Back in Vegas

I woke up to the bed headed guy that I am marrying. Perfect title. He was shaking me. And I was about ready to slap him. But I knew I was in a grumpy mood because I just woke up. He smiled bright at my disgusting face. Which is probably covered in drool. Now I am making fun of myself. I dropped so low in the past minute.

"Babe. We are landing soon. And this is the first time you are in Vegas since you got engaged. Time to celebrate," His eyes glowed. He is a drama queen.

"I'm sleepy," I'm actually awake but I don't wanna walk.

"Krys. We all know that you are not tired. But I am sure as heck not carrying you agian. My legs will give up. You and two suitcases. Thats to much for my twig," I giggled into his arm.

"That's why we have this thing called people to help us Shawny. Please," I pouted.

"Come on Angel. You know how hard it is to say no with that face. Stop," The face he gave me was so cute. So I crossed my arms and turned the other way.

"Hmmm," I mummbled. He laid his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm gonna hate this but. You win
I'll carry you. Since your my future Wifey," He whispered and I giggle like a kid.

"I Wuv you Shawny," I Love being spoiled by him. But now I have to repay him.

" I Wuv you too Angel," I still Love hearing that nick name.

*time skip: home*

I get out the car and run to the door, unlocking it and going in. Then I climb the stairs that lead up to the first door. I open that door and jump into the bed. Home Sweet Home. Soon enough I heard a the door close downstairs. The many footsteps come up leading into my room.

"Babe. The kids wanna join," Shawn says picking up the three of them.

"Hi Babies," I coo and Shawn sets them on they bed before they tackled me.

"They Love you. But we got to pickup Charlie so lets go," I whined.

"I just got here. But for my Char I'd get my lazy ass up," I jumped up and the dogs barked.

"Haha. Lets go Babe," He put his hand out and got off the bed.

"I wanna drive," I ran and Shawn caught me hella fast.

"You get to drive but my Fiancé is not falling down the stairs," I gushed by that. I Love being a not so hopeless romantic.

I kissed him and walked downstairs with him, then ran for the convertible keys. I Love that car. I grabbed the keys and ran to the door. Shawn opened it and put his hand on my back to guide me to the car. Even his same simple gestures make me smile brighter. I got into the car and turned it on. In no time we were on our way to Charlie. We are picking him up near my old apartment. Its gonna be weird seeing Ma. If Ma is gonna be there. I never know with her. It made me think about Jacob more(My brother.) He is in Love with a girl and they are eventually having kids. Thats a big step. Not even 3 years ago Jacob had no clue what he was going to do. If he was gonna go to college or work at a minimum wage job. He ended up in college than god.

Thats where he met Her and they fell in Love. He went to a college with Co Ed dorms. And he ended up with her. Within a year they didnt need the second bed in the dorm. Time goes by so fast. I'm glad Jacob made it that far with his learning disabilities. It feels nice to think of that. I notice that Shawn is watching me and my ever move.

"Whats on your mind Krys,"He tilts his head.

"Jacob. My brother. And how far he made it," I can't lie to Shawny now, it's fucking impossible.

"Yeah. It's weird that he managed to fall in Love before you," I laughed and hit Shawn's arm.

"Even though that is hella funny, remember that's my brother we're talking about," He dramatically rub his arm.

"Well he is my Brother in almost Law. I can make fun of him too," How did I forget about that part?

"Oki you win. Because I honestly forgot about the whole In Law thing," Shawn looked offended. Drama queen.

"How could you forget. I'm so shocked," I rolled my eyes.

"Shawn I have the worst memory between the two of us," He nodded.

"Truth," Then he turned up the radio.

We just jammed out all the way to the Apartments. It was a depressing ass scene. Like really. It didnt look like the apartments anymore. They changed all of it because of the on going project for the stadium that is being put in Vegas. Its a Raiders stadium. It sucks. They already have a Ice Hockey team. Why do you need football team? Its just stupid.

I spotted a Boy with a dog as I turned the second corner. Jacob and Charlie. I park in an empty parking space. We got out of the car and walked over to Jacob. And I whisper to Shawn.

"Did you put our Babies Back in the Carriers," He nods.

"Its weird that you have kids with the one who adopted you," Jacob Said.

"Yeah, and we were blessed with Triplets," Shawn plays along.

"Hi Jacob. This is Shawn. My Biancé," Jacob Laughs and shakes Shawns hand.

"Nice meet you," Jacob and Shawn say in unison.

"Do Men's minds just click together," I jokingly asked.

"Well clearly you're still the dumbass I remember," Jacob says bringing back the good old days.

"Love you too Bro," I rolled my eyes and Charlie decides to bark at Shawn.

"Shawn, this is Charlie," Shawn squats down to pet Charlie.

"Damn Krystal. You went from Dumbasses to a male stripper," I gasp.

"He is not a stripper. I cant drop that low. He is a prostitute," Shawn smirks.

"Babe Im in training to upgrade to Stripper," Shawn gets up and drops down.

"My Point is made," Jacob says and I laugh.

"Take Char off the leash. He's trained," Jacob takes off the leash and Charlie runs toward me.

"Hey. I wanted some Love," Shawn said.

"Too bad Babe. Hi Charlie Ba Ba," I hug him.

"I gotta go home to Bae. Take care of Charlie. And keep in touch with me. I still Love Charlie," Charlie senses the sadness and hugs Jacob.

"I will Jacob. You are always welcomed to come to our place to see Charlie," I go over and Hug him.

"Love you Krystal. And Shawn. Make sure you spoil Krystal with that stripper money," Shawn laughs and bro hugs Jacob.

"I will. You take care of that girl of yours," Shawn says and Jacob nods.

"Love you to bro," He heads toward the car and we wave before he heads off.

"Come on Charlie,"Shawn calls as he opens the car door.

"Shawn. We are having a dinner party tomorrow. We'll say it an engagement party. But invite all your friends and family here and I'll do the same," I say out of nowhere.

"Ok Krystal. Let's go shopping later. Texted your Loved ones," I Love how he wasnt even gonna question or think about it.

"Thanks Babe," I kissed him and we got in the car.

"No problem Angel," Pulled out and went towards home.

As soon as we got to our house I got a call. More specifically from Jacob. I told Shawn it was a call from my manager and walked into My room. I pick up the phone.

"Jacob why are you calling," I say kinda quiet.

"Manager said he scheduled the covers for today," I raise an eyebrow.

"Covers. With an S. Shawn is going to kill me. And we just got engaged. Wait. I signed up for a video too. Just Fucking perfect. What time do I have to be there," I rant to myself.

"ASAP," I rolled my eyes.

"Oki I'll see you in 15 minutes.," I hang up and get changed.

"Krys!" Shawn yells and I walk down stairs.

"Yes?" I put my arms around his neck.

"Andy called to say you had to go to the office. So here are the keys. Love you," He kisses my forehead.

"Love you too," I turn around and leave.

I feel bad for doing this to Shawn. But me and Jacob can be friends. I know not to fuck up anymore. I'm surprised Shawn still wanted to go out after that. But thats what Love is.

When I finally arrived at the studio I saw Jacob's car. You'd think he'd wait outside for me. He hasn't really done much with his career since Millie. So this will be a boost along with his new songs. I parked and get outside the car. I haven't seen this studio in a while. Lets get this started. Jacob should have it all planned out.

"Krys," Jacob calls when I open the door to the building.

"Jacob," I walk over and hug him.

"Kiddo," Andy called from over Jacob's shoulder.

"Hi Andy," I hugged him and he saw my ring.

"Its nice to see Shawn pick you for everything," He referred to the adoption.

"Its called Love Andy. And you should know that. Because you have a wife and kids," He chuckled.

"And you have a Fiancée and kids," Jacob is watch us like we are a TV show.

"Well the four were worth it," I crossed my arms and stuck my nose up.

"You're a weirdo. Let's get to work," Jacob put his hand on the small of my back because I tend to walk into walls, alot.

We walked down the hallway and into the room that was all set up and looked like a log cabin. Reminds me of the treat you better thing. So clearly Andy did that on purpose. I really don't know what songs we are singing. Jacob isn't as organized as he use to be. I have to make sure I get him back on track. He should probably take a break on trying to get a girl and focus on his career.

"So what song are we doing you two," Andy stares at Jacob. So Andy didn't even know which one.

"Three Empty Words is the first one," Ooohh a Shawny Song.

"You did that just for me huh?" I punched his shoulder playfully.

"Yeah, whatever," he smiles.

"Then shouldn't we be outside. You are gonna need a car," Jacob Shrugs.

"Jacob. You are totally unprepared," I say and tug on his arm to go outside.

"Oki Krys. What are we gonna do then?" Jacob rolled his eyes.

"Andy can we use your pick up?" I ignore what Jacob says.

"Yeah," Andy throws his keys at me.

"Thanks. So the plan is: We are going to the pick up for the first part and we are driving down to the park. They play music at a certain spot and we'll go there. And will just go with the flow. Meaning I'll tell you what to do and you'll listen," I stared at Jacob the whole time.

"Oki Boss," I roll my eyes.

"I see where you are going with this Krys. I like the idea. Jacob get into the truck and pull out of the spot. Once you are done with that drive it over there," Andy points to a stop sign and Jacob Nods.

I watched him get situated and do as told before we set up the camera near the side of the car Jacob is on. We give Jacob a unnoticeable mic and will fix his sound later.

"Three," Andy says and counts the rest down with his fingers.

I'm on the other side of the truck walking towards it

"I'll pick you up at the same time
At the same place, the same old drive," I get in the truck *foward camera view*

"We'll just talk about our day
To try to fill the awkward space tonight," We set up to start driving with Andy and his security guard in the car infront. And is in my convertible to do this.

"We'll play the songs we used to love
While we try to fall in love again, oh," Dancing and laughing like idiots in the front seats.

"And we don't who's wrong or right
But we don't even care enough to fight," We go to the spot at the park and sit near a tree.

"We're going through the motions
'Cause we can't fix what's broken
And I know it's gonna hurt
But darling I'll go first
'Cause I won't keep on saying those three empty words
No, I won't keep on saying those three empty words," We play with the grass and get a few shots of him singing like every other scene.

Though we're still talking everyday
I'm running out of things to say to you
What's really gonna break my heart
It's to have to tell your little brother," We take a break and talk waiting for the sun to start setting before taking a couple more shots and getting in the truck.

"It might be easier to stay
But it'll never be the same, no oh no
And if something doesn't change
Then we'll keep on sinking further

Oh oh, we're going through the motions, yeah
'Cause we can't fix what's broken
And I know it's gonna hurt
But darling I'll go first
'Cause I won't keep on saying those three empty words

Those three empty words
We'll only make it worse
I'm tired, I can't take it anymore
Those three empty words
Will only make it worse
We tired, we can't take it anymore," We record moments of the drive back to the studio.

"We're going through motions
'Cause we can't fix what's broken, no
And I know it's gonna hurt
But darling I'll go first
I won't keep on saying those three empty words
We don't have to keep on saying those three empty words
No, I can't keep on saying those three empty words," I depart the car and we say our goodbyes on the camera. Then he finishes the lyrics and we are done.

"Krystal," Andy taps on me.


"Should we do the video and call it a day? Shawns messaging me and asking if you'll be back today," I glance at Jacob.

"Yeah. I'm gonna take a break and call Shawny," I pull out my phone and walk into Andy's office. After two rings he picks up.

"Baby Girl, when are you coming home. Our Babies miss you. And I miss you," Really Shawny.

"Start making dinner in an hour. I'll be home when its ready. But I gotta get back to work. I Love you Shawny," I could hear him get up.

"I Love you too Angel. Bye Baby," I smile.

"Bye Babe," I stare at the screen until he hangs up. Then I make my way to the room we are recording in.

It had a nice white black drop. The lighting was perfect and bright. It had a desk that had art supplies and Merch on it. Then the two chairs. Jacob was in one of them. Andy was helping the camera man set up. I do the most un girly thing possible. I jumped on the tabe and then jumped on my seat when I got close to it. Then I sat down. It was fun though. We had ring light mirrors in front of us. I'm very Vain So that helps me. Eventually Andy does the count down and we get ready. 3... 2... 1...

"What it do. I'm back and it's been a while. I'm here with my Ex Krystal Bennett," I smile at the camera.

"Hi guys. Thanks Jacob for letting me be here. It's nice to see you are back on top of things," He nods to signal he is listening.

"Yeah, with all the drama that was created I thought it was best for a break. So the purpose of this video is to just explain whats been going on since September just to clear the air about everything. Now that we are adults, its good to start off with a clean slate," I nod in agreement.

"Yeah, a lot has happened in a short amount of time. And its best to get out the truth on my side as well," I gotta tell them everything.

"So we are gonna start when you got adopted by Shawn," My phone rings and I put my finger up and answer rings.

"Shawn, I'm in the middle if something," I here him breathe deeply.

"I know. I just wanted to know exactly what you are doing. You can't keep this from me," My phone was totally not on speaker.

"I'm recording a video to clear the air about what happened from September to now," I'm not planning on telling him the Jacob part yet.

"So. You are gonna explain everything," he stretched out the everything part.

"Yes. I can't keep it from them," I can see his expression.

"Ok. I'll see you when you get home," before I could say anything he hung up.

"He is not to pleased," I shrug it off.

"He Loves me. He'll get over it," Jacob is unphased by everything I just said.

"Oki. So you explain the first part of the story. From you getting adopted, to the first time we broke up," Thats great.

"Oki. I was Adopted by Shawn because I was told if I didn't get adopted in 24 hours, I would have to leave the country. Within 15 mintues Shawn adopted me. Then we went out to a dinner to tell his parents that I'm his Daughter, and that's were I met Jacob. I was a huge Sartorian. So I didn't even think much as he asked me out. We continued to date until December. I had a party for my father. And me and Jacob had a wonderful time. I don't know what we were thinking. So as soon as everyone left. Me and Jacob ran upstairs. He pushed me up against the wall. And he was gonna take my virginity. But Shawn came in and kicked Jacob out. I sat there yelling at Shawn when I should've yelled at Jacob. He knew I wasn't in the mindset to make decisions. He was taking advantage of me. The next day I met up with Jacob at a Café. He proposed. I rejected him and went home leaving my purse with Jacob. So smart right? When I got home I called Jacob so he could give me my purse. I open the door to the House and Shawn is there with Ice Cream and 2 spoons. Me and Shawn were upstairs for a little and I was raged. I almost broke the wall. And Shawn was comforting me. I kissed him. We liked it. I went downstairs to open the door and get my purse. Then went on the couch. Me and Shawn became a secret couple after that," Jacob was shocked. His Jaw could've hit the floor.

"I didn't know about that. So I was dating you while Shawn got the feels for you? Damn Krystal. So what happened with Brandon?" I have a feeling I'm gonna be telling the whole story.

"Andy made me have a fake Boyfriend for reasons of his own. And thats what Brandon was. Shawn was staring harshly at Brandon when we did the Livestream together because I was still dating him. So that kept happening until the night of your Concert. I had just came back from Shawn's Concert and preformed with you. I don't know what it was but I looked at you onstage and I felt like we should've never broke up. So I broke up with both the boys for you. Shawn was pretty Lonely, but as long as I was smiling, he was oki. I hate the look on your face right now," His jaw was hung lower, if that was even possible.

"I thought that this story couldn't get more surprising. I was completely blind clearly. So I'm gonna continue this part. And you feel free to comment. Ok, Me and Krystal continued to date for less than a month. And broke up because we got bored. Please tell me that part it right," He looks at me.

"Almost. I agreed to break up with you because Jenna was in the picture. So I was a bit jealous," He throws his hands in the air.

"Is there anything you actually told me," I shake my head.

"I'm pretty self contained. So I'm gonna continue. Me and Shawn started dating again in February. We continued to date. On my Birthday we told his Mom. She was very supportive. And me and Him got engaged yesterday. Also, true fact, He doesn't want me hanging out with you because he is afraid I'll leave him for your ass again," Jacob Looked ready to kill me and I just smiled.

"Ok. Fuck this. So much went on and I was oblivious to all of it. Thanks for the story Krystal. I Thought in a relationship you tell each other everything. But nooooo. Not in Krystal's book. I'm just gonna pretend you said nothing," I roll my eyes.

"Well It's your fault for making this video. And Our Relationship was shit. That's how you know we were not made for each other dumbass," This is how friends get along.

"Ok. Whatever. So that was it for today. I will be posting this video and another one at midnight. Bye guys," He waved at the camera.

"Bye My People," I do a queen wave and we laugh turning off the camera.

"We are done for today. Krystal go home to you Financé. Jacob, stay here for editing," Andy directs and I hug them both before leaving.

I get in the car and drive to the house. Hopefully Shawn doesn't get mad at the video. We don't go to sleep angry. But I'm not gonna stay up to fight with him. Also we just got engaged. So... Yeah.

Eventually I pull into the garage. I could smell the food from here. I'm so glad Shawn can cook. I stepped out of the car and locked the car door as I head inside. I took my shoes off and put the car keys on the hook. And my house key in the bowl. Then I started my journey to the kitchen. I peek in to see Shawn setting up the table. I walk up and hug him from behind. He turns around and hugs me tight. He kisses my neck softly,

"I miss you Baby," He whispered into my ear.

"Calm your hormones Shawn. We should eat dinner," He bit his lips and lick them seductively.

"You are my Dinner," He seemed so serious until he started giggling like a little girl.

"I Love you Babe," I kiss him and he smiled into it.

"I Love you too Angel," He said when we broke the kiss.

"Now, lets eat," I smile and sit in my seat at the table.

"Today's meal consist of Quesadilla's and sour cream. Enjoy," He says putting down my plate and going to his seat.

"You are such a cute dork,"I take a bite of one of the quesadillas.

"Thats what I'm here for Angel," He starts eating.

The rest of our meal had a peaceful silence. He was the first to finish, so he politely waited for me to be done and took our dishes to the kitchen. I start my long journey upstair by getting all four children to follow me. Then up the stairs I went, straight to the bedroom. I put the small kids on the bed and I let Charlie get up on his own. They stay there as I walk into the closet to change. There is really no reason to close the door because we are engaged.

I grab one of Shawn's pj shirts and a sports bra to sleep in. I quickly take of my clothes beside my underwear. Then quicker than that I put on the bra and shirt. Even though Shawn and I are engaged doesn't mean I want him to see me naked. I just wanna wait for that. You know? I walk out and Shawn grabs me by the waist pulling me towards him. I squeal a little as his breathe touched my neck,

"You look so comfy in my clothing," He nuzzled his head into my neck.

"I am comfy. And maybe if you get your cold ass hands off my arm. I'd be comfier," He put his hands on my waist.

"Are you ever gonna let me have my way tonight?" I laugh at him.

"Nope. Cause you are thinking with the wrong head," I winked and he backed off of me. And crossed his arms.

"That's not fair. I give you what you want. Can you give me one thing," I death glared him.

"Bitch I gave you a Fiancé. Also I'll be giving you a Wife," He giggled a little.

"Can I at Least give you a Hickey. So I can Claim you," I put up my ring finger.

"What the Fuck do you think this Ring is for. You dumbass. Now calm your hormones or you are sleeping on the couch," He Whined and jumped in bed.

"You are impossible Babe," He said snuggling Charlie.

"Exactly Shawny. You choose me. Your fault," I went on the Bed and Laid my head on his Back.

"I Love you Angel," He Turned over so I was Laying on his chest.

"I Love you too Shawny," I cuddled Closer to him.

"Now we can sleep. Cause you ruined my fun," I giggle and pull the Blanket over us.

"You're welcome. Good Night," He kisses my head and gets Charlie to turn off the Light.

Soon enough I'm asleep. I know what you are thinking. Charlie is a Dog. How does he turn off the Lights? Its simple, Me and my brother trained him to. All it takes is a Sticky note and Patience...


A million Years Later Y'all get an update. I'm sooo sorry you guys had to wait. Life got in the way. So I'm back. And I'm already working on the next chapter.


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