Chapter Three

Chapter Three - A Shot of Whiskey


So far, the ride to Nebraska was a boring one. The Winchester girls had left out at five in the morning and Elizabeth had slept until three. Once she awoke, she began to read a book aloud. That kept the girls entertained for a while until Alanna decided to cut on the radio.

Elizabeth grabbed a CD from the case in the glovebox and shoved an AC/DC CD into the player. Back in Black began to play and the girls smiled before singing along, off-key, with the song.

Around four, Alanna pulled into a gas station and cut off the car. "Do you want anything?" She asked as she looked at her daughter.

"Chips, chocolate and a coke." Beth said with a small smile. Alanna nodded before getting out and going into the store to get the items.

As her mother was away, Elizabeth stepped out the car to stretch her legs. A loud engine roared in the distance and caught the blondes attention. A beautiful black car pulled into the store across the street and Beth watched in amazement as two men stepped out.

The shorter one looked around before his eyes instantly flickered back to her. Elizabeth felt uneasy as the man continued to stare as if he was trying to piece something together.

Suddenly, the taller guy slapped the top of the car and caught the other man's attention. They then disappeared into the other store as Alanna came out and got into the car. "Come on, babes."

Beth nodded and silently got into the car. She grabbed her coke out the bag and opened the bottle. "They didn't have salt and vinegar so I got you sour cream and onion." Alanna said as she pulled out onto the road.

Around six in the afternoon, seven pm in Nebraska, the girls pulled up to an old looking bar. "This is the place?" Beth asked with a bored expression on her face.

"Yep. This is the Roadhouse." Alanna said with tear filled eyes. "I hoped you would never end up here, but life isn't that easy. You can't have a normal, apple pie life when you have a past like mine." She said as she sniffed. "Come on, let's go see Ellen."

Beth got out of the car with a confused frown. She did not have a single clue as to what her mother was just rambling about, but she let it go as they walked through the old wooden door. The place was slightly crowded as the blonde women made their way towards the bar.

Once there, they both sat on the stools and Elizabeth watched as a blonde woman gave them a small smile, "Be right there. One second." She said in a sweet voice before handing a beer to another customer.

"What? No big, welcome back? At least give me a shot of whiskey." Alanna asked in a teasing voice. The blondes head quickly snapped back in their direction and a smile graced her beautiful face.

"Hell no, Alanna?" She asked before quickly running around the bar. The older woman laughed and stood up as Jo ran up to her. They grabbed each other in a hug and Beth watched as tears filled their faces. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too, Jo." Alanna said as she pulled away and wiped the tears from her eyes. "How has everything been."

"It has been the normal. Helping and serving hunters. Working my cases when I can and when mom allows me."

"You started hunting? Damn, Jo. Never thought Ellen would allow you to even think about that."

"Took a lot of convincing." Jo said making them both laugh.

Elizabeth sat more confused than before. Why the hell was hunting such a big deal with Ellen? Did she not want Jo around a gun? Why did Jo have to convince Ellen to let her kill animals like Bambi or Thumper?

"Jo, making friends with new costumers?" A very drunk Ash asked as he threw his arm around the blondes shoulder.

"You might be drunk, but I am everything but new, Ash." Alanna said as she playfully shoved the mans shoulder.

"What? Holy shit." He said as a look of realization crossed is face. "Alanna Winchester. It is great to see you alive and kicking." Ash muttered as he pulled her into a hug.

"It's great to see you too, Ash. I've missed you all. Where's Ellen?"

"She went out to get some pretzels. Should be back any minute now."

Alanna nodded and sat back down as Ash was called over by some guy and Jo was ushered to serve other people at the bar.

"I've got the pretzels." Ellen said as she walked past Alanna and Elizabeth to Jo. "Have any trouble while I was gone?"

"Well," Jo began. "No trouble, but you might wanna ask the blondes how they feel."

Ellen frowned in confusion, but listened to her daughter and walked up to Alanna and Elizabeth. "Is there a problem I can help with?" She asked until she looked Alanna in the eyes.

Ellen's eyes went wide as she slowly walked around the counter. "My god. You grew up." She said with a small laugh and she drug the woman off the stool and into a hug.

"I've missed you so much." Alanna cried into her shoulder. Ellen's eyes filled with tears and she kissed the top of Alanna's head and pulled away. Her eyes drifted over and landed on Elizabeth.

"Oh, my. There is no doubt in my mind about who you are. You look identical to both your parents." Ellen said as she let go of Alanna and walked over to Elizabeth. She gently pulled Beth out of her seat and looked her over before pulling her into a warm and comforting hug.

Beth tensed a bit as she did not really enjoy hugs at all. She soon relaxed and slowly put her arm around Ellen in an awkward manor.

Ellen laughed and pulled away, "He doesn't like them that much, either."

"Who?" Beth asked in confusion.

"Dean, of course. You look and apparently act a lot like him from what  Alanna has told me."

"True, but she also acts a lot like Sam." Jo interrupted as she walked back up to the pair.

"Really? I don't know much about either of them. Mom has never really told me."

Ellen and Jo looked over at Alanna who rubbed the back of her neck and looked around to avoid eye contact with the other women.

"Yes, you like reading and school like your uncle Sam, but your attitude and fascination of cars comes from Dean."

"Speaking of cars!" Elizabeth said as a light of happiness shone in her eyes. "Remember the store we stopped at about two hours down the road?"

"Yes." Alanna replied in confusion at her daughters sudden outburst of energy.

"Well, a beautiful black car parked across the street. It was so gorgeous and it had that beautiful old look to it. Two guys stepped out and one looked at me weird, but the car is the point."

Alanna seemed to choke on air as she bent over and tried to catch her breath. "Two guys in an old black car?"

"Yeah. Why?" Beth asked with a shrug.

"What did the guys look like?"

"Well one was really tall with longish hair and the other was still tall, but shorter. Why?" She said with another shrug.

Alanna sat back onto the stool and rubbed her hands over her face. "Which one looked at you weirdly?"

"The shorter one, why?" She asked again with a long sigh.

Alanna didn't have time to answer as the wooden door swung open and her face went pale. She quickly grabbed Elizabeth's shoulder and spun her to face the bar. Forcing her daughter to sit, Alanna kept her gaze on the counter top.

Jo and Ellen quickly walked away from the pair and busied themselves with their work. "A beer please, Jo." A man spoke up.

Elizabeth looked over her mother to see the two men from the store sit a few stools down. "Here ya go." Jo said as she smiled at the man and threw a small glance towards Elizabeth.

Beth frowned and turned her head to the side in confusion. Jo playfully rolled her eyes before walking over. "Alanna, are you gonna say hi?" She whispered.

Alanna shook her head, "Nope. I am perfectly fine keeping quiet." She whispered back.

"Um, why are we whispering?" Beth asked as she leaned closer to the other two women.

"Promise you won't freak out?"

"Scouts honor, momma." She playfully said with a roll of her eyes.

"That is Dean and Sam Winchester." Jo whispered after Alanna gave her a look. "Your dad and uncle."

Elizabeth froze in her seat and looked back over her moms shoulder to see the two men talking together. The taller one pushed a strand of hair behind his ear and looked as if he was frustrated with the other guy.

"Well, go talk to them!" Elizabeth snapped. "He is your ex. Well, technically you're still married. He is your husband!"

"No, I can not confront him. Uh, you do it. You're his daughter."

"Who he has never met. If I confront him, he will think I am lying."

"Sweetheart, you look too much like me and him for him to think you're lying."

"Is that why he stared at me at the store?"

"In all honesty, he probably thought you were me for a moment. He probably had to do a double check."

"Wait, you're getting off the point. You need to say hey."

"No. I am not saying hey."

"Momma, please. He is my father. He helped you do the devils tango to make me."

"Okay, please do not call it that." Alanna said as she cringed and shook her head. "If you don't want to talk to him, go talk to the taller one. He is your uncle Sam."

Elizabeth glanced over Alanna's shoulder to see the man, Sam, stand up and walk outside. Sighing, she looked at her mom before standing up and following Sam.

Looking around the parking lott, she spotted Sam leaning against the same black car from the store. She locked eyes with him as she walked up and a red color tented her cheeks. How was she supposed to talk to him? What was she supposed to say? How would she tell him she was his niece?

"Can I help you?" Sam asked with a frown as he looked down at the young girl. Elizabeth's mouth ran dry and she looked around in panic.

"Uh, nice car. Chevy Impala, am I right?" She asked in a rush she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Uh, yeah. It is. Do I know you from somewhere? You look like someone I've met." Sam said as he squinted his eyes, trying to figure out where he had seen the girl before.

"Nope, never met me. Um, Ima go. Have a nice day!" She rushed before turned and walking back into the Roadhouse. Sitting back down beside her mother, Beth groaned. "I could barely speak to him."

Meanwhile, Sam was still trying to place Elizabeth's face. A look of realization flooded his features and he quickly pushed himself off the car. He knew he might be wrong, but he was determined to find an answer to his question. She looked too much like his sister-in-law for him to let it go.

Beth was rubbing her face with her hands when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she was faced with her uncle. "I'm sorry, but do you happened to know-" Sam cut himself off as his eyes landed on Alanna. "You're back." He muttered in disbelief.

"Hey, Sam. Long time, no see." Alanna answered as she cleared her throat. She was quickly pulled from her seat and into a hug. "Well, you still give the best hugs."

"Slightly offended, but okay." Beth spoke up as she stood from her stool. "Hey, so we finally meet. I'm your niece!" She said with an awkward smile on her face.

"You look so much like your mother." Sam said with a laugh as he let go of Alanna to pull his niece into a hug. "I wish I would've met you sooner."

"Sam, you just can't hug random chicks." Dean called as he stood up from his stool. "With you're history, they'll be dead in a month."

"What?" Elizabeth asked as she quickly pulled away and looked at Sam and Dean in horror.

"I'm just joking. You don't need to worry. Anyways, I'm Dean." Her father said with a smile as he walked to stand beside Sam, but is smile instantly faded and was replaced by shock and pain.

"Hey, Dean." Alanna whispered as she locked eyes with her husband for the first time in sixteen years.


Okay so not the best, but I have been so busy and stressed that I haven't been able to update. I am trying so please stick with me. I apologize.

Rewritten on May Thirteenth, 2021
Republished on May Thirteenth, 2021

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