Christmas Break(First So Called Date)
I wore a white and light pink dress with a ripple skirt design. The top had a gemmed, floral designy thingy. It is really pretty. It goes to my mid thigh which will probably turn on Shawn. It will be hella funny. Or Shawn will secretly like it but won't say anything. Which is just what Shawny does naturally.
I and a matching pair of heels. They are like high tops but the give me some height. I put them on after my thirty minute shower. I looked at the time. I had a half hour to spare. I looked in the mirror and decided to just brush my hair. I have locks of curls that don't go away unless you straighten it. I sit on my bed on my phone until I heard a car honk and I go to the garage. I see Shawny in his red convertible.
"Wow Shawny," I say getting in the car.
"You forgetting anything?"
"Um clothes, shoes, bracelet, and necklace. I think I got everything," he looks at me.
"Where are you keys, coat, and purse baby girl?" he knew I was missing things but makes me go get them.
I walked back into the house to the coat rack. I get a khaki colored trench coat to cover my dress. I grab my keys out of the bowl, and I grab my purse off the hook. Then I walk back to the garage putting the trench coat on. Then I get in the car.
"So where are we going?" Shawn asked me with a serious voice.
"What the Fuck Shawn!? You don't know where we're going!?" I staring at him like he's a dumbass.
"Language Krystal. Also you wanted to be the man," he smiles at me like he's not a jerk right now.
"Fine then I'm driving," he hands me the keys and we switch seats.
"Perfect," he sits back and relaxes and we laugh.
I take him for a twenty minute ride to the Strip. I drive to a restaurant that is managed by Gordon Ramsey. I think its hell kitchen but I pretty sure its called something else. We circle the parking lot a million times before finding a spot. I get out of the car and open Shawn's door and we laughed. Then we walk to the front doors. This place is hella fancy.
"Hello I'm Bella. Party of 2?" This nice young lady said.
"Yes," I answered her and she leads us to the table.
"Can I get you guys started with some thing drink?" Bella asked with a smile.
"Can we have two Sprites," I ask politely and she nods.
"Sure thing, your drinks with be here soon. Mr. Mendes and Ms. Bennett-Mendes," she said the last part quietly.
"Oh a fan. I will give you an autograph at the end don't worry," Shawn says and she blushes and goes back to her job.
"There are gonna be fans all of the place if she tells anyone," I said a little concerned.
"And then you'll get them to leave. I'll make sure nothing ruins our 'night out'," I laugh at the first part and we start talking until Bella comes back. I take off the trench coat.
"Here's you drink. Are you guys ready to order?" She smiles and we she her pink and green braces.
"What meal do you prefer Bella?" Shawn asks politely.
"I suggest the Steak because that will be specially made and served by Gordon Ramsey," I look at her with wide eyes.
"Chef Ramsey is in town? I guess I am taking the Steak. Thanks Bella," She writes it down and looks at Shawn.
"And would you like the same Mr. Mendes?" She asked politely and professionally.
"Yes thank you very much Bella," Shawn nods and she writes it down.
"Your food will be here as soon as possible," She starts to take are menus.
She walks away and Shawn asks me who Gordon Ramsey was. I told him that he is a very famous Chef with about four of his own tv shows. He nods and we go on talking about his shows until I see Chef Ramsey exit the kitchen,
"There he is," I say to Shawny and point.
"Here are your dishes," Gordon sets are food in front of us and looks at Shawn,"Do I know you from somewhere?"
"I've never heard of you. But maybe you heard of me. I am Shawn Mendes I am a pop singer,"Gordon nods.
"Ah my little niece listens to you all the time," Shawn nods and I just stare.
"Shawn can give you an autograph to give to your niece," I suggested.
"Well my niece is here. Would you mind if she came here?" Gordon asked me. I get a nod from Shawn.
"Of course she may. We don't turn away fans," I say.
Gordon went to another booth and came back with a beautiful young girl. She had dark brown hair that went all the way down to the bottom of her back with bangs that went just above her eyes. Her eyes were hazel-red colored eyes and long lashes. She is a little more than half my size. She had on a red velvet dress that went to the top of her shoes. She was born to be beautiful. She went up to Shawn and hugged him. It was cute when Shawn had the kid in his arms being gentle but also giving her a tight hug like she was fragile. Shawn is the perfect father.
"Hi, what's your name sweetie," Shawn says with his beautiful smile.
"I'm Annabella Gordon," She says blushing so hard.
"I heard you were a fan. You want an autograph?" She hugged him again.
"Yes, please,"She says in her young voice that was a little squeaky.
"Krys do you go autographing stuff?" I nod.
"You're Krystal Marie Bennett-Mendes. Shawn's new daughter,"She says as I hand Shawn a half sheet of paper, a green sharpy, and a little glass frame, big enough for the paper.
"You done your homework. You gorgeous Annabella. It's very nice to meet you,"I smile and Shawny signs the paper and puts in the frame.
"It's nice to meet you too. Thank you. Also can I have your autograph? Without the Mendes?"I grab the stuff and do what Shawny did.
"Who would say no," We handed her the frames and she hugged us goodbye. Gordon gave her back to her parents.
"Thank you guys. Enjoy your meal," Gordon says then walks back to the kitchen.
"Ok now we can go back to our date," Shawn says only loud enough for me to hear.
We eat and just make small talk debating weather or not we should have desert. I said we should because it was suppose to be good here. He said that the steak was big enough to fill him up. Skinny people problems. I am skinny but I am a curvy chick. We keep arguing until Ramsey came out and gave us two shakes and sundaes on the house. We thank him and I win the argument. After we finished I asked for the check.
"Here you go,"Bella hands me the bill.
"Thank you,"Shawn says and she nods and walked away with an autograph. I look at the check and laugh.
"Chef Ramsey gave us his number," Shawn laughs and I put the cash in the case thing and we got up and left.
Shawn locked arms with me and we walked back to the car. I get in the drivers seat and drive us home. Are half hour drive was filled with singing and laughter, until I got a call from Jacob. Shawn answered the call and puts it on speaker.
"Hello, this is Krys Bennett, how can I help you," I say louder than I intended.
"Hi Babe, wanna hang out Saturday? There is a party being hosted at my air b and b,"I roll my eyes.
"When are you going back to Virginia?"I ignore his question.
"An hour after the party ends," he answers.
"Ok I will be there, and requirements?" I act sophisticated.
"Yeah, no one over eighteen," That means its a teenagers only party.
"Oki, I'll see you on Friday. Bye Sartorius," I conclude.
"Bye Babe see you then,"He hangs up and I frown at Shawny.
"I allow it, and if he makes any move that bothers you, call me Baby girl," he reassures me.
We pull into the garage and get out, not forgetting to close the garage. We walk inside and put away our, coats, shoes, purse, and our keys. I walk up and give him a peck on the cheek before going to my room. I put on a pair of Calvin Klein sweatpants and a Shawn Mendes sweatshirt before going to his room. He was changed into basketball shorts and a white tank top. I ran and tackled/bear hugged him. He kisses my for head and we sit up.
"How was they date?" Shawn asked me.
"It was the best date ever. Almost better than being asked to get married," I joke and he laughs.
"I loved it. And Annabella was soo cute," I look at him in awe.
"Yeah, and one day we'll have ten of those little ones running around,"Shawn looked shocked.
"We haven't even talked about our wedding and now we are talking about ten kids,"I roll my eyes and punch him.
"I have the wedding planned already. And you only have to do the fun part. I have to give them life," He looked surprise.
"I guess you're right and I want the wedding stuff to be a surprised," he laughed a little.
"You're cute, but it's bed time. Love you Shawny," I said the last part in a baby voice.
"Night Baby girl. Love you too Krys,"he pokes my nose and peck my lips.
"Night," I hug him and he kisses me.
I cuddle up to him after the 10 minute make out session. He claps and the lights turn off, He puts his arms around my waist and snuggles closer to me. I heard him mumble something but I couldn't quite hear what he said. He kissed my head, and not even 2 minutes later he was passed out. I heard the quite sounds of breathing and fell asleep a little while later.
A new update. Hope you guys like it. Comment and vote. Love you guys. Bye.
~Krys Bennett(-Mendes)(-Orlando)(-Sartorius)
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