Drowning in Secrets

A/N: I'm sorry I got held up my Internet issues. There was an ice storm and an earthquake and it caused a lot of limbs to fall and the power was out for a long while. I hope you like the drama I added in this episode! PLEASE PLEASE tell me if you like it!!!
Also, I GOT A NEW COVER! Tell me what you think!

--The Motel Room--
Piper and Dean sat in the motel room, having an argument. "I'm telling you, Piper, M&Ms are way better than Sour Skittles! They have chocolate in them!" She waved her hand dismissively, "Too over done. It's a fruity delicious rainbow in the palm of your hand, Dean! And their sour! How could possibly you beat that?!" Dean threw his hands up, "WITH AN M&M!" She crossed her arms, "Nope, sorry. Not possible." Dean opened his mouth to speak when Sam walked into the motel room, "So, I think it's safe to officially rule out Nessie." "I told you so!" said Piper in a sing-song voice. Dean ignored her, "What do you mean?"
Sam sat next to Piper, "I just drove by the Carlton's house. There was an ambulance there. Will Carlton is dead." Dean raised an eyebrow, "He drowned?" "Yeah. In the sink." Piper looked Dean, "I did not see that coming." Dean nodded, "Yeah, what the hell?! So if this isn't a creature, then we're dealing with something else." Sam furrowed his brow, "But what?" Dean shrugged, "Something that can control water, water that comes from the same source." He thought about it for a moment before turning to Piper, "Any idea's?" She tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows in deep thought. She shrugged, "It could be a water wraith or a ghost or some variation of demon. It could be anything really. I actually wish it was a sea monster, that would be such an epic fight, don't you think?
Dean nodded and grinned at the thought, "So it has to be connected to the lake somehow or it's water anyway.." Sam agreed, "That would explain why it's upping it's body count. The lake is draining. It'll be dry in a few months. Whatever this thing is, whatever it wants, it's running out of time." Dean got up and sat in a chair, "And if it can get through the pipes, it can get anyone, almost anywhere." Piper nodded, "And there is only one lead we have. One thing we know for sure..." Sam finished, "Bill Carlton has something to do with it." Dean nodded, "It took both of his kids." "I did some research. Lucas' dad- he's Bill Carlton's godson." Piper got up and rubbed her hands together, "Boys, I think it's time to pay our buddy Bill a visit." The trio headed out the door.

-The Dock/ Lake-
Bill Carlton sat on the dock, looking depressed and, really, who could blame him. Sam spoke up, "Mr. Carlton." Dean continued, "We're with the Department-" Bill interrupted, "I don't care who you're with. I've answered enough questions today." He still faced away from them, overlooking the lake. He wanted to forget what he saw and all that's happened and go back to fishing on the lake without a care in the world, he knew that would never happen. He was surprised at Piper's voice, "I wish I could forget sometimes too." He spun around, "How did you-" she ignored him, because she honestly didn't know how she knew. She just kept talking, "But they wouldn't want to be forgotten and forgetting just makes you vulnerable to making the same mistakes."
Sam didn't know what she was doing, but he did see that she was getting through to the man, so he continued, "Your son said he saw something out on that lake. What about you? You ever see anything out there? Mr. Carlton, Sophie's drowning and Will's death- we think there might be a connection to you and your family." Mr. Carlton, who's eyes had been on Piper the entire time Sam spoke, looked at him, "My children are gone. It's..it's worse than dying. Go away. Please." On the last word, his eyes switched to Piper's. She searched his tearful, broken, blue eyes for a moment and what she found nearly brought tears to her eyes. With her eyes still on the man she spoke, sounding detached and sad, "Let's go, guys."
Sam looked at her in confusion. Why would she give up easily? He touched her shoulder, "Are you sur-" She spun around, "I said we're leaving." There was a hint of finality and danger in her voice and her message was clear: 'Drop it or else.' Dean coughed awkwardly and said 'Goodbye' to Mr. Carlton and they headed for the car, neither brother daring to ask why she had done what she had done, yet.
"What do you think?" Sam asked Dean as they approached the Impala. "Aw, I think the poor guy's been through hell." Piper nodded as she sat on the hood of the car, "Yeah, and he's hiding something, too." Sam leaned against the car next to his sister, "So now what?" Dean freezes when he see's the Carlton house and reaches into his pocket, pulling out the drawing Lucas had handed him, "Huh." Dean sighed, "Maybe Bill's not the only one who knows something."
They get into the car and Piper pulled her knees to her and set her head against the car window. Sam glanced back at her, "Piper, why did you act the way you did?" She sighed, "Sam, he was in so much pain. You didn't see his eyes like I did, not for long anyways. I looked in them and I swear it was like I could feel his suffering. I could tell he was hiding something, but he just doesn't need to be interrogated in his fragile state. I don't think he's just feeling the loss of his family. I think he feels responsible for not being able to stop their deaths." He nodded. Dean glanced at his brother's expression, before turning into the driveway of Andrea and Lucas.

-Inside Andrea's House-
"I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea." It was understandable for Andrea to hesitate in letting them talk to her son, that's what Piper thought anyways. Andrea was just a worried mother who didn't want to bring anymore pain on her son. Dean persisted, "We just need to talk to him. Just for a few minutes." Andrea's hands were on her hips, "He isn't going to say anything. What good's it going to do?" Sam looked her in the eyes, "Andrea, we think more people might get hurt. We think something's out there." Andrea shook her head, "My husband, the others, they just drowned. That's all."
"And if you're wrong, if there's something out there, could you bare the thought of others being put on the same position you were put in? Could you bare to think that you could've done something to help, but didn't?" Piper's voice wasn't harsh, but her words felt like the blade of a knife against Andrea's throat. No. Andrea didn't think she could bare it but, still...this was her son they were talking about.
Dean continued cautiously, "If there's any possibility that there might be something else going on here, please, let me and Piper talk to him again." Sam looked at Andrea, "You saw how he reacted after their first talk. When was the last time Lucas hugged somebody and gave them a picture? Trust them, they know a thing or two about what he's going through." It was true, Dean and Piper were both old enough to remember their mothers' supernatural deaths. Andrea sighed, "Ten minutes and you," she turned to Piper in mock warning, "better keep Mr. Cool in line." Piper saluted, "Yes ma'am!"

-Lucas' bedroom-
Lucas was coloring quietly on the floor next to some scattered army men. The adults approached the door. Dean walked in and crouched next to him, "Hey, Lucas. Remember us?" Piper followed the suit. She looked down at the pile of his completed drawings, two drawings of the same red bicycle. She looked to the wall, where her and Dean's drawings were hung. Piper smiled at him softly. Dean sat on the floor, "You know I, uh, I wanted to thank you for that last drawing. But the thing is, we need your help." He took out the house drawing and set it down, "How did you know to draw this? Did you know something bad was going to happen. Maybe you could nod yes or no for us?"
Lucas kept coloring, but Piper had a feeling that he was still listening.
Lucas is drawing a person in water, but they don't ask. Piper's voice is kind, "Sweetie, it's okay to be scared. We understand." Dean nodded looking at Piper lightly, before returning his attention to Lucas, "See when we were your age, we saw something really bad happen to our moms. We were scared and I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom- I know she wanted me to be brave. And I do my best to be brave and so does Piper. And, maybe, your dad wants you to be brave to." Sam absorbed every word his brother said. Hearing Dean talk about their mother's death was a rare thing, after all.
Piper put her head on Dean's shoulder and continued for Dean, "That's what true bravery is, being afraid, but finding the strength to fight that fear. Shutting your mom out won't help, though. Being brave is a whole lot easier when you have someone to be brave for or someone who makes you stronger. And that someone is usually someone you love." A pause.
Lucas dropped his crayon and passed another drawing to Dean, "Thanks Lucas." Piper dropped a kiss on Lucas' forehead, "Be brave." Lucas didn't speak, he just looked her in the eyes which were sending a clear message: 'You too.' Dean looked at the drawing, it was a church next to a yellow house with a boy in the front, riding his bike. Piper quickly picked up the picture Lucas gave them of the Carlton house before they walked out.

-In the Impala-
Sam held the church drawing as Piper peeked over his shoulder to get a good look at it. "You know," said Dean, "Andrea said the kid never drew like that till his dad died." Piper shrugged, "That's actually not that surprising." Sam nodded, "There are cases- going through a traumatic experience could make people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies." Dean thought about this, "Whatever's out there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow? I mean it's only a matter of time before somebody else drowns, so if you got a better lead, please." "Alright, we've got another house to find."
Piper sighed, "Problem is, this one is a little harder to find than the Carlton house." Dean nodded, "There's about a thousand yellow two stories in this country alone." Sam smirked, "See this church, I bet there's less than a thousand of those around here." Dean teased him, "Oh, college boy thinks he's so smart." Piper laughed, "There are billions of those in the country, but I'd bet the closest church is probably the one we're looking for."
Sam looked at his hands and bit his lip, contemplating how he was going to ask the questions he had been dying to ask since they left Lucas, "You know um...What you said about mom, you never told me that before." "It's no big deal."
Piper looked between her two brothers. It was...awkward in a way. It wasn't just because it was a sore subject for Dean or anything like that. It was moments like these that made Piper painfully aware that she wasn't Sam and Dean's full blood sister. She couldn't relate to them when they talked about Kansas or their mom, because she hadn't been Mary's child. She knew it didn't matter, she knew it was stupid to feel left out, she knew Sam and Dean didn't think any less of her, but that didn't mean she didn't long to be 100% their sister. She didn't want to be the step-sister or half-sister, she wanted be their sister, plain and simple.
Dean looked at Sam for a second, "Oh god we're not going to have to hug or anything are we?" Piper laughed, glad they were done talking about the subject. Sam smirked, "I've seen you hug Piper all the time." Piper smiled, "That's true Dean." Dean rubbed the back of his neck, "She's a girl, though and, besides, she loves hugs." She smiled, she did, but she knew that she wasn't the only one who liked them, her brothers were just too stubborn to admit it.

-The Church/ Yellow House-
Dean held up the drawing to the church in front of them, it was an exact match. They walked across the street to the house that was also in the drawing. They knock on the door and an old Lady opens it, Mrs. Sweeney, and invites them inside. "We're sorry to bother you, Ma'am," says Dean, "But does a little boy live here by any chance? He might wear a blue ball cap, ride a red bicycle?"
The old woman looked sad, "No. Not for a very long time. Peter has been gone for thirty-five years now." Piper saw the old woman look at an old school photo of a boy and went to look at it as Mrs. Sweeney kept talking, "The Police never- I never had any idea what happened." At this point, Piper tilted her head to the side. It was the tone in her voice and the expression on her face and the broken look in the old woman's eyes that seemed almost familiar to her. "Loosing him- you know, it's.....it's worse than dying." Piper felt so bad for this poor woman. What must it feel like to have someone so important to you, someone you've spent your whole life with and raised from birth, taken away without having a clue what even happened? No closure, just mourning and loneliness.
She felt Sam's eyes on her. He seemed worried about her, but not because of how the woman's words were affecting her. He kept glancing at her and doing little things that made it seem like he thought she was going to just disappear any second. And Sam did feel like that. Sam just got back to her after years of separation and he didn't think he could take it if she left without making up those missed years of her life. Dean coughed, and Piper could tell that he felt the same as her about the situation with Mrs. Sweeney and was trying his best to keep a straight face, "Did he disappear from here? I mean, from this house?"
The woman was in tears now and Piper felt the urge to make her feel better, to take away her pain. Without warning, she ran up and enveloped the poor old woman in a sympathetic hug. She patted the woman's back as Mrs. Sweeney sobbed into her chest and continued, "He was supposed to ride his bike straight home after school, and he never showed up." Piper saw Dean picking up a picture of two boys smiling together. He turned it over and read the writing on the back, "Peter Sweeney and Billy Carlton, 1970." Mrs. Sweeney pulled away from Piper and apologized profusely for breaking down, to which Piper waved off, "Happens to the best of us. Don't worry about it. A hug is never to much to ask for."

-Impala (A/N: I had to do the lines differently for the first bit of this part because Sam and Dean went all Sherlock/The Doctor and were talking very quickly as they
were piecing together the puzzles of the mystery)-
The siblings started trying to figure out what was going on and putting their clues together.
Sam:"Okay, this little boy, Peter Sweeney, vanishes and this is all connected to Bill Carlton somehow."
Dean: "Yeah, Bill sure as Hell seems to be hiding something, huh?"
Piper: "And now the people he loves are paying the price."
Dean: "What if Bill did something to Peter?"
Sam: "What if Bill killed him?"
Piper: "Peter wouldn't be a very happy camper. It's possible that he's out for revenge. Not just to kill Bill, but to also make him feel what his mom felt first."

-Carton House-
The Impala pulls up on front of the Carlton house and the Winchesters approach the house. Sam calls for Mr. Carlton, but the only answer they get is the roar of an engine and they quickly run around the house to the lake, only to see Bill Carlton going out on the lake in his boat. Piper gasps, "Oh my God!"
They run to the dock yelling for him to get out of the water, but to no avail. The water rises and flips bill's boat over. Their yells falter, because their wasn't anyway of helping him. Bill and his boat disappeared.

-Police Office-
Lucas was sitting in the office chair rocking back in forth. Andrea watched him worriedly, "Baby, what's wrong?" Lucas doesn't answer, but Andrea didn't really expect him to. The door opens and she smiles a little at seeing who the visitors were, "Sam, Dean, Piper." She stands up, "I didn't expect to see you here."
Piper smiled and waved. She opened her mouth to greet Andrea when Jake cuts her off, sounding wary, "So now you're on a first-name basis. What are you doing here?" They walk over to where she stood behind the counter and Andrea gestured to the food she'd brought in a paper bag and plastic container, "I brought you dinner." Jake gave her an apologetic look, "I'm sorry sweetheart, I don't really have the time."
Andrea asks about the Death of Bill Carlton, but Piper isn't paying attention to her. She watched Lucas' expression as it started becoming more and more distressed and she instantly fell to her knees when he grabbed her hand. She started to shake a little. His gaze met hers and it almost seemed like he was willing her with his eyes to understand, like he was begging her to feel what he felt. All she could feel was the distress and pain that came from him, but then...she could almost see it.

It was a vague, blurry image of two...no..three boys. She couldn't see much. The other two were much larger and....were they laughing? They were doing something else... what were they doing? Something to the smaller boy? Yeah, something horrible. But what? She tried to tell them to stop, to back off but it was like she was invisible. Suddenly, she was no longer a mere bystander. She clutched at her throat. Why couldn't she breathe? Where was she? She tried to move upwards but something was holding her down while she sputtered and choked. Her nose burned like fire and thoughts grew more and more panicked by he second. Why couldn't she move?! She moved her neck as hard as she could and...

She jerked out of her trance and inhaled deeply. She realized that she was being held by Sam who was frantically asking her what was happening. She and Lucas had apparently begun to freak out at the same time and he had grabbed Dean's arm. Dean had soothed Lucas knowing he was the only one who could while Sam had practically dove for his sister in panic. He felt scared because he didn't know what was happening. He had so many questions but no answers. Was something hurting her? Why was she saying stop? Why was she struggling? He was about to yell to Dean but Piper's eyes flew opened and Sam hugged her as she looked frantically at her surroundings. Her hands flew to her neck and was surprised that she didn't feel any sign of what she had just experienced. She was suddenly aware that Sam was watching her and pulled herself together as she ran to check on Lucas.
Piper hugged Lucas, telling him it was over and everything was fine now. Andrea took Lucas outside and the young boy kept his eyes on Piper and Dean as his mother led him away. Sam and Dean turned to Piper to ask what happened but she gave him a look that told him not to ask in front of Jake.
Dean settled for another question, "Are you alright? You just collapsed onto your knees and freaked out." She nodded with a shrug. Now that the vision was over, it didn't feel so bad. The memory was even starting to fade a little. It was just like she had been in some weird dream, but it was obvious her brothers didn't think so. Sam put his hand on her back, "Why don't you go to the car, Pipes? Or get some fresh air?" She looked up at her brother, "I'm fine Sam. It was just a freak thing. I haven't slept in a while, maybe that's it." That last bit was a partial lie for Jake's sake. She sighed, "But I have a feeling I know where this conversation is headed so I'll go anyways." She didn't know what it was but there was something about that room that made her skin crawl. The brothers share a concerned look before following Jake into his office.

-With Piper-
Piper got into the car and pulled out a pad of paper she kept in her back pack, some pencils and colors, and a folder with some of her finished drawings. She flipped through her finished drawings: A werewolf howling, Dean driving, the Wendigo covered in flames, and the Impala among other sketches. She took out Lucas' drawing and put it with the others.
Dean and Sam left for the Impala feeling like children who had been scolded by a particularly strict principle. Dean got into the the driver's seat and slammed the door as Sam got in, "He's making us leave, Piper." She nodded, "Thought so. I don't like him." Dean turned to his sister, "Piper what was that?" She pretended lane didn't know what he was talking about, "What was what?" Sam slammed his fist on the dash board of the car, "You can't be serious?! You collapsed on the floor and started struggling and talking like you were being murdered, Piper! You nearly gave us a heart attack! Has that happened before? What happened?!"
Piper looked down guiltily, "I'm sorry I worried you." Their eyes softened, "Aww Pipes, we aren't mad at you. It just scared us. Tell us what happened." She sighed, "I noticed Lucas was starting to freak out and I wanted to help. I touched him and all of the sudden I'm wasn't in a police station." "Where were you?" "I- I was at the lake, or at least I think so. It was so blurry to begin with but now it's getting harder and harder to remember." "Try." "There were two kids, I think. I can't remember what they looked like. One of them was doing something to the other one....something awful. I tried to shout but no one noticed me. But then..." Sam looked at her encouragingly, "And then?" She gulped, "And then I was that boy that the other one was hurting. I didn't know what was happening! One minute I'm fine, the next I can't breathe. I couldn't move because something was keeping me down. My mind couldn't process anything. My head was pounding, by lungs were burning. I tried to tell him to stop but it made it worse. All I could here was laughing, like the other kid enjoyed watching me struggle. I didn't think about it before but I think towards the end I was...angry because of it. Yeah, I remember my hand turning to a fist and just like that, I was back on the police office and you, Sam, were asking me stuff."
Piper looked up when she was finished to see that her brothers were looking at her like she was a kicked puppy. She crossed her arms, "Don't look like that guys. I told you, I don't even remember that much." Sam shook his head, "Yeah but that sounds like a vision. What could cause this?" Dean shrugged, "It happened at the same time Lucas broke down, maybe his psychic mojo is causing this. He likes you even more than me. Maybe he connected with you. He might even be trying to tell you something. It's the only explanation I've got." Piper nodded and massage her temple, "Yeah, that makes sense." Satisfied that they figured out what happened, Dean started the car and Sam put on his seatbelt.
Both Piper and Dean didn't feel right about leaving Lucas and Andrea behind, especially Piper because of the promise she had made to Lucas' dad to protect Lucas. The car stopped at a stop light, and Dean seemed to weigh his options as he sat at the two way road. The light turned green, but Dean still didn't turn. Sam looked at him, "Green." Dean jerked to Sam, "Huh?" Sam rolled his eyes, "Green, the light's green." Dean pauses before making a right turn and Piper grins. This hunt wasn't over yet.
Sam felt like he was the only sane one in the car at the moment, "But Dean, this job, I think it's over." Dean shook his head, "I'm not so sure." Piper nodded eagerly even though she knew no one could see her. There was something wrong. Why would she be shown that vision after the case was solved? And then, she made the connection. Sam kept trying to convince Dean, "Of Bill murdered Peter Sweeney and Peter got revenge, case closed. The spirit should be at rest." Piper shook her head violently, "No we can't leave Lucas here. We need to know he's safe." Dean nodded, "Thank you. See she get's it! We can't leave. What if we missed something? What if more people get hurt?" Sam looked at Piper in exasperation, "Not you too! Guys, this is madness! Why do you guys think there's something wrong?" Piper opened her mouth but Dean answered first, "Because Lucas was really scared." Sam gaped, "That's what this is about?" Dean looked away, "I still don't want to leave this town until I know this kid's okay." Sam laughed a little, "Who are you and what have you done with my brother?" "Shut up." ""GUYS!"
They looked at Piper, "What?" "Three!" "What?" She sighed, "I got it wrong! In the vision their were three boys! That means that it's possible someone else might've been involved in Peter's murder." Sam was still a little skeptical, "How do you know it was three?" She looked him in the eye, "I can remember it clearly now. Their were two kids trying to drown me...I mean Peter, in the lake. I said I heard laughter, right? Well I was thinking about it and the laughter wasn't just one kid, it was two." Sam's still wasn't sure, but that was all Dean needed to go back to Andrea's house.

-Lucas and Andrea's House-
Sam looked at his siblings, "Are you sure about this? It's getting late man." Dean rung the doorbell. And, almost instantly Lucas flung the door open looking scared. Piper gasped, "Lucas?" He looked at her pleadingly before running into the house with the Winchesters on his tail. Dean shouted after him as they followed the poor, hyperventilating child. They immediately understood when they got to the staircase, which had murky lake water running down the steps like a water fall. They followed Lucas to the bathroom. The poor boy tried banging on the door desperately before Dean pushed him aside, as gently and quickly as possible, and kicking the door open aggressively.
Sam rushes to the tub where Andrea was drowning. Lucas tried to go to her but Dean held him back as he struggled. Seeing Sam struggle, Piper turned to Dean, "I'll watch him! You help Andrea!" He quickly passed Lucas to Piper who pulled him to her chest so he couldn't see his mom. Sam finally jerked Andrea out of the tub and they both collapsed on the bathroom floor in relief as everyone panted heavily, trying to calm down and make sense of what just happened.

-Lucas and Andrea's Living room-
Sam sat on the couch across from Andrea, "Can you tell me?" She shook her head, "No. It doesn't make sense." Piper glanced at dream who was rummaging through notebooks and photo albums, looking for anything related to Peter. She walked over to Andrea, "Andrea, we saw what happened. We've been saying all this time that something was in that lake and now lake water floods into your bathtub and an invisible force tries to drown you. Don't tell me you think we won't believe you." She closes her eyes, "I heard...I thought I heard..there was a voice." Sam locked eyes with Piper, "What did it say?" "It said...come play with me." Andrea sobbed, "What's happening?"
Dean pulled out a scrapbook that said "Jake- twelve years old", flipped through the pages. Some of the pictures caught his eye and he closed the book, dashing over to them. He opened it again and slid it in front of Andrea, "Do you recognize the kids in this picture?" She looked confused but tried to answer as best she can, "What? Um, um, no. Except that's my dad right there. He must've been about twelve in these pictures." She moved her fingers to another photo. A photo of Jake and Peter together. Dean looked up, "Chris Barr's drowning. The connection wasn't to Bill Carlton, it must've been to the Sheriff." Piper shook her head and reminded her brothers, "Three." Sam nodded, "Bill and the Sheriff. They were both involved with Peter." Andrea looks from sibling to sibling in distress and confusion, "What about Chris? My dad? Three? What are you guys talking about?" Dean stops listening when he notices Lucas by the window, "Lucas what is it?" Andrea looks up worriedly, "Lucas, honey?"
Lucas, of course, didn't answer, and walked outside while the others followed. He stopped at a random spot and stared at the ground and then to Dean and Piper and they got the message. Dean orders Andrea to take Lucas inside the house and stay there. They all get the shovels they usually used for digging up corpses out of the trunk of the impala. They dig until Sam's shovel hit's something metal. They used their hands to dig a little more before pulling a red bicycle from the ground. Sam looked at Piper, "Peter's bike."
She opened her mouth but someone else spoke before she could, "Who are you?" They spun around to see Jake with a gun in his shaking hand and Piper put her hands up, "Not the bad guys. That's you. I knew there was somethin-" Dean elbows Piper, "Piper." She noticed the dangerous tone in his voice and wondered why he stopped her until she noticed that Jake's gun had drifted over to her when she spoke and it was aimed straight at her heart. She decided to shut-up.
Sam held his hands up slowly as his eyes flickered from the barrel of the gun to his sister, "Put the gun down Jake." Jake ignored him and gestured to the bike, "How did you know that was there?" Piper eyed the gun as it drifted to Sam and glared. If Jake was going to point a gun, it was going ti be at her, not her brother, "Wouldn't you like to know?" This time, Sam elbowed her, "Stop it." He knew what she was doing and she had no idea what it was doing to him. She stuck out her tongue, "Make me." Sam pulled her behind him roughly and she crossed her arms.
She knew she was being reckless but she didn't care what happened to her, as long as her brothers lived. It wasn't even just that. She felt angry at Jake. She knew what it felt like to die the way Peter did. She knew what his last thoughts had been and how much it hurt and she had experienced the panic of not being able to breathe for the first time ever. To see the surface of the water less than a foot above her head, but not being able to get to it was like being a starving dog chained to fence and having someone put a t-bone just out of your reach.
Dean glared, "What happened? You and Bill killed Peter, drowned him in the lake and buried his bike? You can't bury the truth Jake. Nothing stays buried." Sam rolled his eyes. Was he going to have to shove him behind him too?

Andrea saw Jake holding Sam, Dean, and Piper, her saviors, at gun point through the window. She couldn't let them die, not after they'd saved her life. She kneeled in front of Lucas, "Go too your room, lock your door. Now. Don't come out." Lucas ran off and Andrea went outside.

Jake's gun was aimed at Dean now, "I don't know what you're talking about?" Piper scoffed, "Really? When you saw us with a bike we had just uncovered, you didn't ask 'Why are you guys unearthing a bike?', you asked 'How did you know that was there?' That kind of implies that you already knew the bike was there and you were just wondering how we managed to find it." He glared at her and repeated himself, "I don't know what you're talking about." Dean growled, "You and Bill killed Peter Sweeney thirty-five years ago. That's what the hell we're talking about." Andrea ran up to them, "Dad!" Dean didn't break eye contact, "Now you've got one seriously pissed-off spirit."
Piper nodded, "And now poor Lucas is suffering." Sam joined in, "It's going to take Andrea, Lucas, everybody you love. It's going to drown them and drag their bodies God knows where, so you can feel the pain Peter's mom felt. And then, after that, it's going to take you and it's not going to stop until it does." "Yeah, and how do you know that?" Sam didn't falter like Jake had hoped, "Because that's exactly what he did to Bill Carlton." Piper looked down, "It's worse than dying, you know."
Jake tilted his head, "What is?" "Loosing everyone you love. Having an entire sun and having every trace of light and warmth ripped away from you, leaving you cold and surrounded by darkness." Jake rolled his eyes, "Like you would know. You're too young to understand something like that." She glared, "I don't have to experience it to know it's worse than dying. Bill Carlton told me on the docks and Peter's mother told be before sobbing into my chest. And they both said it on the same day, only an hour or two apart. On the day Bill Carlton died." Jake snarled, "Listen to yourselves, you sound insane!" Dean snapped back, "I don't give a rat's ass what you think of us. But if we're going to bring down this spirit, we need to find the remains, salt them, and burn them. Now tell me you buried Peter somewhere, tell me you didn't just let him go in the lake."

Lucas didn't go to his room. How could he? His mother and those nice people who drew with him were in trouble. He was outside , watching the events play out when he heard a voice, "Come play with me." He followed the voice in an almost trance-like state.

-With the Winchesters-
Andrea felt betrayed. The man who raised her, the man she looked up to, the man who she brought meals to, her father...was a murderer? "Dad is any of this true?" Jake shook his head, "No. Don't listen to them their liars and their dangerous." Piper scoffed, "And yet you're the one that's not only lying but also holding us at gun point!" Andrea ignored her, "Something tried to drown me. Chris died on that lake. Dad, look at me!" Jake looked at her and she continued, "Tell me you- you didn't kill anyone!" Jake looked away in shame and Andrea gasped, "Oh my God." Jake explained how he and Bill often bullied Peter because he was the smallest and they held his head underwater for too long, that it was an accident and admitted that they had let the body go in the lake. But Piper wasn't listening. She was too focused on a voice. The voice of a little boy, but it wasn't after her. It was beckoning Lucas.
She watched, unsure if what was happening at first, but then she understood. She tried to call out, but her voice didn't seem to want work. The others were still talking, oblivious to what was happening behind them. Lucas approached the water. She felt herself follow him slowly until she heard Jake call, "Lucas!" She couldn't break her promise.
Piper dove for Lucas, shoving him away from the lake with all of her strength. Dean and Sam started to smile at her victory but it morphed into horror as they watched a pale arm reach up and grab her ankle,mpulling her under. "PIPER!" The brothers sprinted to the lake and dove in after their sister. Andrea put her hand over her mouth and looked at her dad, "They saved me. Lucas loves her! He hugged her on the play ground. Peter won't drown her instead because of will he?" Jake felt guilt rise in him. This girl helped save Andrea? She just saved Lucas and now she could die because of it. He looked down, "He might if he considered her a family friend. If he can't have Lucas he'll take the next best thing at hand." Andrea started to take over cardigan and Sam stopped her when he came up for air from diving, "No, Andrea. Stay there!" Andrea paused, "But she doesn't deserve to die!" Sam looked her in the eye, "Neither do you." And just like that, he went back under. After a minute of silence, both brother's came back up with nothing as Andrea sobbed.
Jake sighed, he knew what he had to do. He had to make it right. A fifteen year old girl who had saved the only two people he had left to love was dying because of him. Sure she had a big mouth, but he'd lived long enough and it was time. Time to die. Jake got into the water.
"Peter! Peter if you can hear me...please, I'm sorry. It's my fault not hers! She's young and not the one who needs to be punished! If you take her away from her family, you'll be no different than me! Is that what you want? To make the same mistake I made? Leave all these people alone. Take me, I deserve it!" Jake is dragged under and Andrea screams, "DADDY!" Sam and Dean both dove down one more time. Sam came up empty handed and Andrea sobbed thinking Peter had taken both Piper and Jake. But Dean's head broke the surface, carrying his sister with her and dragging her into the shore as she coughed up water. Dean got her to shore.
Dean hugged her tightly, "Why little sister? Why do have to scare the crap out of me all the time?" She shivered from the cold, but grinned, "It's my job, big bro." He smirked and went to check on the family. Sam ran up to her and hug her too. She shivered and Dean wrapped her in his leather jacket. Andrea ran up and hugged her and thanked her with Lucas by her side. She hugged Andrea back but Sam caught her eye and she paused. He looked terrible. She pulled away and excused herself to talk to Sam, "Sam, are you okay?" He nodded, "Pipes...can we talk...alone?" He glanced at Dean who grumbled and walked over to Andrea.
Sam dragged Piper to where no one could see them and hugged her again tightly, almost desperately, "Don't ever do that again." Piper sighed. She felt guilty for scaring him but not for her actions, "Sam I'm not going to just let a child get pulled into a lake by a monster." He pulled back and held her by her upper arms at arm-distance, "No, you can't do that to me again! I can't loose you. Not after Jessica! I won't! I've gotta keep you safe. One mistake. One risk. One movement. A slash of a knife, snap of the neck, pull of a trigger..and I'll never see you again. And if that happens...I don't know what I'll do...How hard I'll fall or how hard Dean will fall or how How far I'll go to punish who ever caused it." Sam clenched his teeth as he lost himself in that thought and dwelled in fury, but his expression turned to soft surprise when he heard a pained voice," Sam, stop it!" He looked down in panic when he realized he had gripped his sister's arms too tightly and quickly let go. Tears threatened to enter his eyes, "I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me."
She smiled softly in understanding and wiped away his tears, "I do. You're scared. You're trying to hide it, but you are. You don't want to loose me. I'm not stupid Sam. You feel responsible for Jessica and your mom and now you're scared because I'm the last woman in your life. You're afraid I'm next. Im sorry I worried you, but I'm not sorry for saving Lucas. I did not know I'd be pulled into that lake, I didn't think. I reacted and pushed Lucas. I would do the same thing if I could go back, maybe differently though."
She sighed, "Please don't keep these feelings inside so much. I don't know if it's because you don't want Dean to see you scared or make him worry or if it's because of me, but please talk to me. You have been acting worried and distraught ever since we left Stanford and it's not just because if Jessica. I won't push you to talk but please don't push your limits like that by holding it in. You'll literally worry yourself to death of you keep doing this. This isn't like with dad. That's what you and Dean need to understand. We can be hunters and still act like human beings with emotions. It's impossible to be a hunter and not have to cry or scream or get angry despite what dad says. As long as it doesn't effect the job or innocents it's okay to feel. It's what separates us from the monsters. Got it?" He nodded and she hugged him and he chuckled, ruffling her hair, "When did it go from me and Dean taking care of you to you taking care of us?" She shook her head with a smile, "We take care of each other. That's what family's do."
Sam, Dean, and Piper walked out of their motel room to drive to the next hunt. Sam put a duffle in the the trunk as he spoke to Dean, "Look we're not gonna save everybody." He was referring to Jake. "I know." "Sam, Dean, Piper!" They looked over and Saw Andrea and Lucas walking over to them. "Hey." She smiled, just happy to have her son talking again, "We made you guys lunch for the road. Lucas insisted in making on making the sandwiches himself." Lucas smiled a little and looked up at his mother, "Can I give them to them now?" Dean smiled bit and put a hand on the boy's back "Come on, Lucas, let's go put this in the car." Lucas nodded, but pulled Piper with him by her shirt. She giggled and followed the two.
Sam looked at Andrea, "How are you holding up." She sighed, "It's just going to take a long time to sort through everything, you know?" "Andrea, I'm sorry." She shook her head, "You guys...you saved us. You saved my son. I can't ask for more than that." Dean put the sandwiches in the car and sat in the passenger seat with the door open to talk to Lucas, "Alright if you're going to be talking now, this is a very important phrase, so I want you to repeat it one more time." Lucas grinned, "Zeppelin rules!" Dean high-fived him. Piper smiled mischievously, "And?" Dean looked at her in confusion, having not known she had whispered Lucas another equally important phrase while his back was turned..."Skittles are the best!" Piper laughed at Dean's expression and high-fived Lucas, "Atta-boy! I kept your drawing, I hope you don't mind, it's really good." Lucas smiled at hugged her. Dean smiled softly, "You take care of you're mom, okay?" Lucas nodded, "Alright."
Andrea came over and kissed Dean, to which Piper and Lucas both playfully pulled a face, "Eww!" Andrea smiled at both of the siblings, "Thank you." Dean scratches head and shouts to Sam and Piper, "Move your ass guys, we're gonna run out of daylight before we hit the road!" Piper salutes, "Sir, yes sir!" They all got into the car and "Movin' on" by "Bad Company" started to play when Dean turned on the engine. Andrea and Lucas waved and the Winchesters smiled. Piper looked at the art supplies she had forgot to put up and began drawing another picture. That was one thing she would never forget that Lucas taught her: a picture really is worth a thousand words.

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