
(Marie's POV)

A lot can change in a years' time. The entire first year after I left Dewayne was a roller coaster. First with building confidence in myself to be able to make it say to day. To meeting Jamie and trying to keep him out of my life. Then the kids being taken. My emotions going from one extreme to the next sometime with no end in sight.
Once Dewayne was behind bars the dark omen that followed us around disappeared from our lives right away.
Jamie and I didn't wait long to get married. We tied the knot two months later on the banks of our favorite pond on Valentine's Day. Bree was the flower girl and Alex held the rings. Shay gave me away and stood as my maid of honor.
Shay might have threatened Jamie's family jewels if he hurt me in front of the preacher, but I wasn't gonna say a word about it.
Our new family settled into a routine quickly. The kids were happier than I'd ever seen them. That summer Dewayne went on trial. Bree gave her testimony via videotape of what their father made them do. The kids stayed with their Mimi Karen while we had to be in court.
Jamie Ma had insisted the kids call her Mimi since she came over Christmas Day. After all they were gonna be her first grand babies and she couldn't wait to spoil them.
When I got on the stand and told the jury everything Dewayne had put us through, the years he didn't even have the decency to look at me. He couldn't even look sorry let alone say the words. Before I finished the DA asked me if there was anything I wanted to say to the defendant.
"Yes. Dewayne Long I just want you to know that even after everything you put us through I forgive you. I forgive you for being so afraid of love you beat tried to beat it out of us. I forgive you for all the names you called us, because that's what you felt about yourself. I forgive you for showing my kids everything a father shouldn't be making them appreciate the real deal even more. I forgive you, and now I'm going to forget you."
The next day the jury came back with a guilty verdict and the judge gave Dewayne twenty years in a federal penitentiary without the possibility of parole. I had my lawyer terminate his right to the kids that day.
When Jamie and I picked the kids up that afternoon we took them to our pond to break the news to them. Neither Bree nor Alex cried. Instead they thought over what exactly that meant for them and their father. That threw me for a bit of a loop. Alex was the first to break the silence. He just said one word, "Good" in a final way.
After that the kids seemed to change into different people. Bree who was always stand-offish started hugging me more and showing everyone more affection. She had always been scared to show this side of herself around Dewayne for the longest time.
Alex became Jamie's shadow. Wherever Jamie went Alex was right there with him. Weather going to work with him at a construction site to doing chores here on the farm. Alex couldn't get enough of Jamie.
One night that summer Alex was telling me about has and Jamie's day when he called Jamie "Daddy" in his story. Alex kept right along not realizing the bombshell he'd just dropped on us. Jamie didn't bring any attention to it while we were all at the table eating, but that night Alex asked Jamie only to tuck him into bed.
I left the door open a crack and bent down to hide were I could hear what they were saying. Jamie was the first to start. "All right little man you all cozy and snug. Ready for a hard day's work tomorrow?"
"You can count on me!"
"That's my little man!" The sound of them high-fiving came thru the door then nothing for a bit.
Finally Alex spoke, but a lot softer than his spunk for a moment ago. "Can I ask you something?"
"Anything Buddy you know that."
"Well would you mind if I started calling you daddy instead of Mr. Jamie? You're a lot better daddy than the old one was to Momma Bree and me. He doesn't even deserve to be called that anymore."
When Jamie finally spoke he had to clear his throat twice to get the words out. "I'd be honored to be your daddy little man. I promise to always be the best daddy I can for you and your sister. I love you Alex."
"Love you too daddy." Was Alex sleepy reply.
I got up quickly when I heard Jamie coming toward the door. He knew I'd heard what they'd said as soon as he saw my face. My tears were a blinding give away.
Bree was with Alex choice to call Jamie Daddy, but didn't start using it herself. As the weeks passed she almost slipped up a few times while we were all at the dinner table, but caught herself before it could come out.
A few weeks before her birthday we were sitting on the porch swing planning her 11th birthday party. When we were finished we sat in comfortable silence swinging back and forth. Bree obviously had something on her mind and I just sat back and waited on her to tell me what it was.
Once she was ready to share she turned to face me. "Momma, would it be ok if I called Mr. Jamie Dad too? I know he's not our real dad, but that doesn't mean I pray every night he was."
"Oh baby, you can call Mr. Jamie whatever you want. Family isn't always about being related by blood. Sometimes the only person you can count on is a friend you consider family. That help baby?"
"Yea Momma. Thank." Bree had turned into a deep thinker since she came back. She still hadn't told Jamie about her decision when her birthday rolled around. With all her new friends gathered around she opened all her gifts.
When she was finished the girls cheered, but Jamie stopped them. "Hold up, Hold up. Theirs one more. This is something special I wanted to get just from me to you Bree. Your mom doesn't know anything about it." He gave her a badly wrapped large box proving his statement I didn't know about it true. I'd never wrap something like that!
Bree opened the box and just like at Christmas there was a note on top. Bree pulled it out and read it to herself. Next thing I know she jumped up from the table and ran at Jamie. "Yes, Yes, you're really gonna be my daddy!"
My jaw dropped in shock and I reached for the card laying on the table. In Jamie's messy hand writing he wrote her something special.
'My Beautiful Bree, The first time I met you I fell in love with you. You were a perfect little mini version of the woman who held my heart, and the best daughter anyone could ask for. I've looked at you like you were my own since that very first moment. Will you make it official and become my daughter for real?'
Attached were official forms for adoption for both kids to become Bree and Alex Shaw. Knowing that he did this without me knowing anything about it made me love this man even more. He answered Bree's prayers and didn't even know it, like he answered mine not even knowing he was what I needed.
Funny enough that's what brings us back to the court house the Valentine's Day. On the anniversary of the day we promised to love each other for the rest of our lives, Jamie was official adopting the kids as his own.
Finally when we walk out of these doors we will be the Shaw Family. My little family of four. Once Jamie opens his gift afterward they'll all know it will soon be a family of five. With so much more to come.

                   The End.


And it's complete!!!!!! Thank you so much for joining Marie along her journey. I hope you liked this story and the characters I hold dear to my heart.
I've came up with the concept for another story with these characters, but this time it will be Elizabeth and Brandon's story.
I'm in the process of writing something completely different than this, so it will be a bit before I get started. One good thing I have the entire concept written out so once I start it shouldn't take me that long!
If you liked The Year That Changed My Life comment and let me know please.
Thank every single one of y'all for checking out my story again!!!! You have no idea what it means for a redneck with no education pass the 8th grade to hear y'alls thoughts and opinions about my work.
Don't care if it's good or bad. I appreciate both so freaking much!
Till next time folks,

© 2018 Copyright by Callie Sumner. All rights reserved.

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