Six Months and Two Weeks Remaining...
~ Mid of December (18th Week) ~
This afternoon, at the residence of Ford Mustang and Rainbow Dash, the latter of the two is getting ready for her foal shower that is being hosted by her dear friends in Ponyville. With a scarf secured around her neck, she heads out of the door with her husband following right behind her. Though for some strange reason, she was a bit hesitant to head off for a party in honor of her.
"Okay, well... I guess I'm going to the foal shower now." she declares to her stallion halfheartedly.
"Hey, don't let me keep you waiting!" Ford insists greatly in a chipper tone. "You go out and have fun!"
"Are you sure you don't want to come along?" she asks with a small smile. "I'm sure the girls won't mind you being there."
"Nah, don't worry about it. I'll be fine." he casually dismisses her generous offer. "This is something for you to enjoy this evening. You and the girls have a good time tonight."
Once they have a good clearing outside of their own floating home, the distracted Rainbow Dash freezes on the cloudy surface as she stares at the fluffy ground while Ford lightly sways in place as he anxiously waits for his wife's takeoff.
Once she lifts up head up, she turns around to face Ford, who immediately ceases his swaying as she asks of him with big, pleading eyes, "Ford... promise me that you will be here by the time I get back."
In response, he breaks into a chuckling grin as he reassures her, "Wha...? Rainbow, I'm not going anywhere--!"
"Then promise me!"
Following with his wife's exclamation, Ford reacts in surprise with wide eyes by her sudden worry. But despite being startled, he shifts into a comforting smile as he gives his word to her, "Okay, Rainbow. I promise to be here by the time you get back."
"Do you Pinkie Promise?" she adds solemnly.
After crossing his heart with a foreleg and placing it over his eye, he makes his promise once again, "Yes, Rainbow Dash. I Pinkie Promise."
With a sigh of relief, she finally feels more at ease and says with a smile, "Good. Well, I better get going."
"Wait, hang on! Aren't you forgetting something?" he asks in a smirk.
She thinks on she might be missing before replying nonchalantly, "Nnnnno... can't say that I have. Why?"
With a giggle to himself, he approaches his wife and answers wittily, "Here... let me refresh your memory."
With a sharp tug, he pulls her in and gives Rainbow a big surprise smooch. Despite being caught off-guard at first, she breaks into a relaxing smile as she melts in Mustang's hooves while loosely wrapping hers forelegs around him. The warm feeling she had longed for quite some time has been rekindled by that passionate kiss.
Once their tender lips part ways, the smitten mare grins like a coyote as she chuckles lightheartedly, "Oh yeah! Now I remember!"
With a chuckling smile as well, Ford responds warmly, "Love ya, angel."
"Love you too, Mustang."
And with a very satisfied smile, Rainbow Dash takes off like a rocket and finally heads off to the town of Ponyville. After waving her goodbye and making sure she is not turning around in case she might forget something, Ford quickly flies back into their house and prepares his own departure as well. With a saddlebag already packed with supplies and rations, he firmly straps it to his torso before heading towards the door.
But suddenly, he feels a strong pull that stops him in place. Once he turns around, he is surprised to see that it's Tank the Tortoise who has halted the Pegasus by clamping on the stallion's tail with his jaws. Once the reptile releases the pony's yellow-striped, blue tail, Ford studies Tank's expression as he can see great concern stretched across his wrinkly green face.
With no need to ask, Ford crouches down and pets the tortoise's head while reassuring him with a gentle, honest smile, "Don't worry, Tank. I'm not going to take too long. I just need to see someone real quick, that's all."
Reassured by his co-owner, Tank displays a slow yet accepting smile before going back to his business. With that taken care of, Ford makes his way to the doorway to begin his own personal errand. But before he touches the door, he spots something to his right as he realizes something truly important he nearly forgot.
On one of the hooks that is hanging on the wall is a long, beautifully woven scarf, which shares the same color and strip pattern as his wife's gorgeous mane. This one-of-a-kind article of clothing is one of the things that Ford truly treasures because not only is this the 1st Hearth's Warming Eve gift given to him by Rainbow Dash, but what makes this gift even more special is that it's made out of her own genuine hair.
With a warm, reminiscing smile, he take a brief moment to relive that tender moment when the two exchanged their presents for each other as he gently rubs the soft fabric against his fuzzy cheek. Then, he snuggly secures the scarf around his neck before gazing at it one more time upon its completion as he speaks softly to himself.
"I'll be back before you even know it, Rainbow. And that's a Pinkie Promise I intend to keep."
And with that said, he darts out of the house and finally makes his departure. Of course, as opposed to Rainbow Dash, he flies in the other direction as he heads up north with his next destination in mind: the Talos Mountains.
Hearth's Warming Eve is only a couple weeks away, and Ponyville has already got into the spirit of the season with its lights and decorations hanging on practically every house on the square. Plus, the town is covered in a feet thickness of snow as it's been getting pretty cold since last week. Rainbow Dash flies across the snowy streets as she heads off to the location of her foal shower: the Carousel Boutique. After making her landing with her hooves digging into the bank of snow, she knocks on the door and is immediately greeted by Ponyville's party pony extraordinaire, Pinkie Pie.
"Dashie! You made it!" the pink mare squeaks with her ever-so cheerful smile as gives a big, warm hug to her Pegasus friend.
"Whoa there! Easy on the hugs, Pinkie." Rainbow jokes mildly before softly patting her four-and-a-half month pregnant belly. "Expectant mother here, remember."
"Tee-hee! Oopsie! Sorry!" she giggles with a broad yet sheepish smile. "Well, come on in! Everypony else is here!"
After being welcomed inside, Dash friends turn their heads as they express beaming faces with her arrival. Among the guests are Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Applejack, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, and Rarity, the one who initially set up this event for Rainbow. In the hostess's shop, the first floor is decorated with lots of soft colors such as pink, yellow, and light blue, including the main banner, balloons, and streamers; no doubt the handiwork of Pinkie Pie, of course. On several of the clothed tables, plenty of luscious treats and drinks are neatly arranged along with the proper and very elegant dishware and utensils; a perfect collaboration by Applejack's cooking and Rarity's sophistication.
"Rainbow Dash! Welcome!" Rarity greets with a broad smile as she and the rest of their friends approach the guest of honor.
"Heh! And it's about time too if you ask me!" a gruff yet familiar voice speaks out from behind.
From recognizing it, Rainbow hovers up in the air to get a better look. And with beaming astonishment, the Pegasus swoops down toward the unexpected guest once she sees the sharp smirk on her griffon friend, Gilda.
"No way! Gilda!" the energetic mare chuckles mightily as she embraces Gilda first before sharing a proper fist-bump with her. "Hi ya doing, you grumpy sack of feathers?"
"A lot better than you are apparently." Gilda remarks with a chuckling grin as she points a claw at Rainbow's exposed belly. "Normally baby showers aren't my thing, but I'm willing to make this an exception just for you, Rainbow."
With a roll of her eyes, Rainbow responds back with a sarcastic smirk, "Geez! I'm so lucky to have a party crasher like you, Gilda!"
"Then today is your lucky day, Rainbow! 'Cause now you have three!" another familiar, female voice calls out to her.
Right beside the two reunited friends, Rainbow Dash turns her head to the other source as she is taken aback once again with two more unexpected guests.
This time, it's her two celebrated colleagues, from the world-renowned flight team, The Wonderbolts.
"Hey, Spitfire! Fleetfoot!" Rainbow announces in excitement as she hugs the two mares. "Good to see you two! So, is this the part where you desperately beg me to come back to the team?"
Matching a cocky grin with hers, Spitfire teases back with a small chuckle, "Hardly. We just figure that we ought to stop by and let you in on all the fun you've been missing since your maternity leave."
"Plus, you know... free food." Fleetfoot adds with a shrug. Then, she reaches for something close by and presents an envelope and a beautiful boutique of flowers, which has a variety of colorful carnations.
"Oh, here's a card from all the Wonderbolts to congratulate you on your twins, and I also got you these flowers."
"Thanks." Rainbow says as she accepts the thoughtful gifts. "Where did you get them?"
"From... the local flower shop nearby." the white-haired mare answers in mild hesitation as a rosy blush flourishes across her arctic blue cheeks.
Once she notices the Wonderbolt's face sudden change in color, Rainbow asks with an arched eyebrow, "Wait, are you blushing?"
"N-n-no! Why would I need to?!" Fleetfoot retorts as her blush intensifies while her fuschia eyes shift nervously from one corner of the room to another.
Unable to contain herself, Spitfire interjects as she enlightens the mother-to-be with a very crafty, chuckling smile, "Oh don't mind her, Dash. She's just crushing on that cute redhead who gave us the flowers out there."
With her longtime friend spoiling her secret in front of Rainbow and the other guests, Fleetfoot snaps instantaneously at the grinning, fiery-haired mare, "I am not 'crushing' on her!"
Then, Fluttershy steps in to gently verify something, "Wait, was it Roseluck you met earlier?"
Abruptly, Fleetfoot shifts from angry to delight once she heard the name of the flower girl. "Oh, that's her name?"
Without a moment to spare, the cackling Spitfire jumps on this opportunity to further her teasing against Fleetfoot, "Well would you look at that. You only met her once, and you're already a lovesick puppy dog to her."
Soon enough, Rainbow Dash joins in with her commander as they snicker at Fleetfoot's misfortune, which was all she could handle as she shouts out loud, "Shut up, Spitfire!"
Of course, the grinning Spitfire ignores her friend's outburst as she insists on telling the whole story to everyone present, "You should have seen it! Figuring that we need some flowers to go with the card, Fleetfoot leans forwards and takes a whiff of them. But what she didn't realize was that her muzzle got really close to not only the flowers but also the shopkeeper's tail! Fleetfoot got so embarrassed from being so close to this mare's flanks that she was trying to apologize and get this... she pretty much blurted out on how lovely she smelled!"
Gaping with a huge smile, Rainbow enunciates in shock and amusement at the incredibly flustered Fleetfoot, "OH! MY! GOSH! YOU! DID! NOT!"
"Yep! Poor girl." Spitfire adds with an irrepressible chuckle. "Her face became just as rosy as her mane. But then again, Fleetfoot was equally as flushed as her."
As Spitfire concludes her tale, she is quickly joined in a chorus of laughter by Rainbow Dash, Vinyl Scratch, Applejack, Gilda, and Pinkie Pie while Rarity, Octavia, Twilight, and Fluttershy either try to muffle their laughs or turn away in a blushing manner. In the center of it all, Fleetfoot's face turns into an extreme shade of red, both from her complete embarrassment and her increasingly immense rage towards her team captain.
"I was referring to the flowers, Spitfire." she growls at her with piercing, fuchsia eyes.
Unaffected by Fleetfoot's cold glare, Spitfire responds teasingly with a very shrewd smirk, "Yeah, sure you were~!"
With the arctic blue Pegasus maintaining her death stare, the carefree Spitfire decides to call it quits on her playful joking, and she wraps a friendly fore hoof around the pouty mare's shoulders. "Aww... come on, Fleetfoot. It wasn't that bad. You two had a nice conversation after that, and she helped you pick out the perfect ones for the foal shower. She even tried to offer you a discount on those flowers too."
From that reminder, Fleetfoot calms down considerably as she shifts in a warm smile before saying in a fairly flustered manner, "I couldn't allow her to do that. She's a really nice girl, so I gave her some extra bits instead."
"D'awww! That's so sweet of you!" Fluttershy signs with sentimental delight. "If you like, I can give you Roseluck's address if you would like to write to her someday."
Fleetfoot's squeaky response causes the whole room go silent as everyone else stares at the white-haired mare, who blushes once again from that slip-up.
While the rest of the guests are startled by that high-pitched shout, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire couldn't help but break into sharp, clever grins that stretch across their smug faces.
Trying her best to ignore the devious smirks on her two impish friends, the ever-so flustered Fleetfoot takes a moment to make a subtle cough for herself and clarifies to Fluttershy in a poorly cool manner, "I mean... yeah sure, that's cool, whatever."
Wanting to get back on track with the party she has planned for months, Rarity gets everyone's attention by clearing her throat first. "Ahem! Well, since everypony is present and accounted for, we can finally begin Rainbow Dash's foal shower--!" But her announcement gets interrupt by a soft knock on the door.
"Huh... who else could it be?" Rarity ponders with mild curiosity.
"Ah'll get it!" Applejack offers with a smile as she trots toward the door. But once she opens it, AJ freezes in her tracks with wide, petrified eyes, not because of the frigid air outside, but because she is under the unexpected presence of visiting royalty.
Applejack's stammering exclamation causes nearly everyone to head towards the doorway as they are deeply astonished by the two ponies are standing before them: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. At once, they all bow right away before their princesses. Gilda hesitates in confusion for a brief second before she does the same out of respect.
"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!" Twilight shrieks hysterically. "Wh-wh-what brings you all the way out here?!"
"I'm terribly sorry for the intrusion, ladies." Celestia bows courteously to her subjects. "But we heard about your foal shower, Rainbow Dash, and we hope to come on by and bear gifts for your party."
"Forgive me, Princess Celestia..." Twilight approaches them gingerly. "...but how did you hear about that?"
On cue, another familiar face pops around the corner of the doorway as Discord waves to them with a big, toothy smile on his face. "Hello~!"
With a heavy frown over the trickster's sudden appearance, Twilight murmurs to herself, "Sigh... of course."
"May we come in please?" Luna asks politely.
"Oh! Of course!" Rainbow welcomes them with an ecstatic grin. "Who doesn't want two of the coolest princesses into the party?! Come right in!"
And after Dash lets them in with a wave of her fore hoof, the Alicorn sisters bow graciously before walking inside while Discord casually struts right behind him. But the Draconequus is halted by a firm hoof pressed against his slender belly before he looks down as the steadfast Applejack giving him the stink eye.
"Whoa, hold it right there, partner! Who says you can come on in?" Applejack inquires with a judgmental gaze.
"Oh sure, allow these party crashers to barge in here, but never invite little old me~!" he pouts exaggeratedly in self-pity while showcasing a quivering lip and big, expressive eyes.
Rarity steps next to her wife and addresses in a refined yet stern tone, "I hate to burst your bubble, dearie, but this is a foal shower. And that means this party is for mares only."
After blinking his deadpan eyes a couple times, Discord bears a cryptic yet conceding smile as he shows himself out of the door. "Oh yes! Of course! How silly of me!" And once he is outside, he turns around to face the farmpony while making his skin turn ice blue, his crossed arms shivering like mad, and having few icicles drip from his horns, goatee and nose. "Well then I'll just be on my way... out in the bitter cold... probably gonna freeze myself to death... with nopony who wants me any--!"
Unamused by Discord's antics, Applejack slams the door in front of him before turning to her wife with a playful smirk. "Hmph! And here Ah thought you would be the one takin' the cake for being melodramatic sometimes."
Despite the lighthearted quip aimed at her, Rarity didn't take any offense to that remark as she responds with a giggling smile, "Hmm... true true."
"Oh, are you sure we can't let him for just a little while?" Fluttershy pleads kindheartedly.
"Sorry, darling, but it's tradition." Rarity replies unwaveringly. "No stallions are allowed to the foal shower what's so ever."
Taking a good guess on who's knocking on the door, Applejack stomps froward as she grumbles to her friends, "Grr... Ah'll handle this." With a mighty swing of the door, she grunts at the expected intruder, "Look here, Discord, we don't--!"
But her outburst is cut short when she notices something different about him. Or should she say... her. More specifically, this female variation of Discord has a lot more curves and a surprisingly feminine face, including her striking eyes with eyelashes and wild yet flowing, white hair.
"Aww... you ruined it! You were supposed to say 'Who's there?'" the female trickster remarks with a smirk at the speechless Earth Pony.
Once she composed herself, Applejack face-hoofs herself in aggravation as she asks the painfully obvious question, "Sigh... Discord, why are ya wearin' a getup like that?"
"'Discord?' Why I'm not Discord!" the Draconequus declares in sarcastic shock.
"Right... and Ah'm the Apple Fairy." the deadpan farmpony replies sharply. "Please to meetcha. Now goodbye."
But before Applejack can shut the door again, the taller individual stops it with a goat-hoofed leg as she readdresses herself with an egotistic smile, "Hold on there, cowpony! I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Eris, the Mistress of Chaos! And I am the older sister of that devious yet equally charming trickster whom you are referring to as Discord."
With her patience running thin, Applejack sets trickster straight once and for all, "Now you listen here, 'Eris'... Ah don't know what kind of ruse yer pulling off here, but there is no way yer gonna into this here party! It's exclusively for mares only!"
"Ah-ha, but you see, I am a mare!" Eris points it out with a winning smirk. "Well... a fraction of a mare to be exact. And according to tradition, anyone who is a female is allowed to be part of a baby shower! So there!" And she ends it by sticking her tongue out.
As Applejack grits her teeth and maintains her glare at Eris, Rainbow Dash interjects sharply, "Oh just let him--!"
"Ahem! 'her.'" Eris corrects smugly.
"Fine. Let HER inside already!" Dash rearticulates in a grump. "You're letting all the cold air in anyway."
With great annoyance, AJ stands aside, and Eris flies right inside with a triumphant grin. Then, she bounces on a large, luxurious sofa and uses her arms to stretch across the room and pull everyone else in to place them on the same sofa or nearby furniture. Once the perplexed guests are situated in their respective couches, Eris starts things off with their first activity.
"Soooo... who has any juicy gossips to share with us?" She asks with an eager grin while tapping her mismatched fingers together in a very devious manner.
But Applejack remains skeptical as she mutters underneath her breath, "Yeah, probably to blackmail or embarrass us no less."
"Well umm... I wouldn't say it's that juicy of a story, but I... do have something in mind to share." Fluttershy speaks up in her usually quiet voice.
After all eyes are turn toward Fluttershy, the blushing, yellow Pegasus becomes hesitant to share her news before she speaks once again in an increasing shy manner, "You see... umm... well... I'm... pregnant."
Unable to hear her timid friend, Rarity requests in a well-mannered tone, "I'm sorry, darling. Could you speak up just a little louder?"
"I'm... pregnant."
"A little louder please?" the seamstress sweetly asks once again.
"I'm pregnant."
"Oh for crying out loud!" Gilda screeches in a tiring grump. "Just spit it out already!"
After that high-pitched declaration, the embarrassed Fluttershy covers her muzzle quickly with her forelegs as everyone else in the room stare speechlessly with wide eyes at the extremely flustered Pegasus. Of course, the silence didn't last for long when Rarity is the first react in overwhelming joy over this surprising yet astonishing announcement.
"OH MY STARS, DARLING! That's wonderful! Why didn't you tell us sooner?!"
"Yeah, we could have ourselves two foal showers at the same time!" Pinkie Pie declare in a very broad and excited smile.
"Sorry." Fluttershy apologizes meekly as ever, "I just found this out today."
"This is so cool!" Rainbow Dash asserts with an equally ecstatic grin as the rest of her friends as she gives Fluttershy a great, big hug, "How did all of this happen?!"
"Umm... well... do you remember what you, me, and Rarity were discussing from the last time we had dinner at Sweet Apple Acres?" Fluttershy responds timidly with big, rosy cheeks. From that reminder, Rainbow Dash's face nearly turns the same shade of red as her winged friend. But after that flustering moment, Dash breaks into her winning grin and praises the shy Pegasus for her rare display of audacity.
"Wow, Fluttershy... I never would take you to be so sly like that. Still, that's awesome! Congrats! Now we're both going to be mothers, huh?"
"Yes, I guess so. GASP! Do you think our foals will be the best of friends?!" Fluttershy asks with a huge, hopeful smile.
"I don't see why not." Rainbow responds with steadfast grin.
"In any case, we all wish you the best on your journey through motherhood." Princess Luna states with a modest smile as she offers her own congratulations to the younger mare.
Then, Princess Celestia does the same thing as her younger sister, "Yes, truly this is indeed a blessing to have. Congratulations once again, Fluttershy."
"Th-thank you, Princesses." Fluttershy replies with an ever-so humble smile as she shyly brushes her long, pink hair. "But umm... I can't help but worry that I may not live up to such expectations."
"Oh Fluttershy, you have no idea on what a wonderful pony you are." Eris insists with a very warm smile as she gently embraces her first true friend closely. "Trust me when I say this: if you can tame the Master of Chaos, then surely raising a kid or two will hardly be a problem if they have a mother like you."
A bit staggered by the vote of confidence from the Mistress of Chaos, Fluttershy responds with a broad, appreciative smile to her Draconequus friend, "Thank you, Disc--! I mean Eris! You're very sweet to say something like that for me."
"So... does this mean I get dibs on being your foal's privileged godmother?" Eris asks as she leans in closely with a playful smirk and a wiggle of her eyebrows.
"Umm... well... I didn't really think--!"
But Rarity sharply steps forward to interrupt Fluttershy's response from fearing that she will be taken advantage of her kindness. "Now wait just a minute, Eris! You can't just demand up front to be somepony's godmother!"
"Puh-lease! Who better to quality for such a privilege than an actual goddess herself?" Eris remarks with a smug grin as multiple, flashy signs pop out of nowhere as they all point at the confident trickster with taglines such as "PICK ME", "VOTE FOR ERIS", and "BEST GODMOTHER EVER."
"If that was the case, I can think of two more competent candidates in mind." the unimpressed Twilight Sparkle mumbles as she directs her gaze at the Alicorn Sisters.
"I'll... let you know at some point once we decide on that." Fluttershy states with an uneasy smile as she didn't want anypony to fight over the right to be her future foal's godmother.
"Oh, very well." Eris agrees with a casual sigh. "I am willing to push that matter aside for the time being. Actually... all this baby talk has jogged my memory on something that I too want to share with all of you. For you see... I... oh mercy, this is... rather embarrassing!" she exaggerates as she fans herself. "There's no easy way to say, but I'm... I'm... I'm pregnant."
Like Fluttershy's announcement, everyone is completely speechless once again over Eris's own outrageous proclamation. Only this time, their surprised reaction is stretched to their extreme limits with their gaping mouths drop like they each weigh a ton and their eyes expand significantly. But as they are trying to comprehend all of this, Eris has one more thing to add to her claim.
"And it's yours." she says softly as she directs head to one pony in the room as the rest soon follow her line of sight. Staring with great disbelief and confusion, all eyes except Eris's are now turning to the one pony as the sudden shift in the center of attention: Princess Celestia.
After the Sun Princess's surprisingly unsophisticated shriek, Luna demands out of her, "Sister! How could you?!"
"Luna, I had nothing to do--!" she flusters over her denial.
"No I mean... how could you even do that?!" she restates herself in complete bewilderment.
"I agree, Princess!" Twilight interjects as well. "Is that even possible?!"
"Well technically, there are certain ways--!" But Celestia's regal composure gets the best of her before she quickly shakes her head and states it out loud, "Wait a minute, I'm getting off track here!"
"Whoa whoa whoa! I wanna hear this myself, Princess!" Vinyl Scratch cuts in suddenly.
Surprisingly enough, Octavia steps in as well as she inquires persistently with a mild blush on her face, "Y-yes, I quite agree! This kind of information could be quite vital! I mean if it was possible for you and Discord--!"
Following with Celestia's tremendously loud objection, everyone else remains silent as they recline as far back against their respective seats as possible. Only Luna was brave enough to respond slyly towards her sister's hysteria.
"Hmph! Not yet at least."
However, the aggravated Celestia is able to pick up on Luna's mumbling with her sharp ears, and she stares at her younger sister down with an infuriated glare while Luna shuts her lips tightly as she couldn't bring herself to look at her older sister in the eye.
But before things can get out of hoof, the intense stare-down is interrupted by some aggravating snickering. Then, that shifts into up uproarious laughter as Eris couldn't contain her hilarity while she squirms on the couch uncontrollably.
"OH-HO-HO-HOO!! Oh just look at all of you! Your reactions are simply priceless! I can't believe you all took that so seriously! AH-HA-HA-HA-HA! EE-HEE-HEE! Ha-ha-ha! Oooooh...!"
But her amusement is cut short when Eris opens her eyes from all of her laughing as the mischievous prankster is face-to-face with the completely enraged Celestia while everyone else shares the same annoyance toward the trickster as the Sun Princess does.
"Eris... I swear to myself, I will send you to the sun if you even attempt to provoke us like that ever again!" Celestia vows in a growling tone.
Seeing how dangerous it is to take Celestia's mercy lightly, Eris simply shrugs with a toothy smile as she got enough fun out of their reactions. "Eh, dully noted."
On one couch, Spitfire, Fleetfoot and Gilda bear witness to the recent events as their flabbergasted faces are frozen with big, bulgy eyes before Spitfire asks in perplexity, "Is this... normal in Ponyville?"
"Yep! Pretty much!" Rainbow nods with a proud smile.
But her griffon friend breaks from her speechlessness as she chuckles with an amusing grin, "Okay, I take back what I said earlier. This is shower is pretty neat after all!"
Later on, they get on with the presents for the foal shower, much to Rainbow Dash's delight. First up are Spitfire and Fleetfoot as they present a bunch of Wonderbolt merchandise meant for the foals, including jerseys, hats, and other articles of themed clothing. Along with that, they also present a plushie doll that bears a strong resemblance to Rainbow with her Wonderbolt garb and goggles on.
"Hey, these clothes and this plushie doll of myself are pretty sweet! Thanks girls!" Rainbow grins with appreciation.
"No problem, Dash." nods Spitfire. "Figuring that their mother is a Wonderbolt herself, they might be genuine fans of the team themselves."
"Well... I guess I'm up next." Gilda steps ups with a sigh as she gives her Pegasus friend a gift bag. Once Rainbow pulls her next present out of its bag, she gasps with a smile as she holds up another adorable plushie doll. But this time, it's a little snow owl with specks of black across its wings, a small black beak, and cute, beady eyes.
"Hey, I know this little guy!" she declares with glee. "This was what you brought over during our days at flight school, wasn't it?"
"Sigh... yeah, it is." Gilda admits with a mild blush as she lightly scratches the back of her head. "She was... kinda like my only friend at the time... before I met Rainbow Dash when we were kids."
"D'aww! What a darling little owl!" Rarity squeaks with delight as she makes a kissy face at it. "Does she have a name?"
"Yeah, she does. Her name is... well... S-S-Snowy."
"Aww... I think it's cute!" Fluttershy comments with a sweet smile.
Instinctively, Glida develops a maddening blush as she twists her head and petrifies Fluttershy with her death stare while she retorts at her, "You mocking me?!"
And just like their first confrontation in Ponyville, the sensitive Fluttershy expresses big, emotional eyes and she whimpers in response, "I-I wasn't! I swear!"
With a pat on the griffon's shoulder, Rainbow reminds her in a soft yet stern tone, "Gilda... be nice."
"S-sorry." Gilda apologizes awkwardly to which Fluttershy accepts with a nod and smile. Feeling more at ease, she readdresses her gift to Dash, "Anyway, I figure it would be better if the little tykes had it instead of me."
"Thanks, Gilda. I'm sure the twins will love her."
"But you better take good care of Snowy for me!" Gilda warms with ruffled feathers and a massive blush consuming her face. "I better not find her torn apart if those little munchkins fight over her! Got it?!"
"Yeah yeah, I got it!" Rainbow reassures with a chuckling smile and a casual wave of her foreleg.
"Ooo! I guess I'm up next!" Eris exclaims with an enthusiastic grin, and she flies off to a nearby room in a flash before pulling something out of there, which is a cart on wheels and a large, domed lid concealing what's on top. "Hope you're hungry because I have a real treat for all of you!"
As Eris hovers in mid-air while wearing a black-and-white maid's uniform, she lifts the lid off of the cart and showcases her present. From a distance, it looks like a white cake, but in actuality, it is a ginormous stack of toilet paper rolls that's arranged and shaped like a colossal cake. From the looks of it, this strange gift must have consisted of dozens of paper sealed rolls.
"Bon Appetite, everyone!" Eris announces with a toothy smile to the gawking crowd.
"Umm... Eris? Those are diapers." Rainbow states the obvious with a deadpan face.
"A diaper cake, Rainbow Dash." she corrects with an amusing grin. "Heard they are all the rage at baby showers these days. Although I was almost tempted to make it more realistic if I had some chocolate frosting on the side."
From the mention of frosting, Pinkie Pie anxiously waves her fore hoof in the air as she insists out loud, "Ooo! I might have--!"
But Applejack and Rarity already knew what the naughty prankster was referring to as they hastily halt Pinkie's eagerness in a synchronized state of panic and disgust, "NO!!"
"Well, at least you won't have to worrying about buying diapers for a long time." Fluttershy offers to Rainbow in an awkward smile.
With a hearty giggle, Rainbow agrees with her close friend, "That's true."
Next up, Celestia and Luna step forward as the younger sister presents a sealed envelope with the use of her magic, "Here you go, Rainbow Dash. From me and my sister."
"Thank you very much, Princesses." she nods graciously before accepting their gift. Gingerly, Rainbow opens her envelope and pulls out the letter. Once she unfolds it, Rainbow takes the time to read it herself before sharing it with her friends. But as she reads through it, her eyes expand significantly as her pupils shrink drastically at the reveal of the Princesses' gift to her. Once she finishes her letter, she stares at the two Alicorn sisters with an immensely shocked expression before stuttering out her response.
"I... I... I don't know if I can accept this."
"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight Sparkle criticizes her sharply. "You shouldn't reject a gift from the Princesses like that!"
"It's not like that, Twilight! Just... look!"
At once, she passes the letter to Twilight before the purple Alicorn reads it out loud to everyone, "In this solemn pledge, we will prove your children all-expense-paid scholarships to the very college of their choice once they are accepted. In substitute of colleges, we will also include...!
As Twilight continues to read the passage and lists the other possible means of further education to all of the gaping listeners, Rainbow turns back to the smiling Alicorn sisters and tries to refuse their charitable gift as respectfully as possible, "Seriously, Princesses! This... this is way too generous, even from you!"
"Well what better time to bear gifts than this holiday season." Celestia remarks with a giggling smile.
Then Luna adds in a friendly manner, "Besides, we wish to ensure a promising future for your twins."
Unable to turndown the princesses' generosity, Rainbow gradually expresses her deepest appreciation for the royal sisters by bowing repeatedly and practically groveling at their hooves, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"
As Rainbow finishes her deep sign of gratitude to the princesses, Rarity softly clears her throat before stepping forward to present the next gift, "Well... I can't say that we'll be able to measure up to the Princesses'... but there's no sense as to giving it a shot once we present our final gifts!"
"Ooh, a grand finale, huh?" Dash perks with a very excited grin. "Well let's see it!"
"Ask and ye shall receive!" the seamstress beams giddily as she walks over to one of fabulous curtains where she would showcases her latest lines in fashion. "Behold! The ultimate gift package ever conceived!"
With a pull of the cord with the use of her magic, Rarity unveils what's behind the Curtain Number One. And with the reveal of the remaining presents, Rainbow gasps with immense astonishment as she gazes at her friends' latest collaboration. In one big pile, there are tons of assorted gifts, including, but limited, some neatly stacked baby clothes, several stuffed animals, a pile of illustrated books, lots of baby toys, and a record player with a few albums next to it.
But at the center of this heap of wonderful gifts stands a magnificent structure that towers over the rest: the baby's crib. The large infant's bed is colored in a soft violet color. The corners are decorated with wooden cutouts featuring very light blue clouds and bright yellow shooting stars. The crib's mattress, blankets, and small pillows share the same color as the clouds. And on one side of the crib is a music mobile with an hinged attachment that hangs over the twin-sized bed.
As Rainbow continues to stare at her present in absolute amazement, Rarity is more than happy to carry on with the presentation, "You see, each of us have contributed to this showcase in our own special way! For example, I made dozens of cute baby clothes for your adorable, little foals to try on!"
"Ah created a voucher where you can receive a large stock of free, wholesome baby food, provided by none other than Sweet Apple Acres!" Applejack grins with pride.
"I provide some of my favorite children's books for you and Ford to read for the twins!" Twilight states with a smile.
"I provide lots of games and toys for the little tykes to play!" Pinkie says ecstatically.
"I provide lots of cute, stuffed animals to cuddle up with!" Fluttershy squeaks with a cutesy face.
"And we provide several records for a soothing ambiance for the little ones!" Octavia declares with delight.
"Plus a record player of my own creation!" Vinyl adds with a proud smirk.
"And as our final gift..." Rarity proclaims in barely contained giddiness as she points at the handcrafted bed. "...the crème de la crème... your very own crib! This one-of-a-kind bed is designed and orchestrated by yours truly!"
"And followin' up on my wife's designs, Ah've carved this here lil' beauty myself!" AJ remarks with renewed pride.
"Ooo ooo! I helped out as well by painting it!" Pinkie Pie states in her usual excitement with a rapid wave of her fore hoof.
"And I provide the softest, most cushiony blankets I could find at Cloudsdale!" Fluttershy says with a cooing smile.
"And this little doo-hicky is an invention of mine: a musical mobile to help the twins sleep easily!" Vinyl comments with another proud grin.
"With music hoof-picked by me, of course!" Octavia emphasizes strongly.
"I'm telling you!" Vinyl retorts to her wife with a chuckle. "Rock and Roll is perfect for them! They'll love it!"
"Maybe when they're older, I might allow it." the cellist consents with a small smirk.
But the DJ pushes it even further by leaning against her and pulling off her usual puppy-dog eyes. "Say for their first birthday by any chance?"
However, Octavia counters her wife's lighthearted plead as she emphasizes it even stronger, "MAYBE."
Then Twilight steps forward as she take great, zealous joy from explaining from her own contribution, "And attached to their musical mobile is my very own contraption: it's a magical device that depicts a hologram of our solar system!"
And the overly excited Alicorn shows how it works by pressing a button on the hanging contraption. In a near-instant, the projector emits countless, tiny lights as they form different celestial bodies, including twinkling stars, patterned constellations, a warm, yellow sun, and a cool, blue moon. And in the center of this micro-universe is the ponies' variation of Earth, which shares the same blue-and-green color scheme as Ford's native world.
"See, here's our world!" Twilight continues with an ecstatic smile as she feverishly points each of them out, "And here's the sun and the moon... and here are thousands of stars that depict every known constellation! Oh look! There's Capricorn! And over here, you can see Libra! Ooo, and right next to it is--!"
But before the fervent Twilight gets carried away with her presentation, Applejack gently nudges her Alicorn friend to break her out of her trance, and the farmpony implies with a sly smirk, "Uhh, Twilight, Ah don't mean to interrupt, but let's just save astronomy for another time, 'kay?" And in response, the Twilight breaks into a sheepish grin before she awkwardly hovers right back into the circle of friends.
"So darling, how do you like our gifts?" Rarity asks the blue Pegasus with as much high hope as the rest of the contributors.
Rainbow Dash is still flabbergasted by all of the gathered presents before her. In a rare, slow pace, she walks forward to get a better look at each of her gifts. As her friends wait anxiously for her response, the deadpan daredevil carefully examines each one of her presents before diverting her awestricken gaze at the crib in the center. After taking all of this in, she finally utters out her response in a very quiet voice.
"I... I... I Iove them."
Then, she turns her head around as she expresses big, emotional eyes and an increasingly overjoyed smile to her friends before she lets it out in an explosion of excitement while she flies in circles around her gifted collaboration.
And after expressing her immense appreciation over her final gifts, she dashes right up to her Ponyville friends and immediately pulls them in a big group hug while she carries on with her ecstatic gratitude for them.
"OH THANKYOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU! You girls are like the coolest friends a gal like me could ever ask for!"
Feeling like she got most of it out, she feels back to her one-of-a-kind crib and gracefully slides her fore hoof across its smooth, wooden surface just to get a good feel of it. As she continues to admire the bed that will someday be for her foals, Rainbow mutters something else in mind in barely contained anticipation.
"Oh, I wish Ford Mustang was here right now! He would have loved all of this!"
Meanwhile, Thousands of Miles Away...
Pass the borders of Equestria and into the Griffon Kingdom's territory, Ford Mustang flies through the thick, gloomy sky like a bolt of lightning as he seeks to gain an audience with clan leader of the Talos Mountains, Wagner the Inferno Dragon King.
Despite his own preparations beforehand, he never would have considered how treacherous the weather would be in this mountain region. Ponyville and most of Equestria was hit with a major snowstorm, but the blizzard Ford is currently enduring is even worse than the first time he went to see Wagner. The chill is mercilessly intense. The haze is so thick that he could barely see the silhouetted mountains. And surprisingly enough, the snowflakes are large, relentless and almost as sharp as razors. Despite the drastic change in weather, the bold stallion manages to press forward without those harsher conditions slowing him down.
However, the same thing can't be said for the ferocious wind the Pegasus is confronting head-on. Not only is it making more difficult for him to see through the vicious storm, but its incredibly strong winds are managing to decrease his blazing speed. Though Ford's magical aura protects him from the snow, it's not enough to push through the storm's intensity.
But no matter how strong the howling winds are, they're not going to stop him from! He has come too far to turn around at this point, and there is no way Mustang is going to give up now! Not just on himself, but also on his wife, Rainbow Dash, whose very life may be hanging by a thread!
With his perseverance renewed and burning with desire, Ford rages against the storm and pushes his Equestrian body even further than before. A familiar vapor cone begins to form in front of him, but that's just an initial phase for what's to come. And before long, he breaks that once-aggravating barrier and unleashes the full force of his Sonic Rainboom!
With an additional boost of tremendous speed, Ford smashes through the ruthless wind and bolts through the storm like it is nothing now! But as his boldness grows from flying at such an incredible pace, he almost fails to notice a colossal mountain right in front of him. Immediately alarmed by this, the Pegasus makes a miraculous, sharp turn away from the mountain without facing a head-on collision with it.
But even with that close call, Ford didn't give himself time to react from heading right towards a really tall, pine tree. From that impact, he breaks off the top part of the tree, and it completely messes up his flying. As he descends toward the ground, he twists and turns uncontrollably before he lands on the thick layer of snow. Unable to regain his balance or control of his body, he tumbles all the way down as he bounces across the frigid valley. Finally, he comes to a gradual stop, and he lands face first on the snow.
Feeling drained from his stressful nights and significantly sore from his crash landing, he attempts to pull himself up as he still has an important task to fulfill. But at his current state, all he can do is lift his head up groggily before his face collapses right on the thick layer of snow he just landed in.
Back in Carousal Boutique, Rainbow Dash's foal shower has been going really well as the hours passed by. They already finished their big meals and have moved on to their desserts. On one side of the lounge room, Twilight Sparkle observes Rainbow from afar as she cheerfully carries on with a conversation with some of her friends. Twilight sighs in relief as she smiles on how the party is going along smoothly.
Then, she turns her head to her right and observes a grandfather clock. According to the ticking clock's time, it's been hours since the foal shower began as it is nighttime right now. From this observation, Twilight's nerves start get to her as she worries increasingly on whether or not Ford Mustang has finished his task and made it home in time. But soon, her inner thoughts get interrupted by the soft-spoken voice of her former mentor, Princess Celestia.
"Is everything alright, Twilight?"
"No--! I mean yes! Everything's going great! Why wouldn't it be?!" the younger princess reassures nervously with a very awkward smile stretching across her face.
After Princess Luna joins the two, Celestia comforts the uneasy Alicorn, "Twilight, I understand your concern over our unexpected arrival, but I assure you, we are only here to just show our support for Rainbow Dash and nothing else."
"Besides, we wouldn't even dare talk about anything that could jeopardize her happiness." Luna says sincerely. "Does our presence trouble you by any chance?"
"No no! Of course not!" Twilight responds frantically. "I am always pleased to be with you two! It's just that... did you really have to bring HIM along?" she emphasizes as she glares at Eris, who is busy entertaining her friends.
With a lighthearted giggle, Celestia replies to her dubious, former student, "Trust us, Twilight Sparkle. It would just complicate things if he didn't come along with us. It would be best to keep a close eye on him at all times."
Then Luna adds, "Plus, we made him promised us to never reveal anything that can expose our previous conversations."
"Hmph! That's reassuring." Twilight grumps to herself sarcastically.
Suddenly, a flash of light teleports Eris right in-between the conversing princesses as the grinning she-devil couldn't help but butt in their discussion. "Excuse me, ladies, but I couldn't help but wonder on whoever you are talking about."
"Well in case you are wondering, we were just talking about you." Twilight answers sternly.
"Me?" Eris gasps exaggeratedly before pleading her supposed innocence before them. "Well what did I do? We've never even met in the first place."
Having all she could take, Twilight seeks to put an end to the trickster's charade and snaps out loud, "Okay, cut the act, Discord! I know what you are up to, and I'm not going to let you spoil it in front of Rainbow Dash!"
Surprisingly enough, Eris remains firm with her act on as she responds, "Well then, you should it take it up with my brother instead of me." And as she points her thumb towards a window behind, Another Discord, this time, a male duplicate, pops up and teasingly waves from outside. And after casually waving back to her male counterpart, Eris turns back to face the now-bamboozled Twilight and adds with a crafty smirk, "Besides, I have no idea on what you are talking about."
After shaking away her confusion, Twilight snaps once again, "Don't toy with me! You know full well on what I'm referring to!"
"Nnnope. Still don't have a clue." Eris replies while shaking her head.
"About our conversation two weeks ago!" Twilight reminds the female Draconequus sharply.
"I'm sorry, you're gonna have to more specific, dearie." the provoking trickster asks in mocking ignorance.
"You know, with Ford Mustang?!" the aggravated princess clarifies even louder than the previous sentence.
"Who?" the instigator goads even further.
As the aggravated Twilight catches her breath from her outburst, Twilight expresses a mixture of annoyance and bewilderment as she stares with puzzlement at the suddenly silent Eris, who breaks into that irritating yet all-knowing smirk of hers. Perplexed by the disturbing silence, she looks around to see the other ponies' reaction. The first reactions she glances at are the two sisters where Celestia freezes in place as if she was trying to reach out for Twilight before it was too late while Luna face-hoofs herself from seeing where this is going.
Alarmed by the princesses' reactions, Twilight cringes as she nervously faces the other direction to see if what she has dreaded has come into full swing. Just as she feared, every one of her friends stare in shock over the Alicorn's sudden flare-up; but more importantly, Rainbow Dash is even more wide-eyed than the rest, and she is the first to break out of her speechlessness where she inquires on the shocking fact that was never brought to her attention before.
"Wait, what did you say, Twilight?"
But as the flustered Twilight clamps her mouth tightly to prevent anything from slipping out any further, Celestia glares at the crafty prankster and demands in a stern tone, "Eris... Explain yourself."
"What? Don't look at me!" Eris contradicts with an uncontrollable grin plastered on her face. "Ask Princess Blabbermouth over here!"
From that reminder, Twilight feels even more ashamed as her guilt-ridden face hangs low to the ground. From seeing such a dejected face on her protégé, Celestia sharply turns back to Eris as her glare intensifies on the trickster while her flowing, multicolored mane flares up gradually. From seeing such rage building up from the usually composed princess as her whole body glows a brightly yellow aura, the surprisingly frightened Eris realizes the dreadful promise that is to come, and decides to make a hasty retreat while waving goodbye to her friends.
"Oh well would you look at the time! I really need to head on home right now! I think I hear my brother calling out for me! Thank you so much for the lovely party, everypony! We should really get together over a cup of tea or something like that! Umm... TA-TA~!"
And in an instant, Eris snakes her way out of the Carousal Boutique as the infuriated Sun Princess screeches out for the fleeing trickster, "DISCORD!" And she disappears in a flash of bright light to chase after him.
Feeling very awkward in this situation, Princess Luna decides to take her leave as well while saying her own goodbyes to everyone in a modest manner, "Uhh... Please excuse me, everypony. I... better go after them in case of... damage control. Congratulations once again, Rainbow Dash!" And she too disappears in a flash of light to catch up with the other two.
With the Alicorn sisters and the disguised Discord gone, the room resumes its unsettling silence until Rainbow Dash asks once again, "Hang on... I thought Ford went to see you to conduct some research over his Draconian Magic! Why were the Princesses and Discord there as well?"
Realizing that she still back in a corner, Twilight quickly comes up with the best cover-up in mind as she bears a huge, sheepish smile, "Oh... umm... well... they... want to bear witness over the results of our findings! Y-yes, that's it!"
Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash doesn't buy it entirely, so just to make sure, she turns to the expert on honesty, "Applejack? Is she telling the truth or not?"
Feeling really uncomfortable with being prod as a lie detector, Applejack takes a moment to gather her thoughts before coming up with her best response, "Ah... reckon it's best that Ah stay out of this one."
Understanding the hidden meaning behind AJ's answer, Rainbow sharply turns back to Twilight with a heavy frown and hovers toward her while she interrogates the edgy Twilight even further, "What is it that you are not telling me, Twilight? What are you hiding from me?"
Paralyzed by Rainbow's cold glare, Twilight is running out of options to prevent herself from telling the horrifying truth to one of her dearest friends. As she is greatly frets herself on this conflicting situation she is in, her purple eyes begin to get very watery, and she couldn't handle to pressure anymore.
"I... I can't, Rainbow! I just can't! I promised Ford that I wouldn't tell you on what's going on, and I can't bear to tell it myself!"
As Twilight breaks down from her remorseful confession, Rainbow takes the time to comprehend this as her frowning shifts to a blank expression. Once she is composed, the Pegasus takes a nice breath before exhaling it out gently and says to her distraught Alicorn friend softly, "Alright, Twilight... I won't force it out of you."
A bit surprised by Rainbow's composure and empathy, Twilight Sparkle is about to sigh with relief, but that moment is sharply interrupted when Dash continues in a suddenly angry approach, "So I'll force it out of my husband instead!"
And without a moment to lose, the peeved Pegasus zooms past her greatly startled friends as Twilight desperately cries out in protest, "Wait stop! You can't go out there!"
"Watch me!" she retorts as she hastily puts her scarf on before she opens the door.
But with quick reflexes, Rarity conjures up her magic to grab the Dash's tail in time before the hostess pleads to her, "Rainbow Dash, please be reasonable! It's absolutely dreadful out there! You are in no condition to go out there by yourself!"
After scowling at Rarity for her intervention, the hovering flyer looks at the windows near the doorway and notices how much the snow has picked up since this afternoon. Then, she looks down at her growing belly and great concern replaces her anger momentarily as she didn't want her impulsiveness to cause anything fatal to her unborn foals. As she makes a soft, reluctant landing, Rainbow starts thinking of alternative on how to confront her husband before she turns to the lone Alicorn with a firm gaze fixated on her.
"Twilight, you can teleport me over there, right?"
Afraid on where this might lead, Twilight pleads once again, "Rainbow, please! Just... let me fetch Ford for you and I'll--!"
"Take me over there right now, or one way or another, I'll get there myself!"
And after that grave warning from the growling Rainbow Dash, the room becomes awfully quiet once again as the party guests shift their gazes between the blue Pegasus and the purple Alicorn to see who will make the next move in their intense confrontation. Until finally, Twilight gives in and softly complies with Dash's request.
"Sigh... very well."
And after taking the time to conjure up her magic, the dejected Alicorn casts her spell unto Rainbow Dash and herself and both of them were instantly transported to the front side of Dash's cloudhouse. As soon as they were teleported, Rainbow makes off in a mad dash while Twilight is too breathless to stop her. With a very strong kick, the livid, pregnant mare knocks the door open hard and yells out for her missing husband.
"MUSTANG! We need to talk right now!"
With no response, Rainbow zips through each of the rooms on the lower floor as she angry calls out to him once again, "Ford, you better not be hiding from me!"
Once she couldn't find him downstairs, she carries her search upstairs and rushes through each of second floor's rooms, including the master bedroom and Ford's art studio. Once she searched through the latter room, she cries out for him one more time in a mix of aggravation and worry.
"Ford, where are you?!"
After searching through every room in the house, she flies back downstairs in a sluggish pace. Once she's back on the first floor, she spots her pet tortoise, Tank, looking up at her, and decides to question him for Ford's whereabouts.
"Tank, do you know where he is?"
Slowly but surely, the reliable reptile turns his head to point at the coat-hanger next to the doorway. Once his owner looks at Tank's direction, she notices something was missing as she hovers toward it to make doubly sure on her speculation. And to her dismay, Ford Mustang's prized scarf that she gave to him on their 1st Hearth's Warming Eve is missing off of one of the hooks.
Once Twilight enters insides, she calmly consoles with Rainbow, "Okay, I know you're upset about this, but please... take it easy--!"
Having all she can take from running around in circles, she snaps at her concerning friend, "No more games, Twilight! WHERE'S... MY... HUSBAND?!"
Startled once again by Rainbow's piercing, sizzling stare, Twilight takes the time to collect her thought before she timidly shares what she knows about Ford's whereabouts in a defeated tone, "He... he went off to see Wagner. Said that he had something really important to discuss with him. But I have no idea on what's taking him so long! He should have been back by now, I swear!"
As Twilight has just feared, Rainbow gradually shifts into unimaginable rage as the emotional mare frowns immensely and grits her teeth harshly. Her anger looks so intense right now that the bookish Alicorn is fearful that her Pegasus friend would explode at any second time. Instinctively, Twlight turns her head away while closing her eyes and lowering her ears to brace herself from the anticipated eruption that is to come.
But to her bewilderment, Twilight doesn't hear any form of rage emitting from Rainbow Dash. There was no shouting. No cursing. No stomping. Nothing. But instead, she hears something else that is equally disturbing: crying.
Once she perks her ears up and takes a peek at her friend, Twilight's eyes expand significantly as she witnesses something truly heartbreaking right in front of her. Rainbow Dash is sobbing uncontrollably as she her big, expressive eyes lets out so many tears that they look like they merged into miniature waterfalls cascading across her pitiful face. In the midst of her crying, Rainbow is able to take the time to ask one simple question.
"Why? Why would he leave me like this?"
With her question going unanswered, Rainbow Dash breaks down hard as her lamenting over her missing husband grows even louder. With nothing else to say to her, Twilight expands her large, purple wings and gently pulls the deeply distressed Rainbow in for the kind of comfort she can offer at this point. As she warmly embraces her distraught friend, Twilight takes a moment to look outside and observes the heavy snow while growing more worried on the one pony that Rainbow desperately needs right now.
Oh Ford Mustang... where are you right now?
It's hard to say on how long he was knocked out cold, but eventually, Ford Mustang groggily gets himself up from his sheet of snow and tries to figure out on what's his location at the moment. But all he can see in his surroundings is indistinct silhouettes of jagged mountains and snowy hills as the entire landscape is casted in an ugly, bluish gray color with tons of heavy snow blurring his vision. And the accursed wind is howling even louder than before.
Once he is up, Ford verifies himself. His natural coat is a mess and his body feels sore, but there are no serious injuries on him at least. As for all of the supplies he packed earlier, they were all ripped from his saddlebag as they are scattered and lost amidst the ongoing snowstorm, probably buried underneath all that snow. The only thing that has remained intact thankfully is his prized, rainbow-colored scarf, which is still secured around his neck. After verifying his situation, the lone stallion seeks to get moving and to decide whether he should continue to search for Wagner or just return home as he has lost track of time.
But before he can make his decision, he suddenly sees something in the very far distance. It is pretty vague, but it looks like another pony. But this pony look different the other ones, and yet... at the same time, there's something... familiar about this one.
"Hello!" Ford calls out to the stranger. "Is anyone out there?!"
But the shadowy figure did not move from that faraway spot nor did respond to Ford's calling. So the Pegasus tries again. "Hey! Can you hear me?!"
At first, all Ford can hear is the atrocious wind and his own echo from the vast mountain range that he is entrapped in. But finally, the unknown pony responds, but it isn't what Ford is expecting. The mysterious stranger starts to laugh spontaneously. It starts out small, and gradually, it becomes more uproarious. In fact, it cackling is so loud and so hysterical that it's actually starting to give Mustang the chills rather than getting it from the really cold weather itself.
Despicable chills he hasn't felt in a very long time.
And as Ford to try stop himself from shaking off from this very bad feeling, he notices something else from that laughing shadow. Something that completely freezes him in his tracks! Something he never expected to see nor would he want to see ever again!
Without warning, the menacing shadow is suddenly lit ablaze, but only on certain parts of its body as the flames display a sickening, blue color: a long, flaring tail, a huge, wild mane of fire, and most unforgettable of them all... two great, big, flaming eyes!
Author note: Well that's the five chapters here my friends, and u hope you all liked the baby shower there cause 'boy' was that fun for Rainbow dash foal shower, and now Clutter shy is having her baby to (what a supper SURPRISE THAT WAS!!!) hope you liked it or loved it, just let me know on your comments here.
The next ones is going to be very VERY hard on Ford Mustang and Rainbow Dash, when they get back home.
Unlike next time, leave a comment to what you think of this story here.
Seya you-wanna-be ya!😉😉😉
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