
"Hehe I know. So what time will dinner be done?" I asked

"About 10 minutes!" Anthony yelled from his room. I assume he was putting the gifts away.

"Kalel wanna watch our "movies"?"

"Yeah! Pop that mo fo in!" We both laughed and I put in High School Musical.

"What the fuck is this?" Anthony asked walking into the kitchen.

"High School Musical dummy!" Kalel said hitting play. "Y/n and I used to love these movies."

"I have never seen it." Antony said

"I have only seen a few parts." Joey contributed.

"We'll after dinner we need to watch them." I said. "And thanks again for making it!" I smiled and sat on the couch. Kalel and I watched the first 10 minutes of it until , "DINNER!" Joey yelled. Kalel and I paused the movie and we walked into the kitchen. There was little dishes with spoons for topping and vegan meet and shells. I fixed up a taco and sat down. "Kalel will you grab me a Capri Sun?"

"Sur- wait what?!"

"Joey and I bought a box of Capri Sun. In the left drawer."

"Uhh ok. Here" she tossed me one and grabbed a second one. Kalel sat down next to me on the right and Joey on my left. Anthony sat next to Kalel. I took a bite.


"Foodgasim!" Anthony yelled and we all made very inappropriate noises.

I took a drink of my Capri Sun just as joey close his eyes and moaned "uhhhheeeeeuhhhh!" His voice started off deep and then went high. I choked on my juice and started coughing and laughing at the same time. This made Kalel, Joey and Anthony start laughing and me run into the kitchen to get a drink of water. I came back still coughing and red faced. Kalel was still laughing and Joey was trying not to laugh.

"Did that turn you on?" Anthony asked me.

"Yeah. It was soooo sexy!" I said sarcastically.

Everyone chuckled and I sat down and continued to eat.

"This is really good guys! Thank you." I'm so glad they did this.

"Your welcome!" Joey said

"Your welcome. You better enjoy it!" Anthony scolded only half joking.

I finished my taco and cleaned up my area. Kalel was about done too but the boys were going for a second taco.

"Ugh , come on! We have to watch high school musical!" Kalel said making the "hurry up" motion with her hands.

"Hold on!" Antony swatted his hand at her with food still in his mouth.

"Just bring your food to the couch!" I grabbed Joeys hand and pulled him up towards the couch. We settled in. The boys with their tacos, and Kalel and ready to watch some HSM. I hit play. Gabriella was just standing there in the middle of the karaoke and Troy was starting to walk away. But you know Gabriella starts to sing.

"Right in the childhood FEELS!" I yelled snuggling up to Joey.

"Why are they singing together?" Joey asked.

"Because their-"

"Actually I don't care. This is a terrible movie."

"Hey..." I made a pouty face and turned away from Joey. I looked at Kalel and she was giving him the stink eye.

"This is not a terrible movie Joseph." Kalel said with no emotion in her tone.

"Ugh it totally is I can predict the ending." Anthony was siding with Joey. I pushed stop ejected the movie and went upstairs to my room. Kalel followed and I shut the door and locked it. I put the movie in and got in my bed.

"What morons. The love story of Troy and Gabriella is beautiful." I situated my pillow and laid back. Kalel climbed in next to me. I pressed play and we continued our movie.

"Ya know it didn't bother me that they didn't like it. But they were so soon to assume. And then not even give it a chance. It's not like we forced them to watch it." Kalel said frustrated.

"Yeah and when I was explaining it Joey just said I don't care and cut me off! What a prick!"

"Yes! Ugh I wanted to have a good night." Kalel and I turned our attention back to the movie.


"Y/n?" It was Joey. He knocked again. "(Cute nick name)?" He tried to open the door. "Please open up. It's just a movie. Ill watch it if you want."

"Hey Kalel will you turn it up?" She turned it up and ignored Joey.

"Please (cute nick name)?" Joey pleaded. I heard him sigh and muffled footsteps down the hall.

I heard some more footsteps and then some muffled speaking. Then some more knocking. "Kalel? Please open the door. This is a silly thing to be mad about" Anthony pleaded. Kalel looked at me, I shook my head and she nodded turning up the movie. After afew minutes of them knocking the boys left us alone for a while. After the first movie we watched the second one and sometime during Sharpay singing "Fabulous" I fell asleep.

In the morning Kalel was gone and my throat hurt like crazy. It killed me to swallow. There was a note


Sorry to leave you alone with Joey after the fight but my mom called and my niece is sick so I am visiting. Ill be back soon. Anthony is filming or being a douche, whichever.

Sorry, love ya


I couldn't help but giggle at the last line. I reached over on my nightstand and grabbed a cup of water. That even hurt to swallow. Ugh. I got out of bed and walked to the hall closet and grabbed a bag of cough drops that didn't taste like crap. I unwrapped one and put it in my mouth. I need a steamy shower. I grabbed 2 towels and walked downstairs into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me, happy to see no sign of Joey so for this morning. I undressed, turned on the shower and got in. I closed the curtain all the way trying to keep in the steam. I took deep breaths hoping

it would help my throat. I washed up and then just stood in there for a while. One, to help my throat and two, so I could think about the fight. Was is worth fighting about? I know it was stupid but they were so quick to judge. And Joey was kinda cocky. I decided I was still mad. I got out of the shower, wrapped up my hair and dried off. I put my towel around me, covering up my naked body and went upstairs. I locked my door and changed back into my pajamas. I turned on the tv and switched it to TLC. I unlocked my door and ran down to get some more water. Joey was no where to be seen so I strutted to the sink and filled up my glass. I sucked on another cough drop and got a bowl of applesauce to have something soft on my throat. It still hurt like hell. I went back upstairs. I ate my applesauce and fell asleep to Stacy and Clinton yelling at some skank to cover up with better clothes.

I woke up, Joey was sitting on my bed with a cup of tea.

"Hey beautiful. Drink this" I sat up and took a drink of the tea.

"How'd ya know I was sick?"

"I saw all the wrappers. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." I turned away

"Hey....are you still mad because I wouldn't watch that movie?"

"No! It's just-" my voice cracked and my throat started to burn. I grabbed the tea away from Joey and took a drink. "Oww" I whispered.

"Shhh just rest I got you some Sprite to help. Somehin fizzy ya know?" I nodded and took the sprite. It did help a little. "I brought you a Popsicle if ya want it. It's strawberry your favorite." It was hard to stay mad.

I took the Popsicle and reached over to grab a notebook. There was a pen sitting on my nightstand and I began to write.

I'm mad because you were so quick to jump to conclusions and you were beings sassy. I didn't care you didn't like it but Kalel and I did and I just didn't appreciate the cockyness. And you cut me off. Rude!

I handed the notebook over. He read it over and looked at me.

"(Cute nick name) I'm so sorry. I know it was rude. I didn't know you would take it that seriously. I'm sorry we can watch the movie if you like"

I shook my head no and grabbed his hand. I took the notebook and wrote 'its ok' on the paper. He smiled. "Can I get you anything?"

"No it just hurts" I whispered taking a lick of the popsicle.

"Are you sure? Nothing else hurts?"

I shook my head. Joey kissed my forehead. "Ok. You'd tell me right?"

I nodded and we both turned our attention to the tv.

I scribbled on the notepad 'you can change it'

"It's ok let's watch what you want to." I rolled my eyes and changed it to something else not caring. "Do you want to do something?" Joey asked me. I shook my head no and motioned for him to come here. I nuzzled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my head. Then I wiped the popsicle on his face.

"Hey!" He gasped, I couldn't help but giggle. He smiled and hit my hand. Throwing the popsicle back in my face. I giggled again and threw the popsicle away. Then I turned my back to him and farted. Loud.

"Oh my god y/n! It stinks. I got up and walked downstairs Joey followed close behind not wanting to smell it. He hugged me from behind.

"Mmm" I turned around and faced him. My face buried in his neck. Taking in his scent. He took my hand and we went into his room. He snuggled me up in his bed, grabbed his

laptop and laid next to me. I put one arm over his stomach and the other under his back. He put his arm around me and started to play hungercraft. "Joey lets play Slender"

"What? That game is scary no way. Besides I'm playing hungercraft."

"Please. I'm sick."

"And you'll hurt your throat more when you scream!"

"Please, for me" I pouted

"Fine. But after this game ok?"

"Ok lovvee you!"


"I mean it"

"I love you too"

"Yaaaay!" I kissed his cheek.

"Hello everyone and welcome to hungercraft. 3...2....1...UGH MOVE IT BITCHES! I only got a fricking baked potato! No someone is hitting me! With their hands! Eew what a perv!" I couldn't help but giggle.

"Rape rape!" He yelled and I couldn't breath.

"Joey! Stop it!"

"I need some armor! Get your laptop and play with me!" He whined.

"Joey I will later. Ill play with you if you play Slender with me."

"Fine I'm just going to disconnect."

"You can finish-" he disconnected and started to bring up Slender. "Ok then. Wanna record it?"

"Ok let me take off my shirt."

"What!? Oh shirtless gaming channel."

"Haha yeah" I tried not to stare at his abs. I really did. But damn they were just....."Mmmm" did I just moan out loud? Joey laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Do you still wanna play?" He asked

"Uhh..." I looked at him then his computer. "Yeah" I sat up and put my hands on the walking keys. "You look around, I'll walk."

Collect all 8 pages.

I started to walk. "By the big tree right?"

"Yeah I think so...." I walked around the big tree and Joey looked it up and down. "Here!" I clicked on the page. We found 7 of the 8 pages and only saw Slender Man twice.

"I think the last one is on that truck" I said a lot closer to Joey than I was before. He nodded biting his lip. "It's not here where the fuck is it?!" Just then there was a old noise. "Do NOT turn around."

"Turn around?" I asked teasingly

"NOO!" He screamed.

"Hehe ok" I walked the other way trying to find the last page.

"EKKKKK! I saw something RUN!!!" He mashed my hand down on the key and our character ran forward.

"JOEY STOP HES RIGHT THERE!!! TURN!!!!" I slapped his hand away and turned our character around.

"AHHHH! HES RIGHT THERE!!!!!" I screamed too.

Static filled the screen. We were both trembling. "MOTHER FU-" I covered up my mouth.

"My, my, someone's got a mouth on them" Joey scolded jokingly.

"I shouldn't have played this. My throat."

"I told you!" I moved his laptop and rolled on top of him. "Want another cough drop?" I nodded yes and he unwrapped one and put it in my mouth. "Want some medicine?"

"Just lay here and love me!" I whined.

Joey laughed and put his arms around my waist and kissed my head. I rolled over onto my back and snuggled next to him. Then I pulled out my phone and texted Kalel.

Me: How's your niece? Joey and I made up. My throat was killing me. I guess it's better. I'm not dead, just on my death bed. :)

I set my phone down and a few minutes later it vibrated.

Kalel: Shes ok. A lot better thanks. I'm glad u made up. I haven't talked to Anthony. I think he called. Should I call him?. We have some medicine that really helps your throat in the top cupboard.

Me: ok good. Yes call him. I think it was kinda stupid fight but still.... Ok ty ill take some :)

Kalel: Im about to call. Text ya when done :)

"Joey will u get me this medicine Kalel is talkin bout'?"

"Yes (cute nick name). Ill be right back"

I got on YouTube and started watching a video. Danisnotonfire to be exact. Yum. He is so cute......and British. Mmm. "Oh my fucking god he just said zehbra" (zebra)

"Who?" Joey asked holding a cup of pink liquid. I drank it and then gulped down my water. "Dan. He is so beautiful and majestic and I just want to hug him."

"Ugh I'm right here."he scoffed turning away from me.

"Come here." I pushed his shoulder into the bed so he was on his back. I kissed his cheek. "I love you. Joey Graceffa."

"Then kiss me."

"I'm sickkk!"

"I don't care!" He leaned over and kissed me.

"Joey, you'll get sick too."

"Good we can be sick together." I swatted his arm playfully.

"Just upload the video." He grabbed his laptop from the end of the bed and started to upload a video.

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