(17) I've Never Felt More Repulsed


I heard a shrill truck's horn break through my tears and the confusion that whirled around my head. I felt hands on my waist and then felt the whoosh of air hit me as the truck flew past. My eyes were squeezed together and my head span. My legs were jelly and I collapsed against the body behind me, my heart pounding in my chest. 

"Millie," I heard repetitively in my ear from behind. My eyes snapped open as I came to my senses. I pulled myself out of Nick's grip and jumped away. I whirled around just as he was about to step closer to try and help me. 

"Stay there," I whispered hoarsely, pointing a finger at him. I placed my fingers on my temples and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as the breeze fanned across my face, cooling my tear stained cheeks. I had to decide what to do. 

Yes, Nick had kissed me. Yes, I had kissed him back. Yes, I enjoyed it. Yes, he was a Wright and kissing him was everything I had been brought up to never even think about doing. 

When I opened my eyes, Nick was staring at me. His brow was furrowed and his dark hair was ruffled. I couldn't pin the expression that was floating around in his eyes. When he saw me looking at him, he began to speak hurriedly. 

"I'm sorry Millie, I didn't mean to do that, it was a mistake," he finished, running his hand through his hair and shaking his head. I nodded at him and furiously wiped away the tears that covered my cheeks. 

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath as my gaze drifted down to the beaten-up, white Converse on my feet. What was I doing?  Nick walked towards his bike which stood a few feet away from us and picked up the helmets. Giving me one more strange look, he held out a helmet for me and shoved his helmet onto his head. I quickly took the helmet and put it on.

Nick climbed onto the bike and I followed suit behind him. In this moment, I felt awkward and uncomfortable, emotions I was not at all acquainted with. Get a grip, Millie, I inwardly scolded myself as I placed my hands on his waist. Nick started the engine and we were off. Memories of what had just happened whizzed around my head and I couldn't close my eyes for fear of it all coming vividly back to me. Soon enough we were flying through the streets of West Side and then Nick stopped the bike.

I jumped off as soon as possible and looked around before tentatively removing my helmet. Nick opened the box lid at the back of the bike and pulled out my boots. I slid off the Converse and started putting on my heels. I had almost managed it without a wobble, but when I did, Nick's hand flew out and grabbed my arm, steadying me. I looked up at him shocked and at first my expression mirrored his. Then that all too familiar smirk fell back onto his face. My eyes narrowed in response and his arm fell from mine. I stood up straight, relishing the familiar feel of my boots.

Nick sniggered slightly as he revved the motorbike engine, "See you around, Ward," he nodded at me through his helmet before speeding off. I scowled in response and walked to my car which I left on the street when I had decided all of this was a good idea. When I got home I was well and truly emotionally drained and ready for bed. 

"There you are, Mills," I heard Todd shout as he walked down the stairs in the entryway as I walked through the large front doors. 

"We were about to start without you," Isaac added as he followed Todd. I inwardly sighed as I remembered that today was out weekly family night. One night every week was designated to family bonding and it involved games, jokes and a whole lot of banter. I smiled lightly and shook my head as I followed them into the family lounge. There were two large L-shaped sofas, three arm chairs and a massive futon in the middle of them all. My family members were scattered around the room and my Uncle Mitch looked up as we entered.

"Good, you're all here," he began, twirling around a pack of cards in his hands, his eyes glinting with mischief. Something told me this wouldn't be any ordinary game of cards. 

"Dad's got some old fashioned card game he wants us to play," Izzy explained to me as I curled up on one of the L-shaped sofas next to her. I chuckled as Mitch opened the pack of cards and began to lay them out. 

"The game's PIT," Mitch explained mischievously, shooting his two brothers a cheeky look. My Uncle Mason grinned impishly, my dad just leaned back into the sofa next to my mother, smiling at the scene in front of him. 

"There's seven commodities; wheat, barley, corn, rye, oats, hay and flax; so we'll split into five pairs and two threes," he began, "Each team will be dealt seven cards, the game is continuous and the aim is to corner your market," he smirked before continuing to explain. The game "pit" ended up involving a lot of shouting, screeching and energy. We were all fiercely competitive and all wanted to be the team with the most points at the end of it. By the time we'd finished playing and were all mentally drained, I fell into bed. The family night had completely distracted me from today's happenings, but as I fell asleep I replayed them in my head. My fingers brushed my lips as I remembered the scariest but most exhilarating part of it all. 


The lunch bell had only just rung and I was already at my locker, fetching my kit for cheerleading practice. You heard it right, folks... cheerleading practice. I'm not going to pretend, I had to stop myself from laughing too, but at the same time, it was something that was important to Cindy, and since she was fully supportive of me on the team, I thought I'd grin and bear it. "

"Sugar, you must have sat in a pile of sugar because you've got a pretty sweet ass," I heard Aiden drawl at me as I pulled my gym bag out of my locker. I sighed as I looked up at him leaning against the locker next to mine, trying his hardest to look cool. 

"Piss off Aiden," I told him bluntly, switching my attention back to my locker in an effort to ignore him. This guy really would not take the hint. 

"Babycakes, you can't deny it that you don't want a piece of me," he laughed to himself pompously. I gritted my teeth. Honestly, Aiden was not a bad person... he was just extremely irritating and was definitely not the guy for me. My thoughts flitted back to Nick for a moment before I shook my head and turned to face Aiden, slamming my locker shut in the process. 

"Honestly Aiden," I began, "I've never felt more repulsed," I deadpanned, before slinging the rucksack onto my shoulder and walking off. Not caring about Aiden's most probable butt-hurt reaction, I did notice, however, the reactions of others. Most were shocked while others chuckled to themselves, as I did. 


"Girls," Arden's shrill voice rang out sarcastically over the team as I crouched down to tie the shoelace on my white Nike trainers. I rolled my eyes, her tone meant something bitchy was about to follow. "It's truly astounding that none of you can do a spread eagle followed by the step sequence in time with each other or the music," she continued to bitch as I stood up.

"They don't fit the music," I sighed, trying my best not to be confrontational. From all my time spent on the team, it was blatantly obvious that Arden wasn't my number one fan. She really, truly disliked me. This didn't particularly bother me, to be honest I didn't particularly like her either, but I tried to make everything I said as unconfrontational as possible. 

"Excuse me?" Arden questioned, flipping a stray strand of hair from her perfectly slicked back pony tail over her shoulder. 

"I mean, instead of what you're suggesting, why don't we try this," I offered up some choreography that had come to me while we had been trying to perfect Arden's 'supreme' choreography. Arden watched me with narrowed eyes and scoffed slightly once I had finished, while the rest of the squad also watched on.

"You think that you can come in here and redo all of my choreography," Arden sneered at me, placing her hands on her hips. 

I didn't like her attitude.

Shit was about to go down, but Cindy interjected, "What Millie's trying to say is that maybe the current choreography doesn't quite fit with out track," Cindy mediated, "Maybe we could try her step sequence and see if it works?" she finished, looking around at the rest of the team for support. 

"I think we should try them, Arden," Gisele, the other vice-captain along with Cindy, piped up. Arden almost gasped and her eyes searched around the room. 

"Does anybody else think we should try Millie's moves?" Arden questioned, seemingly shocked about the turn of events. There were a few nods throughout the crowd of blue uniformed girls. Arden crossed her arms over her chest and centred her attention back onto me. Her eyes narrowed as she decided what move to make next. 

"Fine," her shrill voice broke out as her eyes swept around the room, "We'll do the freaking steps and since you all wanted them, we'll take it from the top; 5, 6, 7, 8..." 

The steps worked well with the backing track, if I do say so myself, and soon the practice was over for the evening. I was walking out to the car park with Cindy and some other cheerleading girls when I remembered that I had left my ear phones in the changing rooms. 

"Shit," I exclaimed, as we all walked down the steps, "I've left my fucking ear phones in the changing rooms," I finished, stopping and shaking my head. Cindy and the girls laughed at my melodrama and we said goodbye to each other as I turned around and headed back inside the school. I power walked quickly down the hallways in the direction of the sports wing of the school. 

I turned a familiar corner when I felt hands on my hips pull me in the opposite direction the the one in which I was walking. The air was knocked out of me and I was pulled into a dark room. 



Hehehehe what has happened XD

If you've got this far, thanks a bunch for reading, please leave a comment letting me know you've got this far hahahaha!!!

Also..... If you ever get the chance to play the game Pit, play it!!! It's such a fun game and a family fave both with my own RL family and the Ward family of course ;) XD 

Much love xoxox 

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