Chapter 17 - Where Do We Go From There?

The following morning, things have calmed down considerably in more ways than one ever since last night. It's still cold outside, but no longer is it snowing as hard as it had since the start of this month. At the very least, things are much warmer inside the cloudhouse outside the town of Ponyville, especially for what's underneath the covers in the master bedroom.
Surprisingly enough, the first one to stir from those covers is Rainbow Dash as she slowly but surely wakes up from her slumber. After a big yawn and a couple of groggy smacks from her lips, her mind begins to recall all that has transpired from last night. As she recollects on the horrifying truth from the reveal of Ford's grim premonitions, she cringes slightly on the thought that she may die on the day the twins will be born. But when she looks down at her stomach, she couldn't help but smile to herself on what she vowed to do for her beloved twins as she affectionately reaches out to them by rubbing her curved belly.
Feeling a bit better now, she looks to her left and smiles even further upon the sight of her sleepy husband, Ford Mustang. As he promised, he stayed in bed throughout the entire night. But it's not just him laying in bed beside here that puts a smile on her face. It's from noticing a welcoming change on him. With his eyes still closed, he displays a more peaceful smile, one that indicates a sense of tranquility he hasn't felt in a long time. Sure, he still looks like a complete mess from his own agenda to see Wagner the Inferno Dragon King last night, but at least he's finally fast asleep.
Carefully, the grinning mare leans forward and gives her husband a simple yet loving kiss, which steadily rouses him from his sleep. Eventually, his eyes open up, and his warm, half-lid gaze is met with Rainbow's.
"'Morning, sleepyhead."
"'Morning, Dashie."
"So... did you sleep better this time?"
Knowing on what she is referring to, Ford takes a moment to ponder on any dreams he might had last night. But to his surprise, he can't recall anything, not even his terrifying visions of the impending future. For the first time since last month, he was able to sleep soundly.
Surprised by this, he answers with a smile, "You know what? I actually did."
Amazed as her husband, she then asks, "Really? No nightmares... no visions whatsoever?"
"No. That's the strange part. I didn't undergo any of the visions at all."
"Huh... weird." she states in mild astonishment before she breaks into a grateful smile and hugs him warmly. "Well, whatever the case may be, I'm just glad that you finally got some sleep for a change."
"All thanks to you, angel." he responds as he graciously kiss her.
"Come on." she insists with a grin as she pulls him out of the covers. "Let's go have some breakfast. I've got a lot to share with you about my foal shower last night."
"Well then... I can't wait to hear all about it."
Over a stack of hot blueberry pancakes, some fresh fruit, and scrambled eggs, Rainbow Dash shares all of the details from her foal shower with husband, including the surprise visits from Celestia, Luna, and Discord, the extraordinary gifts she received, and some of the shenanigans that went down. But one thing did catch Ford by complete surprise as Rainbow shares some exciting news on Fluttershy's end.
"No way!" he gapes exaggeratedly with big, bulgy eyes. "Fluttershy is pregnant too?!"
"Yep." she giggles with a nod. "She just found it out recently."
"Heh, I wonder how her husband, Big Mac, will handle the news?"
"Who knows, but my bits are on him fainting right away."
After sharing a chuckle with his wife, Ford then states with renewed amazement, "Still, that's amazing! If I knew about that beforehand, I would have congratulated Fluttershy last night. You know, right after she slapped me at least."
From him casually mentioning that, Rainbow is now the one to become completely startled before she responds in staggering bafflement, "Hold on, did I hear that correctly? Fluttershy... SLAPPED YOU?"
"Oh yeah." he answers with a sheepish smile. "I guess you didn't hear that when she slapped me right across my face, huh?"
"Nuh-uh, I don't believe it!" she retorts with an amusing grin. "There's no way she would do something like that!"
"Oh really? I think I still have a hoof print on my face somewhere."
"Here, let me see."
Complying to her request, he tilts his head to the right to showcase his left cheek as Rainbow hovers toward him. Once she is in close range, she gently presses her fore hooves against his face. After parting a portion of his worn-out coat aside, she can see faint, purple bruise as a well as a vague imprint of somepony's hoof. To confirm her inspection, Dash carefully presses her fore hoof against the tender area, and Ford automatically winces from the pain.
"Oh wow! She got you good, huh?" she acknowledges with a giggling grin. "I never would have imagined somepony as delicate as her could pull off a mean hit like that."
"You and me both, Rainbow." he agrees with a slight chuckle of his own.
"But why in Equestria would she do that to you?"
"Well just like you, she wasn't too happy with me breaking my Pinkie Promise like that."
"Just be grateful that it wasn't me in her place instead. Otherwise, I would be far less merciful than her." she clarifies with a mockingly menacing smirk.
A bit intimidated by her deceptive grin, he covers that up with a chuckling smile as he says to her, "That I am."
With their breakfast finished, Rainbow takes their dishes and brings them to the sink. As she is preoccupied in the kitchen, Ford is glued to his seat as he is lost in his own thoughts. From there, he recollects some of the statements from his encounter with the Phantom Arrogon.
"Think about it, Ford. You and I possess the might of the dragons. With such dangerous magic in tow, you didn't expect that things will go wrong during Rainbow Dash's conception, did you? Don't you see? You are the one who brought this on her yourself!"
"Deny it if you wish. It won't change anything. Everything has already been set in motion, thanks to you, of course."
"No matter what you do, you will fail to save her. Her inevitable death will lead you to plummet into your own turmoil and despair, and it's all... your... fault."
Despite the haunting words plaguing his mind, he tries to dismiss them as figments of his imagination since this was all mentally conjured up by that pesky, illusion-inducing sprite. However, he can't ignore the one startling revelation that he never considered before. What if his Draconian Magic is the cause of his wife's predetermined fate? And if that's true, how can he or anyone else reverse the potential effects from her?
Once Rainbow Dash is finished cleaning the dishes, she turns around as Ford gathers most of his composure before sharing his troubling thoughts with her. "Rainbow?"
"What should we do right now?"
Rainbow is briefly taken back by that simple yet complex question before she clarifies in response, "You mean regarding with your visions, right?"
He nods gingerly before continuing, "I mean, should we tell your friends and father about this? I don't want to frighten them based off a recurring dream I had, but... I have to trust Hindel's extraordinary abilities, and I wonder if we should prepare for the worst."
Ford eyes carefully on her reaction as he waits for her to make the final call on this decision. Standing still in place, she takes the time to consider her options before casting her vote. Sensing the uneasiness from her contemplation, Mustang gently reassures with a comforting smile.
"Whatever your decision is, Rainbow. I will stand by you no matter what."
After inhaling a soft, deep breath, she at last makes up her mind and shares her opinion with him. "Let's... not tell them. At least... not yet. I don't want to bring such a downer during the holidays. For now, let's just wait until some time later."
Satisfied with her reasoning, he complies with a nod, "Right... I understand."
Despite taking care of one matter, the next topic in mind is something Mustang is more hesitant about. With eyes as sharp as a hawk, Rainbow Dash can see the hesitation on his face as she says to him, "Ford... you've got something else on mind, do you?"
"It's nothing, Rainbow." he covers it up with a smile. "I'm just probably worrying over nothing, that's all."
Refusing to buy that obvious lie, she sits down next to him as she professes sharply, "Hey, don't think you can pull the same stunt on me twice! Now please, tell me what else is bothering you."
Reluctant at first, he yields to her request over his recent, inner plight. "During my flight to see Wagner yesterday, I ran into someone. Someone I never thought I would see ever again."
"Well, who was it?"
Hesitant once again, he mutters out the name, "It was... Arrogon the Destroyer."
From the mere mention of that infamous name, Rainbow Dash's body goes on full alert as she flies up and screeches at the top of her lungs, "HIM?! Why didn't you tell us sooner?! We need to report this to Twilight and the Princesses fast!"
Hastily, he correct himself from the unintentional false alarm, "No wait! It wasn't really Arrogon! I mean, it looked and sounded like him, but it wasn't him."
"Mustang, you're not making any sense." she states her confusion with a knitted brow.
"Sorry, I... engaged in a fight against a Phantom version of Arrogon. Something about a Dream Eater playing with my mind or whatever."
A bit calmer right now, she hovers back down and allows Ford to continue, "So, was this 'phantom fight' the reason why you came back so late?"
"Actually, it was the intense blizzard that caused my delay, but during that encounter, his words really got underneath my skin."
"Well phantom or not, you shouldn't listen to whatever that arrogant jerk says to you!" she reassures with that cocky yet comforting grin of hers.
"I know, Rainbow. But you see, he said something that even I didn't considered beforehand. It's probably the reason why I put you in this horrible mess in the first place."
"Ford, what are you trying to say?"
"I think... my Draconian Magic is the cause of all of this." he explains further in a more apprehensive tone. "For all I know, it could have happened during our wedding night. But don't you see? If it weren't for me, I wouldn't be having these accursed visions, and you wouldn't..."
But he couldn't bring himself to articulate on his wife's supposed demise. His reluctance to express such a dreadful thought causes him to cease in silence. As her husband remains silent, Rainbow displays an emotionless expression at first before she intends to break Ford out of his own funk.
"Wow... that is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard from you!"
A bit startled by her somewhat vulgar response, Mustang reprimands her, "Rainbow Dash, I'm being serious--!"
"And so am I!" she retorts right back. "Do you honestly think that your dragon powers will be the death of me?! Well that's where you're wrong, Ford! Don't forget on all that you have accomplished with your battle against Arrogon... and more specifically, on how you saved me. It was your powers that freed me from that creep's mind-controlling spell. And it was your powers that helped us save the world. It's what got you a Cutie Mark in the end, right? You truly have a special gift, Mustang. And you shouldn't disregard it so lightly."
Despite feeling appreciated by his wife's bold words of encouragement, Ford still holds on to the uneasiness of his problematic powers, "But Rainbow, I--!"
Immediately, she shuts him up by shoving a fore hoof against his mouth as she remains firm on this matter. "But nothing! You're not to be blamed for my death if that happens, and we'll hear no more of that!"
Gently, he removes her hoof away from his muzzle as he decides to get back on track on what he wants to verify. "Okay, but how can we be so sure? I mean, can pregnant mares suffer from problems if they have too much magical build-up?"
After puzzling on that particular subject, she shakes her head and answers with uncertainty, "I don't really know that myself. Those kind of cases are mostly for Unicorn mares."
"But still... can't the hospital conduct some tests just to be sure? I only want to make sure that no stone goes unturned if it means for you and the foals' well-being."
Touched as ever by Ford's determination to look out for her, she lays a hoof around his husband and concurs with a gracious smile, "Okay. I'm sure we can arrange something for one of my upcoming appointments."
Grateful for her complying with his request, Mustang offers her a gratifying kiss before saying with a soft smile, "Thank you, Dashie."
Then, she wraps her other fore hoof and pulls him in for a strong hug as she inquires with a humorous grin, "Now, can we just put that aside and simply enjoy the holidays for the time being?"
With an amusing grin as well, he gives in and sighs in mocking disappointment, "I guess so."
"Good, because you still got a lot to make up after what you put me through last night." she states with a meaningful smirk.
"Well then, whatever can I do to make amends for that?" he quips with a grin.
"Oh don't you worry. I'll put you to good use soon enough." Then, she leans in closer and adds with a sensual smirk while her hooves rub into his messy, blue-furred chest. "Perhaps something will come to mind once we get you all cleaned up, hmm?"
Having a pretty good idea on where this is going, he abides by his alluring mare without question, "Whatever you say, angel."
Three Months and 3 Weeks Remaining...
~ Early of March (29th Week) ~
The winter months have passed on by as the residents of Ponyville had their fair share of wholesome holiday cheer, whether it was Hearth's Warming Eve, New Year's Eve Celebration or Hearts and Hooves Day. But eventually, spring is sure to follow as the ponies partook in their annual Winter Wrap-Up last week to make way for the next season.
Now, in the first week of spring, Rainbow Dash is in one of the rooms of Ponyville Hospital as she waits patiently on the examination table she's sitting on. Her bulgy belly is roughly twice its size since three months ago. It would be no surprise if average ponies mistaken her for reaching her last trimester, but little do they know is that she has two growing foals inside instead of one.
Accompanying her as usually is her husband, Ford Mustang. But unlike her, he is acting very anxious like always as he trots madly in place from one side of the room to the other.
"Ugh! What's taking them so long?" he grumbles to himself as he continues his never-ending march.
"Mustang, would you stop doing that?" she demands despite breaking into an amusing smile. "You pacing around the room isn't going to get results faster."
Stopping in place, he turns around to face her before he points it out in a soft grump, "You know, this should have been taken care of months ago."
"Hey, it can't be helped, Ford." she responds with a carefree shrug. "Ponyville suffered a massive flu epidemic this year, so there was no way for them to schedule this sooner. Now come over here and sit next to me."
And after she gestures her stallion with a couple pats on the table, the pouty Mustang hovers up and lands beside his wife with a soft plop. With a subtle giggle over his pouting, Rainbow stretches out her left wing and uses it to pull her husband closer to her. This simple tenderness causes Ford to forego his frowning and shift into a small smile. While looking at his wife, he is a bit surprised to see her so calm in all of this, despite what they had planned since December. Astounded by her unusual serenity, he couldn't help himself from letting out a spontaneous giggle, which Rainbow Dash is able to catch that right away.
"What?" she questions him with a cocked eyebrow.
"Since when did you become this patient all of a sudden?" he replies in the midst of his giggling.
Realizing this change of character herself, she breaks into a chuckle as well before answering with a sharp grin, "I guess you've been rubbing off on me."
"I could say the same thing to you too." he chuckles alongside her before breaking into a mischievous grin. "And speaking of rubbing..."
Following up on that sly remark, he stretches out a fore hoof and begins to gently rub her swollen belly. Caught by surprise from feeling that soothing sensation, she lets out a subtle squeak. "Ooh! Wait, Ford! Not here!"
"What's the matter, Dashie?" he coos to her shrewdly. "Don't you like my belly rubs anymore?"
As he continues to make slow circles with his fore hoof across her curvaceous stomach, she begins to feel very weak from the comforting touch as she lets out some soft, uncontrollable moans while sharply criticizing him, "You know exactly where this is going to lead up to if you keep at it!"
"Maybe, but I still haven't heard any objections from you yet." he remarks with a clever smirk.
Rainbow wants to protest this unique form of petting before somepony steps in unannounced. She didn't want to die from embarrassment if they were caught in the middle of the act. And yet... against her better judgment, she loves it. The wonderful, thrilling sensation she is currently experiencing is almost too good to pass up.
"I hate it when you're this devious sometimes." she mutters in a groan.
"Eh, just another wonderful characteristic I picked up from you, of course." he comments lightheartedly.
"Shut up and keep going before I come back to my senses."
Abiding to her somewhat sour response, the grinning stallion leans closer, which causes his wife to gently recline back on the table, as he carries on with the task at hoof. With Ford increasing the circular motions of his soft caressing against her stomach, the mare on the receiving end begins to go limp as she is overwhelmed with so much bliss. She loves the excitement of the risqué situation she is in right now. She loves the welcoming boldness of her teasing husband. And she loves how attentive he is toward her beauty from the way he caresses her seven-month pregnant belly. It's no wonder she is becoming complete putty in his capable hooves.
But just as things were about to get raunchy, the two hear the knocking on the closed door, and the flustered Pegasi immediately cease their frisky business by hastily letting go of each other and sitting up straight. As the rattled couple remains completely still while doing their best to diminish their intense blushing, the door begins to open, and a white Earth Pony mare, who has her pink mane arranged in a neat, professional bun and is wearing a nurse's cap, enters the room.
"Sorry for the delay, Mrs. Dash." Nurse Redheart apologizes with a modest smile. "I hope we didn't keep you waiting for too long."
"Oh, no need to apologize, Nurse Redheart. You're welcoming to take as much time as you want." Ford says with a slightly sly smile. From recognizing that hint of shrewdness, his blushing, unamused wife nudges him hard to the side with an elbow, which earns her a subtle whine from him.
Ignoring the couple's tomfoolery, Redheart readdresses herself, "In any case, we finally have the results on her current magic levels, and everything appears to be reading normal."
"See, what did I tell you?" she grins to her husband knowingly. "Nothing to worry about."
Not fully convinced, Ford asks the nurse, "So... no magical build-up or anything like that?"
"That's correct, Mr. Mustang. Regarding with her magic readings, she and the twins are in good health. Although... we did detect a tiny anomaly from viewing the results."
Renewed with concern, the wide-eyed stallion flabbergasts over this update, "An anomaly? Is that... bad?"
"No need to fret, sir. The anomaly poses no threat to her or the foals. It's simply an unknown source of magic that isn't Pegasus-related."
"Nurse, I believe that may belong to me due to my Draconian Magic." he admits uneasily.
"I see. Well it is common for copulating mares to share some of the magical properties from their male partners." she casually informs them, which causes Ford and Rainbow to blush automatically. "But like I said: it's nothing to worry about. I assure you. Of course, with Mrs. Dash's permission, we can reexamine her magical stability for the rest of her monthly check-ups."
"Hey, if it will please Mr. Worrywart over here..." she says with a carefree grin as she points toward her husband with a tilt of her head. "...then sure. Why not?" In response to her teasing, Ford simply rolls his eyes and bears a small smirk.
"Very good." the nurse nods to Rainbow's consent. "I'll notify the staff and technicians about this. Oh, that reminds me. Today we have our ultrasound equipment all set up. We're ready whenever you are, Mrs. Dash."
From Redheart mentioning this, Rainbow's startled eyes expand widely before she can verify in a quiet, trembling voice, "Y-you mean... I'll get to see my foals for the very first time?"
"Absolutely." the nurse practitioner answers with a grin. "Would like you to get started?"
Briefly speechless by this opportunity, the pregnant mare offers her approval in squeaky delight, "Yes!"
"Great. I'll go ahead and get the technician right away."
After Redheart leaves the room to fetch her assistant, Rainbow Dash remains still on the examination table as she trembles lightly with excitement as she could hardly contain her eagerness. With a lighthearted giggle, Ford wraps a wing around her before he displays a very crafty smirk as he comes up with something foolish in mind.
"So... since we still got some time, you wanna continue where we left--?"
Then Rainbow stops him with a mere glare as she berates him in a sharp tone, "Do it and you'll be sleeping on the couch for the next month."
"Shutting up now." he complies right away to that soft threat before clamping his mouth shut.
Shortly after that, Nurse Redheart reenters the room as she presents her associate to them, "Mrs. Dash. Mr. Mustang. Allow me to introduce you our ultrasound technician, Echo."
Stepping forward is a Unicorn mare with a purplish gray coat, ocean blue eyes, and a two-colored mane of lavender and blue tied in a long ponytail. Signifying her skills in ultrasound, she wears a white lab coat and has a Cutie Mark of an encircling, silhouetted dolphin leaving a trail of white sparkles.
"It's a pleasure to meet you both." the unicorn greets politely as she shakes hooves with the Pegasi.
"Same here." says Rainbow Dash. "So, we will really get the chance to see them from the inside?"
"That is correct, Mrs. Dash. We just need you to lie back and relax for us before we apply the gel on your belly."
"Excuse me, Echo." the stallion intervenes gently. "But could you please tell me what the gel is for when it comes to ultrasound?"
"Certainly." Echo nods toward him before explaining herself. "This special gel acts a solid bond between the mare's skin and my horn. My specialty is transmitting pulses of ultrasound through my horn that will travel through the body and will reverberate back to my horn. The gel makes it easier for me to send those pulse waves as well as to receive them. With the sound waves gathered through my horn, I can make a mental recording of that transmission and show them as projected images."
"Cool!" Rainbow beams with renewed enthusiasm. She then reclines back on the table as Ford stands on one side right next to his wife so he could steer clear of the two medical practitioners.
After putting on a latex sleeve over her foreleg, Nurse Redheart presses the covered fore hoof in a thick, clear gel from its special container before she informs Rainbow the first step in the procedure. "Now just so you know, this gel is pretty cold once I apply it on your coat."
"Go ahead." Rainbow insists with a mild boast. "Lay it on me, nurse. I can take it."
Upon command, Redheart applies the gel on the patient's exposed stomach, but despite her boastful remark earlier, Rainbow feels the intense chill of the gelatinous substance and exclaims out loud, "A-a-ah! Wow, that's cold!"
While Ford keeps his chuckling to himself, Redheart carries out her task and smoothly rubs the gel all over Rainbow's large belly. Once she is done, Redheart goes over to a proper trash can to dispose her plastic sleeve as Echo trades places with her.
Echo then explains the next step, "Okay Mrs. Dash, I will lightly touch your belly with my horn to transmit the sound waves. You might feel some light vibrations, but they are completely harmless."
With one deep breath, Rainbow says to Echo, "Okay, I'm ready."
"Good, now just relax and take nice, steady breaths."
As instructed, Rainbow composes herself by taking nice and easy breaths while Ford softly wraps a fore hoof around hers to offer his support. Once the Pegasus mare is ready, Echo gently probes her horn against the patient's skin and proceeds to emit the magical sound waves. From there, the soft, rapid pulses create tiny ripples across Rainbow's gel-covered belly as they travel inward and back. After maintaining physical contact for a few good minutes, Echo ceases her echolocation spell and pulls her head back up.
"Very good, Mrs. Dash." the technician compliments her. "I've gathered enough to form a 3D projection."
"So, how long will it take before we can see them?" Rainbow asks anxiously.
"Not too long. Just need to concentrate so I can project them out of my horn for you. Annnd... it's showtime!"
And for the final step of this exceptional form of ultrasonography, Echo's horn lights up brightly as it projects the recorded images. Eventually, the amorphous cluster of light particles takes shape and showcases the distinct features to the anxious couple until at last, they see the first image of their unborn twins.
Secured within the expansive belly of their beloved mother, two tiny foals are curled up in their individual amniotic sacs as they nestle all comfy and cozy in there. Sometimes, the adorable, little things would wiggle in place as they carry on with their blissful, undisturbed sleep. Despite the recording's grainy texture, the images are as clear as day.
As the 3D projection plays out for them, Rainbow's heart swells up to immense proportions upon seeing the first sight of her beloved twins as countless tears pour out of her big, magenta eyes while her heartfelt smile keeps getting bigger and bigger. She even gasps lightly in awe every time she sees one of the twins squirming around in such an adorable manner.
As Rainbow is head over heels for her twins, she excitedly tugs her equally ecstatic husband as she points them out, "That's... that's them! Our babies!"
"Mm-hmm." Redheart agrees with a pleased smile before she points something out with a foreleg. "And from the looks of it, the twins' development are coming along quite nicely. Look, you can even see the formation of their tiny wings." Following the direction of nurse's fore hoof, Ford and Rainbow also see the small stubs growing on the backs of their foals.
"Gasp! Wings!" Rainbow exclaims with renewed enthusiasm and an even wider smile. "Did you hear that, Ford? They're Pegasi! We're gonna have twin Pegasi!"
"Yes... no doubt they're going to be strong flyers, just like mommy." he says to her while he lovingly nuzzles her.
With their cheeks pressed together, the tearful yet overjoyed mare leans against her big, strong Mustang as the two expectant parents maintain their lovely-dovey smiles before Rainbow Dash speaks up coyly, "Hey Mustang?"
"Can you... kiss them for me?" she pleads softly in a cute, blushing manner.
A bit surprised by her request, the smiling stallion is more than happy to abide her wife's command, "Of course, angel... one for each of them."
And following up on that sappy response, Ford hovers above Rainbow's belly and warmly kisses it, one for each side where the twins are bunking. After that, he retreats back to his wife and affectionately wraps his forelegs and wings around her before Rainbow awards him with a sentimental kiss of her own. Relaxing in each other's embrace, they continue to enjoy the rest of the show in complete, contented silence.
After the 3D projection comes to an end, Ford and Rainbow give their thanks to Echo and Nurse Redheart, and they head out of the room. As the Pegasi leisurely walk down the hallways, their long tails remain intertwined as they maintain their beaming faces over what they just witnessed today.
"I can't wait to tell dad about our two new flyers!" she expresses with constant excitement. "He's going to be so psyched about this!"
"Somehow, I wasn't that surprised when they turned out to be Pegasi." he states casually.
As she looks at him, she pauses and hums to herself, "Hmm..."
"What?" he inquires with an arched eyebrow.
"Nothing. I just noticed that you're smiling more than usual."
"Speak for yourself." he reacts with a chuckle. "You were making far more goofy smiles today than me."
"Whatever, you big goof." she retorts with a giggling grin as she playfully shoves him before acting more sincere. "But still, I haven't seen you smile like this in awhile."
He ponders carefully on Rainbow's words as he didn't realize how very tranquil he was acting once he saw the images of their precious twins. It was such a wonderful, blissful moment for him, that not even the nightmarish visions he had months ago could ruin it for him. With the medical imaging of the foals still fresh in his mind, he resumes to smile like a happy-go-lucky fool.
"I guess you could say that I'm just feeling... hopeful."
From hearing that simple yet encouraging statement from him, Rainbow smiles over her husband's sense of serenity and offers him a warm kiss on the cheek. After their tenderhearted moment together, they continue their walk through the hallway. But once they exit out of the main doorway and into the lobby, their thoughts are interrupted by the screeching of a loud mare as she gets in a heated argument with the receptionist behind the desk.
"Hey, you gotta tell me! I need to know what's been happening!"
"I'm sorry, ma'am." the receptionist apologizes in a monotone voice. "But we can't disclose confidential information without their permission."
"I'm her buckin' wife!" the Unicorn mare emphasizes with a firm slam against the table. "I have every right to know what's going on!"
From a closer look, Ford and Rainbow begin to recognize the rowdy pony, with her wild, vibrant, blue mane, her light cream-colored coat, her cropped tail, and her piercing, ruby eyes. With the addition of her trademark, purple shades on top of her horn, the two Pegasi know right away that this rebellious mare is none other than Vinyl Scratch.
"Vinyl? What's wrong?" Ford asks as he and Rainbow approach her. "Is everything alright?"
Recognizing the stallion's voice, Vinyl sharply turns around to face her friends. Strangely enough, her red eyes are really puffy, and her whole body is shaking uncontrollably. Upon facing her Pegasus friends, Vinyl starts to get really emotional before she can explain herself in an increasingly distressed manner.
"I... I can't find her... I can't find Tavi anywhere!"

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