Chapter 10: Hook, Line and Sinker
Chapter 10: Hook, Line and Sinker
Mark Fischbach
I could feel my heart pounding loudly in my chest as I sat on the floor behind a wall catching my breath. Muffled sounds of exploding concrete filled my ears, along with the mocking screams of the men who were hiding in the darkness of the basement, with only a few lights and the bursts of fire from the barrels of their guns illuminating the place.
"M!" Seán's voice came from the headset on my numbing face.
Warm blood dripped down the left side of my face, coming from a large gash on my head where a bullet had grazed it. I couldn't move, both because of the wound and the bruises left by the bullets that ricocheted from my armor.
"Fuck me, he ain't responding!" Felix screamed.
"I'm going to get him!" The Irishman said.
"Go, and I'll find Cry upstairs." Felix ordered.
I looked down at the assault rifle on my lap, the bullets were was maxed out, and so was my submachine gun. Using the strength I still had, I pushed myself back to stand. My trembling hands reached for the remaining weapon I had: a Glock pistol with only seventeen rounds, a knife, and a single incendiary grenade.
"Markimoo, where are you?" A guard taunted.
I had no idea how many of them are still in there, as there was little light to guide my way. I took a glance back at the room I had just cleared and saw the were piles of dead bodies in there. They were all swimming in their own blood.
"Give it up!" He exclaimed, "It's the end of the line for you!"
Then I pulled out a painkiller syringe from my pocket, bit off the cap and used it on my arm, injecting all of the contents in it. I held back my scream through gritted teeth, feeling the thick fluid flow through my veins.
The shooting stopped, it was followed by the sounds of the men reloading their guns.
"Show yourself, runt!" Another guard screamed, whose voice sounded closer than the others.
I took a peek out to see the surroundings. In a split second, the men fired again upon seeing me, and I was able to see them as well.
Hanging from the ceiling was a single incandescent bulb glowing orange, illuminating a stack of crates and two pillars where the men hid. There were two men crouching behind the boxes, one each at the pillars where the one on the right was stupid enough to stand in front of propane tanks, and one standing closer to where I was at, hiding behind a steel table tipped to its side. A total of five men.
I grasped the incendiary grenade tightly and looped my finger through the ring, preparing myself for the last resort.
Taking a deep breath from my mouth and pulled out the ring from the grenade and let go of the safety lever letting it start its five second countdown. In my mind I began counting.
Five... four... three...
I hurled the grenade at the men and hid back, waiting for detonation.
A loud bang echoed in the basement accompanied by the crackle of the fire ignited by the grenade. It was my chance.
I went out of hiding and hastily searched the place for the men who had leapt out of hiding as a fire grew at the center of the place where the grenade landed. I went for the guard closest to me who was hiding behind the table. He was now lying on the ground disoriented by the explosion.
"MARK!" I heard Seán scream from my earpiece.
He aimed his gun the second he saw me, but I was faster, I raised the painkiller syringe and plunged it into his forearm before forcefully pulling him up to stand. We were now standing back to back, with his hand still on the trigger.
The firefight resumed, the men shot at me but only managed to hit their comrade whom I used as a human shield, his blood spraying like a fountain as he was hit bullet by bullet.
The guard wailed in pain and gripped his gun hard, spraying bullets everywhere. I used this as an advantage and maneuvered his arm to fire back at the other men, managing to hit one in the shoulder and one in the hip.
Still with the man lifelessly leaning against my back, I looked to the other side and aimed my pistol at the man hiding behind the right side pillar then fired at the propane tanks behind him. The tank hissed and sprayed the man with flammable gas.
I dropped the dead human shield and dashed behind the table just as the tank exploded, setting the guard on fire and blasting obliterated pieces of wood at the others beside him.
My feet propelled me from my hiding spot and I went for the man I shot on the shoulder, adrenaline rushing through my system. I wrestled the assault rifle from his grasp and put a bullet into his head. I quickly set my sights on the guard hit on the hip and sprayed bullets at him, killing him for good.
That's four guards down.
But then a bullet went through my thigh.
"AGH, SHIT!" I fell to my knee clutching on the flesh wound. Then I aimed at the man who was standing a few feet from me armed with a pistol.
"Don't you fucking move, Mark!" He took a step closer, his gun pointed at my head.
"You know what's the problem with you guys?" I replied.
My heart skipped a beat as I smacked the pistol away from my head in a split second. The gun went off, temporarily deafening me when I heard a loud ring. I quickly stood up and elbowed him in the face, then using his own pistol against him, shooting him right between the eyes.
"...You fuckers ramble too much." I finished my sentence, wiping the blood dripping from my nose.
"Mark?" Felix called in.
"Yeah?" I replied as I scanned through the corpses in the basement.
"Thank God, I thought you were dead!" He said.
"It'll take more than bullets to bring me down. I'm going back up. He's not here."
Seán McLoughlin
"I'm going to get him!" I said while sprinting down the sloped hill making my way to the mansion where the chaos is currently happening. I checked my weapons, making sure all of them are properly loaded and ready to bring down men that would get in my way.
"Go, and I'll find Cry upstairs." Felix replied.
I went for the back door, passing through the destroyed doorway blown open by Mark earlier. I stepped into the kitchen, seeing bodies riddled with bullets swimming in pools of blood. Pieces of shattered china were everywhere, along with the discarded empty magazines and shrapnels of grenades that went off during the explosion. I went to the nearest door to my right.
I was now carefully treading out of the kitchen and going into the library where there were large bookcases and marble sculptures, most of them now blown to pieces and filled with holes. The room was only given sunlight by a single window covered in curtains.
Suddenly, a loud explosion came from my headset and I felt it under my feet.
It came from the basement.
"MARK!" I said, running out of the library and making my way into the living room, frantically looking for the entrance to the basement.
But then four men appeared at the doorway leading to the fireplace, opening fire at me.
I quickly dove behind the couch as pieces of stuffing and cloth exploded. I crouched down behind the furniture and equipped the grenade.
I removed the safety pin of the bomb and threw it at where they were hiding.
Another explosion rocked the mansion, both coming from the grenade I had tossed and from the basement. One of the men shrieked in pain. I stood up, fired back at them and retreated to the library. I shut the door behind me and partially blocked it with a couch as their bullets began to burst through the wooden door.
"GO THROUGH THE KITCHEN!" One of the men ordered.
I ran to the window and parted away the curtains then used the other end of my gun to smash it open. Right after that, I hid behind the reading chair and waited for the men to arrive. The three pursuing guards barged into the library, one coming from the kitchen and two coming from the living room.
All three of them immediately noticed the shattered window.
"Fucking coward escaped through the window." Their leader said, approaching the window with the other two trailing right behind him.
I shot up from my hiding place, "SURPRISE! I WAS FUCKING HERE ALL ALONG!" I bellowed.
They were taken by surprise. Before they could even react I was already guns blazing at them, unleashing a full magazine. One was hit squarely in the head while the remaining managed to dive into cover behind a limbless statue that disintegrated upon being hit by the bullets.
I got back into cover and tossed another grenade, hearing it bounce against the tiled floor and roll towards the hiding place of the men.
Bits of shattered marble flew up in the air right after the deafening bang. Everything fell silent, I stayed there on my spot anxiously waiting for the henchmen to make their next move.
The kitchen door suddenly flew open with a loud thud, I immediately faced it and saw two more men running inside. I shifted my attention to them and ran towards them, firing at the first guy who got in and hitting his neck.
My gun then clicked.
"FUCK THIS." I held the barrel end of the weapon and swung the opposite end at the man, with the solid shoulder rest of it hitting smacking his head and bringing him to the ground.
I was suddenly blown forward by a spray of bullets that hit the back of my armor. I hit the ground hard, my face banging against the floor and shaking the world around me.
"We got him, Cry!" The man declared.
I sat back up and unholstered my MP4, "Do you?" I blasted the two with it and hit their legs. They collapsed writhing in agony, until I put them out of their misery.
"Mark, where are you?!" I said, but then noticed that the earpiece on my ear wasn't there. It was on the floor, it must have fallen out when I fell.
Then a knife was brought down to my hand reaching for the earpiece, stabbing through the back of my hand and the blade going out of the palm.
I shrieked as the pain throbbed on the impaled hand, blood dripping down the blade. The man kicked away my gun then hurled his foot into my face hitting my chin. In my mouth I tasted blood, spitting them out when I retreated from the man gaining the upper hand.
I bit my tongue and gripped the handle, taking a deep breath before forcibly trying to pull it out of my hand.
"FUCK!" I screamed, unable to pull the knife out.
In the corner of my eye, I saw the man swing his fist at me. I ducked and avoided his swing then sprung back up and bent backwards to avoid another. In retaliation, I hurled my uninjured fist at him then kicked him away.
I made another attempt a pulling the knife out, but it was stuck in there.
The guard attacked again and wrapped his arm around my neck, trapping me in a chokehold. I struggled to fight back and break free from his death grip, but he was unreachable.
I wheezed out the air from my lungs as I made one final attempt to fight him back. I grasped the handle of the knife and used it to stab the leg of the man.
He wailed and loosened his grip on me, I faced him and used the knife that was still stuck in my left hand to counter the man's punches, slashing his forearms and leaving large gashes on his shoulders. I maintained the upper hand as I continued to weaken the guard with his own knife accompanied with powerful elbow swings to his face. I kept on attacking until I managed to have him pressed against the wall with me repeatedly attacking.
He made a left hook but I ducked and stabbed his incoming fist then kicked him back against the wall, and then kneed him in the stomach. His blood was spraying everywhere from all the slashes and stabs I had delivered.
It finally came to a point where the man was weakened, that he could no longer keep his stance. I delivered the final blow by plunging the knife directly into his chest.
"Never mess with an angry Irishman." I whispered, before pulling out the weapon out and letting the lifeless body fall to the floor with a thud.
Glancing at my wounded hand then at the wall, I pulled up my shirt and bit hard on it, preparing myself with the intention to push the blade back out by means of hitting my palm against the concrete wall.
"One... two... three!" I swung back my hand and brought it to the wall with a force big enough to send the knife all the way out of my hand. "FUCK! AAGH!"
I leaned facing the wall extremely exhausted, my hand reaching for the painkiller in my pocket, popping the cap off then using it on myself. My breath hitched upon injecting it feeling the numbness now form around the large knife wound.
Then a warm barrel of a gun was pressed against the back of my head.
It was followed by a gunshot.
But nothing happened, I could feel that I was still standing on two feet, still staring at the wall in front of me, and still alive. I gulped and turned around to face the assailant and saw him with a frozen expression of shock on his face as a stream of blood flowed out the side of his head where there was a bullet hole.
The guard collapsed to his knees and fell down dead.
"Sneaky little fucker." A deep voice growled, coming from the living room doorway.
There a Korean-American man stood, holding a pistol with its barrel smoking. He had a wound on the side of his head grazed by a bullet, he was partially covered in blood coming from the gashes all over his body. He glanced at me and had a smirk on his face.
"I guess we're even." Mark said, "You okay?"
I shook my head, my brain processing what had just happened. I came to my senses when the open wound on my hand throbbed.
"I-I'm fine, I was almost crucified." I laughed, picking up the knife and cutting a piece of the sleeve of my shirt. I ripped the cloth off and wrapped it around my hand to stop the bleeding, feeling sharp pangs tightening the knot. "What about you?"
"I've been through hell and back. And I have a lot of scars to prove it." He joked.
"For a moment there I thought I was a goner." I cocked my pistol. "Thanks, man."
"Don't mention it. Let's go."
Felix Kjellberg
"Go, and I'll find Cry upstairs!" I ordered, running up the stairs with my assault rifle locked and loaded, my finger hovering over the trigger. I crouched down approaching the top of the stairs.
Three explosions rocked the mansion, both coming from the first floor and the basement.
I found myself facing a long corridor filled with paintings and portraits hanging on the walls both left and right, there was also a single fire extinguisher to my right hanging on the wall. There were doors, alternating places with columns on the walls making a total of three on each side and a single double door at the end of the hallway.
The first door to my left opened, and I ran to the nearest pillar beside it, but not without catching a glimpse of a guard running out and firing his weapon at me. The walls exploded as bullets came in contact, creating thin layer of powdered concrete. Then more footsteps echoed in the hallway along with the sounds of their guns going off.
I leaned my back against the wall and did one final check of the remaining weapons I had: a forty round assault rifle, a Glock 17 pistol and a knife that was concealed under my shirt.
Taking a glance back around the corner, I spotted the fire extinguisher within range of my aim. I took out my pistol and targeted the the red canister, immediately pulling the trigger and bursting a hole through it. The decompressed chemicals made a loud hiss as it spouted white smoke in my path, both obscuring the guards' visions and mine.
"FUCKING SWEDISH!" The guard exclaimed.
The mist mostly covered the path, and I quickly sprang into action using it as cover, running towards the presumably first guard in line crouching down low on the ground. Upon reaching him, I aimed my assault rifle at his head and shot him through the chin.
I had no idea how many of them were left, but I keep pushing forward before hiding to the next column and trying to spot the next guy, but not before taking the man's discarded weapon intending to use it.
Sounds of gunshots filled the hallway, with bursts of fire coming from the barrels of their guns. I fought back, firing directly at the flashes of light. It was not accurate, as I was using my non dominant arm, as my right arm had already sustained injury.
Upon going deeper into the mist-covered corridor, I was able to make out the number people guarding the door, seeing outlines of their figures illuminated by the sun shining through a skylight.
There were six of them still there.
I was about to attack when then they also saw me, as the white sheet of Carbon Dioxide has slowly begun to subside, forcing me to retreat back out the hall.
Reaching the place where I had started, I looked to my right and saw another set of stairs leading to the next floor. I dashed up the stairs, still hearing the gunshots reverberating throughout the second floor of the mansion.
At the top of the stairs was a door with a small glass window letting light from the outside through.
The Rooftop.
Now equipped with two assault rifles, I used the newly acquired gun then slowly but surely pushed the door open, cautiously peeking through the growing slit between the door and the frame itself. I stuck half my body outside and saw no one there, only the dead body of a guard Seán had killed earlier.
The rooftop was mostly empty, with the only possible hiding place was behind the door of the roof access and a small shed.
Still not letting my guard down, I stepped outside gun in hand, taking quick but silent steps going to the left where there was the skylight overlooking the men back at the hall. I observed the shadow my body had cast and also the location of the sun behind me.
It was four in the afternoon, the sun has begun to set in the West, which was behind me. I circled around the glass window, avoiding my silhouette to be seen by the guards.
Once there, I could see all five of them waiting for me at the end of the hallway, unbeknownst to them that I was above them the entire time. I immediately pulled the trigger, unleashing a hail storm of bullets at them hitting them in various parts of the body. I was primarily aiming for their heads since most of them had kevlar vests.
I stopped when all of them were dead, either had their body filled with bullets or a single shot into their skull.
The men were guarding the room with the double doors, it was Cry's office, as Aaron, God rest his soulless carcass, have said. Also above it was another skylight, which gave me a perfect view of the inside.
The interior had a desk at the center, I saw two men guarding the entrance waiting for me to come bursting inside.
Sitting on the office chair was a man, he was wearing a clean white suit as if he was some shitty Crime Lord, firmly grasping the arm rest of his seat, sitting with a firm gentlemanly pose waiting for us. On his desk was a bottle of wine partnered with a glass filled half full, and a pure white circular mask with round eyes and a long line under them serving as its mouth.
My blood boiled even more when I got to see his face that I wanted to stomp down into the ground since we went in the slammer. I rushed to the small shed and searched it, revealing it to be a tool shed that had hardware tools. And there I found a length of rope.
Without any more stalling, I shot the two guards, shattering the window pane with my rounds and managing to hit them in the neck. Cry jumped in shock and looked up, finally meeting me eye to eye for the first time in three months.
"You think I'd use the door, eh?" I said, my anger making my voice shake. I used the rope and rappelled down into the room, still with my gun aimed at him.
"Felix..." He had both his hands behind his back, "...great seeing you, bud." He said in a low voice.
"It'd be great seeing you with a fucking bullet in your fucking head." I growled.
"You found me." He smirked, "...and quite an amazing feat you and your friends did, going through all of those men?" He guffawed, "My, you three really are one of the most skillful criminals!"
I kept my finger on the trigger, but somehow couldn't bring myself to do it. "Why?"
"Why what?" He raised an eyebrow, still having that serious expression on his face that made me want to blast it with bullets then and there.
"Wh-why..." I fought back tears, "...did you do it?!"
"Funny you asked that," The marked man reached for his glass of wine and took a sip, "You want some?"
I gripped my gun tighter, "Fuck you."
"Fine then, more for me." He drank from the glass.
The next thing I remember was the shattering of the glass when it collided with my face.
The pieces of glass slashed my face and through my blurred sights, I saw Cry leaping from his desk and kicking away my gun. He then threw a punch at my face. I fell to the floor, my face bleeding from the fresh wounds.
"YOU HAD EVERYTHING!" He spat, giving me a kick to the gut. "FUCKING PEWDIEPIE!" He attacked again.
I pushed myself from the ground only to be kicked back down by Cry. I slammed to the floor flat on my face, pain coming from every inch of my body.
"I wanted to see you and your friends suffer, Felix. To see your loved ones die in front of your very eyes." He whispered before kicking me in the face with his steel toe capped shoes.
I couldn't utter a word, I could feel my face swollen with bruises and mouth filled with blood. Cry took my other guns and threw them to the other side of the room, same with my assault rifle.
"And now, I'll kill you for Mark and Sean to see that their fucking idiot of a leader is dead... the same way I did to your girlfriend, leaving her lifeless on the curb for her boyfriend to see."
"NO!" I shifted and grabbed his feet, sending him falling down to the ground with a loud thud banging his head against the tiled floor.
I balled my hand into a fist and repeatedly punched him in the face, with every punch getting stronger. I was screaming in anguish as I kept on throwing punches at his face, my knuckles beginning to numb and bleed.
"FUCKING TRAITOR!" I yelled, landing another punch at him and hearing the crack of his nose.
But then Cry punched me in my bullet wound, causing me to back away and writhe in pain, but not before catching a glimpse of him crawling towards the discarded Glock 17 pistol across the room. Groggily crawled after him and pulled on his feet trying to prevent him from reaching the gun.
I could hear the sound of a gun being cocked.
Cry now has the gun. He had it pointed at me. "Goodbye, Felix."
The bullet hit my chest.
I lay on the floor faced down gasping for air, blood dripping the side of my face. I could hear Cry stumbling to his feet and make is way over to me. Then I felt his hand grab my shoulder and flip me over to face him.
That was the time I took out my knife and plunged it into his stomach under his body armor.
Cry gasped, seeing the blade pushed deep into the underside of his abdomen, eyes widened in shock and glaring down at me.
"I-I shot you."
I lifted up my shirt to show him that the bullet bounced off the body armor I was wearing.
"You missed." I mumbled through my swollen mouth.
I took out the knife from his body and watched the blood pour from the open wound and the man collapse to the floor clutching it.
"Don't worry about that, Ryan. It's painful, but not enough to kill you." I stood up, "It'd be a fucking shame if I had you all to myself."
Mark and Seán burst through the double doors, arriving too late on the scene.
"What took you guys so long?" I asked, leaning on Mark's shoulder for support.
"We got a little preoccupied." Seán explained.
"Well, here's our marked man. We have him right where we want him. What should we do with him?"
"I have an idea." Seán had a smirk on his face then whispered in my ear then into Mark's.
"Cool idea." Mark said, brushing his messy hair back.
"Hmm..." I looked down at the helpless man who was fearful of his current state, "C'mon, Cry, let's take a drive."
I could feel the wind blow against my face, hear the sounds of seagulls in the sky and the waves crashing against the rocks. I took in a deep breath of air and exhaled loudly, the feeling of relief overcoming me. In the distance where the sky and the sea meet, the sun shone bright orange as it set behind the sea.
"That's one pretty sunset." I said, sighing.
"Indeed it is." Seán replied, joining me stand near the edge of a cliff higher than a five story building.
"It's indeed the perfect spot." Mark said.
"Where is he?" I asked.
"He's in his car, slowly coming to." Mark smiled.
I turned around and walked back to a grey SUV that had its front windows rolled down. Inside it was an unconscious Cry on the driver's seat, hand on the steering wheel and tied down to his seat. He was soaking wet, covered in bruises and wounds, his white suit stained with his own blood.
"Wakey wakey, ya big baby." I said with tenderness, pulling open the passenger side door, "I want you to see the view."
When he saw me he began wiggling from his seat trying to break free from his binds. His words turned into mumbles by a single duct tape over his mouth. He sniffed, eyes widening when he realized what was going on.
"Mmm... I love the smell of gasoline in the afternoon." I smiled.
"What the fuck?!" It was all Cry could say as he started to hyperventilate, trying to pry his hands from being super glued to the steering wheel.
Seán and Mark joined me at the passenger side, all of us having a smile on our faces.
"Hook, Line, and Sinker. I've always loved that line." Mark commended, putting down the handbrake then shifting the stick to neutral.
"Time for the last ride, Cry." Seán spoke, reaching for a CD on the glove compartment, "And let's put on some music." He said with a scoff, "Oh, I like this one.... It's a classic."
The Irishman slid the disk into the driver and played the first song, letting it blast through the speakers.
"I'M ON A HIGHWAY TO HELL!" The band sang.
"I love that song." I nodded in agreement.
The man was whimpering and violently struggling on his seat as I brought up a lighter and ignited it. He gasped at the sight of it, a legitimate expression of fear in his eyes could be seen. The three of us stepped back from his car as I shut the door close.
"Goodbye, my friend." I gave him one last smirk, "Say hello to Aaron for me."
Then I threw the lighter into the car, watching the fire make contact with the doused leather seat and set it ablaze engulfing the man in flames. The fire rose in the car, cracking the windshield with its heat incinerating everything inside.
Cry's muffled agonized scream was like music to our ears, and seeing him squirm like a helpless animal in his car was the cherry on top.
The three of us proceeded to the rear of the car and placed our hands on the rapidly warming body of the car.
Without any spoken words, all three of us pushed the car, slowly driving it towards the cliff. The fire kept on rising, but it didn't reach us as we had finally pushed it over the edge.
The flaming vehicle plummeted to the sea, leaving behind a trail of black smoke as it graciously fell. Cry's shrieks gradually faded away as he went down with it.
Upon crashing, there was a bright flash of orange light, car exploded on impact with the shallow rocky bottom, sending pieces of burnt shrapnel scattering into the sea. Soon after, the waves caved in and took the vehicle with it into the murky depths of the ocean.
The three of us stared blankly at the sea, each of us letting a sigh of relief and exhaustion.
He's dead, he's finally dead.
"So now what?" Mark asked, with much uncertainty in his tone.
"Now that that's over, justice has been served..." Seán replied, "...I seriously have no idea."
"We get to live our lives properly... I think." I shrugged.
"Not with the entire country on a manhunt for us." The Irishman laughed.
"Okay fine, we get to live our lives properly while trying to evade cops." I rolled my eyes, "Fair enough?"
"Sounds good to me." Mark agreed.
"Hey, uh, listen..." I stammered, "Thank you, both of you, for sticking with me until the end."
"Don't sweat it, man. We're all friends here, and we always have each other's backs." Seán put his arm around my shoulder as we walked away from the cliff.
"And besides, all of us are wanted men." Mark added.
I burst into laughter, "Fair enough."
We got back to Aaron's van with Mark driving, driving to God knows where as long as it's away from the cops.
"Where to?" Mark glanced at the rear view mirror to see the two of us lying in the backseat completely drained from the fight.
"Into the sunset." I joked, "like some cliche action movie shit."
"Maybe to a place where we could rest for a little while and get patched up?" Seán interrupted.
"I think I know just the right place." The driver accelerated from the spot and drove up the road.
I stared outside the window, my mind still thinking things over and unable to believe that we had accomplished the task, unable to believe that the three of us, a group of notorious criminals to pull off such a feat and get revenge on the man who betrayed them. Now with our marked man dead, I dunno what would happen next as we drove off into the sunset. But one thing's for sure, is that I've got two friends to enjoy it with.
Together we make the Unholy Trinity, a group of people hiding from the law living the rest of their lives... The World's Most Wanted
During the editing process of this chapter, (21/6/17), it is currently Migz's birthday! I hope he's had a great day! He deserves all the happiness in the world!
Anywho, how'd you like the chapter?
Notice how I supplemented kpop into the media? ;)
Stan B.A.P guys, you won't regret it!
Thank you so much for sticking by Migz and I throughout this story whether you came from this sequel or the first book, thank you for taking the time to read this short series of TWMW. Your support means a lot and we'd be nowhere without you guys :-)
Votes are always appreciated!
Stay tuned!
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