Recruited Beauty

Lucy Pov:

After taking Y/n away from her kingdom and telling the villagers what happened minus the queen being alive. Because even Y/n said it would be best for them not to know if their queen was alive. For if they knew fear would consume them, and say it was just a curse and that was it. Once we made it back to the guild everyone was happy to see us, but they felt fear right off the bat when they saw Y/n, mean gawk at her the other woman feel jealous which I don't blame them for she is very pretty.

Makarov: "And who might this young beauty be and why do I sense some powerful magic from her?"

Erza: "Well-"

Y/n: "How about you and I talk master of Fairy tail I need to discuss somethings with you."

Makarov: "Sure thing dear."

They walk away from us, and I go to the job board sense I need to pay for rent. There was none so far well to pay for my rent man these sucks.

Natsu: "Hey how's it going Lucy find another job again for us?"

Lucy: "What do you oh yeah that's right Natsu I was hoping to do a job by myself for once."

Natsu: "Come on Lucy don't be like that it's always fun to have a teammate."

Lucy: "Natsu why not wait and see what happens with you know who."

Natsu: "We go time Lucy come on let's go."

As he grabs my hand, and we storm off for a job I was thinking of doing.

Erza Pov:

I was enjoying my cake when Natsu and Lucy left.

Erza: "We just got back they can't wait to for more than a few hours to cool off."

Gray: "Knowing that lizard freak he never knows how to calm down. But what do you think those two are talking about?"

Erza: "Can't say but wait and see."

Gajeel: "Who was that woman as soon as I saw her, she got that overwhelming power."

Juiva: "Juiva would like to know as well and did she catch my darling Gray's heart."

Erza: "Well we can try to explain but it seems the master has gotten it under control."

Makarov Pov:

This woman she is her the true fear and power of what people feared she did not even hold back saying her name towards me. I she crazy does she not know she might be facing over a hundred mages here. No, she knew this would happen she is a genius after all she's got a reason to be or did, she say was true about liking Erza for being interesting. 

Y/n: "Don't worry young Makarov I mean no harm after all what I said was true if you want you can even ask Erza herself."

Makarov: "Oh great curse queen tell me then why you are here I don't mean to be rude, but can you tell me?"

Y/n: "For calling me by one of my many titles but the witch queen I will grant you an answer. Easy I'm here for Erza's wish she wanted me to join your kid's journey she is one of the very few I repsect hell I might even give her a piece of my many Rhongomyniads."

Makarov: "You mean you still have them?"

Y/n: "Well only nine at the moment. The other three are out there in the world, if you want, I can even give it to her now. Because each time a piece of them is away from me my power does cut in half and sense, I am immortal my power is cut in half again so where my power goes to is that of saint class or at Zeref level."

She is that strong she is on level with Zeref and this is her weaken state she might be our last ace if we lose no what am I thinking she is a woman. And when she is here, she should be treated like anyone else. Like a family.

Y/n: "Well what is it then give a weapon to Erza and show you can trust me or just trust me as we are."

She is clever I sense she is telling the truth I can't feel any bloodlust from her she was emotionless no wonder people fear her so much I can't read her.

Makarov: "Fine I do trust you but if you wish to give her one of the nine you have left over you can give her one. If you don't mind me asking which one, are you going to give her?"

Y/n: "This one."

As she pulls out a beautiful blue and black blade that looks unstained by any means how does such old weapons like those stay in such beauty this was unmatched.

Y/n: "It is another piece of weapon one that I made after my own sister's blade Excalibur the keen difference is that this can cut anything. If someone has magic or has a soul to say she can cut the very air around them. And it can cut their magic down half the size, so it is useful weapon, but sense Erza is not a knight of my kingdom it might hurt her if uses it."

Makarov: "Care to explain because I don't won't to see any of my kids hurt."

Y/n: "You know they go dangerous missions every day. And you sent them to their grave against me but if it was not for Erza they would have been another missing poster, anyways Erza is powerful that is no joke and same with a number of those kids down there. But Erza she seems likely to a weapon pretty fair. But why I say this is because it drains her mana away very easily and if she is not careful, it can take her own life. There is one thing I must say is that this blade can seal off certain people body apart away sense it does cut the soul, but that's if you know how to use it right. For I am the only one who knows how to use it like that so don't worry on that part."

So, this is one of the 12 weapons of the queen I must say it is very beautiful blade.

Makarov: "You make some interesting deals to make someone like you."

Y/n: "It's my charm."

Makarov: "We'll let me ask you do you have like an everyday clothing?"

Y/n: "I did rob some people for their clothes back in the old days?"

Makarov: "......"

Y/n: "......Kidding."

She says in an emotionless sate 

Y/n: "I stole some clothes from the dead of bandits."

That's even worse.

Makarov: "Please tell me you're joking."

Y/n: "......."

She's not joking this time.

Makarov: "Fine if I give you enough money can you find some normal clothes?"

Y/n: "I will not mind, for these clothes do need to be wash again."

Makarov: "How do you keep them clean?"

Y/n: "Blood of the bandits."

I don't know if she is telling me the truth or joking again, joking is not her best.

Y/n: "Kidding I wash them down the river next to my castle."

Y/n Pov:

Had to wash it off because of how much blood there was on my clothes. So, I might have washed the blood of the bandits.

Makarov: "Anyways let me get a stamp for you what color?"

Y/n: " Blue ice please."

Makarov: "Also sense you are that queen, and such would you want to become a S rank wizard in fairy tail?"

Y/n: "S rank is top rank?"

Makarov: "Yep only four at the moment but we had to get rid of one of them sense he cause such harm to our guild."

Y/n: "I would not mind. But you sure people will enjoy me being a S rank right off the bat for I am new."

Makarov: "They can face you after you give your sword towards Erza first, and please not to hurt them too much."

Y/n: "I am well manner sense it is your home so I will hold back."

He grabs a stamp and I take it from him.

Y/n: "Be right back."

As I went out and find a somewhere private place and found a nurse's office as I place the stamp on my thigh. And come back to his office and we discuss about the simple stuff and my limits I can do here. I do have free reign most of the time but someone has to watch over me and so it was either Lucy or Erza because he does not trust Natsu and Gray, for they could anger me too easily.

Y/n: "Who do you suggest?"

Makarov: "It is up to you, but I must make this announcement for it is best to let them know."

We head out and tells me stand next to him as he gets on the rails.


As everyone was silent after that ear breaking sound.

Makarov: "Anyways as you can see this is our new guild member and she seem fully capable of handling herself even in tough fights. So what we are......Where's Natsu and Lucy?"

Cana: "He and Lucy left a bit ago saying they would be back sense it was close by."

Erza: "I can get them now if need be?"

Makarov: "No for this is needed to be heard now. Anyways Erza sense Lucy is not here at the moment you will watch over the new recruit for reasons. And also, everyone she has reach S rank class."

Everyone but the team that met me was surprised.


Wakaba: "Yeah what the hell."

Gajeel: "Is she really that strong to reach S rank on her first day here. Might want to face her myself."

Juiva: "I can't let her take my lovely Gray away for she might steal his heart."

Elfman: "First day here and she is already that strong well she seems to be as strong as a man might need to face her."

Mirajane: "Even I can feel her power and she is very strong from the looks of it. Hope me and her can talk more."

Makarova: "Now Erza come her for the new recruit needs to give you something."

Erza: "Sure master."

As she comes to us and for once I show her emotion, I smile at her not out of feelings but out of respect I pull a blade out from a pocket dimension, and it was one of my own Excalibur her eyes glow from how she sees the blade its beauty matching my own, a small portion of my power given to Erza now this only means she has my trust while also she must trust me at the same time.

Makarova: "Erza Y/n told me about what the blade can do so don't use it to much only use it when the time is right against a powerful enemy."

She nods at us. I can see everyone wanting to see what the blade looks like but it is up to her if she wants to show it to them.

Makarova: "Now Erza can you be so nice and help her go shopping for new clothes for she needs new ones."

Erza: "Yes master will do."

As she guides me out to the door and in that moment, someone tries to throw a chair at me, but I duck but sorry for Erza. 

Erza: "So whoever threw that has chosen death itself!!!"

Gajeel: "I just want to see what the new girl has that we don't have she seems powerful if the old man made her S rank right off the bat."

Erza: So you-"

I put my hand up to Erza and go to Gajeel. My many Rhongomyniads mostly the wand can tell me peoples name, or my cauldron can do it for me. If I think of a certain magical power but just looking at him alone, I knew who he was sense he was also a dragon slayer. The metal dragon slayer and he scream with the will to fight. And that's just by looking at him alone.

Erza: "Y/n you can't be for real?"

Y/n: "I am much weaker now so he can put up a fight now. But it won't do sense I am far more experience than him."

Gajeel: "How about out back let me see your true skills it won't hurt."

I follow him and we made it out back and everyone was cheering for us and such. Mostly all of them was beating against me while Gray and Erza bet against Gajeel. And the little dragon slayer did not won't sense she was too young, and her cat was telling her not to anyways.

Gajeel: "Get ready to lose your pretty face for you will lose it after I beat you to a pulp."

I drew my axe Rhongomyniad.

Gajeel: "What-What kind of weapon is that?!"

As he shivers from the sight of the axe.

Y/n: "You don't like my axe you wanted to face me just letting you know my magic is dark magic. But don't worry I will hold back lots."

Gajeel: "HA only people from old times can use such magic. Show me what you got."

In that moment he went to change his hand into a spear.


I grab it between my fingers and as I did just putting a bit of my magic into the center of my fingers, I started to crush it slowly. As it starts to crack, but he gets away from me. This surprised everyone for what seems to be that he is one of the stronger members of Fairy tail.

Elfman: "Wow she did that just by her fingers alone."

Mirajane: "Wow making even Gajeel back off is no easy task."

Wakaba: "Who is she?"

Erza: "She is someone who does not won't to be mess with."

Maco: "Did you face or something?"

Gray: "You can say that, or she help us out stopping the curse."

Juiva: "Still not letting her take my Gray away."


I summon a blood orb in my hand and crush it only hitting Gajeel. As I did that, he got the animals survival instincts he covers his whole body into an iron scales. I can sense his fear he is scared of me, as I crush the blood orb his scales break like ice.

Y/n: "This match is over you lost, for you are scared of me. Don't face me again unless you want to feel real pain. For this is not even my true power."

I walk towards Erza.

Y/n: "Let's go now Erza dear I want some clothes to fit."

Gajeel Pov:

I was beaten just like that she used fear to make me lose she was right I don't know why but if I did not use my iron scales, I would have felt a much horrible pain then my scales breaking her eyes where colder then ice itself. She was looking at my very soul she wanted me to be sacred of her and she did just that she made me scared that women she is a real monster.

Y/n Pov:

We made it to a store Erza did question my way of beating Gajeel but I gave him a quick and easy defeat he had the easiest way out and he should take it. As we were looking for a new pair of clothes for me, I found a nice pair of clothes just everyday clothes noting to fancy for I need to make sure I don't stand anymore, and if I do someone might know. So, I grab it and I went into the changing room after a few minutes later I got a new pair of clothes. (This will be ur normal outfit for now on. And your other clothing will be ur battle clothing.)

I feel strange about this my cheeks where red from how embarrassing this was, but I had to show it to Erza.

Y/n: "So-Um...What you think?"

I feel like a fool.

Erza: "I knew you are beautiful but even with other clothing you still look pretty."

Shop manger: "My goodness she is so pretty."

Y/n: "Please stop I feel strange as it is already this kind of clothing is just meant to be my normal clothing. Um-how much?"

Shop manger: "Huh?! Oh yeah um......So pretty."

I give him a pouted face to show him I'm starting to get mad.

Shop Manger: "Sorry it's free for a pretty lady like you."

I hate being treated like this I'm not some pretty women. I'm meant to be fear might because of these clothes. I sigh and just walk out with the money and with Erza I can see her cheeks bright red.

Y/n: "If you have something to say, say it."

Erza: "Sorry Y/n it's just I've seen beautiful women before, but you are just a different league."

Y/n: I question if I made the right choice for you to make such a dumb wish now."

Lucy Pov:

We made it back but did not get paid sense a certain some blew up the building. I'm not going to make it in time to pay my rent. And Natsu went off ahead as I was heading back to the guild, I spot Erza with a woman I could not see who it was sense the back of her head was not facing me. I went to follow them for some time and as I made it to them where they stop, I got a good look and see the woman is Y/n she looks oh my god she is a whole different league of beauty itself. And my goodness she knows how to dress as well maybe I should get to know her. But I got report back to gramps.

Lucy: "Wonder what happen while we were gone."

As I made it back everyone was still their normal self's all but one being Gajeel. I go to Mirajane and ask her what happen.

Mirajane: "Hey Lucy well as you see Gajeel just lost to the new girl, and she made him quiet."

Not surprised she is a scary woman.

Mirajane: "She even made it to S rank today master was even thinking of making you, her overseer."

Wait he wanted me to watch over The Witch Queen is he crazy does he want me to die.

Mirajane: "Erza also got a new weapon from the new girl a beautiful blue and black blade that even Erza can't get her eyes off of it."

Lucy: "Man now I want to see the weapon, why Natsu had to force me to leave like that."

Mirajane: "Yeah and now she is one of our strongest to ever live. Wonder what kind of drinks she likes?"

Lucy: "Why do you ask that?"

Mirajane: "Because why not Lucy she is pretty, awesome, cool, smart, and clever but I just want to hang out with her that's mostly it. But can I tell you something Lucy."

As she waves for me to come closer and whispers into my ear.

Mirajane: "I think everyone wants to try and date her now."

Lucy: "WHAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!"

(Another good stopping point hope u all enjoyed again I want u gals or guys to pick if the MC needs a harem or just a love interest so pick because I just might go with Erza and that's it. I will put an option thing down.)

1.) (Harem)


2.) (Love interest)

(Anyways talk to u all later and such omage1 out peace.)

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