Alchemy Class
Today was Sun Dragon's first time going to the Alchemy Class. Some people simply called it a science class, but given that most of Skylands's logic is stemmed from Magic as well as the other elements, it is more accurately called the Alchemy Class. Though many Tech and Magic elemental cadets fill the classroom, it is a required class for all cadets to take. Especially for those who were originally inanimate objects or plants. Reason: the class is taught by someone who frequently, and sometimes unintentionally, brings inanimate objects to life. None other then ex-Doom Raider member turned Tech Quickshot class Sensei Dr.Krankcase. He was naturally the lead Alchemist at Skylanders Academy as well as the assistant mechanic to Mags thanks to his knowledge of Alchemy, specifically the gooier parts of it.
Sun Dragon came in and immediately took notice to Jace in the class. He was told by Ivy that Jace was Tech elemental, proof being that Jace had an odd affinity for picking up little odds and ends here and there, mostly nuts and bolts and other small mechanical do-dads.
Sun Dragon: 'Ello Jace. Taking this class are you?
Jace: Oh Sun Dragon. Yeah I take this class. Dr.Krankcase should be here soon. This seat is empty right here if you want to sit by me.
Sun Dragon: Thank you Jace! I'd be happy to! While we're waiting for Krankcase, mind if I ask what your Elemental Class is like?
Jace: Nothing too special. We're either taking apart something and putting it back together or making something out of scrap. Maybe the occasional class project. You know, helping with decorations for events on campus and things. Your's?
Sun Dragon: Lasers, crystals, occasional star talk. That sort of thing, you know. It's already starting to bore me.
Jace: I guess it can be, but you're new here Sun. Wait a while longer and maybe a project will come along for the class. Whenever a big event is fixing to happen here all the Elemental Classes have a part to play. You can wait till then surely.
Sun Dragon: You're right Jace! Thanks for giving me a positive outlook on my class! Usually I'd be the one that's chipper, but it's nice to see you've learned a thing or two from me!
Jace: Anytime Sun.😊
Sun Dragon decided to look around the room a bit so he could see his classmates. The laboratory was large like an actual Earth college classroom, but flatter and more colorful. The tables were set like a lab desk, sink and everything. Sun Dragon saw that, out of the students that had so far shown up, there were a number of Tech and Magic elementals. Two cadets walked in that took Sun Dragon's attention immediately. One looked like a shark on two legs, obviously a Water elemental, and the other looked like a mix between dragon and motorcycle, obviously a Tech elemental itself. The two took a seat by each other at one of the lab desks not too far from him and Jace.
Sun Dragon: Jace, do you know those two over there? The ones that just walked in.
Jace: Um, I don't know neither one of them personally, but I think the shark's name is Fin-Point. I'm not sure about his friend's name though. They seem like loners to me.
Sun Dragon: I can definitely see that being the case for "Fin-Point" over there. He just has that look, you know?
A few more cadets came in and took their seats. The sound of a teenage girl laughing and someone yelling was heard far off somewhere, suggesting there was a chase going on. Before anyone knew it, a blue floating head and a multi-legged creature rushed in the room, followed by some kind of wooden spring-loaded monkey robot thing. Sun Dragon immediately recognized the two of them: Dreamcatcher and Dr.Krankcase. Dreamcatcher had a floating claw holding a vile of green liquid that Dr.Krankcase kept trying to grab. Some of the cadets were laughing and giggling at Dr.Krankcase's suspense. Jace included.
Sun Dragon: I take it this happens sometimes.
Jace:(snickering) Oh, yeah it happens on occasion. Dreamcatcher hasn't quite gotten a grasp on being a reformed villian and all like Dr.Krankcase has, so she loves doing things like this.
Sun Dragon: Oh I see. It is entertaining, not going to lie. Who's the monkey?
Jace: Oh, that's Dr.Krankcase's assistant SpringCarrier. He created him to help him run the class. SpringCarrier is a cadet too, but he prefers to help his maker. It's what he's made for.
Dreamcatcher: Ah come on Kranky, you used to, like, play tag with me ALL the time! Why don't you like it anymore hmm?
Dr.Krankcase: Don't call me that, especially in front of the students! And the only reason I "played tag" with you is because you kept stealing my equipment! Now give my goo back!
Dreamcatcher: Let me think. How 'bout no, lol. Come on Kranky, you need to stretch those... uh, legs, of yours!
Jace: He's going to be at this for a bit.
Sun Dragon: Not if I have a say in the matter. You are the infamous Dreamcatcher yes?
Dreamcatcher: Hm? Are you, like, a fan or something? Either way, yeah, that's me.
Sun Dragon: Figured as much. Mind if I ask you a quick question? Like, what is it like being a floating head? I mean, we all know how Kaos would always use a hologram of his head, and there is the villain Hectore but he is a spirit, but you are an actual floating head. What's it like truly?
Dreamcatcher: It's not as bad as you may think really. I can do just as many things as you all.
Sun Dragon: Oh? Then could you do this? Carrier, spring time!
Sun Dragon then jumped onto SpringCarrier's shoulders. SpringCarrier, already having a good idea of what Sun Dragon was planning, began coiling his main spring as fast as he could. Before Dreamcatcher could question it, SpringCarrier sprung like a jack-in-the-box and Sun Dragon was sent flying. Sun Dragon quickly summoned a single firework to blind Dreamcatcher while he grabbed her floating claw, then landed perfectly on the ground. By the time Dreamcatcher recovered, Sun Dragon had already pried the vile of green liquid from the claw's grip. He gently tossed the claw back into the air to Dreamcatcher.
Sun Dragon: Sorry Dreamcatcher, but they say the hand is quicker than the eye. And plus I believe you have a class to attend by now, shouldn't you?
Dreamcatcher: Meh, I was getting bored anyway. TTYL!
And with that, Dreamcatcher floated out of the room. Many of the students clapped and cheered at Sun Dragon's performance and execution. Sun Dragon gave a quick bow and handed the vile to a grateful Dr.Krankcase.
Dr.Krankcase: Thank you, thank you... um...
Sun Dragon: Sun Dragon doctor. I just enrolled here about a week or so ago. This is my first time in the Alchemy Class. And thank you SpringCarrier for allowing me to do what I did.
SpringCarrier: Anything to help my creator. And I appreciate you warning me ahead of time.
Sun Dragon: Of course. I've already chosen a seat if that's alright Dr.Krankcase.
Dr.Krankcase: Course it's alright Sun Dragon. Sorry that happened by the way. Dreamcatcher can get awful annoying when she's being "playful".😒
Sun Dragon: No need to apologize doctor. She's a teenager and a dream creature, so it's in her nature to be playful and mischievous. She could act worse then that if she wanted to, which you should know she has. Her personality reminds me of a another dream creature with a similar personality which calls itself a Nightmaren, but I can't seem to recall the name of it. No matter, you can start the class whenever you're ready doctor.
Sun Dragon couldn't help but notice that the shark-like cadet "Fin-Point" was looking over at him. He seemed almost... impressed.
Dr.Krankcase soon began the class, which the current topic was on liquid power sources. Using the green liquid Dr.Krankcase had, which was his signature goo, he demonstrated how a magical liquid could power a light bulb. He explained that this was a small model, and that other magical liquids like Quicksilver could power large turbines and whole factories if there was enough. He then gave each cadet a container of Quicksilver and issued a different activity to each lab desk(which if you haven't figured out yet, two students each sit at) so the students can take their own notes on the properties of Quicksilver and how it can be used as a power source. If any of the teams needed help with their individual activities then they can ask Dr.Krankcase or SpringCarrier for help.
During Sun Dragon and Jace's experiment, Sun Dragon realized that "Fin-Point" and his friend both didn't have any hands or arms to use. Sun Dragon would look over at them to see how they were doing. Dr.Krankcase must of already known about the both of them's lack of arms and gave them a relatively hands-free activity. Sometimes Sun Dragon would see Fin-Point use his mouth to pick up a tool or his vile of Quicksilver. Sometimes Sun Dragon would see Dr.Krankcase over at their lab desk to help them, probably due to their lack of arms. After some time, Sun Dragon and Jace were done with their activity, which Sun Dragon did most of the "doing" parts and Jace did most of the writing and more complicated parts.
Eventually everyone's activities were done and soon after that, class was officially out for the day. Dr.Krankcase thanked Sun Dragon again for helping him get his goo back from Dreamcatcher and said that if Sun Dragon had any favors for Dr.Krankcase, he'd be more then happy to do it. After that, Sun Dragon managed to catch Fin-Point and his motorcycle-dragon friend before they went too far from class. Sun Dragon wanted to get to know them like he had done with other cadets.
Sun Dragon: Hey! Hey, um, your name is Fin-Point, yes?
Fin-Point: Yeah, that's right. This is Bike-Trike, in case you were going to ask.
Bike-Trike: S'up man. Saw what you did earlier with Dreamcatcher, and that was real clever of ya!
Sun Dragon: Ah it's nothing really. You just need an acrobatic body to pull it off.
Fin-Point actually tried to walk away, but he only took a few steps before Sun Dragon was in front of him, looking into his eyes.
Sun Dragon: What's wrong pal? Short attention span or something?
Fin-Point:😡 No, I just don't talk much. Unlike you apparently.
Sun Dragon: Oh that's alright. Are you the loner type, or do you just let people think that?
Fin-Point: I wouldn't say I'm a loner, just not into "hanging out" with nutjobs like you. Now if you don't mind, I have some studing to do for tomorrow.
Fin-Point then walked around Sun Dragon and went down the hall. Sun Dragon could tell that Fin-Point was going to be a tough nut to crack.
Bike-Trike: Sorry about him. He's not as awful as he may seem. He just has trouble making new friends.
Sun Dragon: Oh that's fine. I've met people like him. He'll come around eventually I'm sure. By the way, how is it that you are a dragon and look like a motorcycle? Or is it the other way around?
Bike-Trike: Oh,(chuckles) I was actually created by Drobot and Sprocket.
Sun Dragon: Really?!
Bike-Trike: Yeah, they made me to outrun Treadhead in a race. But he got trapped in a cave and, long story short, me and him beat up old Noodles that crazy cyclops.
Sun Dragon:(laughing) Yeah, I hear ya. Say, me and a few of my friends are hanging out later if you want to come. I have a Tech friend who might like to meet you.
Bike-Trike: Sure man, I'd like to! Maybe you can show how to flip and turn in mid-air like you did earlier huh?
Sun Dragon:(laughing) 😂 Alright, you seem persuasive enough. I might show you a trick or two. It's a deal!
And with that, marks a new friendship in Skylanders Academy.
Whew, what'd you think?
Jace and Ivy, along with the other OC characters that appeared back in chapter 3 of this book, were made by Foximator here on Wattpad if you're interested in checking him out.
Fin-Point and Bike-Trike were made by joltiklover on Devaintart.
SpringCarrier is made by me. I drew a picture of him and other OC Skylanders of mine in my Fiction and Fantasy book if you're interested.
I think I have a couple ideas for some extracurricular classes that Sun Dragon could take, but I'm still open to ideas for other classes he could take. I'm also always open to you fellow Skylanders fans telling and asking me to include your OC Skylanders or villians in this book. After all, this book was made for any and all OC Skylanders related characters! Don't be shy!
Oh, and here's a little fun question for you all. Remember what Sun Dragon said earlier about Dreamcatcher's personality?
"Her personality reminds me of a another dream creature with a similar personality which calls itself a Nightmaren, but I can't seem to recall the name of it."
What character was Sun Dragon referring to then? Here's a hint or two: It's a video-game character, plus that Nightmaren part was a huge clue there. You Sonic fans will probably get who it is. Opps, that may have been too much. I'll leave the answer to this in the next chapter.
Also, according to joltiklover, Bike-Trike was legitimately made by Drobot and Sprocket. The reason why I love that is because I actually ship Drobot and Sprocket as a couple, so don't be surprised if Bike-Trike says something about Drobot and Sprocket are like his parents and how he wishes that they get hitched already lol.
Also, some of you may have noticed that, other then as teachers or in occasional appearances, there's no official Skylanders in the Academy. I have my reasons for not including them as students.
1. I wanted this book strictly for new characters attending the Academy. Wanted to give you an idea of what the Skylanders Academy might be like through the perspective of someone new to it.
2. In my imagination, all the Skylanders we play as in the games have either not needed to go to the Academy or have already graduated by the time Sun Dragon attends it.
3.(and this is a good reason I have) Some people ship their OCs with the official Skylanders that either contradicts my shippings or other people's shippings. Example: there's this OC character going around called Mystery, a female dragon Skylander OC, and she's been shipped with Camo for, from what I can tell, no reason. You've already read how Camo is paired with Cynder in this book. However, I'll allow two OC characters to be paired together, especially if their meant to be together by their creators, Like Jace and Ivy by @Foximator. For anyone who has read his content, you'll know that Jace and Ivy are very much a couple in a very loving relationship. Also, in @Foximator's world Ivy is one of Flameslinger and Stealth Elf's daughters, and since many Skylander fans, myself included, consider those two a couple, I allow it. If you do think differently of that coupling(Flameslinger and Stealth Elf that is) then sorry if I've offended you. You get the idea.
There you go. I wanted to bring this up last chapter but I forgot. Anyway, cheers to anyone who can answer my question! Peace!🐉
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