I couldn't believe it. This couldn't be true. Sasuke returned? The mere thought was ridiculous. Partway because half of me was in utter disbelief and the other half was angry that the smug bastard had chosen to return when I had given up trying to convince him to come back. As if he wad mocking me. As if he only left to enjoy the thrill of being chased by us, growing bored when I gave up.
"That's not true...no way..." I muttered in a robotic tone. The others stayed silent, obviously stunned by my sudden change in mood.
"It's true! He came back to help Naruto san! But there is still tension, no one completely trusts him." Katsuyu's small voice spoke out.
My shoulders slumped and I had to sit to think this through. So it was true...but I understood why there would be tension. Sasuke has betrayed us countless times, enough for me to just give up on him. He wasn't going to change and that left me bitterly angry at him. "He's up to something." I said flatly.
Katsuyu said nothing. "Probably trying to get close to Naruto to kill him." I continued, my eyes were fixated on the lone torch stuck to the ground. The possibilities were endless. Why did he even chose to return now? What did he have in mind? What was he up to? What was going on in that arrogant head of his?
"I need to go now, this climate is too dry...I will tell Tsunade sama about this and I will report back to you." The slug said meekly in an apologetic tone.
I nodded and watched as she disappeared in a puff of smoke, making the others gasp and mumble in awe. I didn't care. My mind was too preoccupied with what I just found out.
"Sakura?" Eren's worried voice made me look up at him. His dirty hair looked wild in the light of the torch and there were dark circles under his eyes.
I didn't have to look in the mirror to know I looked grimy and dirty too. I could feel my skin and scalp itch. A shower was much needed. "I'm okay."
"So you're gonna have to wait for feedback huh?"Connie asked curiously.
"Yeah...in the meantime." I whispered wearily. I got up steadily, unsuccessfully trying to wipe the dried mud sticking to the soles of my boots.
"Hey look, it's Christa, shes awake." Jeans voice rang out. I turned to see the solemn petite walking towards us in between the busy crowd. She looked grim, eyes down cast and dull. She must have still been upset about Ymir leaving us for Reiner.
"Hi Christa, how are you feeling?" Connie asked slowly, with a hint of concern in his voice once the girl reached us.
Nappy bangs slid across her small forehead as she looked up. "My name is not Christa." Was her flat response, making Connie flinch and the rest of us gawk. Blue eyes swept over each of the crowd until they landed on Eren and I. "My real name is Historia...Eren, Sakura, please come with me." She spoke out a little more softly this time. Her sky blue orbs glistened in the torches light as she pleaded silently.
"Huh?" Eren muttered dumbly, making him sound like a kid.
"Lets go to the wall." Christa, or rather Historia, stated simply. She was getting right to the point.
There was a moment of silence between all of us. Nothing was making any sense today. This was too much to swallow, and hell...I was starving, dirty, and tired. So I didn't feel myself sway, I only felt the impact of my back hitting the floor, and voices calling my name as I gave in to the narcoleptic feeling that had been taunting me since my ride back in the cart.
"Wall rose is being troublesome to contain dammit."
Voices, there were voices speaking in a faraway place. Was this a dream? I couldn't tell. All I was sure of was that I was extremely comfortable, and my slow steady breathing came out in a robotic pace.
"Well...to put it simply, wall rose was considered peaceful, until we said so otherwise, the refugees are currently returning to their own land but..." a deep sigh, and some shifting caught my ears. "The problem at hand is the use of the military force in the middle of this chaos."
Wake up...I had to wake up. But I couldn't move. I was stuck like glue to this place. Where was I? My eyes were going red.
"The illegal inhabitants that resided in the former underground city have been ordered to evacuate, but they clashed with the military in one part of that area." More shifting. Someone coughed. "There weren't any casualties, but this incident blew up all over the walls, I saw hells lid being opened with my own eyes."
"Everyone strongly believed that the killings between humans would starts at the fall of wall Rose."
Whoever was coughing made it clear they had a cold, because it was persistent.
A new voice spoke. "Sorry Erwin this couldn't wait until you had recovered, we very well couldn't lay on our asses all day." It was Levi.
"It's fine, I was getting tired of sleeping, continue." That voice voice belonged to Erwin.
"This isn't a joke! We're running out of options! Those people will either starve, or fight to survive, lets hope the latter isn't too much to handle."
Footsteps filled the air and a door slammed. Someone sighed heavily. My nose wrinkled and I fought with all my might to wake up...and I did.
I awoke to the warm feeling of fresh sunrays kissing my face. The red behind my eyelids eventually became too annoying and I had to open my eyes. The window to my right was to blame for the invading light. Baby blue draped were tied to the sides of the window sill with ugly yellow green cords of some kind.
I tried to sit up, but it was difficult. The sheets on my body were painfully heavy, and now I knew why I couldn't move earlier. Someone had placed a dozen blankets and a large heating pad on me while I slept. So I did the next best thing I could do. I turned my head sideways to observe my surroundings. I was in a white room it seemed, but that wasn't the first thing I noticed. It was Levi sitting in a wooden chair to my left. He wore a black suit and looked so clean he nearly sparkled. He was in between Erwin and I. The blonde was slumped against his own bed, not covered in sheets like me, but had an I.V and bandages covering his arm.
"What happened?" I asked meekly. My voice was slurred and I could tell I had been drugged with morphine.
Levi's head whipped around and Erwin shot me a calm smile. "Well looks like the brat lives." The raven haired man spoke out tauntingly, but his eyes held joy and warmth at the sight of my half lidded eyes.
"Good morning Sakura, they said you passed out, Levi brought you in, you collapsed due to dehydration and tiredness you were freezing too, so they had to warm you up, how are you feeling?" Erwin asked slowly.
I blinked and swallowed dryly. Of course, how could I forget to drink something? That must have been why I was so dizzy and dry. But I had been too preoccupied to notice or remember my bodily needs. "I'm feeling better." I muttered groggily. "What time is it?"
"Its just about to be eleven." Levi replied while looking down at his watch. Someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" Levi's voice rang out.
The door to my far left opened and Hanji came in, looking tired and frustrated. If she was like that then it must have been hell out there. "Did pixis leave already?" She asked.
"You're two minutes too late." Levi said with a nod.
She groaned and stomped her feet, but not before her large brown eyes flickered to me. I deadpanned. Shit...it was to late to fake being asleep now. She stepped over to me and bent to feel my forehead. "How are you? You fainted and had us all worried! And we needed a healer too! Oh well your health is just as important Sakura!" Her grin looked forced and she was too enthusiastic.
"I'm okay really...just a little tired from the I.V." I mentioned to the rube that was stuck into my wrist. It was attached to the bag of water over me, but I also knew they had been injecting the drug to keep me asleep during the whole ordeal.
"That's good, they washed your hair ya know, you look so cute like that!" She gushed. This time, it was sincere.
"Thanks." I said with a smile.
"Don't you have somewhere to be." Levi muttered with a scowl.
The brunette whipped her head around to shoot him a glare. "Ehhhhh! Cmon don't be so stingy with Sakura." She whined.
The whole ordeal was threatening to make me laugh, especially watching Levi's face. Erwin was the one to break the air of peace and comedy. "What why are you looking for Pixis?"
Hanji's attention shifted from Levi to the blonde, and she straightened up. Her face no longer held a smile, but a serious frown that showed she meant business. "It was the investigation launched at four in the morning, the townhouses in the breach...the village where Connie lived, there was evidence that said the houses caved in from something exploding from the inside." She paused to take a breath before continuing. "Moreover there was no traces of blood or corpses...it was like the residents just mysteriously disappeared."
"Or were eaten by titans?" Levi interrupted.
"Impossible, there should have been blood all over the place, people struggle prior to death after all." Hanji insisted. Her brown eyes were large behind her glasses, lost in endless questions that didn't make sense.
"So what are you saying?" Erwin asked outloud.
Hanji sighed. "Iv'e spoken with Connie...hes testimony stood out against the others because of what he said...just the thought gave me chills."
"Well?" Levi snapped. "Out with it."
Hanji gulped. "Connie was the one that led his squad to the village, and upon his arrival he found a titan sprawled on his house, a titan that resembled his mother."
"So what are you implying? That his mother turned into a titan?" Levi scoffed. "That's preposterous."
"Its the only viable explanation!" Hanji exclaimed. "Its possible that...the titans that breached the walls are the residents of Connies village, the Ragako people...that would also explain why there was no hole in the wall...no possible way for the titans to get in, because they came from inside."
Silence fell over us and I was alone in my thoughts for a moment before I spoke up. "Maybe the monkey has something to do with it...if he can control titans than maybe he can turn people into titans as well."
Erwin nodded. "I have heard about that titan...so in other words, titans were once human."
Hanji nodded and fixed her glasses with two long fingers. "There is no proof to claim that all titans were once human, but I bet my very last dollar that the titans in the breach were turned."
"This might shed some light on why the nape of the neck is their weakness." Levi exclaimed.
Erwin glanced at him. "How so?"
"If its people turning into titans, then that must be that the nervous system must stay intact deep inside, because we literally can't function without it, if it does stay intact then it may be located in the back of the neck, when we sever the neck we sever the brain, the human brain, cutting off all functions."
"I didn't notice any of the sort in my experiments, I mean if they were all the same then it would be evident wouldn't it? So I think it's safe to say that not all titans were once human?" Hanji's statement sounded more like a question than a claim.
"But if they are...then wouldn't this mean that all this time I have been killing people left and right?" Levi muttered with faraway look in his eye. I squirmed under my sheets. It was getting a bit too hot.
"But there's really no proof of that!" Hanji exclaimed quickly, fixing her glasses again. "In the end it is just a theory."
A thought came into my mind and I spoke out. "Hey but if its true, then that would mean that the difference between a shape shifter and the ordinary titan is that we can't fully assimilate a body of flesh."
"Yeah you can be right." Hanji nodded. I could tell she was thinking hard about the possibilities because her brow was wrinkled.
Turning sideways, I caught a glimpse of Erwin smiling...it was odd. Why would he smile in a situation like this? There was nothing funny about people turning into flesh eaters for gods sake! I was about to say something to the man but Levi beat me to it.
"Hey...Erwin what are you smiling for?" The Raven haired man asked. His face held an odd expression, like he just witnessed a murder.
Erwin glanced at him before shrugging. "Ah, its nothing."
"Creep." Levi stated flatly, arms crossed over his chest. I silently wished we were alone so we could talk privately.
Erwin laughed lowly, his lips carved upwards in a wide smile. "I was often called those things as a kid you know."
"Hn...is this why you created the survey corps?" Levi asked casually.
"Eh?" Both Hanji and I stared and waited for a response.
"Well Levi isn't it unfortunate that I am injured because a titan grabbed my arm? Now I'm weak and useless haha!" Erwin quickly changed the subject.
Levi huffed and responded. "Yeah...its unlike you."
Both Hanji and I leered at the two. They obviously had a hidden conversation going on but I chose to let it go. "By the way where are Historia and Eren?" Erwin asked out of the blue.
I gasped. "Yeah! I remember now...before I fainted that girl asked Eren and I to follow her to the wall."and I also remembered Katsuyu. Did she tell Tsunade sama my situation yet? Was she doing it now?
"Yes...part of that is connected to this, by the way Sakura, Connie told me everything that happened with your uh, slug?" Again, she questioned rather than stated. "Does this mean you are going back soon?"
Levi's head whipped around at the speed of light and his wide eyes stared down at me in shock and confusion. "Huh? Whats this about? That blue and white thing?" He nearly barked. I could feel my heart pounding.
"Her name is Katsuyu." I reminded him wearily. "Another woman from my world, my mentor, can also summon her , she let me know and I confided in her to tell my people my situation, so I can summon her again and get feedback...perhaps there would be a way to get back if she helps me, the man responsible for bringing me here can bring me back if they catch him..." I murmured slowly. I could feel Levi's eyes fade as he slumped in his chair and my heart surged. My throat was heavy and I could feel tears threatening to spill. I wished with all my heart that we were alone. Why...why was I feeling like this now?
'Because you didn't count on falling in love.' I thought bitterly. But deep down I always knew I needed to make a choice. And I was torn and unprepared for Levi's reaction.
"I can't stop you if you want to return to your home...but I hope you will be able to help us for a little bit longer, its because of you that we came this far after all." Erwin spoke out with a warm smile. I nodded and flinched when Levi got up from his chair.
"Hey where are you going?" Hanji asked, baffled when he pushed past her.
"Out for some air." He muttered darkly before heading out and shutting the door behind him. I wanted to scream, to get up and run to him, to plead, to explain, but I couldn't. I just stared at the ceiling with a blank stare.
"Well that was weird." Hanji grumbled.
Erwin said nothing and just sighed. "Let him be."
"So anyway...about Historia and Eren...we have them in a safe place, this chaos will calm down until they become adults." Hanji continued. I got up suddenly, throwing the blankets off my body and ripping the I.V from my arm.
"Hey! Where are you going?" Hanji shrieked, baffled as I swept past her towards the door. I was feeling a bit heavy from the morphine but I could manage.
"Out for some air!" I called, yanking open the door but not bothering to close it as I ran out. "What is with everyone today?" Hanji's shrill voice echoed out the room as I ran down the bare hallways. I could picture Erwin smirking, knowing eyes closed. I knew they wouldn't give chase.
Bare feet slammed against polished wood as I raced across endless hallways. I was in a skimpy white gown that was held together by small pieces of plastic at the sides, showing my naked sides as well through the holes. The dress also reached a bit above my knees. I prayed to god that the wind wouldn't blow it away once I stepped outside.
Levi was no where to be found...how fast did he storm out of here? My heartbeat was growing quicker by the minute as I stopped because I nearly collided with someone mid-run.
"Ah! Watch where you're going!" Connie's voice rang in my ears as I halted. He was holding a tray of water in his arms and his chest was a bit damp. He probably wet himself when he stopped suddenly.
"Sorry! Um, have you seen Levi?" I asked quickly, ignoring his stare.
"Uh no...shouldn't you be resting? I mean you can't be feeling better so soon..." He muttered. Glancing at my attire.
"I'm fine now, excuse me, I'm in a hurry!" I pushed past him quickly, ignoring his protests and making my way to the front of the building.
It was sunny outside, the brightness was making me squint slightly as I ran quickly around the building. I was back in the city and there were many people walking about. I didn't want to be seen so I made sure to be extra fast, hoping my body would be nothing but a blur. Stopping by a lone alleyway, I searched my surroundings by peeking behind it. No sign of Levi...I was growing frustrated.
Sighing, I decided to give up and slumped against the cool stone wall that I was leaning against. Pink locks fell against my face softly. Someone must have washed and brushed my hair. At least they had the courtesy to clean me before stripping me of my clothes.
Gazing at the busy crowd, I thought to myself bitterly. Why did Levi have to get so upset...he should have seen this coming as well...it wasn't like everything was going to stay the same forever. Thinking otherwise was childish.
"Where did he go..." my whisper was soft and yearning. I was about to slide down when a cart in the street caught my eye. Turning my head, my green eyes widened. Armin, Sasha, and Jean sat on the moving wooden cart being pulled by a rich brown horse.
I stepped forward quickly before I lost sight of them, bare feet slamming against the dirt as I ran. "Hey! Wait up!" I called out, jogging to keep up with the cart.
"Ah! Sakura!" Armin got up and lowered the back latch to help me up. I held on to his arms for support as I hauled myself over, stepping on the wood afterwards to sit. They had a lot of boxes scattered around.
"Where are you guys going?" I asked first, curiosity taking over.
"Gathering and transporting supplies, we were told by Pixis...um...why are you wearing a hospital gown?" Armin's cheeks grew red as he spoke and I had to cross my arms over myself as a form of concealment.
"You were in the hospital right? Must mean you escaped." Jean muttered while averting his gaze.
I nodded slowly. "Actually I was looking for Levi...do any of you guys know where he might be?" I asked hopefully. The wind made my hair sway softly as the cart rode again.
"No idea...sorry, I can probably lend you some clothes when we arrive at the building we are supposed to drop these off at, Mike helped transport my belongings there but yours would have to wait since your room is farther away and underground." Sasha said with a smile.
"Thank you." I responded with a smile of my own. I was lucky to have seen them. I didn't think I could muster the courage to go looking for my own clothes dressed in the thin gown. Perhaps I was reckless in running out like that...but I couldn't turn back now. They would just force me to lay down again.
"What happened with Eren?" I asked after a long stretch of silence.
Armin peeked up at me from his perch across my body. Blue eyes glistened in the raw sunlight as his lips moved. "Historia and Eren were taken into a secluded unknown location, that is all that I know."
"Yeah...still can't believe that's Christa's real name...I can't help but feel a little stupid for not knowing." Jean retorted. His arms were outstretched behind his head in a lazy-like manner.
"I see..." I whispered, looking ahead as the cart rode on. I thought about what those men in the hospital room said, something about wall Rose being in chaos. Yet i refrained from mentioning it. That could wait for another time because right now I needed to find clothes and Levi.
Pale blonde hair draped over the girls back in a single ponytail as she worked hard to save the man before her. Her muscles screamed for rest, her brow was coated in sweat, and she was beyond tired. Yet she dared not rest for her comrades sake. She watched her dark blue chakra dance wildly as she tried to heal the gaping wound. Her chakra wasn't like her rivals. Hers was strong but untamable. The pinkettes was a soft green that could do anything and adapt to what it wanted. While soft and flexible it could also be strong and dangerous with a single punch. Ino clenched her teeth as she remembered how perfectly her rival could master her chakra. At thirteen, the girl always had a knack of self control. Into tried hard to keep up for the sake of winning and proving herself but to no avail. While Ino was always a step behind perfection, Sakura was always in the lead, perfecting healing abilities so fast it made the blonde jealous. She had also failed miserably when her mentor tried to show her chakra control in her fists to create monsterous strength...and the pinkette had perfected it.
Blue chakra cackled and the blonde grit her teeth. She had poor chakra control...therefore she had trouble healing at a rapid pace. Now that she was older...she knew deep in her heart she came to admire her rival rather than envy her. So that she could become a better medic herself. But right now...she needed her past time rival more than ever. With many bodies injured Ino herself could not do it...she was spent. But where was the girl with the amazing healing abilities? Months ago...Sakura saved that mummy creep Kankuro, from a lethal toxin too complex even for professional medics no less. All the while using only a damned water tray. At the time it made the blonde furious with envy...because that proved how far ahead her rival was. But now...those negative feelings were nothing...unimportant. Now that she was gone Ino missed her more than ever. She even cried once during their searches...and that was saying alot. There was just no way Ino could ever replace Sakura as a medic. For she knew that the pinkette could heal everyone in a flash, while Ino herself took large amounts of chakra by accident or took too long. Thats what made the green eyed girl amazing.
"Hey! They found the hokage!" Ino snapped out of her thoughts with a jolt and she whirled around to look at Shikamaru. His face was smeared with dirt and his clothes were ragged, but that didn't matter at the moment. They were in war.
She has been at this for three days, got attacked by green akatsuki clones and survived, was told the ten tails was taken down but a new foe emmerged, that masked man, and all this was turning into a huge impossible weight to bare. Her temple hurt. But this was good news and she hadn't gotten that in a long time.
"Is she at the battle grounds?" Ino asked breathlessly. She had to cut her chakra. The rest of the lower skilled medic nins continued to tend to their own men.
"Yeah, get out here now! You wont believe what her slug said, she was found by Kabuto and made her way here but was weak since she was sliced in half." Ino gasped. Shikamaru had to wave his hand in front of him swiftly to comfort her. "Relax! Shes fine thanks to Katsuyu...but guess what, we know what happened to Sakura."
That caught Ino's attention and the blonde had to wait a few seconds to process what she had heard. "Huh? You know where Sakura is?!" Ino's high pitched voice made the lazy nin shrink back.
His dirty face scrunched up and he had to take a step back. "Tsunade came with the Mizukage, its chaos...but that slug she always carries around apparently got summoned by Sakura somewhere else, its kinda hard to believe, ridiculous even...but that slug said Sakura was stuck in some parallel world...shes fine but she has no idea how to get back...that masked akatsuki member did it, fought her and forced her in there...what kind of jutsu could do that? Imagine the hard work its gonna take to make him bring her back...Naruto is furious...what a drag." Shikamaru finished with his signature complaint.
Ino stood there...dumbfounded. "noooo wayyyy." She drawled. Even though the blonde was ashamed of it...she slightly doubted Sakura and considered the fact that she had run away or bailed on them because of the war. But this...she would never have imagined this to happen!
"Way." Shikamaru muttered.
"The stupid billboard brow!" Ino seethed inside with disbelief. "Why would she even try to fight an akatsuki alone?!" She shrieked.
Shikamaru cringed. No matter how many years he stood by Ino as a team mate he would never get used to the girls shrill voice. "And thats not all, you'll be surprised who came to join us."
Pale blue eyes stared at him. "There's more?" The girl murmured.
"Oh yeah...Sasuke came back...ironic that he came back once Sakura left isn't it-ow!" Shikamaru stepped back as Ino slammed a closed fist down on his head.
"Now is not the time for your lame jokes lazy ass!" Ino hissed. She was a demon when she was angry. And Shikamaru had just summoned it.
"I wasn't joking! Its true okay? I actually came here to recruit you, hokages orders, you can see for yourself then." Shikamaru whined, rubbing his head.
Ino stared blankly for a moment before looking back at the men behind her. The injured heaps either unconscious or moaning in pain.
"Its okay! They need you, we will take it from here!" One of the medic nin in white uniform shouted with a determined face.
Ino nodded. "Thank you!"
She followed Shikamaru towards the forests of the village, all the while wishing Sakura was fine wherever she was, and hoping for some answers on helping her back soon.
"Liar! Hes lying!" Blonde hair once a radiant gold, was now dull and caked with dirt and dried sweat. Blue eyes shone a deep dark blue that were filled with rage. Although he was tired, he would never stop fighting, not against the masked bastard that mocked him when his hokage asked for the whereabouts of a certain pink haired girl. Holding all tailed beasts inside him, he was strong...near unstoppable. And his deep voice rumbled when he sneered the words.
"Shes dead."
It was enough to make Naruto want to go wild, if not for Sasuke stopping him. It was the last person he was expecting to help, yet he had come. Finally, after years of trying, Sasuke had come back. The blonde didn't know how to feel. Rather...it was a mixture of joy, caution, and confusion. It made sense because the raven haired boy had betrayed them countless times. And now of all times he shows up? But one thing was certain. For now...they were allies, both against the masked man...well he didn't have the mask anymore but the man was nevertheless unrecognizable for Naruto. It was Kakashi who took an emotional blow, making the blonde curious. They knew each other, of that he was certain. Probably were even friends by the way his sensei was acting.
"Katsuyu said she was alive and well, I believe her, hes only messing with you Naruto." Tsunade's voice rose above a whisper. The younger blonde grit his teeth.
"I know that but where?! Where did you take her!" Naruto growled at the man again. His face was ugly. With swirls similar to his mask and he had a sharingan. He was an Uchiha. But not just that...he had a rinnegan. Was there any limit to his power?
Sasuke was watching the whole ordeal with curiosity. And his voice was low when he spoke. "What happened to Sakura?"
Kiba glowered at Sasuke with distrusting eyes. He didn't want to accept him. No one did. Naruto was the only one who was somewhat willing.
"She just disappeared one day when she left for training, there was no clues at all, just some signs of struggle, turns out that asshole over there fought her and threw her into some other place unreachable, you know...I wouldn't have figured that he could pass human bodies through his jutsu." Kiba muttered.
"Hn, you idiot of course he can if he can pass himself through it!" Choji shouted.
"The question is where did she end up." Tsunade whispered. She clutched her stomach, much too weak to fight. And the distress was evident in her voice.
"Obito...give her back, it would be like killing Rin, doesn't that matter to you?" Kakashi was speaking to the Uchiha again. In that same sad tone that Naruto couldn't shake off.
The mans face scrunched in a scowl and he laughed. "You know I wasn't even planning it, I just happened to pass by and she just happened to be there, and I just happened to be bored, you want her that bad? Then defeat me!" His last words were a snarl.
Naruto lunged. If thats what it would take to get his comrade back then he would gladly kill this man regardless of Kakashi's feelings. But a hand stopped him. Sasuke's grip was hard on Naruto's shoulder and he gripped it softly before letting go and stepping forward. Naruto watched as charcoal hair swayed with each step Sasuke took forward. It was kind of sad. Because even though he came back...they still couldn't be team seven again. Not without Sakura.
"I'll bring Sakura back." He muttered.
Naruto's jaw almost dropped. He was so used to watching Sasuke nearly kill his team mate, and now he wanted to save her. Was this his way of trying to make up for his past misdeeds? No matter how much he did...it would never make up for it. Naruto knew the moment he saw the pinkettes eyes go vacant as she told Naruto to stop searching. She gave up on Sasuke a long time ago. Did he know that? How would he feel if he did? His thoughts were interrupted by an explosion. Madara. The hokages were still fighting him, along with everyone else. This was a war between two people and an entire alliances of villages. It made the blonde want to tear his hair out. How the hell could they not take down two people? He didn't have much time to dwell on it however, because Sasuke was up in the air, chidori ready on his sword. Kakashi's piercing scream filled the air as he too, lunged forward. The last thing Naruto saw was a pair of Sasuke's feet as the three vanished into a whirlwind of air.
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