Chapter 9 - Suprise Suprise!

Eight Months Remaining...

~ Late of October (12th Week) ~

Fall certainly has been lovely this time of the year, especially with the town of Ponyville getting ready for Nightmare Night, which is only a few days away from today. High above the rooftops, Rainbow Dash takes a leisurely flight back from an important appointment late this morning as she enjoys the sights down below. Thatched houses are embellished with appropriate holiday decorations such as goofy creatures of the night, tons of fake spider webs, various ornaments of Nightmare Moon, and plumb pumpkins, which some of them are carved into unique Jack-O-Lanterns.

But it wasn't the upcoming holiday that has gotten Rainbow Dash in such high spirits. In fact there are a lot of reasons on why she is so particularly cheerful today. But one reason in particular is that today it's her husband's birthday. Giddy with anticipation over with everything set according to her agenda, she gleefully flies to their temporary lodge, the Golden Oaks Library.

Upon her arrival to the treehouse, she meets up with Ford on the library's main floor, and at once, she rushes in to give her husband a big kiss for reasons unknown to him. Satisfied enough, she lets go of the stallion whilst leaving him completely breathless.

"Wow! I guess that your visit to the doctor went that smoothly, huh?" he verifies with a goofy smirk plastered on his face.

"Yeah well... you could say that today is definitely going to be a special day!" she states with an all-knowing grin.

"Oh really?" he responds with a curious smile. "Care to tell me on what's so special about it?"

She blinks speechlessly at him as she wonders if Ford knows that today's his birthday or not. "You mean you don't remember on what today is?"

Carefully, he thinks to himself while tapping on his chin before he comes up with his answer in a casual manner, "Nnnnno, can't I say have." Then, he breaks into a sly grin as he pulls his wife in with a right wing and embraces her closely while saying to her wittily, "Unless of course it's where I get to spend another wonderful day with my beautiful, blue angel! Then everyday would be a special day just for me!"

A bit thankful that Mustang is oblivious about his own birthday, Rainbow just chuckles and goes along with it to not ruin the surprises in stored for him as she replies heartily, "You're as sappy as ever, Ford!"
"Maybe, but like sap itself, you pretty much stuck with me, and I don't tend on letting you go any time soon!" he adds humorously as he draws her in closer for a stronger embrace.

Leaning in closely to Ford's muzzle, she responds back with a witty smirk matching that with his, "I'd never asked you to let go of me in the first place."

"Heh, now who's being sappy around here?" he chuckles lightheartedly.

"Just shut up and kiss me."

Abiding by his wife's command, Ford gives her some sugar with a rewarding kiss while still embracing her within his wing. But as soon as they finished making out, a sudden realization comes to mind as he finally recalls it out loud, "Wait, I think I remember now! It's where our remodeled house will finally be ready, right?"

Thankful once again for him not remembering his birthday at the moment, which will increasingly amplify the surprises that are yet to come, the grinning mare concurs with him right away, "Yep, you got it!"

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's start packing and see our newly refurbished home!" he suggests with a keen smile as he turns around to head towards their temporary bedroom.

"Wait!" she shouts all of a sudden as she hastily flies in front of him while awkwardly displaying a toothy smile. "Let's not get too hasty here. We're in no hurry to see our house right away."

"We're not?" he perplexes with a raised eyebrow.

"No, of course not! There's still other cool stuff we can do in the meantime!" she insists greatly in an extravagant manner before thinking up some ideas on the fly. "Like... going out to a nice restaurant for lunch today! I'm in a mood for something fancy this time around."

"Really?" he responds with increasing skepticism. "But... you usually don't like fancy food. You would get impatient on how long they would take for them to bring out our meals and complain on how they are not as fulfilling as their high prices make them out to believe."

Despite Ford bring up some good points on why she doesn't partake in fancy restaurants that much, Dash doesn't want to let up on her means to allow time to pass by in order for her husband's surprise birthday party to be ready this evening. So she maintains her resolve by snapping on impulse, "Hey, I'm pregnant, and my cravings vary from time to time! And right now, I say that I'm in a mood for some fancy food, got it?!"

"Y-yes, dear." he obeys in a trembling voice over her wife's unyielding demand.

Easing up her expression after that, she lightly nuzzles her stallion to reassure him as she states in a cheeky tone, "And besides, it doesn't have to be that fancy. In fact, I was thinking that we could go to Hoofington this afternoon and have a nice lunch at a little place called... 'Four Brothers Pizzeria~!"

Her clever smile broadens significantly as the wide-eyed stallion comprehends that supposedly subtle hint, which referred to one of his favorite Equestrian restaurants of all time. After letting that sink in for just a little while longer, he stammers over his response.

"F-F-Four Brothers Pizzeria?"

"Mm-hmm!" she nods knowingly.

"The same place where they serve the most delicious, brick-oven deep dish pizza ever?" he exaggerates with a growing smile over the pizzeria's signature dishes.

"Yep! That's the one!"

As Ford remains frozen in place, the giggling mare takes immense joy over her husband's melodramatic reaction as he could barely process words while his gargling mouth allows some drool hanging out in the open. He can practically taste the unforgettable pizza's thick layer of gooey cheese with rich and hearty marinara sauce underneath it. Tempted to press his buttons even more so, she leans close to his ear and adds with a very sly smile.

"And after that, maybe we can stop by the mall and check out their costume emporium, so we can get some ideas for this year's Nightmare Night."

Knowing full well that Nightmare Night is one of his favorite holidays in Equestria since it's similar to Earth's Halloween, Ford's body rattles with excitement over the chance to come up with ideas for his next costume this year. Filled with so much enthusiasm over their recommended trip to Hoofington, Ford swiftly disappears in a flash. And as Rainbow begins to wonder on where Mustang went off to, she then spots a trail of blue-and-yellow zooming past her and notices her husband waiting by the door with their light saddlebags all packed up as they contain only a few of their necessities such as toiletries and towels.

"Well then... I'm ready whenever you are!" he proclaims with a childlike smile and a happy wag of his long, blue tail.

Amused by Ford's eagerness, she mutters to herself with a proud smirk on her face, "He-heh! Hook, line, and sinker~!"
Time certainly has flied by as Rainbow Dash and Ford Mustang spent the whole afternoon in Hoofington. After chowing down on some really scrumptious pizza, the two Pegasi went to the Hoofington Mall so they can check out some of the stores in the meantime. Most notably, they went to the costume emporium as promised. From there, they took their time leisurely to try on as many costumes as possible. Mostly it was just for laughs as they tried on various outfits. Eventually, they made their purchases and stroll around the mall for a bit longer. As some point, they came across a bookstore where Ford took enjoyment from their graphic novel section and other illustrated books, which Rainbow gladly took the opportunity to buy the ones he has taken an interest in. And lastly, they stopped by at the arcade where they participated in several awesome video games ranging from co-op brawlers to competitive fighting games.

After a long afternoon in Hoofington, the two Pegasi return to their hometown and finally arrive at their newly refurbished home. With the renovations completed, there are a few major changes that have been made to their one-of-a-kind cloudhouse. A most notable example is how the floating castle has drastically descended from its original high altitude.

From the ground up, the height to its foundation is roughly the size of a two-stored house. And from the edge of the base is a ramp made out of the same magical clouds that connects with the grassy fields down below.

From reaching the cloudy surface, Ford is the first to land with saddled bags from his shopping trip and what was packed for their temporary residence. But once Rainbow Dash makes her landing as well, she takes a moment to turn around and gaze at what's before her. Curiously, Mustang joins her side and shares her perspective. From the distance, they see warm lights radiating from the main town square of Ponyville in the midst of the calm twilight hour.

Dash has never seen Ponyville from her home like this before its recent renovation. But from observing such a wondrous sight right now, she couldn't help but sigh all lovey-dovey as she leans her head against Ford's neck.

"You know... the view isn't so bad once you get use to it." she grins lightheartedly.

With a smirk matching that with Rainbow's, he nuzzles right back and responds wittily, "I figure you might enjoy the down-to-earth approach from up here."

After that, they make their way to the entrance of their home. Along the way, Rainbow could hardly contain herself with her hardly repressed giggling as Ford wonders on what has gotten into her while he opens the door.

Once he gets it opened, Ford hears a couple of loud bangs and whistles like some of those well-known noisemakers. And from turning to the source, he catches a mere glimpse at what is inside before he is briefly blinded by a white light. From that flash, he rears back and falls back onto the floor before Rainbow helps him up. After getting back up, his eyes readjust themselves as he hears several individuals shouting out loud and all at once.


From that unanimous greeting, Ford's eyes widen at the unexpected welcome party he is receiving. Virtually, all of his close friends from Ponyville are there to celebrate this momentous occasion that Mustang has been unaware of since he woke up this morning. Carefully, he takes the time to examine the room as he verifies on the cause for celebration.

Some of his friends are wearing party hats. The living room is decorated with streamers and other party decorations that are mostly in blue and gold colors. But the biggest clue of them all is when he spots a big banner hanging from the ceiling that says in big, colorful letters:


"Wait, is it really--?! Oh, man! I can't believe I actually forgot my own birthday today!" Ford exclaims as he facehoofs himself hard for his own absentmindedness.

"Haha! Yeah, you pretty much tripped yourself on that one!" Rainbow comments with a chuckling smile as she wraps a foreleg around her husband. "But your reaction was well worth it in the end! Pinkie Pie, please tell me you've managed to capture that for me!"

"Right here~!" Pinkie replies merrily as ever.
In a flash, the party pony extraordinaire hands over a photograph from her instant camera, and the grinning Rainbow Dash hastily grabs it to take a look at it herself. Hovering over his wife's shoulder, Ford takes a peek at it himself before he gapes in shock at the petrified, silly look on his face that's plastered onto the photo. Rainbow couldn't contain herself as she nearly loses her balance while she is laughing like an uproarious hyena.

"BWA-HAHAHAHA! Oh this is definitely going into the album!" she chuckles with a devious grin.

After rolling his eyes, Ford resumes a wide, pleasant smile as he is still overjoyed that everypony else has remembered his own birthday this evening. "I... I still can't believe that you guys managed to set all of this up just for me!"

"Now you should know better than to doubt yer friends and family like that, Ford!"

Recognizing that country accent anywhere, the stallion of the evening faces two mares he didn't expect would be here today, even on his own birthday: Applejack and Rarity, who just got married a week ago and spent their honeymoon trip in Equestria's variation of the Big Apple.

"Applejack! Rarity! You're here too!" Ford smiles in surprise by their appearance. "I thought you would still be in Manehattan finishing up your honeymoon over there!"

"Oh that's already been taken care of, dearie!" Rarity waves it off with a carefree smile. "Besides we didn't want to miss this for anything!'

"Especially when we have other surprises in stored for you!" AJ nods with an eager grin.

Upon hearing that statement, Rainbow flaps in the air with excitement as she makes her announcement, "Oh yeah! Now that the birthday boy has arrived, we can finally get down with Ford's presents right now!"
Mustang anxiously looks around the room for his presents, but is puzzled to see that there are none in sight. "Well where are there? I don't see them anywhere."

"Don't worry." Rainbow reassures with a mischievous grin as she lands right next to him. "You'll see them soon enough. But first, we'll have to blindfold you to not ruin the surprise just yet."

Once he is handed a long, narrow cloth, he chuckles to himself before pointing something out knowingly to his wife, "You know that I can still see even with the blindfold on, right?"

"Hey, no dragon powers now!" she firmly objects with a wave of her fore hoof. "Otherwise no presents!"

"Fine fine." he complies with a chuckling smile, and he wraps the headband over his eyes before Rainbow tightens the knot for him. Once he is ready, Rainbow hovers right next to him and grabs his foreleg before leading him to his next surprise while the other guests follow right behind them.

After going up the staircase and steadily walking through the hallway for some time, the blindfolded stallion lets out a playful whine to his seeing-eye mare, "Are we there yet?"

"Almost. Just a little further." she answers with a hint of giddiness. "Okay, now turn left."

Following her advice blindly (sort of speak), Ford makes a sharp left and slams into the wall unexpectedly. Thankfully, the wall isn't that solid since it's made out of clouds, but it did startled Ford enough to bounce back and plop right onto the cloudy carpet.

Awkwardly, Rainbow lets out a sheepish chuckle before apologizing to her husband, "Oops! Sorry... too soon."

"Yeah, you think?" he smirks whining slightly in response while he checks on his muzzle with a tender fore hoof.

"Oh quit your whining! You're almost there anyhow!"

With Mustang standing up once again, Rainbow is careful this time to direct her husband into a room that is definitely unfamiliar to the birthday boy.

Then, the Pegasus couple stops right in the middle of the room while their friends gather around as they gasp and awe ecstatically at where they are standing right now. Ford's ears perk up on the sounds of the guests' giddiness as he assumes that they have arrived at his big surprise that's just waiting right in front of him.

"Okay, we've stopped. Can I see my presents now?" he asks with increasing eagerness.

"Okay... now you can look!" Rainbow Dash shrieks with irrepressible joy as she swiftly removes Ford's blindfold.

Unable to contain his suspense, he opens his eyes and hardly takes a moment to blink at what he sees before him. The room that was never there before has been turned into a full-fledged art studio!

From either side of the added room, there is nothing but countless art supplies. To Mustang's left is a large drawing table with an attached lamp and a drafting chair right underneath the table's surface.

To his right, a spacious cabinet and drawer which no doubt house some more goodies inside. And facing the wall opposite from where Ford is standing is a bookshelf with a sturdy easel sitting at a corner nearby.

Speechless as a kid walking through the most luxurious toy store, the flabbergasted stallion walks around his new studio as he gazes at all of its features with wondrous eyes while asking his wife behind him, "Rainbow Dash... is this... my very own art studio?"

"I don't know... you tell us!" she replies with a playful, all-knowing grin.

He then opens the cabinet doors and gapes exceedingly at the wide variety of materials including acrylic paint, watercolors, soft pastels, and an assortment of brushes.

"And... this is all for me?" he inquires with an ever-so awestricken expression.

"Down to the very last smudge of paint!" Vinyl Scratch answers with a bold grin.

Next, he opens drawers to see if there are any more gifts to find. From sliding the top drawer opened, he spots stacks of drawing paper. And in the bottom drawer, there are canvases ranging in various sizes.

"H-how...? How did you manage all of this?" he asks in complete disbelief.

In response, Rainbow gladly answers that for him, "Well... when I made contact with our contractors weeks ago, I asked them in advance to also install a new room just for you!"

"Quite right." Octavia agrees with a smile. "So once we heard from Rainbow Dash about your own studio as a birthday present, we made up our minds to set up a huge list and buy you art supplies as additional gifts to perfectly go with that."

Then Fluttershy adds warmly, "And everypony here contribute on all these wonderful gifts just for you."

"Eeyup." Big Mac acknowledges with a simple nod.

Everypony else nods along with the confirmation towards Ford's collaborated birthday present include Spike, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle. Whether they paid a little or a lot of bits, everypony has contributed in their own way.

"Of course, all of the credit goes to Rainbow Dash for coming up with this brilliant idea in the first place." Twilight Sparkle verifies with a bright smile.

Astonished as ever, Ford faces his surprisingly bashful wife and says to her, "I... I don't know what to say...!"

With an uncomfortable blush, Rainbow smiles sheepishly as she does her best to avoid his warm gaze. "D'aww... no need to thank me, Mustang. Though showing me a little gratitude every now and then wouldn't hurt either."

From taking notice of her cheeky comment, Ford makes a devious grin as he approaches his mare while responding back, "Oh-ho... you want a little gratitude, eh?"

But before Dash has a chance to react her husband's shrewdness, she is immediately pulled forward, and he gives her lovely wife a deep sign of gratitude by kissing her passionately on the lips. Rainbow squeak a little in surprise. Ignoring all of her gawking and aawwing smiling friends, Rainbow melts into Ford's strong, warm embrace as she fully accepts the appreciation her stallion is offering to her.

After parting his lips from hers, he quips with a cheeky grin, "There! How's that for gratitude?"

Once she recovers from that breathtaking kiss, she smiles boldly and shrugs with her shoulders in a teasingly cool manner, "Eh, I suppose that will do for now."

Joking aside, he gives his wife a more tender hug as he softly speaks to her with a sincere smile, "Thank you, Dashie. This is truly the best present I could ever ask for."

"Oh, I think you might have spoken too soon, Ford." she states that boldly before she adds in a sultry whisper. "Because once the party's over, I have a few more surprises for you by the end of this night."

"More surprises, huh?" he smirks while subtly shaking in anticipation for what's to come later in the evening. "Well then, let's not waste anymore time."

Suddenly, the ecstatic Pinkie Pie steps between the two Pegasi and asks eagerly as ever, "Ooo! Can I say it? Can I? Huh? Huh? Huh?"

"Hey, no fair!" Vinyl intervenes with an immature whine. "I wanna say it too!"

"Girls girls... please be reasonable." he jokingly disciplines him. "Tell you what... since it's my birthday, both you can say it at the same time."

Then, the two well-known party ponies of Ponyville looked at each other silently before they break into approving grins as Pinkie asks her DJ friend, "Ready?"


And at once, Pinkie and Vinyl make their grand announcement together to the crowd around, "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!"
Author's notes: just to worn you all that this part is going be getting a little spicy and with a little bit of it going for Rainbow Dash and Ford Mustang Big surprise. So be ready for it my friends.
After a long night of food, games, and dancing, the birthday party had come to an end when the guests make their departure nearly all at once. So now, the roster has been reduced down to two: Ford Mustang is downstairs is finishing the last bit of clean-up, and Rainbow Dash is getting ready for the stallion's next surprise upstairs. Finally, with his task done, Ford anxiously flies upstairs, but while doing his best to control himself in a steady pace. Once he faces the closed door of their bedroom, he knocks on the door three times and waits for the mare's response.

"Come in~!"

From receiving his wife's permission to enter, he grins eagerly and opens the door while inquiring in a smooth voice, "So... where's this next surpriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...?!"

But his slack-jawed mouth is unable to finish that staggered sentence as he stares with great, big eyes at what's in front of him. Sitting on their bed is Rainbow Dash, who greets her flabbergasted husband with a seductive smirk as she lays on her side in a very sexy pose. Her right fore hoof sits underneath chin, her left foreleg drapes around her chest, and her curvy flanks are sticking out front while her hind legs cross over one and another.

But it isn't just the pose that is so captivating to Mustang's eyes... or that sultry smirk... or those dreamy bedroom eyes of hers. No, what really grabbed Mustang's full attention right now is what she is wearing on this special evening of theirs: it is a complete set of dark-colored lingerie with vibrant trimmings!

On all of her four legs, she is wearing silky, black stockings with frilly, elastic bands that share a hot magenta color that matches with her mesmerizing eyes. And fitting snuggly with her beautifully exposed ass is a black thong completed with the same frilly edging as her stockings and a small, reddish-pink bow tie that lines up in the center of her groin.

While Mustang is still unable to continue where he left off, Rainbow amusingly answers that disconnected question for him with a very bold and voluptuous smirk, "Yeah, You're looking at it!"


Predictably, his wings span out with throbbing excitement (much like the rest of his body), and eventually, he takes a moment to close his gaping mouth before softly asking with keen curiosity, "Rainbow... where in Equestria did you get that?"

"Oh... just a little something that Rarity made for me." she states in mocking casualness as she brushes her fringes in a significant swoop while flicking her colorful tail enticingly. "I take it that you like what you see?"

"If only I can get a picture of this to capture the moment!" he states with a budding grin.

But then, out of nowhere, a flash of light engulfs the room for a split second as it left the stimulated couple temporarily blind. Ford is the first to recover from that, and he quickly turns around to see where that light came from. From peaking out of the doorway, he can only catch a glimpse of a familiar, pink, puffy tail as it swiftly exits out of the hallway and descends the staircase. Once he faces Rainbow Dash, who is just as confused as he is, a floating photograph gently lands right on his nose before he examines it himself. With the mysterious photo in hoof, Ford's eyes expand significantly as the instant picture reveals itself, for it captured the same titillated moment of his incredibly sexy, lingerie-wearing wife that he was just talking about.

"Oh-ho-hoo! I am SO keeping this!" he chuckles deviously as he teasingly waves the scandalous photo in front of Rainbow.

Realizing on what that picture is, she blushes like mad and warns him sternly, "Y-you better not put that in the album, Ford!"

"I might consider that thought." he counters with a shrewd shrug and an amusing grin. "What's to stop me otherwise?"

"Depends... would you prefer the photo itself or getting your hooves on all of this?" she says with an enticing smirk as her left fore hoof glides teasingly across her curves before she lays a nice light smack on her flank.

Renewed with so much arousal by Rainbow's tempting offer, his lustful eyes are glued to his alluring mare as he answers with childlike modesty, "Yes please."

Satisfied by his timid response, she re-positions herself by lying on her back and spreading legs widely so she can present her increasingly wide-eyed stallion a good, clear view of her panties. And in that come-hither voice of hers, she commands the completely enthralled Mustang with an alluring grin, "Then come on over here and get your present, big boy~!"

Without a moment to spar, he carelessly tosses the photograph aside, and his fluttering wings carry him over to the bed before he carefully lands on top of his enticing lover. Once they are in within close proximity, they warmly embrace one and another as they share a very romantic kiss while Dash's leggings wrap around Ford's body. After some time from their extensive smooching, they take short break as Mustang gets a good look at his incredibly sexy wife while stroking her soft, multi-colored mane.

"I like your choice of colors." he compliments grinningly on her exceedingly eye-catching lingerie. "It really brings out that naughty side of yours."

"You should know by now that I'm always a naughty filly!" she responds with a devious smirk. But then, she lets out a soft groan as she mumbles to herself, "Of course, I bet I would look even better in this thing if I wasn't so fat."

"You're not fat, Rainbow." he consoles her with a giggling smile. "You're just pregnant, that's all."

"I fail to see the difference, Mustang."

"That's because you don't have much attention to detail like I do. If you were really fat, it would have affected every proportion of your body."

"Oh really? Pray tell!" she retorts with a sarcastic smile.

"For example, you wouldn't have such a gorgeous face as of now..." he points it out before affectionately kissing her, starting with her lips, then her cheeks, and dispersing them across her neck.

Then, he slowly trails towards her right foreleg with more quick pecks along the way.

"...or these well-toned yet elegant muscles that would make any athlete green with envy..." he carries on ever-so sweetly whilst he snuggles against the silky fabric on Dash's legging. From the nestling and countless pecks, Rainbow does her best to contain her various moans and yelps of barely concealed approval of ecstasy, especially when Ford tenderly touches her sensitive hooves, which she forbids from everypony else to the special privilege.

Soon after, the affectionate Mustang continues his trail of never-ending kisses across Dash's pregnant belly, which earns the pleased stallion some subtle signs of satisfaction from his cooing wife.

"...or these marvelous and perfectly curved flanks of yours!" he concludes with a crafty smile as he slyly lifts up her hindquarters before his mischievous fore hooves press firmly against Rainbow's butt cheeks, which causes the astonished Rainbow Dash to let out an absolutely adorable squeak of surprise and delight.

"EEK! Geez... enough with the sweet-talking and just get with the unwrapping already!" she begs impatiently.

"Hey now, you're my present this evening, so I say the leggings stay on!" he replies with a devious smirk as he teases her even further by repeatedly kissing Rainbow's inner hind leg, which causes the mare to squirm and giggle uncontrollably.

After toying his wife long enough, he moves his muzzle inch by inch toward his bow-tied present as he declares to her with a wicked grin before using his teeth to grab the frill of her panties, "But these on the other hoof... oh, they are definitely coming off!"
"Okay, that... was definitely the best present I have ever received!" he praises Rainbow Dash with a goofy yet very grateful smile stretching across his face.

Presently, the two Pegasi are laying side by side as they are completely contented from their latest act of lovemaking while affectionately snuggling in each other's forelegs. While underneath the bed's cozy covers, Rainbow Dash is still wearing her black-and-magenta lingerie, minus the panties Ford tossed aside earlier.

"Oh it's not over yet." She replies with a crafty grin. "I still have one more surprise for you."

"One more?! Rainbow Dash, I don't think my heart can take any more surprises!" he jests lightly.

"Then you better get ready for this one because it's a doozy!"

After a soft sigh, he complies with a smile, "Alright, I'm ready. Lay it on me, Rainbow. What's the surprise this time?"

"Well... let's just say... we're might need some room for one more." she hints with an all-knowing grin.

"'Room for one more...?' Are we getting another pet or--?" Suddenly, he pauses in the middle of his response as his eyes widen to such a degree that they look like they're about to pop out of their sockets.

While Mustang is momentarily speechlessly, Rainbow is greatly amused over Ford's expected reaction as her cunning grin stretches exceedingly.

"Wait... don't tell me!" he utters in complete astonishment as he verifies the connection from earlier today. "That visit to the doctor's office this morning... does this mean that you're...?!"

With a hasty yet excited nod, she confirms the best surprise of them all in a shrilling voice, "I'm carrying twins, Ford!"

For a second there, his heart nearly skipped a beat as he processes that simple yet overwhelming response from his grinning wife before he finally replies with an increasingly enthusiastic smile, "Oh Rainbow Dash... that's... that really is the best surprise ever! Excuse me for a second, but I need to faint right now."

"Don't you dare!" she imposes to him.

"I'm kidding!" he says with a lighthearted chuckle before taking all of this in once again. "But still... wow! I mean... WOW! I'm going to be the father of not just one... but two foals! You know what that means, right?"

"More diapers that need changing?" she answers in a mocking groan.

"...Well yes, there's that too. But I was going to say that it means one foal for each of us!"

"Hey! No favorites now!" she jokes in comedic sternness.

"Of course, of course!" he nods with a happy-go-lucky smile before getting emotional from all of this. "I would never pick one over the other because I'm going to love each and every one of them, just as much as I love you! Without a doubt, this... this truly is the best birthday ever! And it's all thanks to you, my beloved Rainbow Dash! For this will be one of the many reasons on why I will always love you, my beautiful, blue angel!"

Touched by his sentimentality as always, she leans in to give her husband a genuinely warm kiss before responding with as much affection as her stallion, "And I will always love you, my big, strong Mustang."

With a perfect way to end Ford's birthday, the snuggling couple gradually succumbs to their needed sleep with fully contented smiles over the wondrous news regarding with their newly announced twins. Blessed with so many wonderful things that has happened to him on this special day of his, Ford Mustang just can't imagine on how life could get any better than this.

Author's notes: I hope you all liked this one here and also with the sexual part of it sooo...yeah, and now you know the big SURPRISE Rainbow Dash is going to have twin foals now and Ford mustang is going to be a father and a family YEAH!!

And, and I'm going to make 4 more chapters on the weekend so be ready for them cause the next ones is going to be pretty surprising for you my friends.

Leave a comment to know of what you all think of this here and I think you all are VERY MUCH going to like it. And your going to LOVE what you see! (as Photo Finish would say: I GO!!) 

Seya! 😉❤️

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