
"Pregnant. You're keeping it right?" I hug her a little.

"Yes, but our parents kind of kicked us out so," She looks at me than him.

"You guys can stay with us. How far along are you?" Shawn asks.

"I'm Six months pregnant," We drop our jaws.

"When is the baby due Angelica," She hangs her head. No.

"He is due on March ninth," NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

"What the fuck Angel. My birthday. Thank god I'm on birth control. And Maxx I fucking trusted you with my sister. And now I'm gonna be a fucking aunt at 17. She lost her v card before me. Thank god you didn't leave her though," They sat there silently.

"Krys calm down. We are both pissed but they need us right now Krys," He put his hands on my shoulders.

"You guys look cold come in," Me and Shawn step out of the way and they came in.

We led them to a down stairs guest bedroom so Angel didn't have to climb stairs. She is blessed that we had money so we could pay for her random cravings. Maxx was a good guy. I have been shipping them since she was in third. But the day it came true I never expected them to go that far. Angel never wanted children. What if she abandons her baby boy and leaves him for me to raise. I'm just over thinking things. I say my good nights and go to sleep. Shawn came in and grabbed his old pajamas and mine to give to Angel and Maxx. I finally close my eyes and go to sleep. I have a longs day tomorrow.

*Time Skip, The morning*

I wake up to someone moaning. It was a guys voice so I was about to wake up and kill Maxx. But it seems like it's coming from someone closer. I almost throw up when I noticed it was Shawn. He is moaning so loud but trying to drown it out with music. I kinda wanted to know what picture or video he was using to help him. An image came into my mind and I already want it to leave my head. I decided to go to the closet me and him share and pound on the door. He stopped instantly and I said I can hear you moaning, shut the fuck up. That will make him so embarrassed. I decided to skip my morning shower and postponed it until the afternoon. I just put dry shampoo in and brushed my hair. 

I put on high waist jean shorts and a crop top that says Angel on it. I brushed my teeth and take one more look at myself. I walk downstairs to see Maxx and Angel eating. Shawn came out and walked behind me watching me watch them. He put his hand on the small of my back and guided me to the kitchen. I went and sat at the islands and Shawn made me and him omelets. I had to go to work. They want me to make a new song even though I'm going on tour. I think I'm just gonna compromise and do a couple covers on tour and today of course. I get a call. I don't care if people are here I put it on speaker.

"Krys Bennett-Mendes here," I answer.

"Babe you should start looking at the caller ID before answering," Jacob's voice comes out of the phone.

"Well Babe I am eating with Shawn and our guest so I put it on speaker. I thought it was Gregory. My manager," You can tell he is nodding.

"Guests? Who?" He probably think it's someone from my jobs.

"Angelica and Maxx," He probably dropped his jaw.

"Why are they there. You left that family," No they left me.

"Angelica is Pregnant and Maxx is the father. He is due on March ninth. And they were pretty much disowned. So the are staying with us until they are on there feet," He squealed a little.

"I'm gonna be somewhat of a uncle. Congratulations Angelica and Maxx," Well kind of an uncle.

"That depends on how long we last Babe. We only stayed together for three months last time Babe," He sighs.

"Babe this time maybe forever. I Love you Krystal," Awe but still.

"I Love you too Babe but that doesn't change anything," I say in a cute voice.

"Your guys relationship is making me sick," Angelica says so Jacob can hear her.

"Your relationship is worse. You're pregnant and I haven't even seen under Krys' bra," Jacob states

"Jacob, watch what you say about my baby girl," Awe is Shawny mad. Dad's right.

"Sorry Mr. Mendes," So proper huh?

"See Krys. This kid is a good role model when he isn't horny," Really Shawn?

"Whatever Shawn. And I'm calling my boyfriend you guys didn't have to speak," Shawn acts like there is a camera on him.

"Jacob seems like he would be a good replacement kid. Your lucky I wanted a girl," He smiles evilly.

"Love you to Shawn but seriously. Sh," I put my finger to my mouth to sh him.

"Krys, I won't be back in Vegas until the week after new years," I'll be on tour or at school. Perfect time child.

"I might not be here. Because either tour or at school," You can feel him get upset.

"I wished you were homeschooled," I don't.

"I personally prefer going to school because guess who is going to prom?" I automatically win.

"Who are you taking to prom?" Good question.

"Either you or Shawn," Long thought answer.

"You would go to prom with your dad? You know you'll get bullied," I glare at the phone.

"I don't give two fucks about that shit," I smile.

"Ok You win. I got to go Krystal. Bye Babe," He didn't even wait for me to reply before hanging up.

"Yeah Shawn such a fucking Gentleman huh?" I was pissed. Which mean my monthly friend is coming to see me.

"Krys can you sing to the baby please," Angelica asked.

"Yes she can. Krys go," I grab a mic and turned on the karaoke machine that was hooked up to a phone. I click a song and sing

"Yo, I can't sing
But I feel like singing
I wanna fucking sing
Cause I'm happy
Yeah I'm happy
I got my baby back
Yo, check it out

Some days I sit 
Staring out the window
Watching this world pass me by
Sometimes I think there's nothing to live for
I almost brake down and cry

Sometimes I think I'm crazy
I'm crazy
Oh so crazy
Why am I here
Am I just waisting my time
But then I see my baby
Suddenly I'm not crazy
It all makes since we I look into her eyes

Oh no
Sometimes it feels like the worlds on my shoulder
Everyone's leaning on me
Sometimes it feels like the worlds almost over
But then she comes back to me

My Baby girl keeps getting older
I watch her grow up with pride
People make jokes cause they can't understand me
They just don't see my real side

I act like shit don't phase me
Inside it drives me crazy
My insecurities could eat me alive
But then I see my baby
Suddenly I'm not crazy
It all makes sense when I look into her eyes

Oh No
Sometimes it feel like the worlds on my shoulders
Everyone's leaning on me
Cause sometimes it feels like the worlds almost over
But then she comes back to me

Man if I could sing
I would keep singing this song to my daughter
If I could hit the notes
I'd blown something as long as my father
To show her how I feel about her
How proud that I am that I got her
God I'm a dad
I'm so glad her mom didn't annulment (A/N: I don't know how to spell or if this is the right year but I mean when people get divorced after being together for a short period of time.)

You probably get this picture from my public p'sana
That I'm a pistol packing drug addict
Who bags on his mama
But I wanna take this time out to be perfectly honest
Cause there's a lot of shit I keep bottle in my body
That hurts deep inside of my soul

And just know I grow colder
The older I grow
This boulder on my shoulder gets heavier and harder to hold
And its load is like the weight of the world
And I think my neck is breaking
Should I just give up
Or try to live up to these expectation

Now look
I love my daughter more than life itself
But I got a wife
That's determined to make my life living hell
But I handle it well
Giving the circumstances I'm dealt
Too many chance
Man its to bad
I could've had someone else

But these years that I waisted is nothing
To the tears that I tasted
So here's what I'm facing
Three felines
Six years of probation

I went to jail for this woman
I've been to backs for this woman
I taking bags to peoples backs
And over backwards for this woman
Man I should've seen it coming

What did I stick my penis up in
Wouldn't have ripped the prenup up
If I would've seen who she was fucking
But fuck I got no reason to cry no more
I got my baby baby
The only lady that I adore

So Sonora
Try tomorrow
Nice to know yah
My baby's traveled back to the arms of her rightful owner
And suddenly it feels like my shoulder blade has been shifted
It like the greatest gift you can get
The weight has been lifted

And now it don't feel like the worlds on my shoulder
Everyone's leaning on me
Cause my baby knows that her daddy's a solider
Nothing can take her from me

Songs that I can't sing
Oh well
I tried

Remember when I said
If you need anything
Daddy would be right here
Well guess what
Daddy's here and I'm ain't going nowhere baby
I love you,"

"Krys. Couldn't you have found a song more appropriate for the Baby?" Automatically judge. Thanks Shawn.

"It's about getting his baby back. I love this song so fuck you Shawn," I'm really grumpy. Damn.

"You don't speak to me like that. Krys is it your time of the month?" Can boys just detect that?

"No, but probably soon. Sorry Shawn," I walk over to him and hug him,

"It's ok Baby girl," He kisses the top of my head.

"Is this how fathers and daughters are suppose to act," Really Maxx.

"Yeah. So that we don't raise our voices and do something we regret. We I don't have regrets but still. You catch my drift," I go back to the stool.

"This Baby keeps kicking. It's so cute," Angelica looks at her stomach.

"Awe. I can't way until he is born. What's his name gonna be?" She looks at Maxx then at me.

"Well we wanna thank you guys and name after you two,"Max says. I put my hand on my heart.

"So his name is gonna be Shawn Marie Bennett," Awe.

"So you guys are keeping the Bennett name?" Maxx nods.

"Shouldn't his name also have something to do with you guys name?" Shawn asks.

"We were thinking, Maybe Shawn Anne-Marie Bennett," I like the sound of that.

"Sounds nice Angel," She smiles.

"So it's agreed good. I need to get it tattooed," He pulls out his wallet to see how much he has.

"No need for you to pay for it. We will and Angelica where do you want the Baby to be born," Good thinking Shawn.

"Thanks and we were thinking Greece or Cali," They should have a second child.

"Um what if you guys have this child in Cali then the second in Greece and name them after a Greek god?" I suggest.

"Well we do want a daughter and since girls come second in our family it is a great possibility. I want her to be Athena," Figure.

"It's settled. Let's go to the tattoo parlor," We got to the car and forget I have work. I pull out my phone.

"Hello Krys are you almost here?" I breathe.

"My sister came yesterday and she is pregnant. So I'll be there in a few hours. Sorry," I fidget a little.

"Sure. It's no problem as long as you come in today," I nod.

"Thanks. See yah," He hangs up without saying goodbye.

We drive to 21 tattoo studio which is where my mom got her tattoo. It was near an Arby's so we can pick up something for lunch.
I asked Shawn if I can get a tattoo and he said I can get anything I want. So I will get a total of four tattoo's. Maybe five. we get in and say four people want tattoos so I guess Shawn is getting one. He wanted to get matching ones with me. So now we have a little time to decide.

"So ours has to be on our ankle," I set the ground rule.

"Agreed. What should we get though. I want one of these sketches," He hands me a couple of my sketches. I look through them.

"Ok so my symbol. A flower bracelet. An owl. A Rose. And a sparkling heart," I said the options.

"Yep," He smiles.

"Why don't we combine them all. Do you have my..."He cut me off by handing me my art kit.

"Five minutes start now," I sketch it fast.

I put a dandelion next to a rose next to a bunch of small flowers. I put them on a branch and on that brach it has leafs. Then Above that I put a tree branch with a owl. I finished that then put the heart in a thought bubble near the owl. I put the three generic beginners diamonds above the dandelion in the shape of Orion's belt. And the pyramids of Giza. The I put Krys next to is in cursive then on the other side of the owl I put Shawny in cursive. I decided no the color it in but It will be colored.

"Times up," I hand him the design.

"Done," He nods.

"You are an Artist Krys," Well give me more than five minutes and it would be better.

"Thanks Shawn. You like it. Of course it's gonna be a bit smaller so it doesn't take over our whole leg," He laugh.

"Yeah I love it," Then a lady starts walking towards us.

"Are you guys the Mendes couple," We laugh.

"I'm his adopted daughter," We stand up.

"And you guys are getting matching tats?" We nod.

"We're close," Shawn says showing her his ID so that we can legally get the tattoo's.

"Right this way," She leads us to the two chair in the back.

"Krys you can sit Baby girl," I dazed out a little.

"Yeah," I sit on one of the chairs.

"What do you guys want?" Shawn hands her the picture.

"That but smaller and colored in," I say and she nods.

"This is gonna be painful are you guys sensitive," We wouldn't come if we couldn't handle it.

"Only emotionally we are fine with this though," Shawn says.

"Ok lets get started," She started on Shawn.

He didn't look at the needle so I kept his mind of the tattoo. He was really good at staying still. The tattoo didn't go all the around his ankle because it couldn't go all around mine because of my scars. It looked really pretty cute so far. It's gonna be a nice change for the music videos we have to do. We were on the internet looking for a family pet. He wanted a cat and I wanted a dog. So we agreed to get one kitten and one puppy. Good compromise. We're getting it from a shelter instead off a breeder because we wanna save an animal. We found the cutest little kitty and it had a puppy bestie. We agreed to get them before I go to work. Right next to us Maxx and Angelica are getting the Tattoo of their soon to be baby boy.

The tattoo artist finished the outline. And since Shawn couldn't look at the needle I just typed what color and wear and gave the lady my phone. We were already using Shawn's phone so he really didn't notice she had my phone cause his eyes were glued to the screen. He was already addicted to the cat. He took his last family cat to the beach because he was so obsessed over it. But this will be his first cat as an adult.

Soon enough she was finished with Shawn's tattoo. She gave me my phone back and I thanked her. I look at Shawn's ankle. I am so glad I told him to shave his legs. The tattoo was so beautiful. I am so glad ours will be matching. She started on mine while Shawn was on his phone. I sat there and stared at her do her job. I'm not scared of needles. Ever since I was in kindergarten. I got ten shots and I didn't cry I barely felt it. Then when I got my ears pierced at nine and didn't feel a thing. Then when I was twelve I got an IV at the hospital and I watched the needle drip water into my body. It only hurt if I moved too fast. I was never ever afraid of needles.

I watched the permanent ink come out and it didn't hurt at all to me. Angelica was crying and Maxx was sucking in his teeth. I was enjoying this. My first tattoo was suppose to be for my dad but since me and Shawn had to get matching we had to do it first. It looked so smooth. I was surprisingly still. I took Shawn's leg and put across me so I can see it. I couldn't see the other side or I would twist Shawn's ankle. Angelica and Maxx got there's finished a little bit later so they were gonna be waiting for me to get all five tattoos done.

A long while later my tattoo done. Me and Shawn's look exactly the same. Every mark. I pretty much studied the tattoo. That's why we wanted to get it done by the same person.

"What do you want now?" I show her the sketch and she gets straight to work using a different needle.

My sketch was a heart that was purposefully uneven. There is rose in the heart and a ribbon on the heart that went of it a little. The ribbon says my real dad's name. It was colored in to. I wanted it to be exactly like that. Every stroke just like mine. It was gonna be on the back of my wrist bellow my bracelet that I haven't took of since the day I got it. So since I was 13. She put the paper on my skin and let the ink bleed through the paper so that it was just how I wanted it. I put my hand on my knee and kept it still. I was staring at it. Can't wait to show the tats off. I have three more to do before going to the shelter. One is gonna be on my right arm between my shoulder and my elbow. One is gonna be on my right wrist. And the last one is gonna be on my left hand near the thumb.

It took less time on this tattoo because it was smaller. It took longer to get it tattooed then to draw it. soon enough it was a smitten image of the sketch. She then got another needle and more ink before taking the next sketch. She start to do exactly what she with the last one on my other wrist. This tattoo for my grandpa. It is a cross with a brain cancer ribbon. The cross says my grandpa's name.  It doesn't have much color It was gray, black, and white. So it has shades not colors.

She finished that and moved on to the song quote that is going on my right arm. I show her a Pinterest picture and she starts her job. The song quote was from Shawn's song never be alone. It says: Take a piece of my heart and make it all your own so when we are apart you'll never be alone.(A/N: Picture above) I decided to make the ribbons blue and the heart red and the sun looking thing yellow.

Finally the last tattoo. This gonna another song quote. It's from Hit or Miss(A/N: On of my favorite JS songs<3) The best part of the song: It's a Hit or Miss come on Baby take your shot. I am gonna have it on my left hand. It has a target with the its a hit or miss part. Come on baby on bellow the target. And the Take your shot on my thumb. So when I do a finger gun it faces me. Hit is in italics and miss is in cursive. The I's have a heart as the dot. And the only part colored in is the red dot in the middle of the target. she made the dot look like its behind the quote so people didn't have a hard time reading it.

Once she was done I looked at it. Perfect. Then once she put the needle down I hugged her. Shawn laughed taking a picture. She said to be careful because curtain things make it hurt. Like water. Shawn's already had a tattoo so he knew what to do. We go to the register and pay for all one million Tattoo's. Soon enough we were on the way to the shelter. I started thinking about taking pictures.

"Shawn we need to take picture so pull over somewhere," He saw a fast food place and we pulled into the parking lot.

"Lets go over there," Shawn points at the good picture area and we go over there.

Me and Shawn sit on the grass next to each other and take a panoramic picture of our ankles. I let him post it first because I have four other ones I could post and rave about. I take the other panoramic pictures of my tattoos. We post them and go back to the car. Our phones were blowing as we went through the drive thru. I scrolled through the comments and eat the food once it is handed to me. Then before I knew it we were on the way to the shelter.

We sang our way there. I was listening to Eminem and they were singing the featured people part. Shawn hates cussing. I smiled when he looked pissed at me. I just sang louder every time he made a face. We were at a light and then Untouchable came on. The old lady stared at me when I started the singing.

"Hands up
Promise you won't shot
Hands up
Hands up
Promised you won't look weak
We may never under stand each other
It's no use we may
Gonna grasp on each other coaster

Black boy, Black boy
We ain't gonna lie to you
Black boy, Black boy
We don't like the sight of you

Pull up on the other side of you
Window rolled down
Then we wonder why we see this sight of you
Probably coming from the dope house
We can let you slide but your tail light is blue

We know your hiding that hidy clue
Come on you another drug charge hommie
Come on it's back inside for you
And just in case a chase," I catch my breath and miss part of the lyric.

"But what am I to do
I keep telling myself
Keep doing like you do
No matter how many life's you ruin
It's for the red white and blue

Time to go fight a new one
Screw his head right in too
No ones ever indicted you

Because you're a
White boy, White boy
You're a rock star
White boy, White boy
In the cop car
White boy, White boy
You're Untouchable
Nobody can tell me shit

Black boy, Black boy
we don't get your culture and
We don't care what our government trying to fuck you over man

Do tell us your attitudes the result of that
Bolt or dash something something something some
We you kicking that soda can
Pull your pants up
We got," I breathe and skip over more lyrics.

"Black skin is risky
Because this keeps happening
Though out history
African American have be treated like shit
And I admit there has been times
When it's been embarrassing to be a

White boy, White boy
You're a rock star
White boy, White boy
In the cop car
White boy, White boy
You're Untouchable
Nobody can tell me shit

Seems like the average life span
Of a white man
Is twice more than
A blacks life's man

Wonder if sometimes it has a light scanner
I feel like checking out a life's can of
escape the circumstance
I'd rather hear them say
Die inward
Beside outwards," Why does Eminem have to be so hard to sing?

"McDonalds seems to be the only franchise that will hire
So how we have higher standards
If Dallas over shadows the something for black life's matter
We fight with violence
But act batter

Black guys on the movement
So it makes Black life's matter
Add cops and that's why,

I wonder if we hire more black cops
The crap stops
The block is our backyard
No the curves spot
Call the attack dogs

Off us man
YOu always act all pissed off at us
At a traffic stop
Bad cops
Always Fuck it up for the good cops
Man stop sending whitecops
into black neighborhoods

When aclumated to them
Like that's the way to do it
Seen some videos about rappers
And No no body black so they act afraid of us
And that's Racism,"

The beard to the black man gives them
A self conscience racists
Why are there Black neighborhoods
Because america
Segregated us
Designated us
To an area
Separated us
Sectionated us,"

"And education sucks
And every days another,"

"Whys is it they treat us like crialent
We just want a safe environment for
Kids but can't escape the sirens
DO take a scientist to see our violent nature,"

"Lions tigers and bears oh my," Shawn stops the music.

"Baby Girl you are offending the lady in the other car," We are still at the red light.

"Sorry if I offended you. I just love Eminem songs," I said to her and she just speeds off.

Her light turned green so it was legal. Shawn was gonna lecture me but then our light turned yellow so he had to pay attention to the turn. And kids that's what happen if you sing an Eminem song from the Revival album with it turned up loud. And you rapping your heart out. I was bored until we arrived at the shelter. Angelica and Maxx stayed in the car so Angels legs didn't give out. when we got inside the lady recognized us and showed up the cuties. They were shivering cuddle against each other. I was gonna cry.  It was a pitbull boxer mixed breed and a kitty. I don't really like cats so I don't know a lot about them. That's also why we got a kitten. so we can train the cute little thing.

The lady opened the pin and the two jumped up and walk out by their self. They were both both happy to see us. We went to sign the papers and I saw a Husky pup. It was a beautiful girl.

"Shawn can we get that one too?" I pointed at the husky.

"Why would I say no Krys. We'll take her too," She let her out and she jumped into my arms.

The other two got jealous so I  grabbed all of them and walk to the office. We got three carriers to. Because we travel and we can't leave them behind. Shawn signed the paper and paid the lady. Their ours now.

"What's there names?" Shawn asked me.

"Hercules and Flufflea. And you can name the kitty," He had the cat carrier and wanted her so he can name her.

"Hi Marble," He said to the kitty.

"Cute. Now middle names. Hercules Honey and Flufflea Mia," He smiles and puts and arm around my waist.

"Marble Marie," I was in awe.

"Agreed. Thanks Shawny," I kissed his nose.

"Always Krys," He kisses my cheek.

We put the animals on the floor near my feet. So when I get out we can buckle them in my seat. Not long after I am at work. I buckled the three new ones and blew kisses. Now I got to do work. I walk in and see my manager. He walked up and guided me to his car. Shawn was still in the parking lot so I gave him a - Already - look. You can see him chuckle. We both leave the parking and go our own ways. When we got there he asked me what song we were going to do.

"Happier," I couldn't quite understand why I wanted to sing it.

"Ok. Not much you can do in the park but will see what we can do," I nod my head.

We got set up and I choose to stay in my outfit. He said I have five minutes before I put the mic on. It will be hidden so you can't see it. I look through IG. Then Jacob caught my eye. I look at his Insta this morning and saw the same pics. I wish they would just erase. He is hanging out with Jenna again. I was trying my hardest not to confront him.

"Krys," I walk over to him and put on my mic.

"Walking down 29th and Park
I saw you in another's arms
Only a month we've been apart
You look happier," I sing once I hear the music. I start walking and look at a happy couple. We stopped and walk to the bar. I walked up to a group of nice looking guys and asked them if they wanted to be apart of a video. We waited until a pair of people looked like they just came in.

"Saw you walk inside a bar
He said something to make you laugh
I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours
Yeah, you look happier you do," We zoom into the couple and if on perfect timing they laughed.

"Ain't no body hurt you like you
But ain't no body love you like I do
Promise That I will not take it personally baby
If you're moving on with someone new," I walk back out and stand in the middle of the street singing my heart out making sure I didn't get hit with a car.

"Baby, you look happier you do
My friends told me one day
I'd feel it too
And until then I smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you," I got back in the Bar and found the boys. They acted along and I smiled.

"Sat in the corner of the room
Everything's reminding of you
Nursing an empty bottle
Tell myself your happier
Aren't you?" I walked to the corner table and sat with an empty bottle from the boys' table.

"Ain't no body hurt you like you
But ain't no body need you like I do
I know that there's others that deserve
But my Darling
I am still in love with you," I went out side and sat on top of a tree.

"I guess you look happier you do
My friends told me one day
I'd feel it too
I can try to smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you," I went back to the boys. And one patted my back. I thanked them and went to a seat at the bar counter or what ever the hell it is. I told a good looking guy to fake cry. He did a good job.

"Baby, you look happier you do
I knew some day
You'll fall for some new
But if he brakes you're heart
Like Lovers do
Just know that I'll be waiting her for you," I put my arm around his shoulder and side hug me. The last shot was the camera zoom out of us from the bar door.

That it was done and over with. We edited it sitting at a table in the café across the street for a bar. They noticed I was crying. I didn't even know I was. And I didn't know why either. Andy came to my side and hugged me. He kept whispering don't cry.  He is a father of three kids so he knew how to hand things.

*Time Skip, That Night*

We uploaded the video after I stopped crying. Then eventually I was brought home. I just broke down again in my bedroom. I didn't know why. Maybe I had to may bottled emotions. Or maybe it is warning me about my month visit. But I was crying hard. Shawn came in and comforted me. He asked if he should call Jacob and I said no. He had a suspicion that Jacob was the reason I was crying. I didn't care. All I knew was all I need was my four person family to be happy. Shawn Peter Raul Mendes. Flufflea Mia Bennett-Mendes. Hercules Honey Bennett-Mendes. And Marble Marie Bennett-Mendes. Then me. Even though Shawn never legally gave me the last name Bennett-Mendes.


So that my Sister doesn't kill me if she reads this I changed the name. My sister is not named Angelina. And Her future husbands name is not Maxx. In real life its Lily&Maddox #MADLIX. Love you guys<3

~Krys Bennett

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