Every Little Girls Fairytale

Krystal's POV:

I woke up from a dream I never wanted to escape. But I watched it slip away. This is a dream I never will forget. Cause I saw the one I miss. The one I will always Love more than anyone. The one who treated me as a princess. The reason Daddy will never be kinky. My Dad.

His hair was as dark as night. As greasy as gel. And as beautiful as it was made to be. He stood at six feet. His eyes gleamed as he looked at me. I thought I was in heaven. He was a bit chubby but who cared. And on his big hands there was a ring. But not the one that he got married with. It was a man ring he wore in highschool. His thick lashes hit his slightly flawed face. He was just like how I remembered him on his last visit. His smile was radiant. He recognized me even though I grew up.

I was always Daddy's Little Girl. I remember his embrace as he wrapped his arms around me. I felt so small when he was there. It brought back the memories that were soon moving images on the wall. This couldn't be real. But I enjoyed it. Then the wise man spoke.

"Krystal. I miss you. I miss you more than words can explain," I was in tears at that point.

"Daddy. Dustin. Dad. Why did you have to go so soon?" He hugged me tighter. I never wanna leave.

"This is what I call fate. If I stayed then how strong would you be by yourself? If I stayed how would you learn from your mistakes? If I stayed your mother would be devastated that all I wanted was you three and I would fight for you. And if you got the choice you would choose me. How much do you think that will crush her? I miss my girlfriend but I can't choose to stay. Especially if I hurt your mom. She is crushed about you choosing and adopted family over your own though. But Sissy lives life with no regrets so weight was lifted of your shoulders when you left. And you found a Love. But if I stayed you probably wouldn't have been marrying Shawn just yet. I do approve though," He smirked a little.

"True. I just wish you could've made me happy and not emotional like this. I wish you didn't have to crush me. Dad I have 5 people that I consider friends. It's all because no body is willing to except me. I'm an emotional wreck. Your death killed my heart a little. I see all these people saying how great there parents are and I just sit inside my own head. How wonderful would it be to have a good Dad and a happy mom. I'll never know. All because you died young. Dad whose gonna walk me down the aisle?" My head is spinning with questions and thought.

"You will show you are a strong girl and strut down that aisle by yourself. I can't be there anymore but I will be there in a way. You'll know I'm there," He's smile was reassuring.

"Dad I wanted you to be there when I gave birth. Shawn squeezing my hand and you outside the door waiting for me. I wanted you to meet my kids. You don't get that choice now. Did I tell you about my first crush? At least you were alive went that happened. Bredon Metzger. My guy Bestie," I wish I could reconnect with my past.

"I know it hasn't been that long but you have to go. I'll see you another time Sissy. But right now, some needs you. Love him like you have never learned what Love meant," The crinkle in his eyes made him look like a god.

"Bye Dad. I Love you," I blew a kiss as I walked away. That's when the dream faded away.


"Angel. Wake up. Why are you shivering?" I saw Shawny and looked down at myself. The sudden cold hit me.

"It's fucking freezing in here Shawny. Close the window. Turn off the fan. And cuddle closer," He laughed and the smile reappeared on his face.

"Can I keep the fan on please. Because I don't wanna get hot," I whine and just pull his arm.

"Hurry. I'm dying of cold," He chuckled and went to the window. He shut it before diving into bed with me.

"You warm?" He whispered and I shivered.

"No. Stop talking into my neck," He chuckled and I smacked him.

"Sorry Babe. You know I never said I would listen though" I whined and he nuzzled closer.

"Stop Shawny. Or you are sleeping alone tonight," I pushed him.

"Is it your time or are you just cranky?" I punched him.

"I think I'm sick," I got up and ran to the bathroom.

"Yeah. You're sick," He held my hair up as the chunks flew.

"Get water," He nodded and put my hair in a ponytail before leaving.

"Krys are you Ok?" I turned around to see Randall.

"What do you think?" He kneeled beside me and started rubbing my back.

"Roy. What are you doing? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Roy looked at Shawny.

"Shawn this is not a good time to be jealous," I caught his glare on Roy.

"Also Kelin woke me up and said to check on Krystal. She is waking people up," Shawn nodded and handed me the water.

"What did you eat yesterday Angel?" I smiled for a split second.

"The Alo's crap. And whatever your Mom made for breakfast. And whatever was at the party," I made it simple for myself.

"Nothing gross. Ok then you caught something. Did you try anything new?" I glared at him.

"French food," I said like a no duh thing.

"So you got sick from French food. Whens the last time you ate meat?" Good question.

"When I became a Vegetarian," He nodded.

"Why did you eat that if you are Vegetarian?" Roy needs to shut up.

"For Shawn's birthday. Also all they have on that menu was meat. Or something gross," I smart mouthed him back.

"I wasn't trying to rude," He put his arms up in defense.

"Sorry Roy. I'm just cranky. And I'm having heat waves. Agh..." I hugged Roy.

"I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I got to get back to Kelin. Shawn gots you now. You found Mr. Right," I smiled again and squeezed him. Then he left.

"You good Baby?" He takes Roy's place.

"I'm not blowing up. Give me that water," I snatched it from his hand and he laughs.

"You're cute even at your worst time. Luckily you aren't sick because we have a flight to catch in an hour," I whined.

"I gotta wait to sleep. Agh..." Shawn chuckles and I down the rest of the water.

"You can sleep for a while. Just hop in the shower. I'll get clothes when you call me in," And then he left.

I did as I was told and stripped before getting into the shower. I washed my hair and body before wash my bang. Then washing my bang I got soap in my eye. And screamed hella loud. It burned like a mother fucker.

"Krys are you Ok?" Shawn banged on the door.

"I got soap in my eye," I yelled back with my eyes closed.

"Cover yourself and let me come in," I opened the shower door and grabbed the towel before wrapping it around myself.

"You can come in now," I say not being able to see him as he came in.

"Oki Babe. Open your eyes and put them in the now cold water. Then turn yourself towards me,"

"Ok," I opened my stinging eyes and and put them in the water for a couple of seconds. Then I turned towards Shawn with my eyes closed again.

"This might hurt," He used something and rubbed my eyes with it. I'm guessing a towel or washcloth. I soften how hard my eyes were closed.

"This thing is scratching my eyes to death," I pointed at where I thought the washcloth was.

"Sorry Babe but this had to be done," He took the washcloth off my eye.

"Thank you. Bad luck hates my sleepy self. Why are you blessed with good luck?" He pointed at his black eye.

"Good luck huh?" I Love when he's sassy.

"When did you take off the makeup?" I tried to raised an eyebrow.

"When you passed out I saw your cheek shine and remembered the makeup. So I took both of ours off. You were dead asleep," I giggled.

"I wanna sleep now. Give me the clothes," He leaves and I flush the throw up covered toilet. Then I close the seat.

"Here Babe. Come out and snuggle when you're done," He winked and left the bathroom shutting the door.

I put on the stuff he gave me. Which was a laced bra and matching panties, with his 1998 sweatshirt. It said 1998 on it. I like the navy blue color. I check myself out and brushed my hair. I threw my hair into a messy bun and left the bathroom. I didn't tell Shawn what I was suppose to tell him yesterday. Now I got to wait until we get to Vegas. I think he'll be Oki with it but I don't know. But for now I'm gonna snuggle with Shawny.

"Sleepy time," I squealed when he said that.

"You're carrying me to the airport. I don't wanna wake up until we have to board the flight. I love you," I cuddle closer and he put his arms around me.

"I Love you too Babe," He held me tighter.

"Shawn. Your hand is dangerously close to my ass," I muffled into his shirt. He put his cold ass hands under the sweatshirt and close to my bra.

"Remember this is mine. I should be able to put my hands over them. But that would gross me out a little because it is out of my comfort zone," I laugh and my voice vibrates.

"Babe you don't have boobs so those are mine. Plus you sound like a gay guy when you said that would gross you out," He shot a glare at me.

"I'm not gay. Also I do have things. Well some guys do. Not me. My chest is too tight. That's kinda offensive. Forget everting I just said. I give up on English right now," I laugh hard.

"Night Shawn," I snuggle closer. If that's possible.

"Good night my Angel," He kissed my head and I passed out again.

*Time skip, Hour & Twenty minutes later*

"Krystal. We have to go to through security," My eyes flutter open and I see that I'm in Shawn's arms.

"I'm up. But set me down," He chuckled and set me down.

"Here's your suitcase. This is heavy and I am tired," He gave me the suit case and I laughed.

"Babe, you can pull out the wheels and the handle. So you don't have to carry it. Dork," I unlatched the bottom and the wheels came out. Then I pulled the velcro top and the handle came out. Shawn looked at me like it was a magic trick.

"I knew you didn't carry when we got here. Why does it have to be you fancy?" I stuck me tongue out at him.

"Go through security," I pointed forward.

We spent thirty minutes going through security. The security guard threw a fit. It was a woman acting like a teen. Brat. So we went through that bullshit. Then we got on the plane. I told Shawn that I was gonna change. So I took his shirt and just put that on. Then I came out and he was passed out. He looked ten years younger in his sleep. I took like five picture and posted the best one. He is gonna kill me for that but I Love him so. I was so hyper I couldn't sleep.

Shawn is super cuddly. He cuddle into the armchair. Is was weird. I handed him a pillow and he cuddle with the armchair. He eventually fell and woke up. I nearly laugh myself to death. I was laughing into a pillow so I didn't wake anyone up. Shawn was pissed. Grumpy pants.

"I Love you too Krystal," His brows furrowed.

"Is Shawny grumpy? Tired Baby?" He just got back into the seat and crossed his arms.

"Mmmmm..." He mumbled.

"Baby. Come here," He cuddled into me.

"Babe I'm sorry. I hate flying," He chuckled tiredly.

"I know Baby. I can't sleep. I'm hella hyper," He chuckled again and pulled out his phones.

"Let's go live. Your energy will die out after that," He yawned.

"Love you too," I scoff and he presses the button.

"Hello people," He yawns and smiles.

"Awe you lazy eye is doing its job," I smile at Shawn with his eye slightly off.

"Get your hand away from my face. It still hurts," He whined as I put my hand on his cheek.

"Babe. You should've told me it still hurt. I would've gave you an ice pack at the house. Learn to take care of yourself Baby," I baby him.

"Why would I take care if myself when I needed to take care of you. You are my first priority," I put my hand over my heart.

"Awe Babe," His eyes sparkled as I widen my smile.

"You're beautiful when you smile," I frown," You're beautiful all the time," I smile at his corrected words.

"There you go," He rolls his eyes.

"No thank you. Just there you go. Wow Krystal," I laugh at his choice of words.

"Oh no. You said Krystal. I'm dead," My eyes widen as I acted out my sentenced.

"You are already my Angel so you are already dead Baby," My heart fluttered by the nickname.

"I'm not dead. Or I wouldn't be able to marry you," Logic by Krystal.

"Oki Krys you win. You're alive," He over exaggerated it.

"I love it when you're sassy Baby," He smiles and cuddles closer.

"Krys look at this," He pointed to a comment on the screen.

Krystal always brings out the sides of Shawn we've never seen.

"Well I am Shawny's Fiancée so its a social norm when it comes to us. I have to bring out the best and worst of Shawn," Shawn Laughed into my arm.

"Yeah. So she ruins my rep and I still Love her. Fair trade huh?"I slap Shawn. 

"Rude. I Love you too. And your rep doesn't fucking matter," I smile in the -Im gonna kill you-way.

"Language Krys," He smiles at me.

"You aren't my dad anymore ding," The challenge is on.

"Oki. Congrats. You win," He rolls his eyes.

"I always win Babe," I fail to flip my hair.

"Keep telling yourself that," He smirked.

We went back and forth for an hour before I got tired and passed out on Shawn's shoulder. Good night world.


Hey guys. Sorry its been a while. And sorry this is short. But I still Love you guys. And I am trying. Sorry this is short.


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