Christmas Break(Part Four)
I wake up with Shawn's arms around my waist. I feel so happy but I have to shower. It's my morning routine. I kiss Shawn and he lets go of my waist and smiles. His hair was so messy but it suits him. I noticed I feel asleep in a sweatshirt. Shawn kisses me and I blush.
"Morning sleeping beauty," I whispered with my arms around him.
"Morning Baby girl," He says in a raspy morning voice.
"Shawn I got to shower and so do you. We have a busy day today," I say and he groans.
"But I am so comfy. What time is it?" I should've looked at the clock before thinking it was morning.
"Crap, sorry Shawny. I thought it was morning. Go back to sleep Baby," I pet his hair and he wraps his arms around me.
"Night again Baby girl," I laugh and kiss his head.
"Night Shawny. I Wuv you,"he nuzzles his nose into my neck.
"I Wuv you too," And before I knew it, he was asleep. Then my phone rings.
"High-Low," I say quietly.
"Low-High," I groan.
"What do you you want Sartorius," I am a little grumpy.
"I was just thinking about you Babe," I pressed speaker when Shawn started waking up.
"Jacob it's 12:27, shouldn't you be sleeping. And my name is not Babe," I got a little angry and Shawn started rubbing my hand with his thumb.
"Come on Babe. I apologized. I didn't mean anything. I'm just a stupid teen Babe," Shawn gets up and opens and closes the door.
"Rolf Jacob Sartorius. Leave Krystal alone it's passed midnight. And don't fu..... ever call Krystal Babe unless you two are dating," Shawn said it in a 'I just woke up voice.'
"Sorry Shawn. I'll stop bothering your daughter. Night Shawn and Krys," Shawn open and closes the door again before getting back into bed and snuggling with me.
"Night Jacob," I said and he hung up.
"I want sleepy time to start now,"Shawn says like a young kid, his eyes squint.
"I fucking love you Shawny. You saved me life Baby. You deserve sleepy time," I kiss him.
"I fudging love you too,"I hummed a song until Shawn fell asleep. He is going to have a long day tomorrow. I shut my eyes and fell asleep again.
* time skip, two hours later*
I wake up at 2:14 in the morning and I really don't know why. I think it might be because I am sharing the bed with Shawn. I Love him but I think he is causing my sleeping problems. Maybe because I know it's wrong to date your father but he isn't my real father. I'm gonna text Maddie and Jiaen and tell them everything. I grab my phone and go to our group chat.
Krystal:Is anyone awake or alive?
Krystal: Madison I seriously need to talk to you guys
Jiaen:What happened Krys.
Krystal:I broke up with Jacob because he took advantage of me.
Madison:I knew he was a fuck boy
Jiaen:Hush up Madison
Krystal:Thanks Jiaen. The day I broke up with him two things happened, 1st Jacob proposed to me.
Madison:After 3 months, damn. You were special.
Jiaen: What's the second thing?
Krystal:Me and Shawn had a full blown make out session.
Madison:You guys are Father and Daughter. WTF Krystal!
Jiaen: Are you guys gonna stay together?
Krystal:Me and him are secretly dating.
Madison:And you didn't tell us till now.
Krystal:This all happened yesterday Maddie.
Jiaen:So anything else happen ;)
Krystal:Nothing too gross but he has his arms around my waist right now.
Madison:He is sleeping right?
Krystal:Do you think I would text you guys if I was getting laid?
Jiaen:How would we know? You have never been laid before. You're a Virgin.
Krystal:Depressing. Yes he is sleeping.
Madison:So why aren't you sleeping?
Jiaen:How was the first date?
Krystal:The first date was awesome. And that is my problem Maddie. I have been waking up all night. I don't know why:(
Jiaen:You think its wrong to be dating him.
Madison:And you're not use to sleeping in the same bed with a guys.
Krystal:Are you mind readers. That is what I thought.
Madison:why don't you just talk to him Krys.
Krystal: I don't know, I'm afraid. What if my body is telling me not to be with Shawny.
Jiaen:Tell him then try to see if you can sleep easily on your own.
Madison:And if you don't, do the healthy thing. Break it off.
Krystal; You guys are right. Thank you so much guys. I love you guys.
Jiaen: No problem
Madison: We love you too Krys.
I stop texting them and I turn to Shawn. He was reading the texts over my shoulder. I was already crying and he was on the verge of tears. He hugged me and sobbed into my shoulder. I hope didn't brake Shawny. I really didn't wanna hurt him. I cry harder.
An hour later we stopped crying. And just laid there. I kissed Shawn's nose and he turned into a tomato. It was cute.
"Krystal, try to sleep by yourself. We have a long day tomorrow," I didn't even argue.
"Ok I will. Thanks Shawn," I smile and hug him tightly once more before I went to my room.
I walked out and walked next door to my room. I kinda miss my bed. I took my sweatshirts off and laid in bed. I snuggled into my bed and fell asleep almost instantly.
*Time Skip, Morning*
I woke up feeling well rested. I opened my eyes and Shawn was above me. He does a push up and kisses me. I smile and see he is well rested with a lot of energy. So I guess the problem was solved.
"Morning Angel,"I blushed at the nickname,"Awe, your blushing."I hide my face into the bed.
"Morning Dork. I love the nickname,"I say with my voice muffled in the sheets.
"Your cute when you blush. Get your head out of the sheets Krys. Baby,"his says get closer every word. He puts his cold hands on my waist and I get goosebumps.
"Shawny, your hands are cold,"I whine and he puts his hands at my sides.
"I'm sorry but please pick your head up. I wanna see that beautiful face,"great now I got a song stuck in my head. I pick my head up and kiss him.
"You got song stuck in my head asshole,"I face punch his stomach and he pretends to fall next to me.
"I woke you up a little early so we can snuggle but I woke up with a lot of energy,"And his energy is contagious.
"Yeah I guess we aren't use to sleeping in the same bed together,"I say and he smiles wider.
"We will one day. Also why do you not have a shirt on Angel,"I blush again.
"It was hot and I forgot to put a shirt on,"I say a little confused.
"Well then, go put on a shirt. Or stay like this. I personally don't care,"He says and puts his arms around my stomach.
"Cold, Cold, COLD! I'M GONNA PUT A SHIRT ON!"I yell because I am freezing and he lets go.
I walk to the closet which I share with him and put on one of his black t-shirts. I walk back out and Shawn looks at me and smirks. I blush and jump on the bed. He almost flew of and I got under the blanket. He cuddles in tome and we just stay there in silence. Until Shawn started humming the beginning of a song.
"Baby be I been, I been losing sleep. Dreaming about the things that we can be. And Baby I've been, I've been praying hard. Say no more counting dollars will be count stars. Yeah, will be counting star. I see this life like a swinging vine. Swing my heart across the line. In my face is flashing signs. Seek it out and yee shall fine the old but I'm not that old. Young but I'm not that bold. I don't think the world is sold, I'm just doing what been we're told. And IIIII feel something so wrong doing the right thing. And IIIII feel something so right doing the wrong thing. Could lie could lie could lie. everything that kills me makes me feel alive. Baby be I've been, I've been losing sleep. Dreaming about the things we could be. And Baby I've been, I've been praying hard. Say no more counting dollars with count star. Yeah will be counting stars," he sang and I imagine a music video. I thought he would continue but he didn't.
"You didn't finish the song Shawn," He just laughed.
"If I knew the rest I would. Now you sing a song," I thing of one and start singing.
"Boys seem to like the girls that laugh at everything. The ones who get undress before the second date. Girls seem to like the boys that don't appreciate all the money and the time that it take. Too be fly as a mother. I got my both eyes out for mister right. And I don't know where to find. But I hope they all come out tonight. Hey, where do the good boys go to hideaway hideaway. I'm a good girl who needs a little company. Looking high and low someone let me know. Where do the good boys go to hideaway. Girl seem to like the boys that like to show and tell. Name all the thing that they do so well. I don't know the rest of the lyrics so Imma shut up because I have money to make,"I ended it and notice the Shawn was recording.
"That was beautiful," Shawn tried to clap.
"Shawn don't upload that," I say going under the sheets.
"Well I'm recording this and it's live," I hit Shawn with a pillow.
"Shawny, I have my afro and I look like shit," Shawn rolls his eyes.
"Language young lady," I stare at him.
"If you weren't my dad I would've beat the shit our of you right now,"I say and he shushes me.
"Sing another song. This time a not so happy song," he acts like my manager.
"Went to the doctor and I asked her to make this stop. Medication, new addiction. Fucking Thanks a lot. Had a relapse, out of Rehab. Ruins everything. So point your finger at the singer. He's in the pharmacy. You can't save me. You can't change me. Now I'm waiting for my wake up call. Everything's my fault. Went to heaven couldn't get in after for all I have done. I said resuscitate me. He said you crazy. You were too much fun," I stopped there and Shawn clapped.
"You're awesome. We'll have to do a cover sometime Krys," he smiles and hugs me.
"I'm tired and I have the next 2 hours until two to sleep. So bye babes Love you all,"I lay my head down.
"Bye guys see you next time," Shawny blows kisses and turns it of before cuddling with me.
"Shawn, you have to get ready. You're gonna be late. Now go Baby,"I kiss him and and he runs to get ready.
I hear him leave and he texted me love you and I fell asleep.
*Time Skip, Two P.M.*
I wake up to my alarm. Work yay(note the sarcasm.) I get up and do my morning routine. After my shower I put on a black skirt that went to my mid thigh and a black shirt I tucked in that says,"I can't keep calm I'm Krystal," and my black cardigan. I did a crown braid and went down stairs. I ate a hot pocket and put on my black converse high tops. I walk to the garage to look for a cheap car but couldn't see one. Now I have to text Shawn,
Krystal:Hey Baby. I need a car. Can use one of your?Please.
Shawn:Of course you can Angel. I suggest the mustang that looks like bumblebee.
Krystal:I love you dork. See you tonight. Got to go to work.
Shawn:Love you too. See you later.
I put my phone in my pocket then walked back into the house to grab the key to the mustang. I also grab my purse then I just left for work. After my ten minute drive I saw the music studio and parked the car. I make sure I have everything before locking and closing the door. I walk through the building door and see Shawn? I run up and hug him from behind.
"Hey, Krys. This is your studio too?" I smile up at him.
"It was my studio first Shawny," I look at his confused manager,"Oh I'm Krystal Marie Bennett-Mendes, Shawn's adopted daughter."
"Your the reason her lives here. That makes since,"I put out my hand and he shook it.
"Bye guys. I got to go to my manager. Love you Shawny," I hug him on last time.
"Bye Krys. See you later. Love you," he said and I walk to my manager.
"Hi Krys, I got some news. Come in my office," I follow him into the office and sit down in a chair.
"What's the new,"I say as her closes the door and goes to sit in his chair.
"You are going to be getting a fake boyfriend," great.
"Who is it?"I ask casually, like it wasn't a big deal.
"Um... his name is Brandon Rowland," I squeal a little.
"We do I meet him?" I acted excited.
"We set up a date in the coffee shop not to far from here," I nod.
"When is this 'date'?" I use quotation marks.
"In a couple minutes. Go now," I get up and go to the car. I drive around the corner to the coffee shop and walk to Brandon.
"Hi Babe,"I walk up and hug him he hugs back.
"Hi," he kisses my head. We lock hands and go inside to our booth and sit down.
"So are there any rules,"he says holding my hands that was on the table.
"There are three rule. One, You have to find a cute nick name. Two, don't get us caught. Three, Have fun," he laughed at the last one.
"Ok, so any nick name. Hm... why don't I call you Babe until may brain isn't mush," Laugh and nod.
"Ok, lets go put on a show for the paps," I take his hand and go to the car.
I drove to the strip because that is where all the paps are. I went to a car garage near the Mirage. We went through the cars and down the stairs and into the Mirage. We stood in front of the waterfalls. I pulled him there with I smile on my face. I put my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we put are noses together with stupid smiles on our face. You could hear the cameras.
"I'm your biggest fan, I follow you until you love me. Papa, Papa, Paparazzi,"I sing into his ear, he laughs.
"So true Babe. I can hear the paps get closer," the flashes going off like crazy.
"Wanna finish off this show Brando,"He leans down and kisses my and I kiss him back.
"Let's go home Babe," He grabs my hand and we run back to the car.
It gets tiring because of running up three flights of stairs. Brandon had to slow down. I felt a little bad but I can't keep up. He isn't complaining so it's not the bad right? We got to the car and he open the passenger side for me and took my key. He hopped in and drove out of the parking garage. I typed in my address on the GPS and put my phone between up.
"That was the longest run ever," he said and I laughed.
"It was fun to see their reaction,"
"Yeah but know my phone is blowing up," he chuckles.
"Well I'm gonna see what happens when we go home. Shit, you shouldn't be driving. Be careful,"He looks confused.
"Do you not trust me?"
"No I do but this is Shawn's car," he nods.
"I'm a pro with mustangs. I won't even get it dirty," he smiles.
"Good enough for me,"
If you want to be in this story post that on my message board.
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