Chapter 6: Desperate Measures

The Marked Man
Part Two.

Graphic Content. Read at your own risk.

Chapter 6: Desperate Measures

Felix Kjellberg

Aaron was in for the fright of his life.

He made an inaudible gasp as the expression of fear and surprise was evidently seen on his face. His fingers trembled as he slowly stepped backwards, eyes darting from side to side.

"Hey, man, how's it goin'?" I tilted my head to the side, a smile forming on my face. "I missed ya!"

"Felix... wh-what are y-you doing here?" Aaron stuttered, clutching his phone tightly.

I stood up and scratched my beard, "I figured that we should stock up on weapons before we go on a hunt for a marked man."

The man flinched as I slowly take a few steps towards him, "W-we?"

"Yes, the gang's back together!" I proudly declared, running my hands along the barrel of my shotgun, "The unholy fucking trinity is back at it, and we've got a mission to finish."

Aaron had his hands behind his back as he pressed against the shelf where a bunch of books were. He was cowering at my stance as I kept on taking steps towards him.

"Sadly, we don't know where to start." I frowned and sighed, running my hand on my clean shaven head, "We need your help with this, Aaron."

"Also, don't bother reaching for your gun in your drawer-" I pulled out a semi-automatic pistol which belonged to him, "-I got it right here."

Aaron turned pale. "What d-do you want?"

"I wanna talk."

"So talk." He replied.

"Let's get to it, then. Mark? If you please." Mark appeared behind Aaron with a vase and smashed it on his head. The man fell to the floor dazed, with fragments of shattered porcelain in his hair.

I immediately picked up his phone and slid it in my pocket. Mark then forced the man's hands to his back as Seán pulled out a length of steel wire and wrapped it around them.

"To the basement." I said, walking along a hall that led to the door of the basement of the house. Mark carried the man on his shoulder while Seán locked all the front doors and checked if the coast was clear.

I led us down a narrow set of wooden stairs going into the basement where he has stored all of his weapons. With one flick of a switch, the lightbulbs flickered on, illuminating the place and revealing his secret weapons stash, there was a wall that had various types of ammunition, from 38-mm pistols to heavy assault rifles. I dragged a steel chair from a nearby table and brought it to the center of the basement.

Mark tossed the man on the chair and Seán begun tying him to it, wrapping the steel wire around his chest as tight as possible. He then did the feet, binding them on each leg of the chair.

"Hey," I slapped him on the cheek and forced him to look at me, "Do you fucking think that we'd let you two fucking get away with all of this?" I said through gritted teeth, "I don't fucking think so."

"It's time to pay for your mistakes, my friend." Mark said as the two of them joined me in surrounding Aaron.

He took a deep breath, "Do it, then, kill me." He said, his eyes darting at the weapons stash behind us, "You've got a lot of weapons to choose from."

Seán guffawed, "Oh no, Yamimash, we need you alive. Because you're gonna bring us to him."

Aaron smirked, "You'll never get anything from me."

"We know you'd say that." Mark said before punching him squarely in the face.

Blood sprayed from Aaron's nose from the powerful blow. He screamed loud, his yelp echoing in the basement.

"Where the fuck is Cry?" I asked, raising my voice.

"Eat my shit." He mocked.

This time, I punched him, "We could do this all night if you want."

"Fuck you."

Mark landed a punch again, causing a bruise to appear around Aaron's cheek. The man bowed his head, moaning in pain as blood dripped from his nostrils and onto his shirt.

"This one's a tough nut to crack." I mumbled, pulling on the strands of his hair. "Tell us where he is, and we'll let you live."

He swallowed, face swelling from the bruises, "You won't even get to him even if I tell you."

Mark went for his stomach. Aaron shrieked.

"You got a deathwish, do ya?" Seán interjected, having a smile on his face.

The man suddenly scoffed and spat out blood, "Pretty much like your precious girlfriend."

The Irishman's smile immediately faded, "What?"

Aaron looked up at Seán with a sinister smile on his face, "Signe, isn't it?"

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER?" Sean bellowed, his eyes beginning to water.

"I remember it like it was yesterday, she was pleading for her life as I shot her. It was messy, everything was red. There was blood everywhere, she was swimming in it."

My jaw dropped and so did Mark's.

"N-no..." Seán's voice faltered.

"Yes, you Irish fuck, I killed her... your pretty little Signe."

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Sean lunged at him and repeatedly hurled his fist at his face, wailing in despair as he did so, tears uncontrollably flowing down his eyes. "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!"

Mark grabbed Sean and pulled him away from Aaron, "Seán!" Mark bellowed.

"LET ME GO!" He struggled, attempting to break free from Mark's grasp, "HE FUCKING KILLED MY SIGNE!"

Mark held onto him tightly until he fell to his knees, breaking down in tears. This was the first time I saw him cry, as he was the most cheerful person I'd ever known, and to see him that way felt so wrong...

I knelt beside the two, putting my arm on Seán's shoulder, "Seán-"

He opened his eyes and looked at me, it was bloodshot and still welling with tears. His nose was flushed, and he was sniffing loudly. He laid on the floor for a brief moment with Mark still having his arm around him.

"Let me go. I'm going back upstairs." He suddenly stood up.

Seán McLoughlin

He killed Signe. My Signe. Those words kept playing over and over in my head as I marched away from Felix and Mark. I went up the stairs and got to the kitchen, stopping on the sink to wash my face. I splashed cold water onto my face to wash away the tears. I took a deep breath and cupped my face with my hands.

"NO!" I screamed, banging my hand on the marble counter, "No. No. No!"

The next thing I knew was that I was banging my head on the overhead cabinet, I didn't mind the pain it caused. My hands were already reaching for the nearby objects and hurling them towards the ground. Plates smashed, knives scattered, and glass panels shattered, I didn't care.

She had nothing to do with this.

My eyes were shut the entire time, an image of her smiling at me formed in my thoughts. "I'm so sorry, Signe." I said, my voice raspy and low, trying to hold back my emotions.

"Seán." Mark's voice came from behind me, along with the feeling of his hand squeezing my shoulder. "I'm so sorry." He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly as a sign of comfort in which I hugged back.

I pulled away, "She didn't deserve to die." I mumbled.

"I know."

"And neither did the others. They didn't deserve all of this." I said firmly, anger sparking within me.

"Yeah." Mark ran his fingers through his hair, while his other hand held the play button necklace that once belonged to Rebecca.

Then out of nowhere, I had hatched a plan, "Come with me."

"Where are we going?" Mark raised an eyebrow.

I took a deep breath, my heart pounding with excitement, "I have an idea."


A few minutes later, we had gone back down the basement. And with us were some equipment that Mark and I gathered from various parts of the house. Felix looked at us, a slight confusion was seen on his face.

"What are those for?" He asked.

And behind Felix was Aaron with a scarf covering his mouth.

"That fucker won't talk. I'm just gonna step up our game." I grinned at the captive man. I approached him and slapped his face before pulling down his gag, "Hey, bro. I have something for ya!" I said cheerfully, pulling on the strands of his hair for him to look at me.

"Surprise me." Aaron spat.

I smiled, "Oh boy, won't you be surprised." I jumped merrily and walked back to the nearby table where Mark had laid out the tools, "Now tell me something, Yamimash. Have you ever played Grand Theft Auto V?"

Aaron did not reply.

"There was that one mission there, the controversial one." I kept my wide grin as Felix and Mark watched, "The one where they torture the fucking shit out of someone?"

The man's eyes widened.

"Today's your lucky day, boy-o. I'm giving you the privilege of experiencing it for yourself!" I cheered, letting my insanity take control.


I placed my hands on my waist and gazed at the tools. "Hmmm..." I scratched my beard, choosing among the weapons of malice.

"Eenie-" My hand hovered above a pair of metal pliers.

"-meenie-" I pointed to a tank filled with water.

"-miney-" A long monkey wrench.

"-mo." I stopped on a pair of alligator clips rigged to a car battery. "It's perfect!" I said, carrying the battery with me as I walked back towards Aaron. "Get that shirt off of him, Felix. He won't be needing it." I ordered. My friend tore Aaron's clothes off with one slash of his knife. "Now, let's see if you can handle an electric current coursing through that body of yours." I said, touching the positive and negative clips together creating a bright spark that made him quiver in fear.

"Where is Cry?" I asked.

"I don't fucking know!"

"LIAR." I clipped both ends to his chest, sending a strong current through him. Aaron screamed, trembling in his place as I tightened the grip more. He was screaming at the top of his lungs, and I was laughing.

I took it off, "Shocking, isn't it?"

"Where is Cry?" Felix interjected.

Aaron was dazed, drooling, body still shaking as he looked up at me. "Fuck you."

I tilted my head, "You've just been electrocuted and yet you're still holding back from us? Wow, you amaze me. You're pretending to be the man that you barely are."

"Very funny." He said, his eyes avoiding my glare.

"Let's see if that facade of yours will last." I scoffed before glancing at Mark, "Mark, would you like to do the next one? Just pick from the three on the table."

The Korean-American man smiled, "My pleasure." He grabbed the pliers and twirled them in his hand, "They don't call me Markiplier for nothing."

He pried open Aaron's mouth, "Oh boy, you should visit the dentist more often, Yami, you sure got a lot of teeth in here that need extraction." Mark clamped on an upper molar tooth.

"How about one tooth for every person he killed?" Felix grinned, "Including the innocent cops."

"Nah, I think he won't have any left if we do, we need him to talk." Mark smirked.

Felix and I agreed.

"No. Please!" Aaron's plea was muffled.

"What's that? We can't hear you over your scream!"

Mark suddenly yanked as hard as he could.

Aaron moaned in pain, as the roots of his tooth was still holding onto his gums. "Holy shit! It's stuck in there!" Mark exclaimed, sighing in exhilaration as he pulled once again.

Finally, the entire tooth came out. Aaron's mouth was dripping with blood mixed with saliva.

"Are you gonna tell us where he is now?" I asked politely.

The man groaned, unable to speak. "Urrgghh... grhhh."

"What's that? You want to get another tooth removed?" I said, taking the pliers from Mark, "Open up, fucker." I repeated the process and picked another tooth.

The man looked at me, tears flowing down the side of his face. I felt the anger flow through my veins as I leaned to his side next to his ear.

"This is for Signe." Then I pulled, taking out another tooth clean off his gums.

Aaron was wailing.

"Hoo-whee! That's a mighty fine tooth you got here, Aaron!" I looked at the thing before throwing it aside.

"We need answers... now." Felix slapped Aaron back to his senses.

"Th-the-the l-last I h-heard o-of him is th-that h-he w-was at an i-isolated h-house ju-just on the o-outskirts of town." He claimed.

"Where is this place?" I asked, "Where exactly?"

"I don't know."

"Bullshit." Felix pushed me aside and suddenly swung the large monkey wrench at Aaron's knee.

There was a loud crack, it was definitely his knee cap shattering. He screamed again.

"I just read the messages between you and Cry. It appears that you had recently been with him a few hours ago." Felix said, showing Aaron's phone that had the said conversation.

"F-fucking... sh-shit." The man was groaning, "He's near Altadena."

"Is it a house or something?" Felix added.

"A small mansion. It's heavily guarded by the FBI." He replied, his cheek swelling up, "You'd be dead before you can even reach him."

"You seem to underestimate us." I shook my head, "We just pulled off the most fucking insane prison break in New Jersey history."

"How can we get in there?" Felix asked.

"I don't know! I swear!" He was sobbing now.

"Don't you fucking play innocent with us." Felix warned, retreating back to the table.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"It's a thing I call payback, Aaron." I pat his head, "You take something from us, and we take something from you in return. Ready with that jug, Felix?" I looked over to see my friend carrying a plastic jerry can that was filled to the brim with water.

"Time for a little bath!" Mark said, kicking Aaron in the chest sending him toppling over. His feet were now in the air while his back was lying flat on the ground.

I picked up a dirty cloth from the shelf and draped it over Aaron's face.

"You might feel a drowning sensation, Aaron." I said, tipping over the jug. The contents spilled on his face, the man gurgled, choking on the large volumes of water. He was yelling, but his yells were further muffled as I tipped the can even more. "That's it, take it like a fucking champ!"

Aaron wiggled his face, but Felix pushed his head back down on the floor with his foot, "Stop squirming."

"P-please... n-no more. I'll t-tell y-you what you want." Aaron mumbled.

I stopped and put down the jug, "I think our man is ready to talk."

Mark took off the damp sheet and pushed the chair back upright. Aaron's eyes were bloodshot, nose leaking with water, and face flushed. He was gasping for air, and his missing teeth were visible from his wide open mouth.

"Attaboy, you're a reasonable man after all. Good boy." I said, patting his soaked hair.



Welcome back! I hope the chapter wasn't that graphic, also, I don't hate Aaron/Yamimash for doing those stuff to him in this story, the trio just need to go the extra mile to get answers and track down their marked man.

Also, I've finished the Engineering Exam and I'm now a licensed Electronics Engineer! Yay! Haha

So anyways, Ashie and I would like to thank you people for patiently waiting six months to know what will happen to Aaron, and I hope you guys were satisfied with it!

Stay tuned for the next four chapters!

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