Chapter 9: A Dish Served Cold

Chapter 9: A Dish Served Cold

Seán McLoughlin

I looked through the scope of the sniper, and zoomed in on my friends who were carefully making their way down the sloped hill and into their position, Felix approaching the concrete wall on the front lawn, and Mark heading to the garage where the backdoor entrance was. After confirming their positions, I moved over to surveying the area.

I had chosen a vantage point where I could see the left side of the house, with the front entrance to my left and the back entrance to my right where there was the garage.

The mansion had two floors, it had a front lawn that had a hedge running around the surrounding concrete wall. The windows were covered with red curtains, making it impossible for me to see inside. Just past the main gates were two vans, and Felix was a few steps away from them and near the front lawn where four men were roaming around. The front lawn was wide, a person had to go a little ways to reach the main door, and same for the garage at the back.

"I see four guards at on the front lawn, they're all carrying assault rifles and wearing body armor." I notified the two, before continuing the task of scanning the area.

"So I guess Cry's been busy these past months gathering a bunch of expendable dipshits as his bodyguards." Mark's deep voice ringing through my ears.

"There are three by the garage near M. A single SUV is parked there, it's Cry's car." I added, "I saw two at the side of the house, the left side that is."

"Don't worry about that, S. As long as you clear us a path inside, we'll take care of the rest." Felix assured. "I'm going to the vans now."

I moved up the first floor balcony where I saw one by a satellite dish holding a device linked to it. "One guy is using a radio."

As I look through the reticle, I set the crosshairs on the head of that guy and pulled the trigger, watching a hole burst through the guy's head and spray blood at the dish.

"Radio guy is down. And it's a fucking mess, look at all that blood!" I declared, then shooting a hole through the dish itself before moving over to the side of the house where two guys were conversing, unaware that I had begun thinning the herd.

One of them was blocking my full view of the other guard. Aiming again for the head, I shot, the bullet went in the back of the guy's head then hitting the second squarely in the face. An even bigger spray of blood painted the wall behind them.

"Oh yeah! Two birds, one stone!" I pumped my fist.

"The first van has been rigged." Felix updated. I moved to where he was and spotted him hiding beside one of the vans.

"I'm clearing the path for you first, M." I advised, focusing on the garage at the backyard.

I aimed at the man nearest to Mark who was hiding just behind a tree a few feet from the driveway into the garage. Mark leaned against a boulder and equipped his carbine rifle.

"What next?" Mark asked.

"He's walking closer to where you're at, if you could lead him away from his friends, I can pick him off." I replied.

"Copy that." He acknowledged.

I watched him move away from his spot, but not without creating some kind of distraction that eventually caught the guard's attention. Mark hid behind a bush far from where he begun as the man approached him.

"Just a little more." I said, my finger hovering over the trigger keeping the crosshairs on the head of the man.

In a split second, the man's brains were blasted out of his skull, splattering all over the ground.

"One down, two to go. Start advancing, M."

The Korean-American cocked his gun and approached crouching behind the bushes that led all the way to the garage doors. I followed him then quickly shifted my targets at the remaining two goons.

One was standing near the back entrance while the other one was roaming around, his hand reaching to his earpiece. He appeared alert, he was mouthing, "Are you there?"

"I think the guy's starting to notice." I whispered.

"I'll lead him away." Mark said.

"Hey, there's a guard coming up where I am. Should I engage?" Felix said, followed by the sound of his footsteps walking on the dirt road.

"Hang on a sec." I set my sights on the front lawn and on Felix who had just evaded being captured by hiding at the front of the van where a guard had rounded the back and quickly approached the front. I fired at the head of the man, killing him instantly.


"Don't mention it." I radioed in.

Mark Fischbach

The man walked closer and I took steps back, using the bushes as cover. I scampered back to where the corpse of the first dude lay and quickly dragged the body behind the boulder, his feet dragging against the dirt enough to attract the approaching guard like a dog sniffing a trail.

Despite all the weight of the weapons bearing down on me, I managed to be quick and agile, trained in prison and most of my adult life to have added weight while traveling.

"That's it." I whispered, hearing the crackle of the grass under his boots. I kept backing up to the right side of the boulder crouching as low to the ground as possible while the man was coming from the left.

I saw his shadow appear on the ground, "Kane, where are you?" The man asked.

"Kane, where are you?" Then his voice came from the earpiece of the dead man beside me. The man had his gun prepared as he slowly walked closer and I quickly equipped my rifle and aimed for the spot where the man would appear. He finally came, quickly turning to his left the looking down to face me.

We met eye to eye in a split second just before a hole burst through his head and shattering the aviator shades he was wearing, with the power of the 55 caliber bullet causing his body to jolt forward.

"Nice shot." I said.

"Thanks." Seán responded.

In the corner of my eye, there was sa shimmer coming from the shattered glass. The third man was sneaking up behind me.


I quickly turned around and used my feet to knock him off balance and kick off the gun in his hand. He retaliated by grabbing my foot and twisting it. I yelled through gritted teeth and followed with the direction he turned my foot. I rolled on the ground and kicked his hand from my foot before going to his face and kicking him several times casting his earpiece away from him.

"Shoot him!" Felix spoke.

"I can't! I might hit M!" The Irishman replied.

My hands pushed me up to stand as I turned to him, seeing him crawl for his gun. I dove in after him and wrapped my arm around his neck and got him in a chokehold. He wheezed as I pulled his chin up almost to the breaking point of his spine.

But then he got hold of a rock and swung it up at me.

My face took all the impact as the bits of rock shattered on my face and grazed against my cheek and my ear. The world around me shook, the high pitched ring flooded my ears once again making me lose my grip on the man and writhe on the ground in pain.

"Shit! I can't see them! They're behind the rock!" Seán shrieked.

This time, he had me pinned down, his knees keeping my arms fastened on the ground. His hand wrapped around my neck and bore down on it, squeezing the air out of my lungs. He also began throwing punches at my face, and I took every blow.

I fought back, using all my strength to swing a punch at him. I finally landed one powerful punch at his face, momentarily disorienting him and giving me the chance to use both my hands to lift him up to get into Seán's view.

He was groggily swinging back at me, but I kept him at bay until a sniper bullet put him down for good.

"Are you alright?" Seán asked.

I got to my feet and wiped the blood dripping from my nose. "I've been through tougher fights than this." I picked up my weapon and made my way to the garage door and beside the parked SUV. "I'm here."

I went to the side of his car and ducked under the fender looking under it for a great spot to rig the bomb. I removed one remote-detonated sticky bomb from my bandolier and stuck it just under the gas tank.

"This one's good to go too, S." I said.

"Fuck..." The Irishman said.

"What?" I asked.

"They saw the body on the balcony."

"Let's hit them with all we've got." I replied, crouching behind the van, readying my gun, and taking a frag grenade from my arsenal.

"Take care of the rear, M. I'm meeting them head on, it's now or never." Felix exclaimed, "Cover me, S!"

Felix Kjellberg

"Cover me, S!" I yelled, stepping out of cover and running towards the guards. I aimed at the men and pulled the trigger, unleashing a shower of bullets at them as I moved closer to the wall.

"IT'S FELIX! SHOOT HIM!" One of the guards bellowed, "Protect the witness at all costs!"

I dashed behind the wall as quick as I could, but not before seeing one of them take a bullet to the head from Seán's sniper.

"Good shot!" I radioed in.

"SNIPER!" A guard yelled, "WE HAVE A SNIPER!"

My heart raced with anticipation, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I took out a frag grenade and pulled out the ring with my teeth. With a large grin on my face, I hurled the bomb at the men with a powerful yell, seeing it fall next to the nearest guy.

I hid back into my spot and heard a loud explosion that rocked the ground beneath my feet, along with the pained scream of the man who was within the proximity of the blast zone.

"I got your back!" The Irishman replied, the energy and excitement was felt in his tone.

Mustering the courage, I stood up and showered them with even more bullets, feeling every recoil of the gun on my shoulder while I quickly moved around from their sights.

The windows of the house were now open, and more men had their guns out and firing at me.

"FUCK!" I hid back as pieces of wall exploded into debris and showered on me.

Suddenly, there was a yelp from one of the men then a thud.

"Stay where you are!" Seán advised, "I'm just clearing out the lawn." Another pained gasp came. "Another one down!"

There was another explosion, but it came from the backyard.

"I GOT ACCESS!" Mark announced, "Fuckers didn't even see me coming!" It was then followed by gunshots coming from his side, "COME ON YOU FUCKERS!"

Mark's yells was heard from our headsets, he was screaming on the top of his lungs while firing his weapon, "Come at me, COME. FUCKING. AT ME!"

The remaining guard outside moved back towards the front door. "I repeat, protect the witness at all costs!"

It was the moment I felt very much empowered by rage, grief, and desperation. My thirst for blood would never be satisfied unless it was Cry's blood. I was letting my insanity get the best of me, as all of this was his fault, the man I once trusted with my life, Cry, double crossed us and murdered everyone we ever cared for. He must pay for what he had done.


"The area's clear. Go, F!" Seán said.

"I'll meet you inside!" I said, running out and charging at them. I ran towards the door, reloading my gun then firing at them, they shot back, and one bullet managed to hit me squarely in the chest and on the armor. I was pushed aback, but it didn't stop me from pushing forward.

"NONE OF YOU ARE GOING TO STOP ME FROM KILLING CRY!" I shrieked, shooting one guard to my right in the head then raining bullets on the one in the adjacent window.

"What's your status, M?!" I asked.

"I'm in the kitchen!" Mark replied and two explosions were heard from inside the house.

I made it to the front porch when suddenly, a bullet missed the armor and shot through my right shoulder. I screamed, dropping my gun as a burning pain came from the fresh wound as warm blood leaked from it. Through gritted teeth, I searched for the source of the bullet and found the guy who was in the window to my left.

"STOP RIGHT THERE, FELIX!" He said, "I got this aimed at your head!"

I did not move and broke eye contact with the man, who had a fierce look on his face as he tightened the grip on his gun.

"You think you and your friends will get any further?" He taunted.

"I believe we can." I fought back, still not moving, however, my fingers were reaching for the pistol in my holster.

"Not when I'm-"

He was silenced by a bullet to the head from behind. He slumped on the windowsill with blood dripping from a large gaping hole on the back of his head.

"Blah, blah, blah. Fucker talks too much." Seán said through the radio, "You alright?"

"Yeah." I grunted, taking a painkiller syringe from my pocket and injecting myself with it, "Argh! I'm good." I sighed upon feeling the numbness on my shoulder. Then I took out a piece of cloth and put it on the open wound. "I had it covered, though." I scoffed.

"Sure you had." Seán laughed.

"I'm checking the basement, I saw men running down there." Mark's voice came from the headset.

"Are there any more guards in the living room?" I asked.

"Most of them ran upstairs." He replied.

I picked up my gun and placed it on my left arm, since my right had sustained injuries and could not function properly.

"I'm going in." I said, approaching the front door and rigging the knob with a sticky bomb. The door was blown in by the bomb, sending it flying to the set of the main staircase.

The house was obviously large, with the floor covered in velvet carpet, it was filled with elegant furniture, and the scent of cigars were up in the air. Right in front of me was a set of stairs leading up to the second floor.

"I'm inside too." I said again, keeping my gun pointed at that direction.

Then I heard footsteps coming from behind, I quickly turned around and caught a glimpse of the guard hiding behind a pillar. I dashed to the nearest wall as the guard leapt out of his spot and shot at me.

I took out another grenade and hurled it at him. A loud bang came next along with pieces of debris falling to the carpeted floor.

Another man showed up from the kitchen and was directly in front of me. I fired at him, my left hand not making it easier for me to aim. As he ran, the lifted up the target of the gun and managed to blast his head.

"Fucking goons." I said, "I'm sick of killing these fucks, where's Cry?!" I yelled, sticking out my gun and blind firing at the other man who was unaffected by the explosion.

Then my gun clicked. I was out of ammo.

"FUCK!" I took my last magazine and reloaded my gun.

"M, how are things there?" I inquired, pushing the earpiece into my ear a little deeper.

There was no reply.

"M?! Are you there?!" I began panicking, but not before executing another guard who appeared at the top of the stairs. "M?!"

My thoughts were now thinking of the worst.

"M!" Seán called for him as well.

Still no reply from Mark, his side has remained silent.

"Fuck me, he ain't responding!"


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! What was your favourite part?

Votes are always appreciated and we hope you're looking forward to the next chapter!

Stay tuned!

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