The One Day I Become An Adult
*Time Skip, March 9th 11:13 A.M.*
Today was the day. I am finally becoming an adult. In two minutes. Every one I love is either here or on our conference call. All awake. All for me. Angelica is at the hospital and she just gave birth to her baby boy. So he will say happy birthday. He was born at 4:35 this morning. Shawn has me in his arms and just waiting to give me the first kiss as an adult.
As you can tell me and Jacob broke up again. But this time for good. No Jacob didn't fuck up. No I didn't do anything wrong . We just got bored of each other. And I figured out why I did the Happier cover. It was for Jacob. When he was hanging out with Jenna. He looked so much happier with her. And we didn't cry over each other. Even though I cried twice before we broke up. We think it's for the best. We are still friends by all means but not together.
Now I am back with Shawn. He asked my out on Valentines day. Cliché but so cute. And we slowed our pace a little. He hasn't kissed me since I was with him last. So now he is gonna be my first kiss as an adult. He thought he would make it way more perfect. So we are in Sacramento. The place I was born. He is awesome. School doesn't end for two months so not entirely an adult yet. Shawn's tour is over and done and I finished all my make up assignments.
Now with one minute left we are staring at a clock. The second it turns 11:15 we will kiss. And we muted us so no one can hear the kissing noises. We aren't ready to tell everyone just yet. We are gonna wait until prom. So next month. Can't wait. Who cares if he is my father. I didn't legal change my last name to Bennett-Mendes yet so it doesn't entirely matter.
Back to the clock. The count down begins. Me and Shawn stare at each other. Three... He cups my face. Two... I lean closer. One... Our lips clasps immediately. Everyone is singing happy birthday in the bathroom but all I care about is this perfect moment with Shawn. I'm only wearing his favorite sweatshirt and undergarments. And he is in Pajama pants and my favorite sweatshirt. It's an oversized sweatshirt so he fits it perfectly. He is perfect. Even though no one is perfect. So he is perfectly imperfect.
Shawn's POV:
This is perfect. My Angel and me are kissing. We haven't kissed since she got back with Jacob. They got tired of each other so we got back together on Valentines day. She always loved cliché romantic things so I had to. This is her first kiss as an adult and it's with me. She is Ms. Right. And soon she will be Mrs. Right. I already have her engagement ring. I wanna give her it this year and then marry her next year. She has been missing one of her rings. Because I took it. Believe or not I read her diary. It said that she wants to get engaged and married with her own rings. But I have an idea.
I customized the ring and engraved it. It says: You are forever. Then I will steal the ring again and combine the two rings. It will be attached by medal that looks like vines. The that one with say: my Angel. So if she looks at it one day it will say: You are forever my Angel. I also wanna put S.H. So that it is the initials of before I was married. Back to reality.
She and I are still kissing. Everyone on the call sings Happy Birthday to Krystal. I am so happy right now. And she can feel it. If her tongue wasn't in my mouth, I would be smiling.
Krystal's POV:
It felt like forever. But I had to pull away. They were almost done with the birthday song. He smiled so wide. I was almost crying tears of joy. Me and Shawn cuddle and put the phone off muting us.
"Thanks guys so much," I say into the phone.
We went on with random conversations. One by One everyone got off the call because we all have life's. Madison and Jiaen will be coming over and we are gonna party likes there is no tomorrow. We all check out of school today so we can spend this day with me. And since it will be noon in about an hour. We couldn't miss my birthday. My birthday is from 11:15 A.m. until 12:00 A.m.
So at midnight I can celebrate my first day as an adult. Let's just say my eighteenth birthday is already better than my Sixteenth.
You know how a lot of girls have a blast at there sweet sixteen. I didn't. My mom couldn't afford to go all out. But she did do one thing. She got me a new manager. That's how I got Andy. My last manager retired so I had to get a new one. Andy also helped me through some parts of life. So when I left mom he made sure no one bothered me about work. Then there was times I couldn't stand being at home and he would call and tell me to go to work. But instead I went to his house. Played with his kids. He was my family besides my own family then. Also a shoulder to cry on. And a guys opinion when I needed it. He was a dad to me. Better than every step dad I ever had. And his wife didn't complain because if I watched the kids they have so time to relax. That's a family. Now I wanna start one with Shawn.
Not yet but when I turn twenty three I wanna start having kids. And I want all then of the before I turn twenty eight. Yes some will probably be adopted but I am fine with that. And if Shawn can't have kids then me and him agreed on sperm donations. We will go through a lot for these kids. But it is worth it. I know me and Shawn are gonna have a rocky road but we have a couple years to spear. And I will be in college. I wanna live in a dorm until I get pregnant with my first kid. We are think about this already but we know things won't happen too fast. And we have to slow things down.
But I swear if Shawn popped the question right now. I wouldn't hesitate to say yes.
Too stop my thoughts my phone rang and the caller ID said unknown. Nice to know huh? So I answered it.
"Hello this is Krys Bennett," I greeted like a business lady.
"Hi Krys this is Kelly," Damn probation officer.
"What the fuck do you want Kelly," I acted rude but I am in a good mood not even she could spoil.
"Well I just called to check in to the new adulthood. And I saw you and Shawn are getting a little too... close. Is anything going on with you two?" I look at Shawn. He looked like he just wanted to tell her everything.
"Um... Yeah. Me and Shawn just started dating. Is there a problem with being in Love?" Shit I said that out loud.
"Krystal how long have you guys been dating?" She was tired of this shit already.
"Not even a month. Since Valentines day," Shawn just pulled me closer.
"Are you guys in the house together? Like right now?" How does that concern her?
"Yes. Why?" I kinda live with him so can't really say no.
"May I speak with you two?" I put it on speaker.
"He is here start talking," I wanted to get this over with.
"Shawn you told me at the party you didn't think about Krys like that. Were you lying Mr. Mendes?" Bennett-Mendes.
"No, It was then I didn't think about her like that. Now I can't imagine life without her in my arms," I was in awe.
"Are you two in love or is this shit gonna end one day?" Didn't he kind of just answer that.
"We are in Love. I have seen him a thousand times and not once did I not get butterflies. Every time I look into his eyes, I fall in Love all over again. He does the small gestures like letting me wear his shirts but they seem like acts of Love to me. Every time I look into his beautiful eyes, all the bad parts of my day disappear. It's only when we are apart that we feel like crying. Our arguments get resolved by looking into each others eyes. He is my other half. If that isn't Love then I don't know what Love is," I had to give a fucking speech.
"Awe Angel," Shawn whispers in my ears.
"You guys are a cheesy couple. Well this is the last time I will ever bother you guys. Have fun with your life. And if you guys ever want to call me save this number. Bye Krystal&Shawn," I smile at Shawn,
"Bye Kelly," Shawn says.
"Bye Kelly. I'm gonna save the number," I can feel her smile. She hangs up.
"You are so nice Krys," He kisses me.
"She is only a pain in the ass when if comes to her job. But she has been in my life for a while. I can't just get rid of her," He kisses me again but laughed a bit.
"Sorry for laughing but you're just so cute," He kisses my nose and I blush.
"It's better than you moaning in my mouth because of my minty taste," He nuzzles his face into my neck.
"That only happened once Krys," He whined a little.
"Shawny, sorry Babe it's just so cute when you're embarrass. And I only don't like doing that because with your hot breath on my neck. Fuck hormones," He laughs against my neck.
"Oh crap Angel. Sorry," He doesn't back up.
"Says sorry but doesn't stop. Fuck you Shawn," I hit him a little and he pulls me closer.
"Hey if it turns you on then I won't stop," He did it on purpose. Piece of shit.
"You're an Ass sometimes, you know?" He laughs and my back arches a little.
"And you Love me for it. I feel magical right now," He referred to my reaction.
"SHAWN STOP!!!" I whine and yell at the same time. They there was a knock on the door.
"He can take your Virginity later but open the fucking door," Yep that's Maddie.
"Fuck you Madison," Up get up and pull down the sweatshirt. I go to the door and open it.
"Hey Krys. I can't believe you cock blocked him for me. And all you did was put on a sweatshirt," She smirks and I turn my eyes to Jiaen.
"We weren't having fun. I was trying to get him to stop trying to turn me on. Hey Jiaen," We group hugged.
"So in conclusion I was close to getting her to moan. Thanks Madison," Shawn yelled from couch. I look at him and he was leaning over the couch to see us. He Loves when I am happy.
"Hey have you seen under the sweatshirt?" Maddie asks Shawn walking over to a couch.
"No. My Virgin eyes are gonna stay innocent for longer. It is pure torture," Me and Jiaen sit down.
"Madison I am wearing a bra and panties. I don't want my naked body on Shawn's favorite sweatshirt," I snuggle against Shawn.
"Bull Shit," I look at her and stand up. I pull up the sweatshirt so they can see I wasn't lying.
"I can only see the back view and they can see your chest. No fair," Shawn whines. I turn towards him then after a couple seconds I pull the sweatshirt down.
"You only had to ask Shawn. You are such a kid," I snuggle with Shawn again.
"Well thanks Babe. But this child needs the bathroom. So please get up," I jump off him.
"Gross get out Shawn," He runs to his bathroom.
"That was fucking awesome Krys. Shit now I miss my boyfriend," Maddie and Jiaen are laughing.
"Fuck you guys. And Maddie just invite the guy. And Jiaen your boyfriend can come over too," The immediately called their boyfriends. And I sat in silence. Until Shawn comes back.
"Get up please," He took a shower to make sure he was clean. I was laughing. I got up and let him sit down before getting snuggled into him.
"Thanks for showering Shawn," He chuckles.
"Damn the effect you have on me Angel," Shawn whispers in my ear.
"We can hear you guys," Jiaen yelled. They were no longer on the phone.
"Well I don't care honestly," Shawn says. I slap his arm.
"I do. That stays between us," Maddie smirked at us.
"A lot of things stay between only you two," I cringe and Shawn laughs.
"Gross Madison," I scoot away from Shawn. Only for him to pull me close again.
"It's true," Shawn smirks and I sit next to Jiaen.
"I hate you," I put and cross my arms. Shawn gets up and picks me up.
"I Love you too Angel," He gets us back to our spot.
"Nice wedding practice," Jiaen smiles at Shawn.
"Well that I can't argue with," I peck Shawn's lips.
"You guys are so cute," Maddie yells. Then there is two knocks on the door.
"BABE," Both their boyfriends yell.
"Coming," Maddie and Jiaen run to the door and let the boys in.
"Hey Madison," They kiss.
"Hey Jiaen," They come in and sit down.
"Maddie close the door if you are gonna suck his face off. My neighbors don't wanna see that," I joke like she did to me.
"Fuck you too Krys," Maddie yells closing the door.
"Maddie come sit your ass down," I yell and her boyfriend sat down first.
"That's a way to abandon me Babe," Maddie stomps over.
"Hey, that's the woman of the house. I gotta respect her wishes. And you don't mess with a guys girl," Shawn nods.
"Yeah Maddie. That's the basic rule of life," Jiaen's guy said.
"Hey it would be nice to know your names. I'm Shawn," Shawn is a mind reader.
"I'm Blake," Maddie's leather jacket guy said.
"And I'm Wendell," Jiaen's guys said.
"Nice to meet you guys," Shawn greets them.
"So Krys is your girl," Blake said.
"Yeah my Angel," He kisses my cheek.
"Nice. We should all go on a triple date sometime," We all laugh.
"Krys How about birthday dinner?" Jiaen's wonderful idea.
"Hell yeah. We are going fancy shopping," The girls got excited and the boys were not up for shopping. Other than Shawn.
"Can I come Babe?" Shawn coo's.
"Of course Babe," My besties looked at their boyfriends.
"Come on guys it can't hurt to hold bags for our Babes," Shawn tries to convince them.
"We are two different people Shawn," They boys shake their heads.
"Krys can we steal your boyfriend," They joke.
"Sorry guys but this is my Precious jewel. But I am up for holding bags," Awe, Shawn. He put a hand in the air
"I Love you to Angel," My heart flutters.
"Why can't Blake be like Shawn," I look at Maddie.
"Cause he's Mr. Leather Jacket. Bad boy type. Like he could be Dallas Winston at this point," Maddie smirks at me.
"Shit that means I'm his Johnny Cade. And we are gay. I think that might be my favorite part. It proves my point so it works," I roll my eyes.
"Wait there is six of us and six gang members. Let's decifer this," Jiaen says.
"So Maddie&Blake are Johnny&Dallas. Jiaen&Wendell are Two-Bit&Darry. And Me&Shawn are Ponyboy&Sodapop," the boys look confused. But the girls are laughing so hard.
"It makes sense. Because if Pony and Soda were together then it would be incest. So with you and your dad being together it works," Maddie just had to say it.
"Fuck you," I got up and went to the carriers that had our cuties in it. I open them and they run to the living room. I grab Flufflea and sit with Shawn.
"You guys got animals," Maddie said making Me and Shawn laughed.
"Yeah we got them the day we go our tattoos," They looked at us in shock.
"Tattoos?" Jiaen was the first to kill the silence.
"It was all over my social media," I show them my hand.
"How many?" Maddie asked.
"I got five and Shawn got one," I smiled at the thought.
"Can we see," The walk over before I answer.
"This one. This one. This one. This one. And finally these ones," I had to roll up my sleeves. We showed the matching ones last.
"That's so cool. What if all three of us got matching. I want it to be on the ankle like her and Shawn's. But the right one. Krys can sketch the design," Shawn looked at Maddie as she explained that.
"You can go get them now. Since you guys are adults now. Other than Maddie," Shawn makes it obvious for me to bring my wallet.
"Thanks Shawn. We will go. You stay here and watch the babies and the boys please. Love you," I kiss Shawn.
"Love you too Angel," He kisses me and we all head for the car.
I drive them to the Tattoo place we went to last time. The lady that did my Tattoos was there. So I requested her. Then I hurried with my sketch. I draw a panda, turtle, and teacup next to each other. And above their heads I put Besties in cursive. I'm not gonna color it in. Then I drew a flower bracelet that was different from the one me and Shawn got. I put three roses under the animals. Then a bunch of small flowers all the way around. Then underneath the flower bracelet I put our names. Krystal Madison Jiaen. Then we were called up. I handed the lady the sketch and she lead us to the chairs. She started with Maddie. She was in so much pain but we were there. So she was squeezing our hands.
As soon as she was done she asked for the colors. Or Shades. I said the flowers were all gonna be red. The Panda is gonna be black and white. The turtle will be sky blue. And the teacup puppy will be a rose pink. Then she finished it a little after that. Then She started will a new needle and Jiaen. We had to record it so. I recorded Madison on her phone. And Jiaen recorded it with her phone. Jiaen was excited to see it. Then eventually it was my turn. That's when I remembered I am in just wearing a sweatshirt. So I made sure I didn't flash her. Then I recorded it with my and went live on Jiaen's phone.
"Questions, Krystal. Doesn't that fucking hurt?" I laugh when Jiaen read the first question.
"No needles don't hurt me and Jiaen. But it was a son of a bitch to Madison," Maddie flipped me off and I laughed.
"Next question, Krystal. Why are you just wearing a sweatshirt," I hid my red face.
"Ok so we were talking and I showed the girls my Tattoos. So we decided to go immediately. And lets just say dumbass right here forgot to wear pants. Now I am trying not to flash the lady doing my Tattoo. Next question," My face was burning red.
"Is that Shawn's favorite sweatshirt? And it's from Shawn's mom," I smile at the camera.
"Hi Karen. So long story short, I didn't feel like doing laundry today. And Shawn had this sweatshirt. So he let me wear it. And I was gonna take it off when laundry was done but with my birthday being today. I forgot," I had a nervous smile.
"Oki. Krystal. What kind of slut where's only a sweatshirt in public because she forgot her pants?" I got a little mad.
"Well guess what I wanted to be fucking comfortable. You know it's my birthday so I really can do anything I want in my own house. And we were so excited that Shawn let us get Tattoos. So I got caught up in the moment. So Fuck you. Burn in hell. And get a god damn life bitch," Ok I was more than a little mad. And I flipped off the camera. I forgot Karen was watching to.
"Damn she is on fire. You go girl," The tattoo lady said. I laughed.
"Next question, Krystal. What's it like being in Love?" I looked confused.
"I'm not in Love. So I don't know what it feels like. What made you think I was in Love?" Perfect acting right.
"She says. It looks like you are head over heels for Shawn. And matching Tats. There has to be something going on with you two," I acted grossed out.
"Me and Shawn are father and daughter. We are suppose to close. And I am not taken. I'm not single. And I am perfectly happy shipping gay couples. And this gives me time for myself. I'm a free spirit," I need to calm down.
"She said eye roll. She's a piece of shit. Ok next question. What's your favorite love song?" I look at my hand.
"Hit or Miss probably. Or Never Be Alone. I really can't choose between the two," I look at the camera.
"Krys can you sing for us?" I laugh hard.
"Of course. Only part of a song. She is almost done with the Tattoo. What song?" She squints.
"Hideaway," I look at my hand again.
"I sang that a couple months ago. But what ever. Count down please," Maddie starts the count.
"One...Two...Three,"She mouthed three.
"Boy seem to like the girls that laugh at anything
The ones that get the undressed
Before the second date
Girls seem to like the boys
Who don't appreciate
All the money and the time that it takes
To be fly
As a mother
Got my both eyes out for Mr. Right
Listen I just don't know where to find them
But I hope they all come out tonight
Where do the good boys go to hideaway
I'm a good good girl
Who needs a little company
Looking high and Low
Someone let me know
Where do the good boys go to Hideaway
Boys seem to like the girls who like to kiss and tell
Talking about them bout all the things they do so well
I'd rather find a boy who is down for the chase
Putting in the time that it takes
To be fly
As a mother
To supply all my hearts demands
Suit in tie
Cause undercover
Who's gonna save my life like superman
Where do the good boys go to hideaway
I'm a good good girl
Who needs a little company
Looking high and Low
Someone let me know
Where do the good boys go to Hideaway
Tell me where the good boys go
Tell me where the good boys go
Tell me where the good boys go
Won't somebody tell me, Tell me
Tell me where the good boys go
Tell me where the good boys go
Tell me where the good boys go
Tell me where the good boys go
Where do the good boys go to hideaway
I'm a good good girl
Who needs a little company
Looking high and Low
Someone let me know
Where do the good boys go to Hideaway
Looking high and low
Someone let me know
Where do the good boys go to Hideaway
Hideaway," I breath.
"What happen to just singing part," Maddie smirked.
"Well I just got a little carried away," We laugh.
"Thanks for the entertainment but your Tattoo is done," They Lady said.
"Thanks so much for doing it. Let's go pay for it," Jiaen turns off the live and I stop recording.
We go over and pay for the Tattoos. I gave a big tip to the lady. I think her name tag said Beth but I really don't know. We eventually get back to the house and we are greeted by Shawn. He hugged and kissed me once the door was closed. He wanted to see me smile and he wanted to see the tattoo. We go to the couch and I show him.
"I Love it. Thanks Shawn," He smiled wider. If that was even possible.
"I'm so glad. I Love it too. I'm guessing it is your sketch," I rolled my eyes.
"Yep. Maddie was such a baby. Almost as bad as you were when you got the guitar one," He laughs.
"Shut up Krys," Maddie yells.
"Well it had to be worth it," Shawn says gently rubbing the new tattoo.
"Yep," I mouth I Love You over and over to Shawn.
"Hey, Krys. I heard you sing Eminem songs. You think you can sing Arose," I jaw dropped when Blake asked that.
"Really? Shawn start up the Karaoke machine," He goes and does as I said. He pulls out the small stage. And hands me the mic.
"If I could rewind time like a tape
Inside a boom box
One day for every pill
or percocet that I ate
Cut down the volume
I've heard everything
But Death is turning so definite
They got me all hooked up to some machine
I Love you Bean
I didn't want you to know I was struggling
Feels like I'm under water
Submerged like a Submarine
Just hear that nurse say
My livers and kidneys aren't functioning
Been flirtatious with that
Skirt chasing I guess
It's rehabilitay just hera them say
They were unplugging me
It's your birthday
Jade sorry I'm missing you birthday
Baby girl I'm sorry
I hate to see you fucking hurt hey
Sweeties thank you for waiting to open your gifts
But girls you can just open them
Because Dad ain't making it home for Christmas
Wish I had the strength to blow a kiss
I went to make a fist but I can't make one
I'm froze stiff
I yell but nothing comes out
I'm crying inside
I shout
My vocal cords won't permit me
I scream but that's not allowed
You put your arm around mom
To calm her out
I just thought about
That long aisle I'll never get to walk us down
Never see you graduate
In caps and gowns
It about to be 2008
How's this happening now
I got so much more to do
And prove I'm really sorry
If I let you down it
But this tore me in two
The thought of no more me and you
You gave me shoes
Nike's like new for me for school
Judy I'm trying
But you you were the clue to binding
How many things time I'd give anything just to rewind it
I had to walk down my halls and constantly be reminded
Bout pictures all on my walk
Couldn't sleep at night
Cause that image burned in my brain
Of you on that table
Me falling across your body not being able to stand and save you
God why did you taken me
Trying to keep this legacy alive
But I'm dying
Where's Nathan
Little lady's be brave
Take care of your mother
Smile pretty for pictures
Always cherish each other
I'll always Love yah
I be in the back of your memory
And I know you'll never forget me
Just don't get sad when remembering
And little bro
Keep making my proud
You better marry that girl
Because she's faithfully down
And when you saying choose sacred vows
Just know that if I could be there I would
Should you ever see parenthood
I know you'll be good at it
Oh, almost fogot to do something
Thank my father too
I actually learned a lot from you
You taught me what not to do
Mom I wish I had the chance to have one more
Heart to heart honest and open talk with you
Judy I see you
I go to walk to you
I can feel my soul leave my body and float across the room
Nurses lean of the bed
Pull some tubes out
Bring the sheet over me head
Shut the room down
Girls please don't be upset
I see those cheeks all getting red
As you squeeze hold of my neck
Force ably don't wanna wreck
Me cold blue I'm drenched
Emotional wrecks
With every second each closer to death
But suddenly I begin to feel my begin heart beat slowly
Then a breath
Machine go
Must've guessed the cheat code to this shit
I try to rewind time like a tape
Find an escape
Make a bee line
Trying to find a wake
From this dream
I need to refind
My inner strength
And remind me
of the ski line
To rewrite a mistake
I'm rewinding today
I put out this last album the I'm done with it
One hundred percent finished
Put it up
I'm hanging it up
Fuck it
Excuse the cursing baby
just know that I'mma good person
How they portray me is cold
And if things should worsen
But I bet you they won't
I'm pledging to throw this epitome
In the toilet
Along will these old letters I wrote
The little pathetic closing
Let the credits roll
I proud to be back
Like a rematch
I don't do relapse
With recovery map
Cause LP2
Compelled me to
Take the relapse pass
Glass told um
And I hold them
The song I sing to my daughters
If I'd of made it to the hospital
Less then two hours later
But I fought it
Came back like a boomerang
A new day has dawn on
And up Tuesday
It's morning
Now I know," (A/N:I know that I skipped a part and didn't really know the words but you try to listen to this a thousand times and try to get it right. I didn't have WiFi while writing this so I reverted to listen until I got it close to right. Nobody's Perfect.)
I was in tears after I finished the song. It was so emotional. That's why I love Eminem. He just speaks to me in a way no one understands. Blake was right up my alley. He wasn't crying but he was jamming out. I only cry cause so parts I connect with because my dad is dead. So it makes sense. We were smiling and singing. And they were staring at us like we were crazy.
"That is the most depressing song. I have ever heard," Shawn was dead serious.
"That was a mood killer," Maddie followed.
"Why the fuck are you guys smiling?" Way to ruin it guys. The only one who didn't say anything was Wendell. He didn't care for it.
"If you guys were huge fans like Me and Blake you would see why we are smiling. It's a story of his overdose at a birthday party. His Hailey Jade's birthday. And he almost died. But then he comes back from near death and realizes how much family matters. He learned from the shit he fucking did. And you guys are killing the mood. Fuck you guys," Shawn looks at Madison.
"Me and Madison are both seeing people that are our opposites. I feel so bad for us," Madison hugs Shawn.
"Get off my boyfriend Maddie," She rolled her eyes.
"It's a fucking hug Krys," I stared at her.
"She is so hot when she is jealous," Shawn smiles.
"You're a peace of shit Shawn," I cross my arms.
"And you love me for it. You're being moody Krys," How do guys know when girls are on their period? Magic?
"Sorry Shawny," I walked of to hug him.
"Don't worry Angel. I understand," It's funny how I am his Angel and my sisters name is Angel. Shit Changes.
"You guys can't stay mad at each other. I thought she was only like that with me and Maddie," Jiaen shook her head 'no.'
"He is black magic. He can do anything," Explain with a blown mind expression.
"Wow. I am in Love with a five year old. I snooped so low," Shawn acts disappointed.
"And I'm in Love with someone who can't be human. Guess we both hit out all time low," Madison looked at me and I knew she was gonna embarrass me.
"I can't believe you are cheating on your husband with this guy," Shawn looked really pissed.
"Husband?" Shawn gave me a look and Jiaen made the situation worse.
"When's the last time you saw your husband. It he still in Cali," Shawn bit his lip as the words slipped put of Jiaen's mouth.
"If you weren't my Bestie your husband would already know. And where is your ring?" Shawn looked like he was about to kick me out.
"Krystal, you have one minute to explain this right now," I decided to join Jiaen and Maddie.
"Ok so in seventh grade I went on a choir trip to Disneyland. And I met this guy. I knew about him before I met him. Soon enough we got married. That's why I where that silver ring. The one I lost," Maddie and Jiaen tried so hard not to smile or laugh.
"Would you like to tell me why you married this guy? Or who he is? And why are you with me? Also were you lying about being in love with me?" Ok I was enjoying this.
"He was different from everyone I have ever seen. He was a bit older but we didn't mind. And I am with you because I do truly Love you," Even Blake and Wendell were trying not to laugh.
"Who is he?" This we the funny thing happens.
"My husband is Groot," All but Shawn laughed. I was like on the floor trying to breathe laugh.
"Why are you guys laughing?" He didn't get it.
"Groot.. Is the.. Tree in..... Guardians.. Of... The ...Galaxy," I said trying to breathe. Shawn cracked a smile and held back on laughing.
"Krys you scared me. But that was funny," We calmed down and sat back down.
"Sorry Babe," I kiss him.
"You are so lucky I love you," He smiles.
"I promise you me and Groot will get divorce before we get married," He laughed.
"Good because I don't wanna have to hurt Groot," He acted so serious but we both died from laughter.
"I Love you Shawn," I kiss him. Surprisingly Maddie and Jiaen didn't say shit. They were occupied with there own conversations.
"I Love you to Krystal," He kisses me.
"Hey Krys we should go shopping now. And you boys can take care of the kids," Maddie pointed a Blake and Wendell. I laughed we she was talking about the animals.
"Have a fun time. And you can take the gay ass boyfriend with you," I got up and beat the shit out of Blake.
"Fuck you. Watch who you are talking about," Shawn looked at me like I was crazy.
"Krys. Can you not kill Blake," Maddie was laughing but she was serious too.
"Angel. You look so cute protecting me but I'd rather not have you charge for murder," Shawn wrapped his arms around my waist. I let go of Blake's shirt.
"Damn. That's some girl you got there," Blake smiled.
"She not just some girl. She's my girl. And she is the man in this relationship," Shawn talked like a girl.
"Yeah and I pack a punch harder than you ever could," I sat up straight.
"Yeah and she won't hesitate to kill us," Maddie was pissed.
"Come on Babe. I should've respected the woman. Sorry Man of the house. That's rule one," I laugh. Then Maddie ran up stairs and Blake got up.
"She is in the last room on the right," He was gonna get confused so I ran up and showed him my room before going back down.
"Is Madison always like that?" Shawn can tell there was something up.
"Me and Her are probably on our monthly circle at the same time," He shook his head.
"I would've know if she was. It's something else," How?
"Well how is their relationship?" I asked Jiaen.
"They were talking about kids this morning. Blake doesn't wanna be a father. But he is never around children so he doesn't get a say. The shouldn't be talking about this yet. They have like five year to spare," I have an idea.
"Well what if I make him babysit with me. Then we'll see if he is good enough. I got a little cousin. He can come over and we can all take care of him. And I'll tell the kid to try and get close with Blake. Then the problem will be solved," They stared at me like I was a genius.
"Well what are you waiting for Krys?" Shawn hand me my phone. After three rings they answer. I put it on speaker.
"Hey Krys. I have somewhere to be tonight. Can you take Maria?" I laugh.
"I was just about to ask for Maria. Can you bring her over?" Shawn is trying not to laugh.
"Yeah I'm on my way," She hangs up.
"This is gonna suck for you Shawn. You can't hog Maria," He frowns.
"I know. It's torture," I cuddle into him.
"I thought your virgin eyes were tortured because they will always be innocent," I quoted some of that.
"No that was pure torture. This is just torture," He smart mouthed.
"I'm gonna go tell Maddie they need to come down stairs," Jiaen leaves Wendell.
"Babe, Wanna go stand outside with me for Maria?" He smiles.
"Of course. Wendell watched the kids," He points at Wendell before walking to the front gate with me.
"Babe, why are you in Love with me," He smiled like he already thought the answer.
"Because you are my Angel. The one I can't live without. The one that I would take my life for. The one I'd quit my job for. I'd do anything to make you smile. The one that looks so hot in my clothes. The one that Loves being a dork. The reason I smile for no reason. You are my kind of perfect. And I can imagine my life without you. I Love you. And there is no word I can use to explain it. You just have to feel it. And I will live my life trying to show you how much I Love you. But nothing will ever be enough," I was in tears.
"I Love you Shawn," He wipes my tears with his thumb.
"I Love you too Krystal," He kisses me.
"Shawn we have to be careful," He shook his head.
"I don't care if anyone knows. I am not ashamed of being yours Babe. Everyone should know," He kisses me again.
"I kind of told a fan on live I wasn't with you," He looked hurt.
"So, people lie all the time. Please just let it be," He is good at giving presents.
"Fine. We tell your mom first. Karen deserves to hear it first," He kisses me again before he calls his mom.
"Hi Shawn. When are you visiting. We miss you" He thought of what to tell her.
"I'll visit you this weekend Mom," You can feel her smile.
"So why did you call Shawn?" I breathe.
"Um, I wanted to tell you that I am in Love. And she Loves me too," Real smooth Shawn. He was sweating bullets.
"Do I know her Shawn. I'd Love to meet her," He smiled at me.
"Her name is Krystal Bennett. Remember her?" Silence.
"Your Daughter?" Thanks Karen.
"Mom please understand," He was almost in tears.
"It makes so much sense. I'm happy for you. But what do you think Manuel will say?" I step closer.
"I think he will understand. You raised your family to not judge things," I speak up. Shawn's crying a little.
"Well hopeful he will. Can wait to see you guys this weekend. Krys. Thanks for making my Baby boy happy," Shawn smiles through the tears.
"No problem. I didn't even have to try," My uncle pulled up.
"Hey, Mom. I got to go. Love you," He looked at the screen.
"Love you too Shawn," Karen hangs up.
"Hey uncle Benny," I walked up to the car and hugged me uncle.
"Hey Krys. There's little Maria," Maria was hugging her dad's leg. Her and stranger.
"Hey Maria. Come here. Shawny's a good guy. I trust him. See," I hug Shawny and he gentle hugs me back.
"Hey Maria. I'm Shawn," He got on one knee and waved at her. Clearly ignoring what I said.
"I'm Maria," She waved back. Her voice was so squeak and so cute. Shawn eyes lit up.
"Look I got to go. I'll swing by at eight and pick her up. Bye Krys. Bye Shawn," I hug him and he says bye to Maria before getting in the car and driving off.
"Hey Maria. We have friends in the house. And there is this guys named Blake. He will be in the leather jacket. He Loves cuddling and kids but doesn't say it. He is a little sad and I was wondering if you'd hang out with him. Make him happy. You think you could so that," Shawn explains in a kiddy voice.
"I don't like seeing people said. I will make him feel better. I Love hugs," She hugged Shawn. Awe.
"Maria, Shawn. Let's go inside and help Blake," I smile and lead them inside. Maria ran next to Blake and got on the couch. Blake was taken in surprise when little Maria hugged him. Blake's eyes lit up and her put her on his lap to hug her back.
"I'm Maria. You look like you needed a hug," Blake looks in awe at little Marie. And Bad Boy was about to cry.
"I'm Blake. Thanks Maria," He quickly wiped a fallen tear. And he smiled.
"Krys you are the best. Really," Maddie whisper and hugged me before going over to Blake. She sat down and Blake put his arm around her. Pulling her closer.
"Angel you just saved a relationship. Your Dad would be so proud of you," I kiss him. I Love how he mentions my Dad.
"Thanks Shawn. Dad is no doubt the reason we came together. He is looking out for me," I smile.
"You better believe it. We got to go shopping. Blake can watch Miss Maria," I nod,
"Girls we got to go. Blake watch Maria. Wendell watch the other kids," They nod and we head to the car.
"Krys wanna maybe put some pants on," Shawn reminds me. He changed his pants so he is wearing jean and my sweatshirt.
"Do I have to?" I was comfy.
"Not unless you wanna Krys," Shawn doesn't say no very much.
"Then lets get in the car. She isn't gonna put pants on," See Maddie understood.
"Yeah and you are sitting in the front Krys," Jiaen made this rule clear.
"Fine," We get in the car.
Shawn drives with one hand on the wheel and the other knotted with mine. the girls and me laughed at the jokes we found. Shawny did when he noticed them. And so he didn't feel left out I squeezed his hand every once and a while. I looked at his face a couple thousand times and it still seemed perfect. Some people freak out after his eye falls. But his lazy eye is what makes him unique. It's cute to me. I like people who are different. Jacob and his cheeks. Shawn with his eyes. My first boyfriend with his different color eyes. They are different. It's awesome.
We arrived at the California's most expensive clothes. Shawn is crazy for taking us here. We are gonna be here for a long time. But he liked hold our bags. Makes him feel like such a gentleman. He is fucking crazy. But so was I. Maddie and Jiaen jaws hit the ground. Shawn opened my door and took my hand. He then proceeded to do the same with Maddie and Jiaen. They were laughing and thanked him. Then he came back to me and we locked hands. Then we went in. Almost immediately Maddie ran to a cute dress. It wasn't fancy enough for where ever we were going. But Shawn spoke up.
"You guys can get anything you want. But if you can hurry for now, I'll take you here next weekend. Ok?" Fair trade.
"Ok," Maddie grabbed the dress then we went to the fancy dresses.
We all went to the white dress that have no sleeves. That is our idea of fancy. They looked like wedding dresses but who cared. Maddie tried on one. It was beautiful. It was white and off white color. It had a bra thing so if can hold up our boobs. It had a gold belt part and a floral design. It had layers and a tail. She decided to match is with white pumps.
Then eventually Jiaen found one. It was white and it had a tail. Longer than Maddie's. It was a laced dress with a gold line thing that lined up against her spine. It looked good with her slim frame. The only thing that made there dress look good is because the aren't like me. I had man shoulders. That makes it a little harder to look hot in some of the dresses here. So after trying on a million dresses, I found one.
It looked like a white layered dress. With like a wrapped back part that crossed in the front. But then I felt a button thing that was near a box thing in a pocket. So I pressed the button and the dress lit up. It was kind of like a galaxy design. I refused to let Shawn see it. So I put it in a black garment bag. Then I give it to Shawn. He is so cute holding all the garment bags and shit and he is fucking smiling. The other girls staring at their boys and are like why can't you be like him. Every girl likes a man who wants to hold their bags. We paid for the dresses and went home. Benny was there when we got back. He was just chill'n with the boys.
"Hey Benny," I side hugged him and everyone laughed we Shawn came in with bags.
"Honey I'm Home," Shawn yells coming in and Hercules ran over to him.
"Your a dork Babe," I say and he puts the bags down.
"No I'm a weirdo," Maddie looked at Shawn.
"Oh hell nah. Us three are weirdo. You can't be one," We all laughed.
"Well Krys me and Maria are gonna go home," Blake hugged Marie tight when Benny said that.
"Well we enjoyed helping out. If you ever need a babysitter for Maria or Eric you know who to ask," I said and Blake was almost in tears.
"Blake Maria has to go," Shawn detached Blake from Maria. Mission complete.
"Bye Blake," Maria waved while in Shawny's arms.
"Bye Maria," Blake waved back and Maria was handed to Benny.
"Bye guys," Benny leaves with little Maria.
"Did you guys by tuxes?" Wendell asked. Crap.
"Yeah of course I did," Shawn is the savior again.
"Good. Let's get ready," We hand out the outfits and got dressed in different rooms.
I got dressed and walked out last. I heard the doors close and them godown stairs. Maddie and Jiaen turned off the lights and I walked down the stairs. Shawn's eyes lit up like my dress. His jaw dropped. He went up to me and put his arm out. This sounds like a fairytale. I put my arm in his. Then we walk outside. And there is a Limo. Perfect birthday. He opened my door and helped me in. The other guys did the same with their girls. We made sure our tails aren't out of the car. Then we went to a mystery destination.
The boys were matching. All white tuxes. It looked nice because they all had fair skin like Shawn and dark hair. Blake's hair was dark brown. Wendell's hair was Black. and Shawn's was Brown. Shawn had his waves. Blake's was just slicked back. Wendell's was brushed against his forehead. This is gonna be perfect. And since Shawn picked where to go he knows I'll like it. I hate fancy shit but this is an exception.
A half hour later we arrive. Everyone was dressed hella fancy. Like over the top. And we didn't even do our makeup or hair. But Shawn is gonna be like you're the hottest girl in this room so blah blah blah. He is cheesy but I love it. I'm a hopeless romantic. We look like we are going to a ball. We get inside and then you hear the music. Haha. Shawn brought us to a fancy looking place but then there is rappers here. Famous people everywhere. Perfect. I look at the stage. The person that was up there just got off. And then I walk closer. A new band gets up. Shit it's like a D12 reunion. And there he is. Mr Leader Singer. Marshal Mathers. Slim Shady. Eminem. I squeal and go near the front as they set up. Then the music starts.
"I don't know dude
I think everyone's all jealous and shit
'Cause I'm like the leader singer of the band, dude
And I think everyone that has a fucking problem with me, dude
Then they to take it up with me after the show because..." I get as close as possible to the stage will Shawn following.
[Hook: Eminem]
"These chicks don't even know the name of my band
But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands
'Cause once I blow they know that I'll be the man
All because I'm the lead singer of my band," I sing quietly
[Verse one: Eminem]
"So I get on stage right, drop the mic
Walk up to hot chicks
And I'm all like, "What's up ladies my names Slim Shady. I'm the lead singer of D12 baby," I sing the next to lines in a diva girl voice.
"There all like,"Oh my god it's him. Becky oh my fucking god it's Eminem."
"I swear to fucking god you fucking rock. Please Marshall please let me suck your cock," Eminem put the mic to me.
"And by now, the rest of the fellas get jealous
Especially when I drop the beat and do my a cappellas
All the chicks start yelling, all the hot babe
Throw their bras, and their shirts, and their panties on stage
So like every night the wanna pick a fight with me
But when we fight it's kinda like sibling rivalry
'Cause they're back on stage the next night with me
Dude! I just think you're trying to steal the light from me
Yesterday Kuniva tried to pull a knife on me
'Cause I told him Jessica Alba's my wife-to-be
This rock star shit, it's the life for me
And all the other guys just despise me, because these..." He pulled me on stage rapping this part.
[Hook: Eminem]
"These chicks don't even know the name of my band
But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands
'Cause once I blow they know that I'll be the man
All because I'm the lead singer of my band," Me and him rap holding hands just for this part.
[Post-Hook: Eminem & Swifty McVay]
"My band, my band
My band, my band
My band, my band
My band, my band, my band!
Alright, okay, alright, give the mic man, okay dawg, gi-come on
Give me this mic!
Ow, dude!" They fought over the mic.
[Verse 2: Swifty McVay (& Kon Artis)]
"You just wanna see a nigga backwards. Don't yah?
ADAT? How come we don't wrap on Pro tools
Smash these vocals and do a performance
But we in the van and he in a tour bus
You don't want my autograph, you's a liar
And no, I'm Swift(Oh, I thought you were Koniva)
What the hell is wrong with our dressing room?!
'Cause my shit is looking smaller than a decimal
See, I know how to rap, it's simple but
All I did was read a Russell Simmons book
So I'm more intact, tryin' to get on the map
Doing jumping jacks while getting whipped on my back," I rap with them. Besides the first line. And I walked back to Em when he got another mic.
[Verse three: Kuniva, Con Artis, (Eminem)]
"Look at Em's little punk ass thinking he the shit
Yeah, I know, man, by himself taking all the flicks
Hey, I thought we had an interview with DJ Clue
(No, I had an interview, not you two)
You gon' be late for soundcheck, man, I ain't going to soundtrack
And our mics are screwed up, and his always sound best!
You know what, man? I'ma say something
Ayo Em! (You got somethin' to say?!) Man, nuttin'
I thought you was about to tell him off, man, wassup?
Man, I'ma tell him when I feel like it, man, shut up!
You ain't even back me up when we supposed to be a crew
Man, I was 'bout to talk right after you, I swear
Aww, man, whatever I swear, man!" They act out everything and Slim had his arm around my waist so I didn't fall off stage. We were at the edge.
[Hook: Eminem]
"These chicks don't even know the name of my band
They're all on me like I wanna holds hands
'Cause once I blow they know that I'll be the man
All because I'm the lead singer of my band," Our girl voices were funny.
[Verse 4: Proof and (Eminem)]
"They say the lead singers rock, but the group does not
Went form sold out arenas to amusement parks
I'm gon' let the world know that Proof is hot
I should cut his mic off when the music starts
(Ayo, it's...) Ready to snap on a dumbass fan
Every time I hear (Hey, dude, I love your band!)
We ain't a band, bitch, we don't play instruments
So why he get 90 and we only get 10 percent?
And these guys acting funny every area code
(Proof, carry my bag!) Bitch, carry your own!
Can't make it to the stage, security in my way
Who the fuck are you? Where's Obie and Dre?!" I yelled the last line.
[Verse 5: Bizarre]
"God damn it, I'm sick of this group
Time for me to go solo and make some loot
I told you I made the beats and wrote all the raps
Till Kon Artis slipped me some crack
The "Lose Yourself" video - I was in the back
"Superman" video - I was in the back
For the media I got some suggestions," I take the mic from Em.
"Fuck Marshall! Ask us the questions!
Like "Who's D12? How we get started?"
(But what about Eminem?) Bitch, are you retarded?!" I acted offended before handing the mic back.
"Anyway, I'm the popularest guy in the group
Big ass stomach, bitches think I'm cute (hey sexy!)
50 told me to do sit-ups to get buff
Did two and a half and couldn't get up
Fuck D12! I'm outta this band
I'm 'bout to start a group with The Real Roxanne," I was trying not to laugh at Em trying to be a girl.
[Bridge: Eminem]
"Girl, why can't you see you're the only one for me?
And it just tears my ass apart
To know that you don't know my name," Em and the boys stared at me while singing this part.
(Man, fuck this!) [punch]
[Hook: Bizarre]
"These chicks don't even know the name of my band (Ha-ha!)
But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands (Fuck Marshall!)
'Cause once I blow, I know that I'll be the man (Yeah)
All because I'm the [mumbles] (Ha-ha-ha!)" We were trying to hold ourselfs together.
[Post-Hook: Eminem (Bizarre)]
"My band, my band (your band, our band)
My band, my band (your band)
My band, my band (your band)
My band, my band, my band! (Roxanne Shanté, lesbian)
(Yeah, hey y'all, the hottest boy band in the world - D12!)" I cheer for the last line sung.
[Outro: Eminem]
"I'm the lead singer of my band
I get all the girls to take off their underpants
I'm the lead singer of my band
My salsa makes all the pretty girls want to dance
My salsa, look out for my next single, it's called "My Salsa"
My salsa, salsa, salsa, salsa
My salsa makes all the pretty girls want to dance
And take off their underpants
My salsa makes all the pretty girls want to dance
And take off their underpants, my salsa
Where'd everybody go?" We pretty much tried to salsa dance during the last part. Key Word:Tried.
The cheers from everywhere take over the room. Eminem side hugged me and took me to the front of the stage to bow. Shawny looked jealous for a minute but then his faced calmed down. He probably remembered Em is forty five. I blew a kiss to s\Shawn so he wasn't at all worried.
"Hey, you're quite the fan huh? What's you name sweetie," Em is a father so Sweetie makes since now.
"I'm Krystal Bennett. But I prefer Krys," He smiled and nodded.
"Is Krys like a rapping name? Like Slim or Eminem?" Good question.
"Yeah. I've always been a fan of you. My friends get annoyed of me rapping," He laughed.
"How old are you? 'Cause I've been rapping for a long time," I laugh and roll my eyes.
"Actually today's my birthday. I'm eighteen," He looked shocked.
"I would guessed something older because you're at this place. So birthday girl, do you wanna rap. Like lead singer. 'Cause I can't take all the fame," I laugh.
"Sure. What about Puke?" I named a song.
"Boys hit it. Here's the mic Sweat heart," He hands me the mic and walks over to the boys.
"There I go
Thinking of you again," Marshall made puking noises.
"You don't know how sick you make me
You make me fucking sick to my stomach
Every time I think of you I puke
You must just not know
You may not think you do but you do
Every time I think of you I puke" The boys made the echo.
"I was gonna take the time to sit down and write you a little poem
But off of the tone it would probably be more
More suitable for this type of song, whoa
I got a million reasons off the top of my head that I can think of
Sixteen boys this ain't a enough to put a meet
So fuck it I'ma start right here to make it briefer
Just about to right some of the reasons," I was pacing the stage.
"I knew I shouldn't go and get another tattoo of you on my arm, man, what am I gonna do?
I go and get another one and now I got two oh...
Now I'm sitting here with your name on my skin
I can't believe I went and did this stupid shit again
My next girlfriend, now her names gotta be Kim, Shit...
If you only knew how much I hated you for ever single fucking thing you put us through
Then I wouldn't be standing here crying over you, Boo..." I act it out.
"You don't know how sick you make me
You make me fucking sick to my stomach
Every time I think of you I puke
You must just not know
You may not think you do but you do
Every time I think of you I puke," I went back to pacing the stage.
"I was gonna take the time to sit down and write you a little letter
But I thought a song would be a little better
Instead of a letter you'd probably just shred up, Yeah...
I stumbled on you picture yesterday and it made me stop and think of
How much of waist it be to put a little ink on a stupid piece a paper
I'd rather let see how much I fucking hate you in a freestyle," Em starting walking over.
"You're a fucking piece of shit I hope you fucking die
I hope you get to hell and Satan sticks a fucking needle in your eye
I hate your fucking guts you piece of shit I hope you die...
But please don't get me wrong I'm not bitter
It's not that I Love you
It's not I want you back
It's just that when I think of you it makes me wanna yack..." Me and Em rap this part together with his arm around my waist.
"But what else could I do?
I haven't got a clue
I just got to move on
I have no choice but to
But every time I think of you now all I wanna do
Is puke..." We both acted it out. Shawn didn't like the song. I could tell by the look on his face.
"You don't know how sick you make me
You make me fucking sick to my stomach
Every time I think of you I puke
You must just not know
You may not think you do but you do
Every time I think of you I puke," Marshal started making puck noises till the music was done. Then we bowed.
We were told to get of stage for the next performers. I ran over to Shawn. I gave him a hug and said thank you a million times. He was smiling so wide. Once we released I looked behind me to see Marshal coming over to us. I took Shawn's hand and practically dragged Shawn. Sorry Shawn but this is my idol.
"Hey Krys," Em stopped when I stopped.
"Hi Marshal," He stares at Shawn.
"I'm Shawn," Shawn puts his hand out.
"The Canadian pop singer huh. And I'm guessing Krys' boyfriend," They shake hands then Shawn retracts his hand so he can hold mine.
"Yep that's me. And yes this is my Angel," I blush a little.
"Knew it. I was wondering if you'd like to come over to me and the groups booth. You can bring your friends too," He pointed to the group of people shoving people to get to me and Shawn.
"Sure it wouldn't hurt," Shawn answered for me and we followed Em to the group.
"Eh, Krys. And her crew," Proof addressed us.
"Sup guys," I say as we all sit down. I am squished between Shawn and Eminem.
"I'm Kuniva," I shake his hand.
"I'm Bizarre," I shake his hand.
"Con Artis," I shake his hand.
"I'm Swift," I shake his hand.
"Nice to meet you guys in person. This is Shawn, Madison, Wendell, Jiaen, and," I was cut off by Maddie.
"Bad Ass Blake," We all laugh.
"Nice to meet you guys. Hey, you're Mr. Canadian pop singer huh?" Kuniva asked.
"Does everyone think that when they see me? Yeah I'm Mr. Canadian Pop Singer. Or Shawn. Or Krys' future husband. Or something else," Shawn listed off as we laughed.
"Oh Ms. Krys has a boyfriend. Oh La La," Swift just had to say that.
"Yes I do. We are in Love. Get use to it," I say coldly but they knew it was a joke.
"I remember my first Love," Em says.
"Yeah the woman you Love and Hate. The mother of your daughter. The famous Kim Mathers," I say like it's a Love story.
"Yep. That's the only reason I Love her still. Because she looks just like my Hallie Jade," He smiled at the thought.
"And put hands on her mother whose a smitten image of her," I quoted.
"So you just know all my songs?" Marshal asked.
"Yeah but I know more songs then just that. I know Shawn's songs. And many more," Shawn put his arm around my shoulder and I held his hanging hand.
"Do you know any old songs?" Bizarre asked.
"Yeah. I know Mercedes Benz. Last kiss. Save me. And more," Bizarre nodded rubbing his chin.
"So you're song smart. Do you listen to Eminem's more sexual songs. Or violent songs," I nod.
"I've heard Seduction. I've heard Superman. I've heard Stan. I've heard it all really," They look wide eyes.
"You don't look like they type of person who listens to Seduction. Especially if you aren't married yet. And you seem like you're still Virgin," Even Con could tell. How do boys know these things? They are magic. I promise you.
"That doesn't mean I'm not a girl," They caught what I was trying to say and they all smirked.
"Seduction? You haven't shown me that song. You said I heard all of them. I haven't hear superman either," The boys all looked at me when Shawn said that.
"Krys sing him part of superman. So he knows why you haven't let him listen to it," Challenge accepted Proof.
"Girl you can jump on Shady's dick. Straight from the hip cut to the chase. I'll tell Lamar fucking slut to her face. Play new games. Say new names. Ever since I broke up from what's her face. I'm a different man. Kiss my ass. Kiss my lips, bitch why ask? Kiss my dick. Whip my cash. I'd rather have you whip my ass," The colors drained for Shawn's face when I sang that.
"Now Seduction," This is how Shawn Mendes dies. When Proof acts like this.
"I cocking my head back like a lover. Come on son. She's on my dick. She brings my name up, constant. Your boys are like she's fucking with you. She wants some. Oh boy you better get a clue She's on my dick cause I spit better than you. What you expect her to do? How do you expect her to act in the sac. When she's closing her eyes. Fantasying a dick and her nail in my back. To this trash. Seduction, seduce. Ain't nobody who's as good as what I do. It's like a verbal seduction. One minutes she loves you. The next she don't. She's been stolen for you. It's like a verbal seduction," Shawn looked like he has seen a ghost.
"And that's why she didn't let you hear it," Em says and Shawn gets his arm off me.
"And this is why I think your songs are depressing gross ass shit. And it's absolute trash," Maddie spoke her mind.
"Well not to Krys," He smirks at Maddie.
"Cause she is a depressing hormonal teenager still," Thanks Maddie.
"Babe. I like Slim's music too," Blake says still not convincing Maddie to change her mind.
"Well then you are too Blake," Shit is getting serious.
"Eh. It's the ladies birthday. No judging. And no fighting. She clearly doesn't like it," Em raised his voice and gestured to me covering my ears. Shawn wrapped his arms around me.
"It's ok Angel. Bring your arms down," Shawn whispers in my ears. I put my hands down.
"Let's eat then," Jiaen finally spoke up.
We ordered food and pig out. I Love being silly. And Shawn is like my twin. We made stupid jokes and party like there was no tomorrow. And surprisingly we all acted drunk but none of us drank. Best birthday ever. Wait second best. The day I was is born is obviously my first favorite. We had it leave so we all exchanged our numbers and said our goodbyes. I walked with a huge smile on my face. Shawn had a wider smile. When we got home it was just me and Shawn. We dropped off everyone. The kids were purring and pouting. We let them out and got changed. I put on one of Shawn's green v necks. Then walked down stairs to Shawn who is on the couch.
He came prepared. He had two hair ties on his wrist. He handed me on and I put my hair in a ponytail on top of my head.
"Baby," He sang as I sat down on him.
"Yes Shawny," I cooed and cuddle with him and the kids.
"Can you do my hair?" He asks like a kid. I laughed
"Of course Babe," I took the brush and started brushing his hair.
"Is this how girl do girl chat? You know while doing each others hair?" I laughed and started braid his hair.
"No Shawny. That's a stereotype Babe," I noticed he was recording. I put the last bit of hair into a small ponytail.
"That doesn't hurt as much as mom said it did," I laughed as he stopped recording and checked himself out.
"I have a sensitive head too so I found a way to do my hair so that it didn't hurt. And Ma always said I had the softest hands so it felt nice," He nodded.
"So does that mean you are a good masseuse?" I laughed at the way he said it.
"Yeah. Why?" I tried to wiggle my eyebrows.
"My back is killing me. So how much is it for a massage?" He successfully wiggled his eyebrows.
"For my Baby. Not a thing," He sat up and I put him between my legs. Then I started the expert massage.
"You're Ma was right about something. It feels so good," I laughed and continued. But once I heard his back pop and jump falling off the couch.
"Ew," I cover my ears.
"What just happened Angel?" I look at him.
"I hate the gross sound of popping things. Ugh," I shake my hands and stick my tongue out.
"Aw poor Baby. Well my back feels 100% better so come here Baby," I go back and snuggle with Shawn.
"Why are you so comfortable? Even with your rock hard abs," He takes off his shirt and pulls me closer.
"Because it feel's good on you back. You have a really bad back Baby. And the weirdo I fell in Love with likes laying on hard surfaces. Which is why you hate my bed. Like really. I found you sleeping on the tile floors other than the couch. Weirdo," I kiss him.
"You are filled knowledge," I acted crazy after eleven.
"Is my Baby tired," I nodded.
"But we have to stay up until midnight Shawny," He looked at his phone.
"Five... Four... Three... Two... One... How was your first day as and adult?" I Love that question.
"It was the best day ever. I couldn't ask for anything more. Also there was this super hot guy that got jealous of a forty five year old for putting his arm are around the guy's Angel. He was so hot I had to kiss him. Then I went home and snuggled with him. And our kids," I spoke in third person. He cupped my face.
"I love our little family Baby. You are the best mother our kids could ask for," He kisses me.
"Yeah. Just wait until we are a fifteen person family living in London. It sounds like heaven. And the best part is. I have you to share it with," He smiled dreamily.
"One day at a time Babe. One day at a time," He pulled me close.
"Babe? Can we sleep on my bed? Or the floor?" He chuckled.
"I choose your bed. And the kids are coming too," He ordered.
"I don't feel like walking though," He picks me up.
"Pick up the kids Babe," I grab our three.
"Come on kids. Dad is giving us a ride," I held on to them tight enough so they won't fall.
"And off we go," I felt like a kid. He swirled us around and brought us all the way up the stair. Then he turned the corner to my room. Then as carefully as possible he opened and closed the door. Setting us under the cover before getting under them himself. We cuddled close.
"I Love you Shawny," He kissed my head.
"I Love you too Angel," Soon the darkness took over.
Finally finished. This is now the longest part. Word count 12243. Proud. Love you guys<3
P.s. I lot of the lyrics might be wrong. Once again I listened by ear. don't kill me.
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