Christmas Break(Part 4)
Me and Brandon arrive at my house and Shawny is still go. We go upstairs to my room. We sit on my bed and grab our phones. We go on Instagram and go live.
"Hi guys it's Krys(Brandon) here," Me and Brandon say at the same time and laugh.
"So I want to make this shit official. Me and Brandon are happily dating," I say first
"Yes we have been dating for the past few days since Krys and you know broke up and we want you guys to know," Brandon cuddle into me.
"Me and Brandon met at the café," I say answering the questions.
"We wanted to be sure we were fit for each other before telling you guys," Brandon answers a question.
"We've been super cuddly because we just mend fast," I say stroking Brandon's hair.
"KRYS!!! I'M HOME!!!" Shawny yells, oh no. I run with the camera to Shawn.
"Hey Shawn. How was work?" I hug him and he smiles at the camera.
"Great. Why are you doing a live?" he lets go.
"I'm announcing my new boyfriend to my fans," I say and Shawny looks at me. I give him a reassuring look.
"How's he doing?" He plays along.
"Why don't you just ask him. Brandon come down stairs Babe," Brandon appears not to long after and Shawn slightly nods.
"Hi Shawn. How have you been?" They give a bro hug.
"I've been good. How long has it been? Like one or two weeks?" Shawn tries to get the whole story.
"It's been three days since we last met," Brandon answers.
"Well it's nice to see you again. It feels like it's been longer than that.What do you want for dinner Krystal?" Shawn raises an eyebrow.
"Can we have chicken?" he kisses my head.
"Of course Krys," he walks into the kitchen.
"Well Brandon that means in English that you have to leave after the live," He winks and I nod.
"Ok lets end it on the porch," I grab his hand and drag him to the porch.
"So guys thanks for watching the live and we will see you on the next live," I start the ending.
"Well Krys I will see you tomorrow. Bye Babe," he kisses me hard and puts his hand up my shirt. We ended the live without disconnecting. After we turned it off and we pulled apart and laughed.
"They are going to flip," Is say hugging Brandon.
"Well I really got to go this time because Mr. Mendes doesn't look so happy. Bye Krys," He kissed my cheek and ran a car. I decided to go inside.
"What was that all about?" He walks up to me.
"Making sure my fans know about my 'boyfriend'," He smiles at the last part.
"I would kiss you but I know where you lips have been," I roll my eyes and kiss his cheeks.
"Haha. I'm gonna go wash up," he crosses his arms and rubs his cheeks.
I ran upstairs and went to my bathroom. I use my crest whitening stuff. I wash my face and go to the closet. I put on a mid thigh tight black dress. I went back downstairs and hugged Shawn from behind. He turns around and checks me out.
"Take a picture. It will last longer," Shawn pulls out his phone and I back up so he could take a picture.
"Now it will last forever," Shawn kisses my and moans a little because of the minty taste.
"If you moan in my mouth again it better be because I am halve naked. Understood," he chuckles a little.
"But it taste so good," Shawn whined and went back to cooking.
I go to the living room and sit on my phone until Shawn is done cooking. Everyone is asking what happened after the live. I posted that in the end me and Brandon are still virgin and we didn't take our clothes off. I also posted a picture of my outfit for dinner.
"Babe here you go. It's your favorite. Bacon wrapped fried chicken," He puts it on the small table in front of the couch.
"Thanks Babe. Shawny are you mad about earlier?" I look him in the eye as he sits down next to me.
"Of course not. It was a fake date thingy. I was just a little jealous of Brandon," he puts his head down.
"Awe. Shawny was jealous of a guy that I've never met before. It's fucking stupid but so cute,"I snuggle into Shawn.
"Why did I have to fall for you," I sit up and look at Shawn.
"Because god hates you sometime," I laugh and he just rolls his eyes.
"Whatever Krys. Let's eat before it gets cold," I picked up my plate and start eating.
After we finish I go upstairs and get ready for bed. Shawny walks in with a phone in his hand.
"Who's that?" Someone in the phone says.
"That's my daughter," I turn all the way around before going to my bed and throwing a pillow at Shawn.
"Do you knock and ask if I want to be apart of whatever's going on Shawn," I sit on the bed criss cross applesauce.
"Hey its just a phone call and no one cares what you look like," time to act like a real teenager.
"Shawn I could've been having sex with my boyfriend and you'd never know," How do you beat that.
"Krys your moans are loud because you're loud," he should know.
"Still your an ass Shawn," I say finalizing but he knows I am acting.
"Hey guys can you stop arguing," the guy on the phone yells.
"You're not my dad so I don't have to listen to you. Wait who the fuck are you?" Shawn looks at me and he has a slight smile.
"I'm Taylor Caniff. You dad's friend,"
"Wow Shawn. You have friends?" Shawn chuckles and I grin.
"I have a decent amount of friends," I laugh.
"Wow Shawn you just embarrassed yourself," Taylor said.
"Well I'm making a target run. Do you need anything baby girl?" I nod.
"I need shampoo, conditioner, tooth paste, and laundry soap," I write it down so Shawn doesn't forget and hand it to him.
"Ok night baby girl," he hugs me and kisses my head.
"Night Shawn," I run to Shawn's room and lay in his bed when he went downstairs.
I lay snuggled with the bed and I take a picture. I post it and fall asleep. I wake up a little when I feel Shawn's are around my waist. I feel him kiss my head and I snuggled back into him. I hear a whisper but I couldn't hear what he said. Then we fall asleep.
I wake up in the middle of the night and go to my room. I snuggled with my bed and fall back asleep.
*Time Skip, The Morning*
I wake up to my phone. I answer it without looking at the caller id.
"Hello. Why are you calling?" I say tiredly.
"Morning Babe. You excited for the party?" Dammit I totally forgot.
"I have a boyfriend so don't call me Babe. I am gonna be a DD. So anyone need a ride," He gives me a text with names.
"There you go. Can't wait to meet your boyfriend. See you tonight love," He hangs up and I look at the clock.
I have until 7:15 to get ready. I slept in late. It's 2:25. I have five minutes until my date with Brandon. I pick up my phone and dial Brandon's number,
"Hey Babe. You almost here," I groan a little.
"Sorry Babe. I slept in. Can you come here and pick me up?" I say going to the bathroom.
"Sure thing Babe. See you in fifteen minutes," I turn on the shower.
"Bye Babe. Thank you," I get undressed.
"Bye babe," He hangs up and I put my music on and hop in the shower.
I listen to two songs and get out of the shower. I dry off and wrap myself in a towel and brushed my teeth. I brush and straighten my hair. I looked at the time and feel someones arms snake around my waist. It's Shawny.
"I got you a couple of dresses. And since you and Brandon are going out It works," I smile and take a picture of us in the mirror.
"Thanks Shawny, love you," I kissed him.
"Have a good day. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you Babe. Pull up the towel," I looked down and pulled it up.
"Why are you looking their?" I try to wiggle my eyebrows and he laughs.
"I'm the only one allowed to see what's under that towel," he smirks.
"Fuck you. And want a proper goodbye when I am about to leave," I kiss his cheek.
"Ok, now get ready," He leaves and I close the door.
I put on this:
I just want to see Shawn get jealous. It's cute when he is jealous. I put on a pair of red stilettos to go with it. I walked out of the bathroom and go down the stairs. I hear Shawn humming in the kitchen and I walk behind him. I hum along with him and he jumps a little. He turns around and his jaw drops.
"Wow you're hot. I knew that would look good on you," You can see him clench his jaw.
"Thanks Shawny. Take a picture and it will last longer," He was staring at me like I was a muffin and he takes a picture.
"There now come here," I walk into his open arms.
"You're warm," I mumble and he chuckled.
"You're cute, I love you," he sings and kisses my head.
"I Love you too Shawny," I say louder then I wanted and then there was a knock on the door.
"Have fun, I'll see you tomorrow," He kissed me.
"See you," I peck him and head towards the door.
I open the door and I see Brandon. He smiles wider and I hug him.
"Hi Babe," I say and we release the hug.
"Hi Babe. Let's go before we miss the reservation time thingy," I laugh.
We head towards the car. I decided to drive because I felt like it. Fifteen minutes later we arrive at our destination. It's this fancy restaurant. I'm not in the mood for fancy but it's for my manager. We park and walk in.
"Reservation for Rowlands," I say and they lead us to the table.
*Time Skip, After Lunch*
"That was nice," Brandon says getting into the passengers seat.
"Yeah. Hey Brandon wanna go to a party tonight?" I started the car.
"Sure. How long do we have to get ready?" I look at the time.
"A hour then half hour to get there from your house," he nodded and put his address into his GPS.
I listen to the GPS chick all the way to Brandon's house. He lives in another state but he has a huge house here. He came here for this job. I guess that means he was a fan. He is famous himself so he didn't need the money. My mom said I wasn't allowed to use the money I had to help out our family. I had a lot of money and couldn't do anything with it. Now I can do anything I want. So I donate and help less fortunate family's so I feel great. Brandon is the second person to buy a house here to be with me. Shawn had to. Because he wanted to adopt me. It was originally a vacation house and he was visiting when he found me on Instagram.
"Wow Brandon this is beautiful for just a visitors house," He looks me in the eye.
"It will never be as beautiful as you," That is cheesy.
"Awe you're so cheesy Baby," I smile because I can see the paps.
"Well lets go inside Babe," We lock hands and walk inside.
"Oki so I brought my clothes so I am gonna get ready here if it's ok with you?" I point at my purse.
"Yeah the guest bedroom is down the hall. The only door that is brown," He points to it.
"Thanks Brandon," I walk down the hall and go into the bathroom. I take off my dress and the door opens.
"Oh shit sorry," I guy says and covers his eyes.
"I'm wearing something so it's ok but get out," He laughs and closes the door. I put on the party dress and white-pink heels. Then i open the door to see that guy again.
"Sorry for that. Brandon didn't say he was bringing you back," I laugh.
"It's totally ok. Brandon didn't mention that he had brothers," He smile.
"Oh well I'm Hunter Brandons older brother," He puts his hand out and I shake it.
"And I'm Ashton, Brandon's younger brother," Aston comes up and does what hunter did.
"Nice to meet you guys. I'm, well you guys should know, Krys," They nod.
"Yeah Brandon's new girlfriend," Hunter says confirming my statement.
"Yeah and Rolf's ex girlfriend. Jacob can be a dumbass sometimes," I laugh.
"Yeah he can be. I use to be his biggest fan. And once I got the pleasure to call him mine he does that shit. And now we are going to his party," I laugh to that thought.
"I feel like you said that more to yourself not us," So Ashton's the smart one.
"You're a smart little one huh," I ruffle his hair.
"Smarter than these two ding dongs," He is so like me.
"You and me are gonna be great friends," He chuckles.
"Yeah, yeah. Now go to Brandon," Hunter says and pushes me out of the way.
"Such a gentleman huh?" Ashton says pulling me off the ground.
"He reminds me of my brother. He just getting too comfortable too fast," I say and walk.
"Whatever you say Krys," We walk down the hall way and I run into Brandon.
"Babe, you ok?" How do I get knock over so easily?
"I'm ok Babe. Help me up please," I put my hands out and he pulls me up.
"Wanna show up early to the party to help set up?" I look at him.
"Sure, you're driving Brandon," he nods and puts his hand on the small of my back leading me to the car.
"Here's the address," I showed him the text message and he put it in the GPS.
"Ok" he nods and we drive off. I call Jacob.
"Hey Love," I roll my eyes.
"I just wanted to tell you I am coming over early with my Babe," Brandon stares at me and nods his eyes going back to the road.
"Ok, I'll see you soon," I wait for him to end the call then I call Shawn.
"Baby girl. You ok," You can hear the concern in his voice.
"Yeah I just want you to know I am going to Jacob's right now," He takes a deep breath.
"Why are you going early?" He sounds kind of sad.
"Well I need to show Jacob Brandon. So he doesn't touch me or any of that shit," I say and I can feel Shawny smile.
"I miss you," He whispers, sniffling.
"What's wrong Shawn?" I say quietly.
"It's just work is stressful and you are the reason I make it through the day. Now you're out and agh," He's was crying.
"I can turn this car around and come back right you need it," I was still whispering.
"No I want you to shove this in Jacob's face. But when you get there, please send photos for me. I wanna be the reason you're having fun," Aw.
"Shawny you're the reason I'm happy. You are the best father and boyfriend in this world. You're my everything," I look at Brandon to make sure he's not hearing this.
"This is why I love you Krys. You're perfect. You're the reason I'm smiling with tears running down my face. I Love you so much Krystal Marie Bennett-Mendes," I smile.
"Awe, I Love you too Shawn Peter Raul Mendes," Shawny sniffle and you can feel the smile.
"I Love it when you say my name," I blush a little and hide my head from Brandon.
Me and Shawn talk the entire ride but Brandon didn't mind. He was a concentrated driver. I put on the music so he wasn't left out and so I could talk louder. When we finally arrived I said goodbye to Shawny. I am going to take a million picture so he stays happy. I wanna leave the party around midnight but if Brandon doesn't we will leave at three. I made him laugh before we hung up. We walk to the front door and it opened. Jacob open the door and his jaw dropped.
"Brandon. You hooked up with my ex," He was wide eyed.
"Um... Brandon met Jacob. Jacob met Brandon," I said and they looked like they were kind of proud of each other.
"Wow. So I was the only one that knew she moved from you to me. Krys why didn't you tell him you're dating me," Now I feel like the bad guy.
"Wanted to wait until I introduce you guys," If that makes sense.
"Ok well that's understandable. Come in," Jacob stands out of the way and we walk in.
We walk in and Jacob asked if we wanted to help set up. We of course said yes and went to work. I grabbed Brandon's hand a walk over to where we were helping. An hour later people started filing in. There was a lot of guys with alcohol and a lot of girls not wearing so much clothes. I don't care because it is there life not mine. Eventually I sent Brandon off to go party with his friends. I took pictures of me on the dance floor with a huge smile on my face and sent them to Shawny. He sent a picture of his red puff face smiling.
I dance like nobody was watching. Moving my hips with the beat. And going as low as I could. People were staring and pouring vodka on me. Even though I don't drink it was awesome. Half way through the night I stopped dancing because my feet grew a heart beat. I sat down on the stairs and Brandon walked up to me.
"Hey Babe," He yelled of the music.
"What do you need Brandon?" I cut straight to the point.
"Well my friends wanted to meet you. So you up for it?" I smile and he put out his hand.
"Lets go," I grab his hand and we walk over to his friends.
"Hey guys this is Krystal," I waved and snuggled into Brandon.
"Damn did you see her on that dance floor. I'm jealous of the floor and that vodka," some guy said and I laugh.
"Sometimes it's nice to hit the floor. It turns on guys and I turn them down. I am totally kidding. I'm not that evil," They laughed.
"Want something to drink Krystal," Some other guy asked.
"I don't drink. What are your guys' names?" I sit on a barstool.
"Ok. I'm Cameron, that's Taylor, that's Collin, that's your ex, and that's Mark. Nice to meet you," I stare at Taylor as Cameron pointed to the boys.
"Nice to meet you too. Taylor. Like Taylor Caniff? My dad's friend?" He chuckles.
"Yeah, I saw you on the phone the other day. When you said Shawn should knock. So Brando here is your boyfriend?" I laugh and nod.
"Yep," I pop the 'p' and they laugh.
"Brandon how did you find a girl like this?" Mark asked and another guy walked to the group.
"She was crying at a café because of that dumbass and I was comforting her. We got to talking and we became a couple. But we just made it official yesterday," The guy stood there and looked at me.
"That's a cute story," Jacob says and rolls his eyes.
"Well I was crushed and almost lost my V card to you Jacob. Who's that guy," I pointed to the unknown guy.
"I'm Joey," He puts his hand out and I shake it.
"Nice to meet you Joey. So what should we play?" I asked because I am bored.
"How about spin the bottle. We can get other girls to play it," Collin suggested.
"What kind of spin the bottle?" I ask.
"There's more than one kind? Well the one I was taught is the bottle lands on someone and you guys are lock in a closet for seven minutes," I laugh.
"That's not spin the bottle. That's seven minutes in heaven," Cameron said.
"Fine then seven minutes in heaven," Collin says and I look at Brandon.
"Wanna make some bad decisions tonight Brandon," He looks at me and nods.
"Let's go," Brandon yells and Collin goes to round up some girls.
We walk into an empty guest room up stairs and form a circle. Jacob finishes off his beer and puts the glass bottle in the middle. I sit next to Brandon and everyone starts coming in. Jacob started and it land on some chick. He didn't even wait to get in the closet. He kissed here all the way to the closet. The are playing seven minutes of sex in there probably. You can hear the drunk girls loud moans fill the quite room. I plugged my ears before I got a flash back of me and him. Joey was on the other side of me and he just side hugged me. Like he knew. It felt nice.
We kept playing the game and then the bottle was finally passed to me. I wanted it to land on Brandon because I already kissed him. But also I didn't want it to land on Jacob because he is past drunk and my ex. I spin the bottle as hard as I could and it landed on Joey. So close to Brandon but I choose to play this game so I have to suck it up. Joey got up and helped me up I get in the closet with him and they yell to say they started the timer. I leaned in and kissed him first. Not to long after he hand his tongue in my mouth. Then a little later we were having a full blown make out session. I didn't stop it or wanna stop it. I feel bad for cheating on Shawny but he'd understand. Right?
Seven minutes later they yell that times up. I didn't move so Joey broke the kiss. We left the closet and I ran back to my seat with Brandon. I feel so stupid but it felt so good. But I'm with Shawn. Why is life so confusing. Shawn doesn't have to know. But I kinda have to tell him. He knows parties are for making bad decisions. I wish I had a drink now but I don't drink. We stopped playing once Jacob was done having closet sex with another girl. Most of us went back down stairs and rejoined the party. Me and Brandon split ways and I went over to the food table. Someone came up behind me and scared the shit out of me. I look behind me and it's Joey.
For some reason I feel like making out with him again. But I can't. It's not right. Why do I feel this way? I just met the guy. He's not even my type. Shawny is my type. He smiles at me and I just have to smile back. Play it cool Krystal.
"Joey you scared me," I slapped him lightly on the arm.
"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you," He rubbed his arm.
"Apology accepted. So, what's up?" He rub the back of his neck.
"You know how we had the make out session?" I hold my breath and nod.
"Yeah. What about it?" He start walking closer.
"I know you have a boyfriend and all but can we do that again. It's ok if you say no," I look him in the eyes and see he is nervous.
"Well maybe. But no one is allowed to know," I look around to see if anybody was there.
"Really. Let's go. I know where we can do it secretly. Only Jacob knows about it. I can look the door though," I take his hand and he leads me around the crowed and down a dark hall way. He grabs his keys and opens a hidden door. He puts his hand on the small of my back and guides me in. He locks the door.
"Doesn't Jacob have the key?" I say worried that we will get caught.
"This is Jacob's key. No one can get in now," I breathe and relax.
"Good," I say and he turns on the dim lights.
I look around and see what is in the room. It looks like a normal bedroom. Bed, desk, closet, bathroom, but no window. Joey walks up to me and pushes me on the bed. He dangles over me and I put my hands on his face. He leans down and I kiss him. Everything goes so fast and it becomes heated quickly. We only stop when we are out of breath. He started suck on my neck and that earned a moan from me. He was careful enough to not give me a hickey. He did notice hickey marks and he thought it was from Brandon. It was from Shawny though.
We did that until my phone started ringing. Joey gets off of me and grabs me phone. He hands it to me and I didn't look at the caller id I just answered.
"High Low," Joey starts kissing my neck again.
"Krystal? Do you wanna leave? It's almost three," I quietly moaned and thankfully Brandon didn't here it.
"Yeah I'll be at the car in a minute Babe," I push Joey off.
"See you Babe," Brandon hangs up.
"I got to go. Sorry Joey," I kiss him one last time and sneak out.
I looked around and joined the party again. I guess no one noticed I left the party room. I said bye to the boys and walk out the door. I see Brandon walking down the path and I ran to him. I almost broke my heel. I hugged him and he turned around. I smiled and he laced his fingers with mine. We walk to the car and he drove me home. Halve way through the ride reality hit me hard. I was holding back tears. I can't believe I just did that. I made out with someone other that Brando or Shawn. I am so upset with myself. When we arrived at my house I said bye to Brandon and her drove off. That's when I started crying. The salty taste in my mouth was gross. But I deserve it. I walk up to the door and the door open. I look at a smiling Shawn with tears in my eyes. His smile turned up side down and he hugged me.
He close the door and we walk to the couch. He tried to kiss me but I rejected it. I told him about everything. From Jacob being a fuck boy to me and Joey in the secret room. He held me the whole time. He didn't even yell at me. he thanked me.
"Why did you thank me?" I honestly felt like shit.
"Because not only did you tell me but you told the truth. Even though it hurts a little. I know why you did it. You watch Jacob suck someones face off to prove he as so over you. And you obviously still had feelings for him. Which is normal. I still love you. One slip up doesn't change anything between us. I would love it if you wash your mouth though. I would love to kiss you," I love him.
I laughed and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and used the mouth wash. I walked out and Changed into one of Shawn's sweatshirts. I didn't put pants on because the sweatshirt went to my mid thigh. I walk to living room and Shawn is sitting on the couch with someone else. It's Taylor.
"Hey Taylor. Why are you here?" I acted like a teenager.
"Um, do I have to have a reason the chill with the Mendes'?" I roll my eyes.
"Yeah. You were just at a party now you're here. Why?" I put my hands on my hips.
"Fine I wanted to see how you were doing. Brandon said you were on the verge of tears when you guys were driving home. I just wanted to see if you were ok," I feel the tears prickle again and I go to hug Taylor.
I just sat there and cried on Taylor's shoulder. Shawn let it be and went to order pizza. Taylor kept saying just cry it out Krystal, I'm never letting go. Which calmed me down a lot. He was rubbing my back and I was more relaxed. When I was done crying the door bell rand. I said I'll get it.
"Hello," I said opening the door.
"Hello, here. That will be 27.93," I took the boxes a bags in and set them down.
"Here, have a great night and keep the change," I gave him fifty dollars.
"Thank you Ma'am. Happy holidays," he looks joyous.
"Happy holidays," I closed the door as he walked away.
We sat down and ate pizza. Once we were done Taylor left. I said goodbye to Taylor and sat back down on the couch. Soon enough I fell asleep.
"I Love you Angel," That was the last thing I heard before sleep took me over.
HEY GUYS!!! New update hope you like. You guys are so awesome. Don't let anyone say differently. LOVE YOU GUYS<3
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