It was still pouring hard when Bertholdt and I made it to headquarters. My wrists were sore from being tied up and I was freezing cold. Bertholdt stopped the horse right outside of the back doors of the hallway of the building. He didn't want to risk being seen by anyone, but it didn't look like there was anyone here anyway. It looked deserted, and quiet. Most of the members already left. If there was really no one here, I was out of luck, but still had a chance of thinking of some way to escape. He lifted me up from the waist and set me down on my feet gently. I shivered in the cold and damp weather.

"There should be clothes in the storage office of new trainees, I'll escort you there." Bertholdt said lowly.

I nodded to show I was fine with his suggestion as he bent to tear off the tape that was binding my legs together and proceeded to take my gag off. I followed as he moved forward to open the door. I walked in first, and was relieved to be engulfed in warm air and bright light. The torch was no longer needed. He looked around quickly before walking on towards the end of the hallway. We stopped and made a turn that led to some stairs leading down. I thought about pushing him down the steps, but decided against it. I wanted to be smooth.

"I need to go to the bathroom." I said shyly, averting my eyes when he looked back at me and stopped mid-steps.

"Right now?" He asked. He studied me for a moment before giving me a curt nod. "Please try to hurry."

"Of course." I breathed. My hands were sweating despite the cold, I was nervous myself. We descended the stairs quietly and I followed the tall man as he led me to a couple of doors to the far right side of the hallway.

"I'll wait for you here." He stated as he leaned back on the opposite side of the wall.

He trusted me too easily, I couldn't believe Bertholdt didn't suspect me even a little bit, it was too good to be true. But then again...he didn't seem very smart. "Alright." I said as I slipped inside the door. I closed it behind me and pressed my back to it, trying to calm my beating heart. My eyes scanned the room carefully. There wasn't anything sharp I could use to release me from my hand bindings, but there was a window to the far side of the wall. An escape route. I went inside one of the stalls and used my feet to wiggle out of my boots to position them in front of the toilet. Then I locked the stall and climbed over the door to get out. I hopped down and bent to look. Perfect, It looked as if I were seated on the toilet when really it was just my boots standing there. I didn't care if I was barefoot, as long as I could get out. As quietly as possible, I moved to open the window and used the trash bin to get a boost up. Once I reached the opening I threw my body over it and cursed under my breath. My hips were stuck. I could see I was in another hallway somewhere downstairs. I wiggled and strained myself to get out, and fell down with one final push. I sat up wincing in pain but that didn't matter. I managed to get away from bertholdt. At least for the time being. Standing up, I took the time to observe my surroundings. I had no idea which side of the hallway lead outside, I would just have to guess and chose a path. I chose left and sprinted forward. My bare feet tapped against the floor as I moved. It was only a matter of time until Bertholdt found out I slipped out, I had to hurry. I kicked a door open and made my way inside. I needed to find something sharp and fast.

I was in some sort of records office. It was kind of dusty, but It was obvious someone made an attempt to clean it up. I moved to dig through the desks and opened drawers. All I could find were piles of old paper and random office goods. I stopped to think for a moment. "Idiot Sakura...how are you gonna cut through the tape anyway with your hands sealed off inside it." I mumbled to myself grumpily. I had left the room to continue walking down the hallway, straining my ears for any heavy footsteps creeping up on me. Since there was a dead end to my right, I turned left and padded over to a window. Looking out I could see the rain outside and a horse tied under a porch roof. Someone was here after all. My heart soared. There was still hope. Unfortunately the window had iron bars over it, It seemed all of the first floor windows had them. If I couldn't find the exit then I could try going upstairs to climb out of those. I padded over to the other end of the hallway and broke into a short run when I saw nearby stairs leading up. I climbed them quickly, and made my way upwards, stopping only for a second to listen intently. I thought I heard something but it was probably only my imagination. Upstairs was really dusty. There were pieces of shattered glass all over the hallway floor. Signs of the last breach that forced everyone into wall Sina. The lights were very dim here, and the rain was seeping inside the building, making the floor slippery and wet. I had to be careful of the glass since I was barefoot. I did my best to step around it to reach a window. There was a large shard of broken glass sticking out. Perfect for tearing my bindings.

I turned around and moved my body up and down to make the rope and tape rub against the sharpness of the glass. I thought about Levi for a moment. where was he? I couldn't help but wonder about him. I thought about the way his lips moved when he talked, the way his tongue would slip out to lick his lips while he read over something. I blushed. Now was not the time to think about those kinds of things. A sound of glass sliding against the floor startled me and I looked up at the other end of the hallway. I screamed, as Bertholdt rushed at me, anger showing on his face. I turned and hopped on the windowsill to throw myself out. Bertholdt caught me by the hair and pulled me back.

"You lying bitch! I gave you a chance and you ruined it!" He snarled.

I kicked him back with my foot and threw myself out. I didn't even care if this was the second floor. Anything was better than this creep. My body hit the wet grass hard, knocking the air out of my lungs and I cried out. Bertholdt threw himself out as well, something I wasn't expecting, and he had the luck to stagger on his feet, yet fell upon impact. As my wet pink locks hung on my face, I tried to scramble up to run, only to feel a heavy body slam against mine. I cried out as Bertholdt flipped me on my back and straddled me, tearing my shirt open to reveal my undergarments. I knew where this was going, and I felt a surge of fear and desperation hit me. I screamed and kicked frantically. It was weird, Bertholdt was strong, too strong for a normal human being.

"Stop it! Please!" I cried out.

"Shut up! I can't help it, this is your fault, why do you keep running away?!" He screamed out angrily as he grabbed my ankles and pulled them over my head as he pressed himself against me. I winced at the pain the strange position brought me. This was really happening, I couldn't believe it. Bertholdt was really going to do this to me. He pulled my skirt up, not bothering to take off my belts while he grinded his hips against mine, I felt nothng but disgust at the action. I turned my head to the side as he leaned in for a kiss and smashed my forehead against his nose. He cried out, and slammed my back against the floor, reaching down below him. I heard the sound of a zipper going down, and my heart fell. This was it. All I could do was whine outloud as I felt my throat tighten. I was tearing up. Bertholdt was about to position himself when a pair of hands clamped down on his shoulders and threw him off. I didn't really understand what was going on. I lay there on the wet grass, feeling disoriented, feeling the rain fall on my face. I could hear the sounds of someone fighting. I was cold...and tired. I felt like just going to sleep, but I knew I couldn't. I had to stay awake. I slowly sat up, my back aching from the blow Bertholdt dealt, my torn shirt hung uselessly around my torso, exposing my bra, but I didn't care about that. Because from where I sat, I could see Levi beating the shit out of the taller male, kicking him mercilessly on the ground with a very dark expression and a bloody nose. Bertholdt must have landed a punch, but he was losing. He lay on the floor, completely still while Levi continued to kick him repeatedly, not stopping even as Bertholdt lay unconscious on the floor.

I closed my eyes shut, feeling an overwhelming surge of emotions boil up inside me. I was happy to see him again, pissed off that his face got hurt in the process of saving me, and tired from this whole event.

"Stop..." I whispered. It was very low...but I was sure Levi had heard me, because the kicking stopped. I opened my eyes to see Levi panting, glaring holes into Bertholdts back, before his eyes slid to mine. We stared at each other for a moment, before his unique colored hues made their way to my chest. I blushed in embarrassment and stood up, coughing to give him a hint. He averted his eyes as he walked over to me.

"Are you alright?" He spoke softly. I bit my lip and nodded, watching him as his fingers worked to pull my torn shirt off and press my jacket together in a fail attempt to hide my exposed bra. I ignored the gesture and threw myself into his chest, smelling the familiar scent of mint and wine. Caught by surprise, he hesitated before hugging me, patting me gently on the back.

"Thank you..." I whispered, shivering violently in the coldness of the rain, pressing my face into his chest. I felt safe in his arms, I wanted to hug him, but my bindings were restraining me. Still...it was enough to just be this close to him. Was I obvious? I hoped not...Levi came to my rescue like my knight in shining armor, It was common sense for me to be this happy.

"Your welcome, lets go inside to get you some new clothes, and where the hell have you been brat? wearing a skirt in this weather and with no shoes?!" He looked down at my bare feet. "Are you stupid? Ahh nevermind." He pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and finger. " Dont run off like that again understand? you're lucky I was around."

I was relieved to hear him scold me like always. I wasn't obvious after all. "Bertholdt was the one who tore my clothes that day you found me in the lake, he um...he was stalking me."

His eyebrows rose. "I thought you said it was Mikasa?"

"Thats what I thought, but he confessed." I stated shivering. He sighed.

"Go inside so you can get some clothes, I'll take care of bertholdt." I watched as he walked over to the limp man and grabbed on to his underarms to drag him under the nearby roof to tie him to the exposed wooden pole.

"Alright." I said, slipping inside the building through the open door. I sat on a table, waiting for the raven haired man to finish. I didn't know where the storage of clothes were. He would just have to escort me there. Once he came inside, He took out a pocket knife and sliced my ropes, tearing off the tape in the process. I winced and rubbed my sore wrists. They were marked red from the tightness of my bindings.

"How did you find me?" I asked as he led me to the storage rooms

"I came here to gather a party to search for you, but found that it was empty, then I heard your screaming." He muttered bluntly. I could see his nose still had blood dripping down from it, and his knuckles were red from the force he put into his blows. I uncrossed my arms from my chest, not careing if he had a good view of my bra. I rose my hand to wipe the blood off his nose and slid it down to wrap my hand over his, pumping what little chakra I had in me to heal.

"I can wipe my own nose..." He muttered, giving me a half lidded glance. Bedroom eyes. They were dreamy. I bit my lip to hide my blush. I didn't want to seem obvious.

"It's my fault you got hurt." I merely stated. He sighed and pulled his wet locks back from his face. At that moment I could see right through his wet shirt. I made out his bellybutton and hard stomach through the thin fabric. I didn't know how I missed it before, I could have had a nosebleed of my own.

"Don't worry about that, I wasn't going to just stand by while you got raped..." He stood still then, stopping completely to stare at me. I frowned at his sudden gesture.

"What?" I asked.

He blinked, his eyes widening slightly before closing. He shook his head. "Nothing..."

I frowned, confused but not asking any more questions. I unclenched my hand from his and stood to wait as he turned a corner and opened a door. He waved his hand to signal me inside and I followed quickly, eyeing the neatly folded clothing wearily.

"There's no pants unfortunately, the jackets and shirts just came in today before the breach." Levi murmured, selecting a size small white button shirt from a rack and handing it to me.

"Thank you...I should take off these belts I guess." I stated calmly as my fingers clenched around my lower belts to unlatch them. I flinched at the sudden soreness of my flesh. Fresh red welts shone in a line where the belts used to be. "I groaned inwardly. "Oh great, now I have welts, today is a horrible day."

Levi's eyebrow rose. "That's your own fault, who would wear a skirt with the gear on?"

I pouted up at him and sat down on a crate to rub the irritated flesh. Levi sighed and bent down on his knees to examine it. I could feel my cheeks flush. This whole thing seemed unreal. It felt like a dream. I wanted it to be, but deep inside, I would hate it to find this moment gone. He rubbed over the skin and unlatched the rest of my belts, sliding them off my legs easily.

"If you want to prevent more welts from forming, I suggest you don't wear the gear, you'll be fine without it." He stated bluntly, watching as I slid off my jacket to put on the shirt he handed me. I didn't care, It was Levi after all.

"Pervert...where are we going?" I asked after my small mumble.

"To the south, that's where everyone is going, I can't deal with Bertholdt and all this at the same time, for now, the titans breach is the bigger problem, Bertholdt will have to wait." He rolled his shoulders forward, and I took the moment to study his face. His hair, wet from the rain, drooped over his face, his bangs seemed longer than ever. I imagined him to look like this in the shower. I frowned, trying to clear the thoughts from my head. Now I was being the pervert.

"Levi?" I spoke out after a while.

He grunted. "Hm?"

I bit my lip. "Why did you have to resign from being our captain?"

He sighed tiredly. "This again?"

"I want you back." I grumbled out. We stared at each other for a moment and I
was scared I might have seemed obvious this time.

"I don't know, I suppose I'll think about it." He stated calmly, averting his eyes from mine.

I gave him a weak and tired smile. "Really?"

"Yeah, hurry up woman, so we can go, I'll wait for you outside." He stated quickly before heading out. I nodded and slid my jacket back on, along with the socks and pair of boots sitting by the crate. I slid outside of the door afterwards, closing it tightly behind me. It really did feel unreal. It was easier to believe I imagined the whole thing with Bertholdt, but once I stepped outside into the rain, I knew it was real by watching the tall man laying in a sitting position. He was tied to the wooden porch pole, totally unconscious. I shivered and hugged my chest for warmth. I could see Levi make his usual sigh and slide off his coat. He handed it to me. "Here, you need it much more than I."

I took it reluctantly, muttering a thank you before putting it on. "I just can't believe it was him all along."

"He stared at the man before him. "I don't really understand what went on, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I suggest you do so to Erwin as soon as possible to report him." Levi said as he untied the horse and helped me get on it. He hopped on it behind me, positioning himself.

"sure...uh, eh?! I'm going to ride?!" I shrieked. I could feel his chest press against my back and his hands slide around my waist.

"Why do you not want to steer?" He mumbled out. I looked up at him.

"Ahh no it's not that! Isn't this inappropriate?!" I swear...If i felt his...his...man parts behind me I would just prefer to run to the south myself.

"Idiot, it's only inappropriate if i'm too close, stop fussing and go, i'm tired." He said.

My eyebrow twitched. "Like i'm not? Wait..." I suddenly remembered Sasha. Poor sleeping Sasha tied up on the couch. "We have to stop by connies town first, Sasha is there and she's tied up."

Levi gave me a questioning look. I pouted. "I'll explain to you on the way."

"Right...and how are three people going to fit on one horse?" He muttered.

"Her horse should still be there." I yelled once I kicked the horse to make it go, sending my wet hair flying around my face. I held on to the reins tightly. Even though I was flustered at the thought of having Levi behind me, It felt good to feel his hands around my waist. I would cherish the moment while it lasted as we sped on, leaving Bertholdt behind in the ice cold rain. I was glad to be with Levi again.

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