Eventually, they carry on with the rest of their meals before they clean up their plates and reside in the living room. From there, they wait for Fluttershy to return, who volunteered to check on Rarity and see if there is any way for the sweet Pegasus mare to help out her Unicorn friend from her recent troubles with her fiancée, Applejack, who is currently outside venting out her frustration through applebucking.
Sooner or later, Fluttershy slowly walks down the stairs and joins the rest of the ponies before Rainbow Dash flies up to her and asks, "Any luck yet, Fluttershy?"
Sadly, she shakes her head and answers softly, "Sigh... no. She's just too upset to come out right now."
"You don't think the wedding is going to be off now, do you?" Sweetie Belle asks with worry.
Granny Smith, who is sitting with the three Cutie Mark Crusaders on the same sofa, reassures the Unicorn filly as she gently strokes her pink-and-violet curly mane, "Now don't you fret for nothing, Sweetie Belle. It's only natural for couples to argue like that sometimes. Applejack just needs to let off some steam, that's all."
Unable to sit still and do nothing, Ford Mustang gets himself off the couch and heads toward the door while declaring out loud, "That's it. I'm going to talk to her."
Despite his big size, Big Mac hurries at breakneck speed to block Mustang from exiting the house as he states in a steadfast yet gentle voice, "Ehh... nnnope. Ah wouldn't recommend that, Ford."
"Why not?" the blue Pegasus asks to the equally tall stallion.
"Just listen and you'll see what Ah mean." Big Mac responds as he directs him to the door. From pressing his ear against the wooden surface, he can hear the soft, rhythmic sounds that are like distant thunder. Assuming that's Applejack outside applebucking with all of her might, Ford cringes on that thought as the red farmpony boldly points it out , "That's why."
Shaking those fears aside, Mustang goes around the other stallion and declares once more, "I'm still going outside."
But as he touches the door's handle, Rainbow flies up to her husband and insists greatly, "Wait, at least let me come with you!"
Granny steps forward and advises against that idea, "Uhh, sugarcube... Ah think it would best if he would take care of this himself."
"What makes you say that?" Rainbow Dash inquires.
With a raised eyebrow, she cautions the younger mare, "Need Ah remind you about your snippy remarks earlier?"
From that stern reminder, Rainbow droops her head in a sheepish manner, "Oh... right."
"I'll be fine, Rainbow." he reassures his wife with a determined grin as he warmly kisses her on the cheek. "I handled a great evil once, so I think I can handle just one mare on my own."
But once he steps outside after opening the door, he stops in place as he cringes lightly on how bad his confrontation with Applejack could get before he mutters to himself, "Gulp... I hope."
Out in the cool, crisp air of Sweet Apple Acres, Ford Mustang flies and weaves through the apple orchards as the sounds of Applejack's thunderous bucking gets louder and louder. At the sight of the hardworking farmpony, the Pegasus makes a delicate landing before he gingerly approaches his preoccupied friend.
"Hey, Applejack." he says to her meekly. "How's it going?"
Without so much as looking him, she continues her bucking while responding in a grumpy, impatient tone, "What do ya want, Ford?"
"I thought that you might need some help out here." he offers his assistance with a gentle smile.
"No thank you." she grumps once again as she places another full basket of apples onto a nearby cart. "I can take care of things by myself."
"Well then, is there anything you would like to talk about? It might help get what's ever off your chest."
At once, Applejack twists her head around to glare at the blue-and-yellow haired stallion and snaps at him, "Look here, Ah don't have time to dilly-dally with you! Ah know what yer tryin' to do, and Ah got nothing to say to you! Besides, why is it any of yer business to get into mine?!"
A bit shaken up by that retort, Ford openly expresses his concern in a very humble manner, "Because I'm worry about you, AJ. And so is everypony else. We're you're family, and family is supposed to look out for one and another. You still regard me as family, right?"
As she listens to him, Applejack looks into Mustang's big, turquoise eyes and is captivated by his earnest expression, which causes her anger to diminish right away. With soft, green, pitiful eyes, she reassuringly hugs her Pegasus friend as she answers him tenderly, "Oh, of course Ah do. Ah would never think of you anything less. Not after all that you have done for me."
Feeling more relax from this embrace, they leisurely end their comforting hug before the humble stallion proceeds to get some answers from AJ, "So... may I ask on why you were so upset with Rarity earlier?"
Applejack becomes hesitant at first, but eventually, she reveals her reason to him in an embarrassing tone, "Ah... well... Ah guess Ah'm just... afraid."
"Of what?" he gently inquires with a tilt of his head.
Too ashamed to look at Ford in the eye, Applejack aimlessly stares at the ground while explaining herself, "It's just that... Ah'm afraid that Rarity is gonna try to take control of my life someday. You know, change my ways and such."
"Well... has she made any permanent changes to your livelihood yet?"
"No, not really... but she always keep makin' decisions for me!" she verifies with renew aggravation, "Like deciding on what should we eat for our wedding!"
"Oh, so were you there with her for that?"
"Actually... no. Ah was... really busy." she admits with mildly flushed face.
With a skeptical eyebrow, he points something out to Applejack, "What, with running the farm? I mean Rarity was willing to take the time off from her job, so why couldn't you do the same for her?"
A bit surprised by Ford's assumption, AJ chuckles lightly with a sheepish smile, "Okay, you got me there, Ford. But Ah really mean it! Ah was busy with something else!"
"With what exactly?" he asks as he remains skeptical about this.
With her face flushed immensely, she stammers in response, "It's... too important for me to tell it to anypony, okay?"
A bit unconvinced at first, Ford leaves it aside and he says to her with a gentle smile, "Alright, I won't question that any further. But back on the subject, did Rarity tell you later on what she decided for the reception's dinner?"
"And... did you disagree with anything she picked?"
"Well... no. Everything looked pretty good actually."
"Then what's the problem?"
"Ah... sigh... Ah don't know." she says in a defeated tone as she sits down on her hindquarters. "Ah guess Ah was just a little upset when Rarity changed the location for our wedding like that, considering that it was my idea in the first place to have our wedding right here at Sweet Apple Acres."
After he sits down next to the troubled Earth Pony, he offers his counseling to her, "Listen, I get that you're worried that Rarity might be a bit fussy every now and then."
"'A bit' is fairly an understatement, sugarcube." she corrects him with a chuckling smirk.
In response, Ford briefly shakes his head with a soft, giggling smile before continuing his statement, "But you're forgetting that this is the Element of Generosity we're talking about. Besides, despite how prissy can she be sometimes, how did you manage to convince Rarity to move into your home instead of the other way around?"
"Ah didn't." she answers sincerely as she recollects that major decision she and Rarity made together. "She said that she didn't want to separate me from the farm, so she insisted that she should move in... with... me."
As she halts the last few words of her sentence, Applejack freezes in the place as she remembers one of the many reasons on why she loves Rarity so much, and that she was fretting over nothing when it comes to her fiancée respecting her lifestyle.
From that realization, she face-hoofs herself as she expresses her shameful regret out loud, "Oh Sweet Luna, Ah'm such fool right now!"
Happy to see her realizing her mistake, Ford lays a gentle fore hoof on Applejack's shoulder and subtly directs the next course of action for her, "Here, let me take care of that for you. I think we both know on where you should be right now."
Grateful for his ever-so considerate help, Applejack pulls him in for a stronger hug and says to him with a big, warm grin, "Thanks for everything, Ford. Ah know Ah can always count you... little brother."
With a deadpan expression, Mustang corrects her smirking friend, "I'm older that you are, AJ."
Without breaking up their hug, Applejack replies back with a casual smirk, "Hush up and don't spoil the moment."
Complying with her demand, Ford breaks into a small grin and responds amusingly, "Fine... have it your way... big sister."
A short while later, Applejack returns to her home and opens the semi-creaky door before gently closing it behind her. From inspecting that noise, Fluttershy gasps in surprise and delight over her friend's return and tenderly welcomes her back.
"Oh thank goodness! Are you okay now?"
Feeling far less tense than earlier, Applejack replies with a very serene smile, "Ah'm alright, sugarcube. Sorry for makin' scene like that in front of y'all."
"It's okay, Applejack. I'm just thankful that you are feeling better right now."
Then, Rainbow Dash joins her two best friends and asks, "Hey, wait a minute... where's Mustang?"
"Oh, he's outside right now." Applejack answers as she turns her head and points in the direction that Ford's at with her muzzle.
Imagining the worst for her husband, Rainbow glares suspiciously at the Earth Pony and warns her, "You better not have taken out your frustration with him, AJ. 'Cause if I find him laying on the ground out there--!"
"Ah did nothing of that sort, RD!" Applejack replies angrily before calming down from her short outburst. "He was just kind enough to take the apples I just bucked into the cellar for me."
After that is resolved, Applejack is welcomed by her little sister, Apple Bloom, as she gallops from the living room to give a big hug to the taller, orange mare. Soon, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Granny Smith, and Big Macintosh join the rest of the gathered ponies.
"Applejack! You're back!" Apple Bloom squeaks with a huge smile. "Does this mean that you and Rarity aren't gonna have a divorce?"
AJ chuckles to herself over her little sister's innocence before patting the filly's red mane and answering with an amusing smirk, "Apple Bloom, we're not even married yet."
A bit embarrassed from forgetting that fact, Apple Bloom then adds, "Oh! Well... so you two are still havin' your wedding then, right?"
"Of course we will, AB. It's going to take more than a spat like that to separate the two of us." she grins with a wink. Then, she looks around and asks, "By the way, where is Rarity anyhow?"
"She's upstairs in her room and hasn't come out of there since you left the house." Sweetie Belle answers with concern over her big sister.
Knowing that she isn't out of the frying pan just yet, Applejack lets out a heavy sigh before she approaches the staircase as she states mostly to herself, "Alright... Ah guess Ah better head up there and settle this myself."
"Hold your horses, sweetie." Granny Smith stops her eldest granddaughter before presenting her a plated slice of homemade apple pie. "You should probably take this with ya as a peace offering."
Gently, Applejack balances the plate with a fore hoof and says to her thoughtful grandmother with a grateful smile, "Thanks, Granny. Yer the best."
Carefully, Applejack finishes her climb on the stairs with the plated pie secured on her fore hoof. Afterwards, she gingerly approaches the closed door of the bedroom that she and Rarity shares. Once she takes a very deep breath, the orange farmpony delicately knocks on the door and prepares for the worst.
"Rarity, may Ah come in?"
"Go away, Applejack!" a sniveling voice resonates from within the locked bedroom. "I'm in no mood to speak with you right now!"
"Please, sugarcube!" she desperately calls out to her. "Ah'm awful sorry for what Ah had said to you earlier! Please let me make it up to you! Ah've even brought ya some pie!"
"Don't even think you can win me over with just sweets!" Rarity retorts with a mighty harrumph. "And for that matter, you can sleep in a barn for all I care!"
Disappointed to hear that her fiancée won't budge an inch toward the door, AJ looks at her delectable apology gift and contemplates on a way to gain entry to their room. From looking at the big slice of warm, apple pie, she breaks into very sly smile as she intends to play Rarity like a fiddle.
"Okay... if you say so. Though Ah am a little surprised that you would turn down a slice of delicious, homemade apple pie. Especially if it's made by Granny Smith. She just loves makin' pies. It's what earned herself a Cutie Mark when she was just a filly, you know. Eeyup... there's hardly anypony who would refuse to try one of Granny Smith's famous apple pies. Of course, Ah understand if yer not hungry right now. Though it will break her poor, old heart when she hears you refusin' one on of her prized desserts. She certainly takes a lot of pride when it comes to her cookin'. Especially all those long, weary hours she spent slavin' on this--!"
As Applejack smiles in triumphant, she hears the door being unlocked as it magically opens by itself. But her proud smile dies right away as her green-colored gaze locks with her future wife's. Though maintaining her usual, glossy hairstyle, the seamstress's purple mane has several frizzy strands sticking out. And the blue eyes of her ice-cold glare look worn out from her excessive crying; even the stains from her dried-up tears were slightly visible on her snow white face.
Without a word, Rarity steps aside and gestures the guilt-ridden farmpony inside. Silently, Applejack offers the pie to the expressionless fashionista before the two sit on the bed's luxuriously soft, quilted cover while giving each other reasonable space between them.
With the use of her magic, Rarity takes a fork and breaks off a modest piece of the apple pie. In a graceful manner, she eats her first bite and chews on it slowly. From savoring its rich flavor of apples drench in a thick sauce of sugar and cinnamon with bits of flaky pie crust in between, Rarity couldn't help but moan to herself from its deliciousness as she smiles broadly. Unable to contain herself, she quickly goes for another bite to relish its scrumptiousness, and she moans in delight once again.
"Mmmm! It's still as delicious as ever!" she compliments with a wide smile and puffy cheeks.
"He-heh... Ah tend to forget how adorable you can be sometimes whenever you make faces like that."
Applejack mutters with a giggling grin.
While her face is stuffed with more of her delicious treat, Rarity reestablishes her icy glare at the farmpony, and Applejack retracts her smile into a more docile position. Once she swallow her latest bite, Rarity scowls at her, "Don't think that you are off the hook just yet, Applejack. I'm still mad at you for all the things you've said to me this evening!"
Feeling blameworthy once again, Applejack removes her treasured hat and gently places it aside before she nervously begins to express her sincere remorse, "A-Ah know... and Ah shouldn't have said things that Ah never meant to say in the first place. Ah let my temper get the best of me, and Ah'm really sorry for takin' it out on you like that. Ah guess Ah got a little bit carried away because... well... because Ah was afraid that you wouldn't respect my lifestyle and try to take that away from me someday."
As AJ shamefully looks down, Rarity finishes her plate and uses her levitating magic to set it aside on a nightstand nearby. Then, she slides closely to her remorseful lover and nuzzles her slightly while expressing her opinion in a very gentle tone, "Applejack, I know that we have our fair share of differences from one and another, but please believe me when I say that you have nothing to worry about over something as petty as that. I will never ever dream of changing you into something that you are not comfortable with. Don't forget that I love for who you are no matter what."
Gingerly, Applejack looks at Rarity and sees the soft benevolence from those big, gorgeous, blue eyes of hers. With a tiny smile, the Earth Pony asks humorously, "No matter how dirty Ah might get from my job?"
In response, Rarity grins wittily, "I believe a certain farmpony once told me that being covered in dirt at the end of the day is the value of a hard day's work."
"Or how stubborn Ah can be sometimes?" she inquires with a growing smile.
"I would consider myself a hypocrite if I wasn't the same as well." she giggles to herself.
Feeling much better over Rarity's forgiving nature, Applejack affectionately snuggles with her and apologizes once again, "Ah'm sorry from ever doubtin' ya, Rarity."
"Apology accepted. But in return, I want your honesty this time for my next question."
"Alright, ask away."
Hesitantly, Rarity asks, "Are you... really happy with wearing a suit for our wedding, or do you prefer a bridal dress instead?"
Applejack gives it some careful consideration over Rarity's question as she taps her chin. Then she answers in honest indecisiveness, "Hmm... well the truth is... Ah don't really care what Ah would wear as long as my blushing bride gets to wear a beautiful wedding gown like she always wanted to."
Despite blushing with a smile from AJ's flattery, Rarity reverts to a pouty expression as she inquires, "Then how come you didn't express your preference when we saw Coco Pommel in Manehattan that day?"
While scratching the back of her mane, Applejack replies in a sheepish manner, "Because you said that Ah would look good in a suit, so Ah guess Ah just went along with it."
"I thought that you might have hated me for decided that for you when you got mad earlier." she whimpers softly.
Noticing how watery her fiancée's eyes are, Applejack leans in and warmly kisses her on the cheek before apologizing once more, "Ah'm awfully sorry for makin' ya feel that way, Rarity. Ah said some unnecessary things to you that Ah deeply regret."
"I believe you, darling." she reassures with a renewed smile. "But please, for my sake, do share your feelings with me from now on. I don't want to you to feel like that your opinion doesn't matter to me at all."
"Ah will, Rarity." she nods in response. "Ah promise."
Grateful over their settlement of their latest dispute, they settle their resolve to literally kiss and make up. With their tender lips glue to one and another, their forelegs caress each other as they softly recline on their bed with their heads resting on the pillows.
From taking a break with their kiss, Applejack chuckles to herself and says with a reminiscing smile, "Heh, Ah forget how comfy this bed really is when you were tryin' to convince me to replace the old one."
Rarity chuckles along as she rolls her eyes, "Yes, I still remember how headstrong you were from replacing that old thing you had since you were a filly."
"Oh come on. It wasn't that bad of a bed."
With deadpan eyes, Rarity squabbles, "Applejack, it had tears and springs sticking out of it. A mattress like that won't do you any good for a pony who would break her back on a daily basis."
"It didn't matter anyway since Lil' Miss Generosity decided to get me a new mattress right under my very nose." Applejack adds with an all-knowing grin.
With a smirk matching that with AJ's, Rarity cleverly responds, "Well I certainly didn't hear you complaining about it the next morning when you were sleeping like the adorable filly that you are. I even had to wake you up myself considering that you didn't get up at your usual hours."
"I guess it shows that change can be a good thing sometimes." Applejack giggles with a smile.
When things start to get quiet between the two, Rarity is about to deliver another warm kiss for her fiancée. However, she misses her marker when Applejack sits up and gets off the bed much to the seamstress's disappointment. But her pouting only lasts for a brief period when Rarity becomes curious on what the farmpony is pulling underneath the bed.
Once she retrieves it with her mouth, Applejack springs back on their bed and places the large scroll of blue pieces of paper right in front of her bewildered beloved.
"Here, since we talkin' about makin' some promisin' changes for ourselves, there's something Ah've been meanin' to show ya."
"Is this what you have been working on in secret?"
Rarity shakes her head lightly and politely declines to AJ, "You don't have to show that to me if it's that important to you, darling."
"No way, sugarcube." Applejack insists greatly. "Ah've hid this for far too long, and Ah certainly don't want this secret to put a damper between us when this project is meant for you in the first place."
Astonished to hear Applejack say that, Rarity inquires with wide-eyed surprise, "It is? May I see it then?"
"Go right ahead." Applejack permits with a smile.
With great care, Rarity unveils the scroll and takes her time to look at the sheets of paper. The special surprise that Applejack has been working on for quite some time has a set of plans, including elevation drawings, floor plans, and detail drawings.
But as the seamstress flips through the large pages, she notices that the overall structure looks very familiar, especially from its elevation viewpoints.
"This... this looks just like my Carousel Boutique." she confirms in slight confusion.
"Mm-hmm." she nods slowly with a very keen smile stretching across her muzzle.
"But why have you been working on blueprints based off a shop I already have?"
Grinning with anticipation, Applejack answers, "Because this will be yer own personal workshop right here in Sweet Apple Acres."
With eyes as big as saucers, Rarity flabbergasts in disbelief from the reveal of Applejack's surprise wedding gift for her as she looks at the blueprints once again. Then, she gazes back at AJ and verifies in a trembling voice, "You mean to tell me... that you have been planning on making another shop... just for me?"
"Darn tootin'!" she confirms grinningly. "Ah had this idea as a wedding gift when you were so insistent to move in with me. And Ah know that you still have your regular job to go to at your Boutique. So I figure that if you have any personal projects to work on, you can do it right here and it will be in walkin' distance from our house." As Rarity remains completely speechless, Applejack goes through the floor plans and clarifies some of the building's features, "See, this room will have yer sewing equipment, and over here is where yer materials and mannequins will be. Oh, and this 'Petite Boutique' will even have a spare bedroom. That way, if yer feelin' exhaustive or wantin' to take a nap, you'll be as fresh as a daisy in you very own--MMPH!"
But her presentation is cut short when Rarity pulls her thoughtful lover in for an extremely deep and appreciative kiss. Though the sudden affection catches AJ off-guard, she eventually gives in to the raw passion that her adoring fiancée is providing for her. Once their lips finally separate, Applejack remains incredibly dumbstruck while Rarity bears a loving smile and emotionally tearful eyes as she professes her gratifying love to her country sweetheart.
Once she recovers from that breathtaking kiss, Applejack asks in shock, "Y-y-you do? You really mean that, Rarity?"
After quickly wiping her eyes with a tissue, Rarity replies with an overly ecstatic smile, "Well of course I do, darling! Out of all of the nicest things you have done for me, this is truly THE! MOST! NICEST! THING! Rarity squeals little loudly."
"Does this mean Ah won't have to sleep in a barn tonight?" she inquires with a hopeful smile.
"Heavens no!" she exclaims in a fretful tone, "I don't want you to spend the whole night outside on some pile of hay! Even if our squabble was never resolved, I would have worried myself sick if I didn't at least provide you a warm blanket at least!"
"So... we're good then?"
With their muzzles touching each other, Rarity confirms with a giggling grin, "As good as apple pie!"
Smiling in relief, Applejack offers her lady a deeply affectionate kiss as Rarity happily accepts it. In the midst of their kiss, Applejack can fell the soft, tingling Unicorn Magic touching her ponytailed mane as it leisurely removes the hair band until her golden yellow hair expands into long, flowing elegance. With her mane suspending so freely, Applejack is then forcefully shoved with her back hitting the quilted covers, and Rarity climbs on top of her staggered lover while she displays a very mischievous look on her face.
"And speaking of which, I could go for another slice right about now." she states with a very hungry smile.
"Well Ah can go back downstairs and fetcha some more." AJ responds simply as she is unaware of the Unicorn's ulterior motives.
"Actually darling, I'm craving for a far more different apple pie in mind." she emphasizes with a very sly smile as she licks her lips in an unusually devious manner.
From figuring out Rarity's subtle meaning, Applejack's pupil-shrunken eyes grow immensely as she quietly utters in trembling excitement for what's to come for her.
"Whoa nelly~!"
Well here it the chapter here for you all to see I hope you all are very much liking it, or love what you see from here on of Applejack and Rarity love.
And like I said before I'm doing this by making more on weekends and on Wednesday's to so this will be good for you all cause the next chapter is Applejack adversary's Wedding Day YYEEAAAAAHHH!!!
Please leave a comment to what you all think of this so far.
Seya. 😉😉❤️❤️
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