprising and awesome!) We drove home and Kalel and I immediately pulled out the PS3 and put the game in. We played it until 4:30 when the guys kept asking for the tv back.
"Fine whatever. I'm going to eat leftovers from lunch." I warmed up my food and brought it to the coffee table. "This tasted better earlier." I cringed at the soggy food. I got up and threw it away.
"Y/n will you edit one of my videos?" Joey asked me.
"Ok." I sighed. I just finished editing videos for teen. (It's a website and a YouTube channel.) I followed Joey to his room and he pulled up the video and his software. He told me what he wanted to keep and what could be cut out. I edited about 4 of his videos before Kalel came in.
"Ready?" She asked. It was 5:30.
"Yeah. Lets go."
"Where are you going?" Joey asked.
"To get ready!" I said in a "duh" voice walking up to my room. Kalel walked to hers to change. Joey followed me. I grabbed the outfit out of my closet and began to change.
Oooh changing in front of me? What a treat. She's wearing that bra I like. Ooh yes. Amazing. That's what I call a perfect body.
"Stop staring at me," she says laughing.
"How do you know I am? Your back is turned."
"I know everything." She replies.
Aw man, here comes the clothes.
She turns around (fully clothed)
Y/n smiled sweetly at my and spun around.
"Whada ya think?" She beamed.
"Perfect." She blushed and kissed my cheek.
"Kalel and I have to do our hair and makeup." She ran downstairs into Kalels room. I went into my room to finish editing the video.
Kalel and I brought all our makeup into her room. We applied foundation to ourselves and Kalel did my eye makeup and hers. I put on some pale pink lipstick and began to curl my hair. Kalel started to pull her hair to one side for a waterfall braid. I made perfect curls around my head and straightened my bangs. Kalel needed a little help with the braid but it turned out perfect. Kalel grabbed her heels out of the closet and I ran up to my room to get my flats. Joey and Anthony were waiting by the door. Joey had on a blazer and his skinny jeans. Anthony was wearing a darker wash(color) of jeans, which made him look fancy, he was wearing a graphic tee. Kalel and I walked over to our boys and locked arms.
"I feel like this is prom." I said walking to the car.
"Ha. If only we had a limo." Kalel said
"Who's car?" Anthony asked.
We all looked at each other.
"I'll drive." Joey said. I sat in the passenger seat and Kalel and Anthony were in the back. We turned up the radio and belted out every song on the way to Luke's. We pulled in the driveway and there were many other cars there. Kalel locked arms with me and Anthony and I locked arms with Kalel and Joey. We knocked on the door and Luke gave us all a hug an invited us in. As soon as we got in the door Joey dragged me away to meet everyone. I met Whitney, Sawyer, Ingrid, Stacy, Shane and alot of his other friends. After about 45 minutes that was enough. Joey was dragging me to the other side of the room when I stopped. He looked at me confused.
"Joey can we just hang out. I can meet people later!"
"Sure....yeah, yeah I'm sorry." I pecked his lips.
"It's fine." I found Kalel who was talking with Meghan.
"Hey girls!"
"Hi!" They both yelled in unison.
"Having fun?!" I yelled over the music. They nodded and Joey came over and leaned close to me.
"There playing spin the bottle and truth or dare in Luke's room." I told Kalel and she tugged Meghan alone up to Luke's room. Sawyer, Luke, Anthony, Ingrid, Ian, Melanie, Whitney, Stacy, Shane, and Lisa were all sitting in a circle with a bottle in the middle. We all took a seat and stared at each other.
"Who's going first?" Luke asked. No one moved.
"Fine I will." Whitney said. She leaned forward and spun the bottle. It landed on Ian. Melanie shrugged and Ian crawled into the circle and kissed Whitney. Stacy was next. She spun and it landed on Luke. They kissed and then it was Sawyers turn.
"Ooh looks like y/n has to kiss me." Sawyer said looking who the bottle was pointing at.
"She dosent have to kiss you," Joey responded sternly.
"Yes she does Joey, rules are rules," Shane chimed in. Sawyer stared at me smiling widely, and winked, causing me to blush madly.
"Ok let's play a new game!" Joey suggested.
"Fine," Sawyer reasoned, " What's it called?"
"It's called...whoever kisses someone else's girlfriend dies." Joey stayed and Sawyer eyes widened. He shut his mouth.
"Woah," Anthony said, "that's a long name for a game, Joey."
"Yes and I hope it gets the point across." Joey answered.
"Ok guys! Lets play never have I ever!" I said trying to change the subject. "Someone go get the vodka and shot glasses. Or beers, whichever." Sawyer was the first to run downstairs. I put my hand on Joeys.
"You ok?"
"Fine." He muttered.
"Ya know," I leaned over and whispered in his ear,"I think it's kinda hot." He blushed.
"So you guys are dating?" Stacy asked.
"Yep," I smiled and kissed Joeys cheek. Sawyer, Luke and Anthony came back with four, 6 packs of beer and two bottles of vodka and a bunch of plastic shot glasses. They handed everyone a beer and a shot cup.
"Never have I ever.... Had sex with the opposite gender."I said, no one drank.
"Never have I ever licked my moms face." Joey said. Anthony took a drink.
"It was for a video!" We went around the circle for a while until most of us were a little tipsy.
"Who's driving home?" I asked. Anthony took another shot.
"Me! I'm not drunk!" He slurred. I grabbed Joeys hand and led him out of the room. He wasn't drunk either. Good. I led him downstairs to where everyone was dancing and started dancing to "C'mon C'mon"
"Hey, I've been watching you all night! There's something in your eyes, so c'mon c'mon and dance with me baby!" I belted out the lyrics as a bounced around, holding Joeys hand. His smile was from ear to ear. We danced around like fools.
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