Chapter 7: That Special Someone

Chapter 7: That Special Someone

Seán McLoughlin

I stayed in the corner curled up, my knees folded to my chest, staring into empty space, ignoring the noise made by the frogs and the crickets outside. My hair was drenched, and sweat was pouring down the side of my face mixing with the tears I had shed the past hour.

"Seán," I heard a female voice utter my name, echoing through the living room, it sent chills down my spine. It was like music to my ears, it felt like I haven't heard that voice in ages.

I wiped my tear-stained face and looked around, searching for where the voice was coming from when suddenly, in the corner of my eye, there was a slender figure of a woman in the dark kitchen.

A sound of footsteps grew louder, her heels clattering on the tiled floor, she was making her way to me. As she drew nearer, the light vividly illuminated her facial features: she had golden brown hair, red pouting lips, and bright blue eyes.

"S-Signe?" I mumbled, my heart skipping a beat.

She smiled and lovingly looked at me. I reached out my hand to hold her.

Then there was a gunshot, my girlfriend's cheerful grin suddenly turned to shock. Her plain white shirt was splattered with blood.

She made a pained gasp.

"S-Seán?" It was the only word she could mumble as her knees buckled.

"N-no-NO!" I caught her in my arms and gently laid her on the floor, "Signe? No! No!"

She looked at me, a single tear seeping from the corner of her eye, she held out a trembling hand and softly caressed my cheek, "B-be strong for me, S-Seán. Remember that I-I love you... so much."

"I-I will, Signe." Tears once again began to drip down my face. "I-I love you too, baby."

She gave a weak grin. And after that, her hand slumped on the ground and her eyes were left expressionless.

"NO! GOD, NO!" I screamed, running my fingers through her hair. I pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arms around her motionless body. Her skin was cold as ice. I sobbed and kissed her cold cheek, "Please come back... come back... SIGNE!" My scream echoed in the room yelling out her name over and over.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shoulder, making me gasp and flinch. It was Felix.

"Seán, are you okay?" He asked. Kneeling on the floor dazed and confused, I glanced at my arms.

There was nothing. Signe wasn't there.

"I-I..." I struggled to speak, "Y-Yeah."

"Are you sure?" He replied.

"Y-yes." I bowed my head and sniffed.

"I'm sorry, Seán." Felix crouched beside me, "I promise you will show him no mercy."

"That fucker must pay." I said through gritted teeth. "I swear to God, when I see him, I'll fucking-" I balled my hands into a fist, but took a deep breath, "Keep calm, Seán, keep calm."

"He will." My friend squeezed my shoulder, "Now, go get some rest, you need it." He advised, reaching out his hand to pull me up.

I stood up, "I'm fine." I sighed, "And besides, I can't wait for the big day tomorrow. We must be in our best selves when we show up." I sniffed, "And I should've brought me lucky charm."

"You always had to make jokes, eh?" Felix smirked.

"It's a way to brighten up someone's day." I scoffed. "Where's Mark?"

"I think he's downstairs."

"Mark?" I called out, looking down at the basement.

Mark Fischbach

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as I limped through a dark alleyway. Behind me were bright blue and red lights and the voices of people screaming my name behind a megaphone ordering me to stop.

Gunshots were heard, bullets flew past my shoulder. It was then that I noticed that someone was helping me run, and I had my arm around the person the entire time. It was a woman who had obsidian hair, short and skinny stature.

I looked down and saw my stomach bleeding profusely.

"Hang tight, Mark. We'll make it out of here." She spoke.

Her voice made my heart leap with joy. Rebecca.

A smile instantly formed on my face.

We went around the corner and she pressed me against the wall, "Stay put,"

I opened my mouth to utter, "Becca, I-"

She turned around to look at me, I met her bluish green eyes that were always mesmerizing, "Yeah?" She replied.

"I don't think I can make it." I said, feeling the pain in my stomach get worse.

"N-No, Mark. Be strong for me, okay?" She pressed our foreheads together, "Give me the detonator."

"Becca, no... I-I don't want you to do this."

"It's the only way!" She said.

"Please, I-I can't lose you too." I cleared my throat, "I love you."

She drew closer, her eyes welling in tears, "Don't make this harder than it already is."

"B-Becca, I can't let you do this!"

Her gentle hand rubbed my cheek and pulled me closer. Our lips met, her tender lips pressing against mine sent a huge wave of bliss and sadness, knowing that this would be our last time together. I ran my fingers through her thick hair and pulled her even closer.

She suddenly pulled away, and snatched the detonator from my hand, "Keep fighting, Mark, keep fighting until the day you die. Go on, avenge those who didn't deserve to die, I'll always be with you no matter what."

I was speechless, sobbing, having a firm grip of her hand.

"I love you, Mark, goodbye." She took off, running back at the pursuing officers.

There gunshots, followed by a high pitched ringing pierced my ears. I closed my eyes and covered my ears, praying that the ringing would stop.

It suddenly stopped. It was replaced by sounds of dripping.

I opened my eyes and found myself at the basement of Aaron's house, with Aaron still tied to his chair heavily beaten and half awake. I ran my hand through my hair and tried to recall the dream I just had. I brought up Rebecca's necklace and kissed it.

"I miss you, Becca." I sniffed. I stood up from my spot and circled around Aaron, who was following me with his eyes, "Do you know what it feels like to lose someone you love?"

Aaron did not reply.

"Oh, I forgot, you don't, because you are one cold-blooded motherfucking reptile." I took out my gun and pressed it under his chin, "And reptiles like you don't deserve to live."

"Go on, kill me, then." He spat through his swollen cheek. "I'm no longer useful to you guys anyway."

I had my finger on the trigger, ready to end that poor bastard's life.

"Do it!" His voice faltered.

"Mark?" I heard irishman call from upstairs.

"I'm down here." I replied, putting my gun back into my holster, "I'll be up in a sec." I took a deep breath of air, "You are one lucky asshole, you know that?"

I balled my hand into a fist and hurled it into his face, knocking him out. I ignored the pain in my knuckles as I went up to the living room, joining the two waiting for me there.

"I'm here." I spoke.

They turned around to look at me, "Good, come." Felix said, gesturing us to the kitchen table where there were various equipment and a roughly-sketched map of our target's so-called hideout. We surrounded the table, "Now we've got the outline of the house, we have to act fast."

It was past three in the morning, the air was cold and the skies were still dark. Very few cars were driving on the road, their headlights shining on the dimly lit streets.

"Look." Seán said, showing me an article on Aaron's phone.


November 24, 2016, a prison riot in New Jersey State Correctional Facility sparked, injuring countless prisoners and police officers. Unbeknownst to the attending officers, this was used as a distraction by three notorious criminals as they performed one of the most daring escapes in New Jersey history. The convicts were recently identified as: Felix Kjellberg, Mark Fischbach, and Seán McLoughlin, were sentenced to life in prison for the murder of countless police officers all over the United States of America three months ago. The three escaped dressing up as a jailer, using a prison van, and evading police custody after their vehicle plummeted into the Hudson River. They were later spotted on the road in a stolen grey sedan driving to Los Angeles...

"They're onto us." I said flatly.

"Which is why I planned ahead," Felix replied, "We have the guns and we have the layout of the house, it's just a matter of executing it."

"How do we get there?" I asked.

"We use the sewers, it's the only way out of this city since we're now placed under lockdown."

"Okay, now we have that one planned, how will we storm his place knowing that it'll be crawling with police officers?"

"Oh, boy-o, I've got that one figured out ages ago, and by ages ago, I mean earlier today." Seán interjected, hanging a sniper around his torso.

I smirked, "Isn't that the same sniper we took from-?"

"-the prison? Yes." A smile formed on the irishman's face, "I told you it'll come in handy."

"You're full of surprises, Jackaboy." I scoffed.

"I thank thee." He did a small bow.

Felix also had a smirk on his face, "Seán will find a good vantage point overlooking the house so he could clear the roaming guards and also the ones who will try to escape."

"What about me?" I asked.

"You will come from the rear, while I attack from the front. While Seán's doing his job, you and I will rig their vehicles with explosives just in case they try to escape on wheels."

"Sounds like a plan." I nodded.

"And when we reach the inside - BAM! - we give 'em whatever we got." Felix said.

My heart raced with anticipation, "We'll give 'em hell."

"And once one of us manages to find Cry, don't kill him... yet." Felix said hesitantly, as if those words were hard to utter, "I want all three of us to be there when his time comes."

"And I want it to be slow and painful." I added.

"We're gonna make him disappear," Seán spoke, "-to be off the radar... once and for all."


Heya guys, Ashie here, I'm extremely sorry for the late upload, my head hasn't been in a good mindset recently and I've been trying to work through some of my problems. Also I am currently in the middle of my exam week so despite not seeming to be stressed or anxious, I kinda am haha.

Anyways I will try to keep a diligent schedule for this story and both Migz and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :-)

Stay tuned and...


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