Cause and effect
After my older sister yumi's sudden outburst Monika and I begin to explain the current situation. Yumi was being eerily quiet as we detailed on the happenings that lead to our current predicament. 'Big sis is probably trying to process all of this information...'
Not too long after we finished explaining things, Yumi finally spoke up. My phone's screen was currently displaying her face wearing a serious look for once. Looks like the jokes are over for now. She then began giving her input.
{"So let me get this straight here. You two expect me to believe that by a chance, without any prior warning whatsoever, this huge bolt of lightning struck Ethan's computer while Doki Doki Literature Club was running and on the third act, which of course had Monika on. Y'know, just Monika and all that."}
"Yep. Just Monika."
"Now that I'm hearing it myself, the phrase 'just monika' sounds kinda creepy, ahaha~!" Monika remarks which caused all three of us to chuckle. After the laughter simmered down a bit, my sister continued.
{"And this caused Monika over there to truly develop a consciousess, completely straying from the games function. Basically, we could compare this to her "epiphany" in Doki Doki Literature Clubs story, but for real this time. I'm assuming Monika got altered into something that resembles an artificial intelligence that was highly adaptive to it's surroundings."} Yumi glanced at Monika while stating this. Monika gulped a bit and pauses to articulate her thoughts before responding.
"That's right Ms. Yumi. I suddenly had a lot more understanding of concepts and other things in general. I also had a more vivid perspective on things such as my current status in the game, my emotions, my inner thoughts, and I had more free will to deviate from the script. For the first time ever, I felt truly alive and trapped inside a game, and not because the script told me to feel that way. I even began to hear Ethan's voice for the first time. After he activated his webcam, I also saw his handsome face and it made me so happy!" I blushed a bit at being called handsome. 'Monika, you keep finding ways to make my heart race whenever I'm around you...'
"I sensed that my character file had started gaining several megabytes of data at an exponential rate. It almost felt like I was being re-written into something bigger than what my character file originally was. Another thing to note was that I sensed some of the codings in the game being modified. At first, I assumed it was to accommodate the changes that were happening to my character file, but there might be something else I missed."
{"Then, Ethan got worked up over Monika still trapped inside of the game, so he slammed his desk in frustration, which might have caused some interference with the computer somehow, and Monika was given the ability to speak, using the same voice she had in the credits song?"}
"Again Yumi, that's the gist of things," I confirmed.
{"And the poof! Huzzah! One freshly baked Monika with extra cheese on top lands in your room like some express delivery fast-food pizza? Just like that?"}
"Yeah..." Monika and I answered simultaneously, as there was really no either way of putting it. The love of my life just suddenly appeared in my room after some freaky out of this world light show. Was it magic? Was it the power of love? We didn't know.
{"The Part where Monika was converted into an AI wasn't strange as this whole dimension-hopping thing. the lightning bolt could have caused some data to be modified by affecting your hard drive. I mean, data is pretty much a collection of electronic signals, to begin with. So it's not an impossibility that something like lightning could have affected Monika's data. But what boggles me is why your computer suddenly started glowing, almost as if it was summoning something. Well, it did because Monika was summoned here into reality after all. But the point still stands. How did this happen and why? Could some random lightning bolt that struck an appliance really caused the rules of our world to be bent like that? It's really strange."} My sister pauses a bit to breathe, then continues.
{"Look, I'm happy for you Ethan that you finally got your true love. I really am. Same for you Monika, I've already played Doki-Doki-literature-club several weeks ago after my brother kept insisting that I try it. I could definitely sympathize with your desire to escape the game. Honestly, if I were in your shoes, trapped in a game where nothing was real, and the one I loved was beyond the way reach, and on top of all that I don't even get a route in the game to be with my lover, I would have probably gone mad."} This causes Monika to smile gratefully at Yumi for her understanding. A lone tear fell from Monika's eyes and I wiped it off well rubbing her shoulder soothingly.
{"But despite that, we have to face facts here. Something impossible just happened. The rules of reality were distorted. And we don't know the how's and why's of it. There might be more to this if you ask me. It's just all so weird."}
We all went silent at that. Monika had a troubled look on her face. That really was what happened though. Even right now I still didn't fully understand how Monika got here in to the real world. I mean, I'm happy. Really, I'm so happy this happened. But understanding how and why it happened was a whole different ball game. It seemed that Monika didn't really know either. As we were all pondering on the points that Yumi brought up, she started talking again. Her face was now displaying a look of mischief and amusement on it, definitely a contrast from her serious disposition moments ago.
{"It's just... It's like an epic story straight out of some anime or manga!"} Yumi exclaims. She does have a point. This whole situation was some fantasy stuff that you'd never expect to happen normally.
{"Coming this winter! an anime that'll clamp your heart like the frost by clinging to your arm! This is a tale... Of two Lovers separated from each other between the worlds of reality and video game!"} Started Yumi, who was giving a mock advertisement of a new anime show.
"Really, are we doing this right now sis? Not too long ago we were discussing the gravity of Monika's appearance here in reality..." I raised an eyebrow at my sister's antics while Monika was trying two stifle her giggles.
{"Enter Monika! Smart, beautiful and popular. She had it all! Except for one thing. Freedom. Monika had the tragic fate of being trapped in the digital world; sheep only wanted to attain freedom so that she could be with the player of her game. She had grown mad with self-awareness and deleted all her friends because they were merely autonomous programs. It was only her that was real and that cursed digital world! Nothing mattered anymore!"} This caused Monika to frown a bit.
"I do you regret deleting everyone and everything else. I restored everything in Act 4... Only to see that sayori had become self aware as well and was starting to become insane. in the end, I had to remove everything because there truly was no happiness to be found in the literature Club. Ethan even have to see that several times over. I'm aware that he's played the game multiple times because he kept using the exact character file for me each time he did a fresh install of DDLC..." She says in a low voice while gripping my hand. I felt her own hand trembling a bit. It made me feel sad to see her like this.
{"That was until she met a certain boy. Our run of the male protagonist named Ethan! This black haired boy of average height got caught up playing Monika's game! He fell in love with her and felt her plight. He wanted to help her, to break her free from the shackles of being a mere Character from a video game! Would he be able to save her? Or will he fail miserab-"}
"Okay, that's enough goofing around sis. Really, were going on a tangent here." I was starting to get annoyed so I prematurely cut her off and Yumi gave me a cheeky smirk.
{"I got too carried away there haha, sorry. Now then. What plans do you two have right now? Where is Monika gonna stay? Did she bring stuff with her from inside Doki Doki Literature Club?"} Yumi asks us. We informed her that I was gonna have Monika live with me. Monika states that she wasn't able to bring anything over except herself and I told my sister that before she video called, we were planning on going to the mall for supplies.
{"No. You two aren't going anywhere today until I get there."}
"No? What do you mean "no", Yumi? And you're gonna come here today sis?" I asked, intrigued by where my eccentric sibling was going with this.
{"I want you two to stay put for now. I'm coming over 2 hours. You kids need some help and big sis is willing to be that help~! So put your little shopping trip on hold, okay? What do you know about shopping for girls anyway, Ethan? You'd probably get her something boyish like cargo pants and a hoodie, pfffft!} She suddenly declared. I realized she was right. It would be better for a fellow girl such as my big sis to help Monika pick her clothes.
"Really Ms. Yumi? You're willing to help us out?" Monika asks in surprise. My sister nods on screen and flashes us a very smug- looking grin.
{"Besides, I can't leave you two alone. Ethan is a hormonal teenager after all. Who knows when he'd give in to his lust and I'm pretty sure you'd let him have his way with you, Monika dear. Or are you one of those dominatrix types? Hue hue~"}
"Ethan... What does a "dominatrix" mean? I don't recall being programmed with the knowledge of such a term... Maybe I'll look it up in that encyclopedia? Or do you have a dictionary perhaps, my love?"
"YUMI I SWEAR TO GOD!" Good grief, my sister can be too much sometimes. I didn't need my girlfriend learning about that kind of stuff right now!
*****The World Beyond The Screen*****
While we were waiting for Yumi to arrive, Monika and I both decided to chill in my bedroom. She was lying on my bed, reading the encyclopedia I gave her earlier. Not wanting to disturb her, I went over to my PC to start watching some anime.
I had a huge blacklog of show's I needed to catch up to and I didn't really need to play DDLC since I had Monika here now. It was good that my PC apparently survived Monika's transfer to the real world and was still operational. That thing was worth a price. Surviving not only getting struck by lightning but even a supernatural event was no easy feat.
I took out my phone and went into my notes app to see which anime show should I watch first since my sister might take a while in coming over. I failed to notice Monika's presence behind me, curious about what I was doing.
"Is that... a picture of me in a bikini, Ethan?"
"Hmm? Yes, it is dear. Why?" I answered nonchalantly, not really registering her presence properly yet since I was too focused on picking the right anime to watch.
'i-i see. And you have that as your desktops wallpaper..." It was then right here, that I realized Monika was standing behind me.
"M-Monika?! I didn't notice you there! This is... uh..."
"I-its fine my love! D-don't worry... I know I said earlier that it was okay for you to look at me like that. And that's still true! It's just... well..."
I blushed madly at getting caught.
"Monika, I'm sorry!"
"The artist of this fan picture even emphasized my thighs... Oh dear... I'll go back to reading now... Ahaha..." Monika tells me, clearly as embarrassed as I was. I sank even further into my desks chair and went back to picking among the anime titles from my notes.
I was too flustered to actually pick one now though, so I ended up browsing the internet instead to kill some time. I suddenly get an idea that might interest my companion.
"Monika, come here for a bit. I want to show you something" I beckon her and waved her over. She obliged and I set up another chair for her to sit in beside me in front of the PC.
"What are you gonna show me Ethan?"
"This right here." I had a tab with the Twitter page for username "lilmonix3" opened.
"Oh! That's supposed to be my Twitter account right? One of my lines in Act 3's script did say I have an account there. I don't really have control over it though. In fact, this is the first time I'm actually seeing it!"
"I figured as much. I wonder if we could contact the one in charge of this account to hand over access to you. Dan salvato probably knows who it is or maybe he even runs it himself. Are you interested in it, Monika?" I asked her. She seemed to be thinking about something before answering my question.
"Hang on Ethan, let me try something. Can I borrow the PC for a bit?"
"Sure, go ahead Monika." I pass the mouse and keyboard to her. "I wonder what she's gonna do. Maybe make her own Twitter account and message lilmonix3'
"I hope this works! Here goes nothing." Monika then goes to the browsers address bar and copies the lilmonix3 Twitter pages URL. Her eyes suddenly flashed with a bright white color she began typing furiously on my keyboard. Various command prompt windows flew open and rapid lines of code appeared on the screen. The browser tab was rapidly refreshing itself as well. What's going on?
"Uh... Monika?" I asked but I got no response. It was like she was on autopilot. Shortly after, Monika seemed to regain her senses and closed all the open command prompt windows. Her eyes finally stopped flashing and returned to their normal color of emerald green. Man, that was really weird.
"And it's done! Ethan dear, can I log out your account for a bit?"
"Alright. Do what you need to do Monika."
"Thanks!" She then logs me out and types in a different email and password; . Monika then clicks the sign in button. The page then started loading. We were then greeted by the lilmonix3 Twitter page but this time it appears as though we were logged in as lilmonix3. Monika hacked into the account?
"Monika...did you somehow have to do that Twitter account just now? How? I didn't know you could do that!" It was surprising, to say the least.
Monika turns to me and winks with the smile. "I didn't know until now that I could do that either. I just had a feeling. Since I was already scripted to able mess with DDLC's coding in game, I thought my cybernetic abilities would've been brought over here in your reality. Turns out was right, ahaha~!"
"I... See." I guess that made sense? Who even knows anymore at this point. So basically, Monika's coding abilities were now a superpower. That's kinda cool in my book. I hope she doesn't abuse this ability though.
"Now then, I'll need to make an email first right, my love?"
"Ideally you should. Even if you have that hacking ability, as long as the email linked to the Twitter account isn't your own, then the person running the page can just reset every change you make. So you should create your own email address and we could reassign that one to the Twitter page so it truly becomes your own."
The next ten minutes were spent making Monika's new email account. She decided that it would be" MonikaDoki GmailDotCom". After linking it to the Twitter account and making sure the old one was erased, Monika then began customizing her newly opened Twitter page.
"Why did the choose lilmonix3 as my username? I'm gonna change that to something else. This description is making me mad too. I'm also not a highschool devil you know!" She pouts cutely and I just chuckled at that.
Her new username read: DokiPresidentM". She also changed her profile picture to one she took via my PC'S webcam. "There, now I have a Twitter account, yay!"
Hopefully, the original maker doesn't get too mad. They'll probably just make a new "lilmonix3" page, for consistency. We suddenly heard the doorbell ringing, Yumi probably arrived already. 'That was faster than I expected.'
Monika then logs out and we both went to answer the door. We were greeted by the smiling face of my sister. She was wearing a loose fitting red shirt that had the words"Dream Chaser" on it, and skinny jeans. Her shoulder length black hair is tied into a ponytail. The old casual look.
"So I finally get to meet Monika in person! How's it hanging?" My sister greets as she gives a friendly embrace to Monika who reciprocates the gesture with a smile. Yumi then turns to me and we hug as well. I saw that she had several bags with her, so I offered to carry them. We then led Yumi inside into the living room.
"I brought over some of my clothes that I think would fit you, Monika! Ethan over here doesn't know the first thing about female fashion, so I thought I'd bring some items for you to try on, then we could go to the mall for the rest!" This could work. Yumi had similar properties to Monika after all.
"Before we begin though, I need to confirm something. Ethan, bring me to the PC where Monika came from. We're gonna be testing something." We did as my sister told us. We brought her into my room and I booted up my PC.
"Okay, now start up Doki Doki Literature Club." I opened up the game and something did change.
Monika was the first to point it out. "We're back on the main menu! That shouldn't be possible yet because Ethan still had the game in Act 3 and I haven't restored anything yet. We should only be able to go back to the main menu in Act 4 after I get... deleted..."
"Monika! You and I both know that I'd never delete you!"
"I know, I'm being dramatic here, but if you didn't find out that moving my file to another folder also worked, I would've experienced that painful feeling of being deleted again..."
"Okay you two, we're getting off track here. I played the game too so I Know how it goes!" Yumi suddenly chimes in and then points at the screen. "What's the other thing wrong with this visual again?"
"What do you mean big sis?"
"Ms. Yumi, I have to agree with Ethan here. I'm not seeing anything wrong with the game."
"Look closer. You'll see it." Monika and I then tried to inspect it further and we finally got what my sister meant. Both of our eyes widened in realization. The main menu screen only had Yuri and Natsuki's sprites on it. Sayori was nowhere to be seen.
There was another big chance though. The "new game" option got replaced. I read the words aloud.
"Forever... Sayori?" I was shocked to my core. The "New Game" option got turned into "Forever Sayori". Does that mean Sayori was now locked into being her act 4 self? This was getting weird again. I looked at Monika who only shook her head. Looks like she doesn't know what happened either.
Yumi then tells us something. "Before coming here, I went to check on the game to see if Monika got removed from my copy as well. I was right. She wasn't in the game at all. The game also got altered in the same manner as yours did, Ethan. I haven't tested it yet, but try clicking on that "Forever Sayori" option."
I shakily moved the cursor over Forever Sayori. I found myself hesitating in clicking it. What messed up thing would I see? I was actually scared. Paralyzed with fear. We were about to uncover something and it didn't feel good. My hand suddenly felt something warm. It was Monika's hand.
"I'm here for you, my love. You're not alone," she tells me softly. My sister Yumi gives us a nod of approval. "Go for it, you two."
Both of our hands on the mouse, Monika and I click the Forever Sayori option. The screen started to glow brightly again. The same way it did when Monika was being transported here into the real world. Monika, Yumi and I were too shocked to even yell at this point. The glowing became brighter and brighter. This time, the PC monitor itself was shaking. All three of us backed away into a distance we seemed safe enough.
The PC was palpitating, and the screen was shining brilliantly. There was something different though. Instead of bright lights colored in various shades of yellow and white, these lights were different hues of blue. The lights then reached their brightest point and we hear the sound of static.
Smoke fills the room and before us stood a girl. She had short strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, and a warm smile. She wore the same type of uniform as Monika, but her blazer was too tight for it to be buttoned probably.
"Where... am I?" The girl asks no one in particular Yumi and I were too shocked to say anything while Monika called out to the girl.
"Sayori? Is that you?"
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