(16) Just A Girl
Okayyy, this is weird.
I'm not going to promise I'm back, but I'm home from uni after completing my first year woo. Basically, I'm determined to finish this book, even if it takes me forever, so here's another chapter for those who actually read this hahah XD
Enjoy!! XD
It was the weirdest sensation. Everything that I was doing was completely and utterly wrong, yet I did it.
Sat on the back of his motorbike as we whizzed through the streets of Edgeport, I watched all the people going about their business. Their heads all turned when the motorbike's engine roared and they stared as they realised Nick Wright was racing down the road with yet another girl on the back. Little did they know who this girl actually was.
Then it hit me, I was just the girl on the back of Nick Wright's motorbike - in their eyes I was just a girl. I smiled to myself and let my body relax as we drove away from the busy city centre and then out of the city. All I could hear was the whoosh of the wind as it enveloped me and the growl of the engine. Closing my eyes, I let all thoughts of my family, school and friends disappear from my mind and I let my head rest on Nick's back.
Soon the engine quietened slightly as we slowed down and finally stopped. My eyes opened and my head shot up, realisation shooting through me. I realised what I had just been doing and I realised that I had no clue where I was or what we were doing. I got off the bike quickly and pulled off my helmet.
"Where the hell are we?" I questioned sceptically, holding the helmet under my arms as I looked around. We were parked right next to a large forest, right on the side of the road. Fortunately, there didn't seem to be any cars on this road. I turned around and faced Nick, since he hadn't replied. I froze as our gazes locked - he had been staring right at me. His brown eyes bored into mine but I couldn't read them.
"What?" I managed to croak out, breaking the silence that had fallen between us. Shock flashed through his eyes and he shook his head slightly and shrugged. He placed his helmet down on the motorbike and walked in my direction.
"You looked cute," he mumbled, shoving his hands into his jeans pockets as he walked past me. My mouth dropped open and my stomach flipped. My eyes widened and quickly I pinched myself, what was happening today?
I glanced over my shoulder as he walked further into the woods. Quickly, I put my helmet down on the bike next to his and hurried after him.
"So you're going to murder me now, right?" I half-heartedly joked once I had caught him up, trying not to let an awkward silence settle over us after what he had just said. He smirked slightly at me.
"You caught me," he began, sucking air through his teeth, "Family orders, I'm afraid," he finished jokingly. I smiled slightly before looking around at the woods. You can kid yourself all you want, Millie, but your families still hate each other, I thought to myself and the smile on my face disappeared. We carried on walking next to each other in a settled silence. My head dropped and my eyes flitted down to the beaten up white Converse that were on my feet. While I enjoyed the comforting feeling of flat shoes, they just weren't my thing.
"So where are we actually going?" I questioned, kicking a pine cone out of my way as we walked on through the woods. Nick didn't give me a proper response, he simply cleared his throat. I glanced up at him but a spectacular sight caught the corner of my eye. Looking straight ahead, I saw a clearing and in the middle there was a small lagoon, with a beautiful waterfall bubbling into it. The water in the lagoon was clear and sparkling in the sun which cut through the trees. There were a few large rocks scattered around the edge of the pool of water but mostly the surrounding grass from the forest faded into yellow sand, which minuscule waves, created by the waterfall, lapped at.
After taking in the stunning sight, I turned back around to Nick, shocked. Nick stood with his hands in his pockets, staring straight at the lagoon. His eyes flitted to mine and he simply shrugged at the confused look on my face.
"I found this when I was sixteen," he began, "I've never seen anyone else come here," he finished as he started walking towards the water. I followed him slowly as he sat down on one of the large rocks which hung over the bright blue pool. Taking in a deep breath, I tentatively sat down beside him.
"Scraped a B then?" Nick's cheeky remark cut through the peaceful serenity of the lagoon. I scowled as my head swung around so that I was looking at him. I pulled my treasured test from the pocket of my leather jacket and unfolded it.
"I did not scrape a B," I remarked coolly, proudly glancing down at the large, red 'B'. Nick chuckled lowly and took the paper from my hands. He began flipping through it as I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them.
"To be fair, it's pretty good," he handed the paper back to me and I smiled proudly at the paper before putting it back into my pocket. "Why are you so desperate to pass Maths, surely what you want to do in the future doesn't have anything to do with it?" he questioned after a while.
My eyes dropped to the rock that we were sitting on, "You know how it is," I began, "Our family companies are built on the freaking subject and if I don't do well in it..." I trailed off, afraid of what I was about to say. I wasn't afraid because I was going to say it to Nick, I was afraid because then I would be admitting it to myself.
"If I don't do well in Maths, my family won't be proud of me," I swallowed and spoke in a quiet tone. When I looked up at a silent Nick Wright, his brow was furrowed and a look of confusion washed over his face.
"So you bring all your conquests here, right?" I joked after a while and changed the subject, chuckling at the bubbling waterfall and the peaceful lagoon. Nick raised an eyebrow at me silently, which I reciprocated, before he looked back out to the pool and sighed slightly.
"Honestly, Ward," he began, taking a deep breath, "You're the first person I've ever brought here," he finished. In the moments that followed his confession, I felt like the air had been knocked out of me. Shocked, I turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow cheekily.
"Okay, so I'll also be the first person you tell about those thugs from the alleyway," I spoke quietly, hugging my legs into my chest further. He turned back to look at me and for a moment I got lost in his brown, chocolate eyes - I felt like I was swirling around in those beautiful orbs - Millie, what?! I blinked and internally smacked myself as Nick sighed.
"It's too complicated to explain," he started, shrugging, "I just got involved with those guys and then it's tricky to get out and get away from them..." he trailed off, shaking his head.
"Those two are in jail now," I started, but Nick scoffed.
"They're Pretory Gang members. They won't be in there long. Sure, they won't say anything while they are in there, but soon enough they'll be free," he stated, "The Pretory has members or 'brothers' everywhere," his face screwed up and his eyes narrowed as he half spat the word, staring into the lagoon.
"You were a 'brother'?" my voice had dropped close to a whisper now as I questioned him. I watched Nick swallow visibly and turn to face me, a strange emotion which I could not understand filling his eyes.
"I was," he replied, his voice a husky, deep whisper now. In that moment, Nick was staring right at me. I was captivated. Every inch of my body was entranced by his eyes, his nose, his hair, his mouth - his whole face - and I couldn't move. A small breeze flowed past us and his dark hair ruffled slightly. Nick moved closer to me and I could now see each and every individual freckle that adorned his face.
His eyes searched mine as he continued to move closer. As much as I should protest, I couldn't. I watched as his brown eyes flickered down my face to my lips. Before things could register, he softly brushed his lips across mine. Unintentionally, I kissed him back,my eyes closing. My whole body was screaming but I couldn't deny how perfect his soft lips felt on mine. Then his hand fell onto my waist and my eyes shot open.
I was kissing Nick Wright.
"What- What the fuck?!" I half shouted at Nick and half shouted at myself as I ripped myself away from him and jumped down off the rock. Three words raced through my mind as I sprinted through the woods - "Oh my god". Tears began to fall down my face freely as I ran faster in the direction that I thought would lead back to the road.
Deception. Liar. Betrayal.
"MILLIE!" I heard in the distance behind me. Fuck! I screamed inside my head and more tears flew from my eyes. I could see the road right in front of me, heard a truck's horn faintly, but I couldn't stop running.
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