Isana Najjar Kurogane McClain

The first ever White Paladin and older cousin of Layla, Lance, Isana is Voltron's second-in-command and a former soldier turned Garrison pilot. Like Shiro, she was one of the pilots of the Kerberos Mission, where she was captured by the Galra.

Name: Isana Najjar Kurogane McClain

Gender: Female

Age: 25-26-27

Birthday: June 20th

Home Planet: Earth

Species: Human

Nationality: Cuban/Japanese/Egyptian

Voltron Lion: White

Bayard: Sniper Rifle/Hand Gun/Short Sword

Unnamed Cuban Grandfather
Unnamed Egyptian Grandmother
Unnamed Father (Deceased)
Cecilia (Mother; Deceased)
Isamu (Older Brother; Deceased)
Rosalie (Maternal Aunt/Legal Guardian)
Miguel (Maternal Uncle/Legal Guardian)
Luis (First Cousin/Adoptive Brother)
Veronica (First Cousin/Adoptive Sister)
Marco (First Cousin/Adoptive Brother)
Rachel (First Cousin/Adoptive Sister)
Layla (First Cousin/Adoptive Sister)
Lisa (Cousin/Adoptive Sister-in-Law)
Silvio (Second Cousin/Nephew)
Nadia (Second Cousin/Niece)

Isana is a young woman of Cuban, Japanese and Egyptian descent. She is very tall, about Shiro's height, with a strong-toned-ripped physique, light tanned skin, thick dark brown hair, which she usually keeps cut up to her neck, though it had grown down to her shoulders during her time in space, and dark ocean blue eyes.

After an incident in the field, she became permanently blind in her right eye, which left a scar over said eye. Her eye was later replaced by a cyber-implant by Haggar during her time as a Galran prisoner. Due to her injury, she grew out and styled her bangs to cover her right eye. She also has a tattoo on the back of her right shoulder, depicting a lion and their cub.

Her casual outfit consists of a black high-collar sleeveless bodysuit with a white and black short jacket, white fingerless gloves, a white belt with gun holsters on either side of her hips, which both hold blasters in them, and black and white knee-high combat boots with dagger knives hidden in them. 

Her Voltron armor is a slightly different design then the others, as it mainly black, still with a black undersuit, with white Voltron symbols and patches. Along with both bright yellow and dark violet accents. Her helmet's visor is also darker.

Isana is the definition of a battle hardened soldier. She is a strong-willed, no non-sense woman who doesn't take shit from anyone, often retaliating aggressively. She can be extremely harsh, not to mention very stern, especially when training someone to fight as she does not hold back. Though she does in fact treat people with respect, if they rightfully earn it.

Despite appearing cold and aggressive on the surface, she actually does have a softer side and can be very caring towards others, particularly towards Layla and those she considers to be in "her unit". She also does a cheerful and funny side, and girly as well.

Isana was the second child of Cecilia Najjar Kurogane (Maiden name: Najjar Martinez) and her Japanese husband, after her older brother by 3 years, Isamu. Due to her father's work, she and her family moved around a lot. A few times they visited Cecilia's sister, Rosalie, and her family in Varadero, Cuba. She was there for Layla's birth and was one of the first people to hold her.

When Isana was 14 years old, during a trip to the Middle East, she and her family had gotten caught up in a massacre and were killed, leaving her as the sole survivor. She was later found and taken in by the government. From there, she entered the military, on her own volition, and began training to become a solider.

After two years of training, she was finally allowed in the field then later trained to become a top-notch sniper. She fought for three years, until a mission went horribly wrong, resulting in Isana getting shot in the eye and her unit being killed, once again leaving her the sole survivor. While recovering in the hospital, the Government managed to find her last living relatives, including her Aunt Rosalie.

When her injuries were healed enough she was to leave the hospital and to go home to Varadero with her Aunt and Uncle, now her legal guardians. Fighting for four years, then is Honorably Discharged at age 20. Due to her experiences as a soldier, Isana had developed a case of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and Survivor's Guilt, so she was assigned to have therapy. 

As she got better, she enrolled into the Galaxy Garrison to become a fighter pilot so she could put her combat training to use again. She also taught Layla what she had learned as well. To everyone's, even her own, surprise she was a natural and quickly began rising the ranks to become a top pilot. Eventually being selected as one of the pilots for the Kerberos Mission.

Before leaving on the mission, she gave Layla, who also entered the Garrison, a braided piece of her hair wrapped in a light blue handkerchief with blue flowers, along and a photo of the two of them with a written message on the back. During the mission, Isana and her crew were captured by the Galra and taken prisoner.

Along with Shiro and Matt, she was sent to the arena as a gladiator. After Matt is injured, both Isana and Shiro go up against Myzax, and working together manage to defeat the monster, becoming the new champions of the arena. Sometime later, her blind eye is replaced by a cybernetic one.

Later on, after a few more fights with remaining undefeated, Isana learned her next fight was a death match against Shiro. So to protect him, she escapes, with the help of a certain exiled Prince. Afterwards, she joins up with him and his generals, who're in league with a certain rebel group, to fight back against the Empire and find her lost comrades.

During a mission on a uncharted planet Isana discovered the White Lion hidden in a cave. When she got close, the lion lowered its shield and allowed her in. Inside she found both White Paladin armor and White Bayard. From there, she became the infamous White Paladin, using her new weapons and ship to fight the Empire while keeping in contact with her allies.

-Due to her background, Isana is a master of both mixed-martial arts and military combat. She is also an expert-level army sniper. While her main weapons are guns, she is also proficient at hand-to-hand combat and with blades.
-She is skilled at reading a person's body-language, particularly of her opponent, able to deduce their next move, which pairs with her fast and impressive reflexes.
-One of her specialties is the corkscrew. (A Jiu-Jitsu move that involves a person on the ground, grabbing their opponent's ankle, twisting around their leg, then throwing them off-balance, causing them to fall). Able to it in under a dobosh.
-Her other signatures would be headlock and to flip her opponents on their back.
-Isana is not just good at physical combat, she is also tactical and can think up an effective strategy even in tense, high-stress situations.
-Her cybernetic eye can see up to 50 miles away.

-Isana is based mainly on two people; Isamu/Lance from the original Voltron/Golion series and Ana from Overwatch. Parts of her character are inspired by the Netflix film "Enola Holmes", and others by FBI Agent Seelely Booth from the TV Series, "Bones".
-She views Layla as a little sister and can be particularly protective of her, along with Hunk and Pidge. She's also never leaves a man behind.
-She is particularly aggressive with Keith, due to believing the boy didn't get proper discipline and constantly scolds him as a result.
-She doesn't treat Allura like a princess, like most other people, and is just as harsh with her as anyone else.
-Before being blinded, her right was her dominant eye. After receiving her new eye she used it to her advantage. Making it her own, which is what she tells Shiro to do the same with his galran arm.
-It's later revealed that her eye was made in request by Sendak. It's also revealed that she was the one who shot out Sendak's eye, during her escape.

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