Ember's second day at work was uneventful, with no male customers wandering about the shop and making eyes at her, she was left to focus on learning the names of the wines she was selling.

Around lunchtime Ember waved goodbye to a tiny old woman who wobbled out of the shop with a three hundred-dollar bottle of Shiraz tucked under one arm and an ancient poodle under the other.

"What a boring day," Amara yawned from her red chaise. She'd already drunk an entire bottle of wine and was uncorking a second. Ember wondered how she could keep her shop afloat when she had so few customers and drank most of the wine herself.

"Uh, Miss Boss?" Henry's voice came from behind the counter, he squinted across the room at Amara as he cleaned his glasses with a white cloth, "the um, person called from the thing they said you have to go now."

Amara stared at Henry blankly for a long moment, her wine glass pressed against her lower lip. "Oh! Yes, of course, Ember, we have an event to attend. The boys will watch the shop hurry along now."

Within ten minutes, Amara and Ember were driving down the highway in a red convertible. Thankfully Amber had a hair clip which she used to stop her hair from whipping her in the face as they sped along.

Holy crap. Ember thought as she glanced around the car, Amara must have come from a wealthy family because there was no way she owned a car like this on the income she made from the wine shop. A wealthy family would have been nice, perhaps then she wouldn't have to live in a crooked house on a dead-end street and go to a college where boyfriends abandon you.

"You haven't even asked where we're going," Amara shouted over the roaring wind, "but I'll tell you that you're going to have a ball! It's a lovely little winery, and we've got an invite to a private tasting!"

Of all the things Ember thought she'd be doing with her summer break, this was not one of them. In fact, this was the week she and Tyler were supposed to be headed on a mini vacation to Orlando to celebrate their anniversary. She fidgeted in her seat, trying to steady her breathing against the new wave of anguish that threatened to send her into a fit of tears. Couldn't she just be happy?

She swallowed hard and smiled, if she looked happy on the outside maybe her heart and mind would follow suit. At least she hoped that was how it worked.

The Amaranth Winery was on a small plot of land that looked more like an orchard or an elaborate garden than a place to drink alcohol. Groups of people sat at wooden benches or on blankets around the property sipping wine and laughing without a care in the world. How lucky for you all. Ember brooded, thinking about how fun a place like this would have been to visit with Tyler. She imagined them hand in hand, walking through the rows of tall sunflowers, stealing a kiss when no one was around, laughing at each other's jokes, and whispering loving words into each other's ears. But that dream would never come to pass.

Amara grabbed her by the hand and led the way into a large storage barn. Inside they found seats set around a long wooden table in the middle of the main room. All else was empty except for the walls on either side which were lined with wine casks.

"My contact should be here shortly," Amara smiled, "Hopefully because I need a drink."

"How about a glass of pinot?" A man stepped into the room holding a tray filled with two wine bottles and several empty glasses. He wore a black fitted t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and sleek black boots. Ember couldn't take her eyes off him as he made his way to the table. He placed the tray gently in front of them, and a strand of deep mahogany hair fell into his eyes which were the most magnetizing hue of gray Ember had ever seen.

"Ember, this is Jude, we used to work together once upon a time, but we've always managed to stay in touch. Good men are so hard to find after all."

"Hello!" Ember's voice cracked and she immediately wished she could slide off her chair and under the table. They wouldn't notice if she hid for the rest of the wine tasting, would they?

"Pleasure to meet you, Ember," Jude's voice had a grit to it that made warmth spread across her cheeks.

She grabbed her face and smiled, "The pleasure is all mine."

"This is perfect," Amara beamed, grabbing a bottle of wine and filling her glass to the brim, "Just perfect," She took a long drink, letting soft moans escape through each gulp.

"That's the oldest red they have here, what do you think?" Jude asked.

"It tastes like home," Amara looked as though she were feeling the effects of that wine quickly.

"Ember, would you like to try a chardonnay?"

Ember reached for a glass and held it out toward Jude, when he filled it she realized it was white and stole a glance at Amara who rolled her eyes.

"Ignore her," Jude laughed, "she only hates white wine because her ex-husband loved it."

Ember stifled a laugh while Jude shouted in pain from the swift kick he'd received from Amara under the table.

"Jude here thinks he's hilarious," Amara hissed. "He should realize that one of these days he may not survive his own humor." A wicked smile curled on Amara's lips but there was laughter in her eyes, in spite of the cool warning.

Ember stifled a laugh, not wanting her new boss to know she agreed with him.

"Cheers to health and love?" Jude held up his own glass toward Ember and with a gentle clink, they drank on it. "So, tell me about you, Ember, how did you come to work for such a tyrant of wine?"

Ember hid her grin with another sip of her chardonnay which she found ten times more delicious than any of the red wines she had sampled. "It was a chance meeting, I guess." Ember shrugged, "I was just enjoying the boardwalk and Amara rescued me from what could have been a disaster."

"Did she?" Jude arched an incredulous eyebrow, "I've never pictured you as a savior, dear Amara, perhaps you're changing."

"You'd need lifetimes for me to describe to you all that I am." Amara purred.

"I doubt that," Jude's words made Amara's eyes narrow and Ember wondered if she would kick him a second time while his head and attention were very noticeably now directed at her again. "Are you in college?"

"I am," Ember nodded, happy to talk about anything other than her love life. "I'm a sophomore." She left out her major in interior design which seemed an arbitrary topic of discussion for such a place.

"Jude, be a dear, point me in the direction of the loo."

When Amara was gone, Jude turned his attention back to Ember, he assessed her for a moment, his eyes trailing from the tips of her fingers, slowly up until they met her eyes. "Now not to cut off what you were saying before, but I have to admit Ember, there must be something special about you."

Ember groaned internally. Was he going to hit on her too like the customers at the shop? She thought this was going to be a nice business meeting where she didn't have to think about asking a man to leave her alone just so she could return to her sulking. "What's that?"

"While Amara's away I can say this to you. She never hires women, never happens. Yet here you are, holding yourself with class and grace, which are qualities normally found in someone much older than yourself. In school, seeking what? I know not yet, but you must be both intelligent and determined to do so. But most importantly, I think is... " Ember steeled herself waiting for the same inane compliments, you're very pretty, your name is so unique. "Red is Amara's favorite color, your hair alone probably sent her on the chase."

Ember let out a relaxed laugh, it was true, Amara had an unhealthy obsession with red. It was almost a surprise she hadn't died her own blonde locks the color.

When Amara returned the three finished their drinks, Amara and Jude discussing vintage and price while Ember watched Jude with admiration through her peripherals trying hard not to stare. She was working after all and taking completely relevant notes in her little red notepad, so even if Jude had caught her watching him, what was the harm? Amara had been pushing her to enjoy the attention from men, but she was certain that with Amara present, exuding all the confidence and refinement in the world, she didn't have to worry about Jude taking notice of little ol' her.

Unsurprisingly, Amara chose two new red wines to sell in her shop, ordering sixty cases and writing a check that contained too many zeros for Ember to count.

"Don't be a stranger, Jude," Amara winked up at him as he leaned in for a hug.

Jude's eyes lit up as he opened his arms, inviting Ember in for a hug, she would have declined if he hadn't given Amara one as well, but clearly, it was how they ended their business transactions and who was she to mess with a good thing.

Ember placed her arms around him and gave him a small pat on the back, hoping it would send the signal that she was not hopelessly attracted to him. But when he hugged her back she couldn't help but notice how good he smelled and how amazing it felt to have a man's arms wrapped around her, she couldn't stop the warmth from returning to her cheeks.

"It was wonderful to make your acquaintance, Ember. Maybe we should all meet again soon?" He said with an impossibly soft and perfectly innocent smirk on his face as his eyes passed back and forth between Amara and Ember, looking for confirmation.

"Of course, darling," Amara agreed, "stop by the shop anytime, I'll bring the wine." 

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