Chapter 4: Under The Radar
Chapter 4: Under the Radar
Felix Kjellberg
Seán kept driving as fast as the heavily-armored prison van could, driving onto the open road. The night was no longer quiet, as the sirens of the police cruisers were blaring and the screams of the lawmen were coming from megaphones.
"Hold on to something, we're going off road." Seán said, sliding the small window panel open again. Mark and I held onto the steel bars overhead as he turned the vehicle right. The tires screeched as we went into a narrow alley, the sides of our van grinding against the brick walls.
The first pursuing vehicle crashed into the corner resulting in a pileup of the following cars. The cars flipped and further blocked the way.
"I hope you guys are still wearing your seatbelts." The Irishman reminded. Up front were two SWAT vans blocking the exit firing their guns at us. The engine roared, we braced ourselves waiting for the impact.
There was a loud bang, our van jolted violently but did not lose control. I glanced out the back doors and saw the wreckages of the vans tumbling along with bodies of the SWAT Teams.
Our troubles were far from over as another batch of pursuers joined in.
"Keep your eyes on the road, S!" I exclaimed, loading my assault rifle, "We'll get rid of these pigs."
"Here, this might come in handy." Mark handed me a thick leather strap, I immediately knew what he meant. I wrapped the strap around my torso and hung the ends on the overhead bars using it as a makeshift safety harness.
Mark and I pushed the doors open, both of us relying on the straps that kept us attached to the vehicle while swaying side to side with Seán's driving. I aimed for the cars, the motion making it quite impossible to get a clear shot.
"STOP THE VEHICLE!" The man yelled, bringing out his gun to fire back at us.
"HOLD ON!" The driver bellowed as he drove onto the opposite lane, crashing through the steel barricade that separated the two roads. We were driving through oncoming traffic now, swerving past cars and seeing them lose control avoiding us.
"They're not giving up!" Mark yelled. Four cop cars had followed us.
I pointed my gun at the vehicle that was the closest. I pulled the trigger, unloading a shower of bullets from my gun into the cruiser's hood. Mark was shooting the other cars while Seán was driving in a zigzag motion, preventing them from getting a clear shot at us.
"Fuck this!" Mark put down his gun and ran back to the bag of weapons.
Mark Fischbach
I dug into the bag and took out a bunch of grenades before rejoining Felix who was still guns blazing at the cops. I reached outside for one door and closed it back using it as a cover from all the bullets that were raining on us. I pulled Felix behind it and held him there.
"We're wasting bullets." I said, "We use these." I handed him a grenade, "I'll go first. Hold on to my belt." I instructed, taking off my own harness as he had a firm grip on my waist.
One of the cars sped up and went past us making their way to our driver. "S, YOU'VE GOT COMPANY!" I warned.
The vehicle began ramming the cop car; we heard screeches of metal against metal, "FUCK YOU!" Seán bellowed, his Irish accent thick and angry.
We felt the van shudder and heard the loud crash. We saw the pursuers' vehicle driven into a telephone pole with its occupants dead.
"Fuck me! That was insane!" He commented again.
Meanwhile, Felix and I focused back on the three cruisers behind. My finger slipped through the safety ring and pulled it out. I removed my palm from the safety lever and counted down.
It was followed by two beeps before I threw it at the first cop car and as expected, it exploded upon impact, instantly blowing up the vehicle and incinerating the occupants. The other vehicles slowed down upon seeing the explosion, getting a few feet away from us.
"Everything good back there?" Seán asked, sliding open a panel.
"One down, two to go!" I said, letting Felix take on the second vehicle by switching places, with me putting on a harness while holding onto him. He pulled the ring and prepared to throw it at the next car.
"HOLY SHIT!" I heard Seán scream, the tires screeched and the next thing we knew was that it sent us flying to the left side, crashing hard on the floor snapping the harness I had. I immediately got up and saw Felix lying on the ground unconscious, there was a huge cut on the bridge of his nose.
My heart leapt when I saw the live grenade was no longer in his hand.
Then I heard rapid beeping. It was near his face.
"FUCK!" I pulled Felix away then threw him to the front and dived on top of him.
There was a loud explosion followed by flying fragments of the grenade, showering on us. I felt pain on my face, feeling warm blood trickling down the side of my face from a gash above my left eyebrow. My nose was bleeding as well, dripping down on the floor.
Thankfully, it was the only injury I had sustained as the body armor had done its job.
I was dazed, a high pitched ringing filled my ears and vision blurry. I rolled off of my friend who was still out cold and reached for the overhead bar to pull myself up. I shook my head trying to shake off the dizziness and glanced at the damages caused by the explosion.
There was a gaping hole. The doors were swinging violently, hanging by a single hinge.
"What the fuck happened?!" Seán said, shouting from the small window, "Are you guys alright?!"
"We flew across the room, Felix is out cold, a grenade exploded, and now there's a gaping hole out back. But we're fine, thanks for asking." I replied, dragging Felix to an area still covered by the remaining parts of the van dodging bullets from the police. Suddenly, a bright spotlight shone on us coming from the sky accompanied by the whirring of propeller blades. "You might wanna drive faster, we've got a bird on our tail." I added.
Seán McLoughlin
"S, YOU'VE GOT COMPANY!" Mark yelled. I immediately glanced at my left side mirror, a police cruiser was driving up to me. I bit my lip, waiting for the car to match my speed.
"You wanna play rough, motherfucker? I'LL SHOW YOU!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, ramming the car as hard as I could forcing it to drive up the sidewalk where a telephone pole was waiting for them.
I got back to the center of the road, my entire body fueled by adrenaline, "FUCK YOU!" I screamed before ramming them again, sending them colliding with the pole. "Fuck me! That was intense!"
The roads blurred as I drove faster, hearing gunshots from the back, Felix and Mark were fighting off the police. Then a loud explosion shook the road, I glanced at mirror and saw a cop car burst into flames and get blasted a few feet up in the air then crash hard, "Everything good back there?" I asked.
"One down, two to go!" Mark yelled back.
There was a sudden blaring of truck horn. A truck was driving to us.
"HOLY SHIT!" I turned right, narrowly missing the massive fourteen-wheeler lorry. I held my breath, watching the side of the vehicle break off my side mirror and sideswipe our van. In the back was a loud thud, my friends were thrown to the other side.
"FUCK!" Mark screamed followed by an explosion that rocked the vehicle. It wasn't from outside, it was from the inside. He was groaning in pain afterwards, but I couldn't hear Felix.
"What the fuck happened?!" I asked, checking on them, "Are you guys alright?!"
"We flew across the room, Felix is out cold, a grenade exploded and now there's a gaping hole out back. But we're fine, thanks for asking." He replied. "You might wanna drive faster, we've got a bird on our tail."
I searched the busy road then spotted a tunnel up front. "Take care of the ground team, we're about to lose that chopper." We drove into the tunnel still on the opposite lane, partially in darkness as the only sources of light were the ones inside. "Go!"
More explosions illuminated the dark tunnel, "COP CARS DOWN!" Mark said, "What's next?"
I kept my foot to the gas pedal, "We drive out there." I pointed to the end of the tunnel where there were police cars waiting for us.
"What?!" He blurted out, "Aren't we supposed to be escaping or something?!"
"Trust me on this, M." I replied, my hands gripping the wheel tightly. I kept driving in a zigzag motion as we went faster, avoiding the shots aimed at our tires.
"I don't think we can outrun them anymore."
"We can, Mark. And like I always say: Speed is key!" I stomped hard on the gas pedal. The engine roared and I was pushed back into my seat, the van gaining speed faster than before driving to the police barricade. The windshield shattered from the shots of the police as we drove closer, "FUCKING HANG ON TO SOMETHING!"
The van plowed through the barricade with a deafening crash, sending the cars rolling on the asphalt spreading debris everywhere. As I was expecting, there was a small narrow passage formed by stacked freight containers right after the barricade.
"M, bottleneck the entrance. This is the part where we pull off the smoke and mirrors." I instructed. Mark did as he was told, throwing grenades at the pursuing cars. I drove through the tight entrance just as the cars behind us exploded and blocked the way.
This was the perfect time to escape. The entrance was blocked, there were no choppers after us, and we were driving between tall freight containers.
"Wh-wha happened?" Felix mumbled, who had just woken up.
"Grab the weapons, we're ditching the van." I said, glancing at the upcoming exit that leads to a sheer drop into the Hudson river, "When I say jump, we jump."
I took a nightstick and used it to push down the accelerator before climbing out of the shattered windshield and onto the roof. I looked back and saw that our window of escape was running out as the van traveled the last few meters to the exit.
"JUMP!" I leapt from the roof and saw my friends jump out of the backdoors. The next thing I knew was that I fell hard on the ground, rolling and tumbling, witnessing the van speed off and plummet to the river below.
I quickly got up to my feet and ignored the injuries I had sustained, rejoining my friends who were disoriented by the fall.
"This way." I whispered, pulling a groggy Felix up to his feet and leaving them to a narrower passage that led to the underside of a bridge. While the police were surrounding the spot where the vehicle had fallen, we wasted no time and ran and got into a nearby manhole that led to the sewers of New Jersey.
We fucking made it. We actually got away with it.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's a collaborative effort between the two of us. Follow us and add this to your library to find out when we update, more chapters every week!
So stay tuned and...
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