Kalel and I caught up on all our danisnotonfire, pewdiepie, Shane Dawson, amazingphil, Lifeburry, strawburry17, and Stacy's videos. That took like 3 hours. We turned on the tv and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was on. Yay!
"See little Harry is so cute!" I exclaimed.
"He will always be Harry. I can't think of him as being anyone else."
"Me neither! What time is it......9:49"
"I'm going to get a snack." Kalel said getting up. I waited a few seconds before scurrying into Joeys room.
"Hey" I said walking over to him. He was sitting on the computer. I bent over and put my head on his shoulder.
"Whatcha doin?"
"Uploading a video."
"Ugh Joey, it's a thunder storm."
"It's ok. Pull up a chair." I grabbed the chair I used the other night and pulled it as close to his as possible. Another boom and I jumped. Joey grabbed my hand. I rested my head on his shoulder. I watched him click around for awhile before I looked at the lightning outside.
"It's....pretty" I said.
"Yeah, yeah it is" then the lights began to flicker. He kissed my temple and turned his head so it was resting on mine. "Almost...dooone" Joes video had 5% left to upload. The lights flickered again and then they shut off. Joeys computer screen was black too.
"The power."
"Are you fucking kidding me?!"
"Joey I'm sorry" I kissed his cheek and another boom. I shuddered. He wrapped his arms around me.
"Baby I, I wanna know. What you think when you're alone. Is it me, yeah? Are you thinkin of me, yeah?" He sang quietly into my ear
"We've been friends now for a while. I wanna know, when you smile. Is it me, yeah? Are you thinking of me, yeah?" I sang back the next line of Last First Kiss by One Direction.
"Girl what would you do would you wanna stay? If I were to say: I wanna be last, yeah baby let me be your let me be your last first kiss."
"I wanna be first, yeah. Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this." He stood up and pulled me close. We swayed around his room singing the song.
"And if you, only knew. I wanna be last, your last fist kiss." He sang the next lyrics into my ear and another boom and flash from outside. It freaked me out again. He pulled me closer and hummed the rest. We swayed for a while before he stopped and I looked up.
"You....are SO beautiful, y/n."
"Thank you." I whispered, I looked down and Joey turned my face back towards him.
"I mean it." And then Joey leaned in and set his lips on mine. I put my arms on the back of his. He wrapped his arms around my waist. The kiss was very passionate and sweet. Neither of us wanted to move to fast. "I love you" he whispered.
"I....love you...too" I laid my head on his chest and we swayed a bit more. The only thing I heard was rain. Until Joey farted.
"I'm sorry I tried to hold it in"
I picked my head up and laughed, "Way to ruin the moment." He blushed.
"Sorry" I pecked his lips once more before the lights flickered and then turned back on.
"Just start up your computer." I went out to talk to Kalel and Anthony and get some strawberries.
"Hey guys. What happened"
"The lightning did something...I guess we didn't touch anything." Kalel was eating cereal at the table. Anthony was sitting across from her on his phone.
"Do we still have that fondue pot?" I asked
"Yes....why?" Kalel questioned.
"I want to make some chocolate-covered strawberries."
"Are you and Joey going to have sexy time?" Anthony asked.
"No oh my god." Anthony and Kalel snickered.
"Where is the freaking chocolate?" Kalel came and helped me make some choco-covered berries both for me and her. I put them in a little bowl.
"Joey I brought food!" I opened his door. Joey was sitting on his bed watching tv.
"Yum! Thanks!" I sad opposite of him and swatted his hand away when he tried to grab one. I held up one and put it in his mouth. He moaned.
"You are so-" he shoved a strawberry in my face. I mimicked his moan.
He laughed. "That's my girl." We laid on our stomachs feeding each other strawberries until there was one left.
"You can have it" I said.
"You can have it." He pushed the bowl towards me.
"But I don't want it"
"It could be the best strawberry you have ever had and you'll never know."(comment if you know what this is from. The line not the whole strawberry thing)
"Fine ill eat it" I took a bite.
"Yes it is the best ever. You try it." I fed him the rest.
"Ya know what would go great with this? Some alcohol. Could you go get some wine or something please?"
"Sure" he kissed my forehead, took the bowl and walked out. Joey came back with two wine glasses, two shot glasses, a bottle of wine and vodka. He handed me one of each of the glasses and filled them both. I took the shot first and sipped on the wine. Joey sat next to me and took his shot. He crinkled his nose and took a sip of the wine. I drank the rest of my wine and he poured me another glass.
7 shots and 5 glasses of wine later I was laughing at everything that came out of Joeys mouth.
"Mememer....when we were on that plane....and like.....we flew on it?" I asked very, very drunk.
Joey laughed. He didn't have as much alcohol as me. "Yeah. I remember. Do you want to sleep yet? You're drunk."
"No I'm not. You're just....blurry!" (Who knows what that's from?)
"Just try and go to sleep. Give me that glass. Ill turn off the light."
"But I wanna stay awake with you because I love you."
"If you love me you'd give me that glass"
Y/n shoved the glass at me and I took everything back into the kitchen. Kalel and Anthony were sitting on the couch. Kalel was asleep.
"Y/n is so drunk. It's not even funny"
"Oh my god. What did you do to her?"
"Nothing! I just let her have...a lot of...alcohol"
"Oh my god I remember this one time-"
"JOEY!" Y/n screamed from the bedroom.
"Ugh" I ran back there and she was laying in the bed and her socks were on the floor.
"You only took off your socks"
"Ok sure....it's late like 3:30 I'm turning off the tv. Try and sleep ok?"
"Ok" she frowned and turned towards the wall. I laid down and for a few minutes everything was quiet.
"Joey...." Y/n whispered.
"Since I'm naked..." Oh my god where was this going. "Lets do 'it'" oh my god.
"Y/n no. I'm not doing that to you."
"Do what?"
"Have sex with you!"
"No I will when you're sober and actually ready."
"I told you....I'm not drunk!"
"Ok go to sleep."
"But I want you"
I sighed and tried to ignore her. After a few more pleaded she fell asleep.
Ok guys I'm not sure about this one. It was ok like I know it's for entertainment but I don't really like making the characters drunk. I don't know of you guys like it or what. I don't know. Do I guys like this stuff? If you don't I won't put anymore probably. It's a little bit entertaining but sometimes it's like annoying or you think "oh there goes Katelyn making me/main character drunk again. What's her problem?!" I don't know. Tell me what ya think in the comments or kik me @ katelynrenee
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